Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 47 Assessment Level 2

"Do you think it's strange?" Andre asked.

"Yes." Lieutenant Colonel Yaxiu was outspoken. Major Edward is very smart and capable, and does everything conscientiously. My personal opinion is that he is very qualified. Maybe you have your own reasons to replace him. Of course, even if there is no reason, it is your right.

"Well, let's not mention these. Can you talk about your personal feelings and intuition about him?" Andre stressed.

"To tell the truth." Lieutenant Colonel Yaxiu thought for a moment before saying, "Although Major Edward is excellent in all aspects, I can't regard him as a friend who has nothing to say."

"Why not?" Andre asked.

Lieutenant Colonel Yaxiu thought for a little longer this time and said uncertainly, "It seems that you can't hide secrets with him. Maybe that's the reason."

"Here's the problem." Andre smiled, stood up from behind the spacious desk, moved his arm slightly, and said, "I don't deny that Eide is indeed doing his best to serve me and is very qualified, but he has overdid it... No one around him wants to guess his thoughts all the time. This feeling is not very comfortable. , I am no exception. As my command communicator, I just need him to convey every word of me meticulously to others, which is enough, do you understand?

Lieutenant Colonel Yashu suddenly realized that he was deeply moved by Andre's honesty, but he was a little worried about Major Edward and hesitated, "So, how do you want to arrange Major Edward?"

Andre smiled and said, "Don't worry, Edward did nothing wrong, and I won't let an excellent officer lose his future for this reason. After this election, I will find a suitable position to place him."

Lieutenant Colonel Ashu was very gratified that at this moment, he no longer felt sorry for himself. It is worthwhile to serve a magistrate like Grand Judge Andre, even if he belongs to a faction.


In front of the night vision mirror, there was a monotonous dark red. In my ears, I could only hear the rapid footsteps and gasps of my companions. Around me, even the airflow was stagnated, as if I were in a dark and dead tomb.

"How long will it take to get out of this damn underground river?" Someone began to complain in a low voice.

The twelve candidates of the 058 barracks were walking in a dry underground river**. When they were sleeping soundly in the middle of the night, they were forced to get up from ** and assemble urgently. Then they were carried by a airship to a wild area that had never been there before and dived into the underground dark river. Up to now, they have been marching for three or four hours, and it is estimated that it is bright outside. Although the process of rushing is boring and hard and easy to cause fatigue, no one slows down, because failure to complete the task at the designated place within the specified time means that they are out.

"There is no need to complain." Gampino said, "Other people are probably more unfortunate than us. Maybe they are trekking in the virgin forest or desert at this time. If they are unlucky, they are more likely to encounter some fierce beasts."

Due to its particularity, most of the Roman colonial star is an undeveloped wilderness, and has never even been involved by humans. It can be said that beasts are rampant everywhere. Outside Rome, there are also special armed beast drive teams to patrol day and night to prevent beasts from entering the densely populated city to attack human beings.

"That's good." Someone said, "It's better for them to meet a group of hungry saber-toothed tigers, then we will be worry-free and can pass the assessment directly."

Everyone laughed, and the laughter echoed in the closed dark hole, dispelling the dullness and monotony, making everyone rejuvenated and their feet much lighter.

Di Changli once again believes that as a temporary captain, Gampino is still relatively competent and can inspire the morale of his partners with words at the right time.

After walking for another half an hour, Di Changli faintly felt a breeze flowing on his face. Before long, a ray of light appeared faintly in front of him. The light represents the exit, and everyone's spirit is immediately refreshed and the pace is accelerated.

When there were still about 200 meters away from the entrance of the cave, Gambino asked everyone to stop and ordered, "Findley, Morgan, you two go to the exit to investigate."

Fendley and another member of a small team quickly ran forward with weapons, and the cat quickly crossed the hole one left and one right.

After about ten minutes, they sent back a safety signal. According to Gambino's deployment, the remaining ten people came out of the hole one after the sequence of the two teams. Judging from the map, the destination of this mission is not far from the underground dark river exit, and caution is necessary to avoid raids.

Outside the cave is a typical hilly area with primitive scenery. The bushes are very dense, which is the kind of leaves higher than people. On the ground full of long grass and thorns, there are occasionally huge reddish-brown weathered rocks. Such terrain is difficult to see far.

