Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 57 The informant

In a smoky, old and decorated and messy bar, on the big screen, the pre-season regular season of a martial arts life is coming to an end. The battle has entered a fierce white-hot stage, with a large group of heads raised below, clenched their fists and spit and shouted, desperately cheering for the players who threw * for themselves.

Di Changli walked into the bar, asked the bartender for a glass of malt, found a less harsh corner to settle down, and silently looked for targets on those ferocious red faces that looked a little because of hysterical shouts.

The battle came to an end as a head was split in half and splashing brain plasma and blood covered the whole big screen. Immediately, the sharp whistles, high roars, crazy and vicious curses, and the cracking sound of wine glasses being smashed on the ground, sounded loudly, like a spacecraft about to be reimbursed in this small bar.

After a while, the chaotic noise gradually weakened, followed by today's last event. The bookkeeper rang the bell through the bar and began to accept a new round of bets.

A yellow-haired accountant whose face was thin and his eyes rotated very flexibly, as if he were always looking at other people's pockets and shouted, "A thousand yuan, crush the goat."

The accountant glanced at him, shook his head and refused, "No, you have owed me twice. If you want to bet again, you must bring cash, or return the front one first."

"I don't have any money today." The yellow hair shouted angrily, "Can't it be just one more time? I have never been here. Well, buddy, I'll give you an extra 100 yuan if I win.

"Sorry, you know, this is the rule." The bookkeeper was unmoved and turned to another gambler: "Who are you talking about?"

"What a fucking careless idiot, go to hell." The unlucky yellow hair cursed angrily.

"Mitch?" Di Changli came over.

"Who are you?" The yellow hair stared at him alertly.

"Uncle Jim asked me to come to you." Di Changli said.

"You are..." The yellow-haired Mickey's face immediately changed, and he turned his head nervously and looked left and right. After finding that no one paid attention to them, he breathed a sigh of relief and said viciously in a low voice, "I don't know you, let alone damn Uncle Jim. Stay away from me... Also, I'm very annoying, very annoying, please Don't bother me again." After saying that, he wanted to turn around and sneak into the crowd.

"If you leave now, you may find several streets nearby full of your photos tomorrow." Di Changli said to the back of his head.

"Damn it, you guys are ten thousand times more hateful than vampires." Mickey shouted with great excitement and indignation: "This is not my responsibility and fault. The former bastard hasn't come to me for months, and the information I sent has not been answered at all. What else do you want me to do? I also have to say that you have lost your professional ethics.

"I don't care about the previous problems." Di Changli refused to comment on his protest and condemnation: "I am only responsible for future issues."

"Okay, okay, I knew that all fools in the world should worship me, because I was the stupid king of fools and pushed myself into this dirty mud pit." Mickey complained about himself and pulled down his long face in frustration, but his eyes were rolling. He rubbed his fingers and said, "Well, please show some sincerity so that my trust in you, the new boss, will increase a little."

Of course, sincerity cannot be brought out in earnest. What can be taken out can only be representative.

Mickey counted the * in his hand and was a little dissatisfied: "Is that all? Boss, your sincerity is a little too little.

"Is it?" Di Changli said quietly, "At least I have taken out something, but you haven't given me any visible benefits."

"Of course, I know what to do." Mickey laughed dryly, looked around quickly and said, "There are too many people here to talk about things. It's not convenient for us to stay together for too long. Let's meet behind the bar when the game is over, that's it."

Without waiting for Di Changli to agree, he hurriedly caught up with the bookkeeper: "Suppress the big goat..."

Half an hour later, in the dark alley behind the bar, Mickey came in with his head down and cursed. Needless to say, he obviously lost again.

A figure appeared quietly in the dark. Although Mickey was full of regret, he was quite alert. He immediately stopped and shouted vigilantly, "Who is it?"

"What do you think?" Di Changli took two steps forward.

Mickey also guessed that it was him and complained, "Boss, could you please not be so sneaky in the future? You know, it's easy to scare people with heart disease. I don't want to die young because of this young age.

Di Changli patiently listened to his endless complaints, and then said directly, "I still have some money. What message are you going to take them away with?"

"How many?" Mickey sly at him.

