Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 46 Assessment Level 1

The process of selecting and hiring trainee law enforcement guards by the Federal Bureau of Social Order is not fixed, but is randomly selected from the database of military training subjects. Even the candidates who participated in the last session have no idea. All I know is that after all the candidates have signed up and stationed in the base, the elimination will begin anytime and anywhere.

When a public broadcast from the barracks sent a warning that the base was closed and ordered all candidates to stay in the barracks to stand by, everyone understood that the time of the test came and immediately tightened their nerves. The whole military training base seemed to be suddenly trapped in the current tense atmosphere of the enemy.

The barracks 058 are no exception. They all look solemn, just like the ultimate battle of life and death with the evil invaders who intend to destroy the Federation.

However, until the evening, no instructions came down.

The public broadcast reminded that it was dinner time and asked the candidates to go to the restaurants in each district for dinner, which was broadcast three times in a row.

Everyone relaxed a little and was ready to go out one after another, but the first person stopped at the door and shouted angrily, "Damn it, what's wrong with this damn door?" The door of the barracks was locked and could not be opened anyway.

"Let me do it." A guy volunteered to come forward, exaggeratedly expanding his chest and raising his legs. Although the door of the base barracks is much stronger than that of ordinary civilian houses, there is not much difference between the two in the eyes of the refiners whose value of force far exceeds that of ordinary people.

" Stop... This is our first assessment."

Gampino shouted to stop the reckless guy who wanted to kick the door open, frowned and said, "If we destroy this door with violence, I'm afraid we will be disqualified from the election."

This is a standard electronic door. There is a lock hole on the door and a palm-sized input screen. Gambino studied it a little and said, "I think there are two ways to open the door at present. One is to find the key in the barracks, and the other is to crack it by non-violent means. Now, I know about electronic devices..."

"Captain Gampino, please wait a moment."

Di Changli has been vaguely feeling that something is wrong. At this time, he suddenly found out where the problem was and raised his own questions to Gampino: "From the beginning of registration to now, all the instructions given to us in the base are once. Why did the dinner broadcast just now be broadcast three times in a row?"

Gampino was a little strange at first, but immediately reacted and immediately ordered, "Anyone who has studied cryptography should recall the meal broadcast just now to see if there is any information hidden in it."

Although cryptography is a complex and advanced professional knowledge, in today's federation, its basic subjects can be learned in medium-level public schools, which is an elective course. In fact, Di Changli also knows something, and it must not be said that it is just rough. After all, a thief who doesn't know the password at all is definitely not a qualified thief, and Robert taught him a lot of knowledge in this regard.

It will not be very difficult to decipher the hidden information on the radio. The cryptographic knowledge mastered by a student who graduated from an ordinary middle school should be able to decipher it, but after all, there are too many types of passwords. Without the help of electronic equipment, it is not possible to find the right thing for a while by the human mind alone. That's the exact method. Therefore, it is necessary to combine everyone's wisdom at this time.

Two minutes later, the skill specialty was electronic monitoring, and the candidate named Danny shouted excitedly: "I know, this is the mocha binary code, and the password is..."

Mocha binary code is a little strange. It is the password used by some space pirates to contact during the Federal Star Migration. Now it is basically no one used, but some password enthusiasts occasionally use it to communicate in communication out of interest.

In fact, Di Changli also learned the dual code of Mocha and had a clear direction. After a slight calculation in his heart, he quickly came up with the correct solution. He looked at Danny and thought that he could come to participate in the selection of law enforcement guards. Sure enough, he could not be underestimated. At least this Danny is much more sensitive and intuitive than himself in password cracking.

After entering the password, the door did not open. Enter it again, but there is no response.

"What's going on?" The password could not be wrong, and Gambino frowned doubtfully.

"I think this password may have another purpose." A candidate put forward his own opinions in time.

Gumbino suddenly raised his eyebrows, quickly opened the electronic terminal in the room with his identification card, and entered the system to start operation.

Half a minute later, the door suddenly opened, and everyone burst into cheers, laughing excitedly and high-five each other. Although it only passed the first assessment, the process was not dangerous, but it was also a victory for everyone's joint efforts. Invisibly, the original sense of strangeness and incompetence of each other was eliminated a lot, and a sense of group of cooperation and mutual assistance was officially established, and Gampino, the temporary captain, was further recognized by everyone.

"Such a training and assessment method is really effective in stimulating the spirit of the group." Di Changli thought deeply.

When I rushed to the designated restaurant, I saw only a hundred people sitting sparsely in the hall that could accommodate thousands of people. The candidates in the 058 barracks lined up to make meals and sat down until they finished eating. Later, more than 200 people came one after another, sitting less than half of the seats.

At the end of dinner time, a broadcast sounded in the base: "Any candidate who does not arrive at the restaurant within the specified time or opens the barracks door by violent means is limited to leave the base within half an hour, otherwise they will bear the consequences."

Sure enough, those who failed this assessment were eliminated. However, isn't this elimination method too child's play? The candidates of the 058 barracks were all grateful and found it a little difficult to understand.

The broadcast repeated coldly, and everyone could see that over the base, those floating armored fortresses had hovered in the best attack position, revealing dark shooting holes. A large number of regular troops have already occupied all important parts of the base and are in a murderous state of war. You can imagine how decisive and harsh the repression will be once the riots occur.

No one will be stupid enough to try to protest with their own lives. The angry and aggrieved losers cursed and leave one by one, and even the grumpy guys dare not destroy the facilities of the base to vent their dissatisfaction, because harsh punishment will definitely make them regret for life.