058 The camp candidates received the task of capturing a small unknown highland and capturing the defending team flag.

The destination was about to arrive, and Gambino again ordered the team to stop on the spot and sent five team members to disperse to scout the environment. Di Changli was one of them. In this assessment, both the offensive side and the defensive side have their own advantages and disadvantages. The attacker wins in grasping the timing and initiative of the attack, and what is beneficial to the defense is that they are waiting for easy work, and taking advantage of the time difference of the attacker's journey, they can find out the surrounding terrain and build a protective front fortifications. Therefore, obtaining more and more complete topographic maps of the war zone is the top priority of the 058 barracks.

On a hill about 200 meters high, a red flag is fluttering in the wind, but no guarding enemy team member can be seen. This is not surprising. This hill is also full of lush bushes and thorns, as well as a large number of weathered rocks, which are natural fortifications, which can be ambushed by enemy team members and wait for their opponents to hit the muzzle.

Di Changli stopped under a brownstone. It was not that he didn't want to move forward, but a big gray lizard blocking the road ahead. This big lizard is more than two meters long, its claws are thick and powerful, and its body is covered with hard scales. It is staring at Di Changli with its cold pupils, spitting out a long red and slender split tongue from time to time.

Why are you so unlucky? Di Changli smiled silently. Fortunately, cold-blooded reptiles like the big lizard are not very subjectively aggressive under normal circumstances. Di Changli remains still while being alert to the movement of the big lizard, while moving his eyes to observe the surroundings to see if he can bypass from another path.

"Di Changli, why haven't you sent the topographic map to the predetermined location?" In the headset, the voice of Gambino came from.

"There is something wrong with me here. I guess I won't be able to get to the scheduled position later." Di Changli squirmed his throat knot to barely let the other party hear the voice clearly.

"be careful." Gampino simply told him that he didn't say anything more. It was difficult for his companions to help the emergencies that occurred during the reconnaissance of individual soldiers, and they had to solve them by themselves.

The big lizard suddenly moved, and Di Chang centrifuge tightly. One hand quietly clenched the alloy dagger inserted on the edge of the marching boot and was ready to pull it out at any time.

In fact, he has more than one thermal weapon. The base is well equipped with standard field configuration, from pistol grenades to directional night vision devices. Compared with his friends, Di Changli has an extra gun, but unfortunately, it can't even kill a rabbit.

This is an assessment of the selection of trainee law enforcement guards. It is a combat simulation exercise, and it is impossible to allow the use of live ammunition that can kill people. If Di Changli wants to solve the immediate problem as soon as possible, the only choice is this alloy dagger. Di Changli also wanted to curse the officials in charge of the assessment. Don't those bureaucrats know how to clean the assessment site? Although it is not very difficult to eliminate such a big lizard with bare hands as long as the candidate has the initial strength to control energy, there must be considerable noise, exposing the target and leaving the party in a passive situation.

There is a factor of luck in such an assessment method.

Di Changli's luck was not too bad. The big lizard no longer confronted him, but dragged its tail away and disappeared into the bushes not far away.

Taking a breath, Di Changli hurried forward and quickly rushed to the predetermined position, scanned the area he was responsible for reconnaissance, and entered the individual computer to send it out.

After a while, the reply came, combined with the data scouted by other team members, to form a general comprehensive topographic map. Although the topographic map is not very detailed, it can only be done so much in a hurry. After all, the task is still limited by time. If it cannot be completed within the time limit, it is equivalent to failure, and the attacker does not have much time to consume.

For the attacker, the combat terrain is extremely unfavorable. The hills defended by the enemy are the highest in the nearby area, completely controlling the commanding heights. The candidates in the 058 barracks had a headache and couldn't help swearing.

Fortunately, there are only 12 enemy members. With such a small number of personnel, it is impossible to defend the whole hill and must be divided into troops. In this way, as long as the attacker concentrates its firepower and breaks through from a certain defense line and seizes the red flag in time, it will take the initiative on the battlefield.

The combat plan came out, and Gampino specifically assigned everyone's responsibilities in the communication circuit. Among all the members of the small team, except for Di Changli, who served as the striker, the rest of them were responsible for the assault task, and the second team was responsible for receiving support.

Although as a striker, Di Changli does not have to charge at the beginning of the battle, his headache is actually greater than his teammates, because of the commanding heights.

You can guess with your toes. The enemy must have arranged the striker long ago. As long as Di Changli reveals his position, he will inevitably suffer a ruthless blow from the opponent's striker. Due to the excessive disadvantage in the terrain, it is likely that Di Changli will become the first victim.