Di Changli's answer is watertight: "You can get as much as your message is worth."

This is a shrewd guy who is not easy to fool. It seems that he has to cheer up to deal with it. Mickey made a judgment in his heart and turned his eyes and said carefully: "Two days ago, I heard that a batch of new goods arrived on 1096 Street, which may be related to the spacecraft that was robbed last month..."

"I'm sorry." Di Changli interrupted him and said, "I have heard this news, and it seems that even the cleaners on the street know quite well."

Although the name of the Space Defense Office of the Social Order Bureau has the word space, it does not mean that you have to fly into space to deal with affairs, let alone take a spaceship to destroy pirates in person. In fact, the main responsibility of this department is to fight the stolen goods network of space pirates by tracing the stolen goods in space robbery cases. Generally, the collection of intelligence and clues depends on informants.

Guidi Changli is not responsible for many informers, only seven or eight, and most of them are just some inconspicuous little people at the bottom of society. For example, this Mickey is a famous thief and is familiar with some channels for selling stolen goods. Mickey's usual stolen things are not very valuable, but because of too many crimes, the judge sentenced him to five years in prison and promised to cooperate with the Space Defense Department of the Social Order Bureau before he was released from prison.

Although an informant like this has little energy, the information they can provide is generally not of great value, and its importance is not comparable to that of professional undercover agents. But nothing is absolute, and sometimes a small newspaper can also play an extremely critical role. Therefore, their existence is also essential, but the frequency of replacement is more frequent.

"This is impossible. My news is absolutely up to date." Mickey bulged his eyes and was about to refute it passionately, but when he saw Di Chang's faint ridicule from the corners of his lips, he couldn't help but be discouraged and said with a dry smile, "Well, this doesn't count. Let me tell you a valuable piece of news... I know which two bastards killed a homeless man in the park last week, and I also know. Which mouse hole are they hiding in now?

"This news may be useful, but if I take care of this time and energy, I don't have to do my job." Di Changli nodded and said, "Tll it to the murder team of this district police station to offset the money I gave you before."

"Hey, hey, the bill can't be counted like this." Mickey protested.

"I said, it's useless to me." Di Changli shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well, if there is something really useful, I will consider giving you some compensation."

"Okay, let me think about it." Mickey narrowed his eyes and showed a little cunning.

"Don't want to make up stories for me." Di Changli knocked him. You should understand that the validity period of lies in your industry is too short, and you will find that you don't even have time to regret it.

"You can doubt my personality, but you must not doubt my professional ethics. I won't be like some bastards." Mickey seemed to have been greatly humiliated and took advantage of the topic angrily.

I made a lot of complaints. Seeing that Di Changli didn't care about it, Mickey felt bored and finally turned to business: "To be honest, since no one contacted me, I'm not going to deal with you anymore, so I don't care much about some things... Well, there may be something you are interested in in Fat Morrow's store. Xi, but I'm not sure. Well, I have a good brother there to help fat Molo. I'll ask him first and give you the exact information in a couple of days.

"This is the attitude you should have." Di Changli expressed his slight satisfaction and gave him a volume*. If you get along with each other a few more times, you may find that I am more generous than you think.

When Mickey left happily, Di Changli also walked out of the alley and walked to the car parking place on another street.

When he was about to arrive, Di Changli suddenly felt as if someone was spying on him secretly, but disappeared in an instant. He remained calm, slowed down a little, and walked intentionally or unintentionally near the obstacles and dark shadows by the street.

But I came all the way to the car and didn't notice any abnormality. Di Changli's cultivation of the Force has reached the forging period, and the person who can track him without being found is at least more powerful than him, and can be regarded as a master among masters. Such a super master may not be able to find much in the whole city of Rome. How can he follow himself when he is full? Di Changli smiled at himself and only regarded it as the illusion of a suspicious ghost.

This young man's intuition is simply a little more terrible than the most sensitive beast in the primitive jungle. He only got a little closer and was alerted by him and almost exposed. No wonder Judge Andre paid so much attention to him and ordered himself to observe him secretly.

In a dark and hidden corner, he looked at the flying car that took off and flew away, as if Moen, who was integrated with the dark night, made a comment for Di Changli.