According to the statistical results, there are only more than 30,000 people left with a total of 100,000, and the proportion of elimination is very amazing.

General Command Room of Base Command Center.

Grand Judge Andre, who personally presided over this selection, read the data list, patched the table rhythmically with his slender and powerful fingers, and said in his very masculine magnetic voice, "Yes, you can still leave one-third. The next assessment will be carried out according to the normal procedure." Hearing this, the first assessment was arranged by him.

"Yes, sir." Major Edward should be concise and convey the instructions immediately.

Major Edward is handsome and temperamental, very capable and full of strong self-confidence. He is only in his early thirties this year, which can be said to be a fairly young officer. After the vacancy of Judge Andre's daily assistant, he has been in office for half a year. He is usually meticulous in everything and can correctly figure out his boss's intentions from subtle actions. Even if he is picky, they have to admit it. He is definitely a perfect personal assistant. Many senior generals predicted that Major Edward's future was undoubtedly bright.

"Axiu." Judge Andre's eyes turned to his guard, "You seem to have something to say, don't you?"

"Ser, my duty is to protect your safety and have no right to interfere in the election." Lieutenant Colonel Yaxiu answered calmly.

"Oh, it doesn't matter." Judge Andre smiled and said, "I just want to hear your opinion. Say it."

Lieutenant Colonel Yaxiu hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, sir. I just think that many of the first eliminated candidates must have the strength to become trainee law enforcement guards, but they lost the opportunity in this way, which is very regrettable.

"You're right, and I admit it." Judge Andre still smiled gently and said, "However, we recruit soldiers. No matter how good and strong our personal strength is, if we can't integrate into a whole, or if we can't successfully unite a whole and exert the strength of our companions, his value is not worth our attention. "

He stopped and continued: "Maybe you will think that as long as you train for a period of time, you can cultivate the collectivism consciousness of such people, which I will not deny. However, on the other hand, their sense of discipline may never be as strong as those who stay behind.

This reason is a little far-fetched. Lieutenant Colonel Ashu is silent. Out of extreme respect for Judge Andre, he does not want to show any objections anymore.

Lieutenant Colonel Ashu's respect for Grand Judge Andre has a reason. The galactic federal government has existed for too long. The military system, like government agencies, has inevitably undergone gradual inert changes, and has intensified over time. Today, the ugly inside story of corruption and struggle for power and profit is enough to make federal citizens unbelievable. Although Lieutenant Colonel Assy has never participated in factional fights, it does not mean that he can stay out safely.

In a factional dispute, Lieutenant Colonel Asho was accidentally involved. After that, he was taken as a scapegoat. If it hadn't been for Judge Andre, he might have stayed in a military prison for decades. Since then, Lieutenant Colonel Ashur's loyal service has changed from the Federation to Grand Judge Andre.

This is a sad and extremely ironic change. Lieutenant Colonel Aste sometimes thinks that he resists to become a vassal of a faction, but the reality gives him a loud slap in the face.

The eyes of Judge Andre seemed to penetrate people's hearts. Looking at Lieutenant Colonel Yaxiu, he smiled and naturally turned the topic and said, "by the way, speaking of personal strength, do you have any clues to the 'hero' you met in the roaring sea of the abyss? Amber and Susan chase me all day long, which is really a headache... Oh, I forgot that you should have a headache more than me. They chase you much more times than me.

Lieutenant Colonel Yaxiu was indeed afraid of the two ladies, and he couldn't help smiling bitterly on his hard face. He shook his head and said, "I don't have a clue yet."

"Well, it's a little interesting." Andre's finger gently tapped the table again, "I believe that it won't be difficult for you to find a person in the Roman galaxy, but you just couldn't find him. What does that mean?"

"I'm sorry, sir." Lieutenant Colonel Ashu heard the meaning of his words. With the power resources of the Federal Bureau of Social Order, it was definitely not too difficult to dig out someone. He thought, "No matter who he is, he obviously doesn't want to be found, so I don't want to meet him under an unpleasant situation."

"Okay, Asho, it's your business." An unidentified light flashed in Andre's gray eyes, ending the topic.

When the dialogue between the two ended, Major Edward reported: "Shir, the Governor's Office came to inform us that the Levisky member of the Cabinet General Staff will arrive the day after tomorrow. Please confirm whether you can take time to attend the welcoming ceremony in order to finalize the list of welcome members."

The General Staff Department of the Cabinet is the highest-level decision-making body of the Galactic Federal Government. There are nine ruling members who hold the executive, military, legislative, judicial and other powers of hundreds of planets of the Galactic Federation. This Levisky member is one of them. In terms of status and authority, a colonial judge like Andre is far from being compared with him.

A slight light flashed in Andre's eyes. He thought about it and said, "I will go to the airport on time to meet him, but I won't attend the welcome banquet."

After Major Edward went down, Andre rubbed his forehead and said helplessly, "Look, Levisky's main authority and responsibility is to inspect the Roman galaxy. In fact, I don't need or need to receive it, but in fact, can I not go?"

Lieutenant Colonel Yaxiu didn't say anything, and he couldn't answer such a question.

This level of complaint is already the limit of Andre's expression. He quickly restrained his emotions and suddenly asked, "Axiu, I want to transfer Edward and change another assistant officer. What do you think?"

Lieutenant Colonel Ashu showed obvious consternment: "Are you dissatisfied with Major Edward?" Like most people, he believes that as an assistant, Major Edward's excellent performance is truly impeccable.