Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 58 Crisis

Although the gray curtain has just been pulled down at night, drunks who are swaying around can be seen everywhere, and there are also twos of warblers laughing and pulling pedestrians and trying to sell their bodies.

Di Changli swooped down from the air in a flying car and landed on the road, driving slowly while looking at both sides of the road. At the corner of the street, a bold warbler stood in the middle of the road, lifted his coat, and waved his hand with half of his white chest, trying to stop his car.

"When did these street-blocking girls start to fight for money with their lives? This era has progressed so fast. Di Changli sighed in surprise and slightly increased the output of power. When she was about to hit it, she adjusted a little angle and wiped the body of the warbler, and the rearview mirror tore open a piece of her clothes that had rarely been clothed.

The flowing warbler was so scared that his face turned pale and his feet were weak. He sat on the ground and shouted at Di Changli, who drove far away, "Damn son of a bitch, go back to hell and eat feces as soon as possible." Realizing that it was too risky to stop customers in the street, the precared warbler quickly ran back to the roadside and honestly solicited business.

Drive to a relatively spacious and tidy street, there are more women dressed and scratching on the street, but they are under the umbrella of an organized professional company, which is relatively young and beautiful than the warbler in front of them, much more regular, and not too much pestering passers-by, just throwing their eyes and flying. Kiss and make some provocative movements**.

Di Changli slows down and seems to be choosing objects very critically. Driving across half the street, he seemed to take a fancy to the target, parked his car in front of the courtyard of two strong men standing outside a gate, and hooked his fingers at a blonde girl in a striped tight leather skirt in front of them.

The blonde's face is very delicate, tall and plump, with empty black stockings on her smooth thighs, and the overall image is quite sexy and seductive. She looked into the car with some hesitation in her eyes. It was not until Di Changli gestured to her again that he twisted his waist and came over, showing a sweet smile with limited enthusiasm: "I'm waiting for an appointment for a guest. You can go in and find someone else."

"I don't look like Uncle Jim, do I? Miss Kathlin." Di Changli opened the door and motioned her to get in.

"I thought he was a real uncle. Of course, you don't look like an uncle." The blonde blinked her long purple false eyelashes in surprise and pulled up the already short leather skirt so that she could easily sit in the car.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. After sitting down, she did not pull up her skirt again. From the perspective of Di Changli, she could see the color of the narrow lace underwear inside that was no different from the rope.

"It's not bad." Di Changli commented that he drove the car away from the street and then released the wings in a section that allowed to rise and fall.

Among the informant responsible for Di Changli, this blonde Kathleen is the only informant with a special status. She has signed a confidentiality agreement with the Social Order Bureau according to formal procedures. She has a file number and a bank account of the Social Order Bureau, which can get more than an informant like Mickey every month. A considerable amount of fixed remuneration. This is because men lie naked in ** facing a young and beautiful sexy girl, and their mouth is always much looser than usual, and often inadvertently say what they shouldn't say. As a full-time call girl of a well-known * service company in this area, the online newsletter that Kathlin can get is definitely worth such a price. Usually, the Social Order Bureau will also require responsible law enforcement guards to take certain measures to ensure the personal safety of such important informants.

"Isn't it bad?" Kathleen looked at Di Changli with great interest. She was very confident in the attraction of her body and said with a smile, "Are you talking about my dress or something else?"

"I don't know much about women's clothing. What do you think I mean?" Di Changli smiled and said with a relaxed and natural attitude.

Due to the complex and obscure factors in many aspects, and in order to protect themselves, informants generally do not report all the information they know without reservation, but will selectively eliminate something. Therefore, in order to get more detailed news, in addition to impressing informers with interests, it is also very important to communicate with them and maintain a good relationship.

"Well, you are praising me. Can I take it as a hint? Uncle Jim." Kathleen threw an ambiguous look. She knows that Di Changli's identity as a trainee law enforcement guard, and if she can promote the relationship to a certain extent, the benefits for herself are self-evident. Moreover, Di Changli is still a young man with such an excellent appearance. Not only will she not have resistance, but she can also enjoy the fun of it.

"I can't control your mind, I can only control my own behavior." Di Changli restrained a little smile. Although we want to get along well with informers, the yardstick must be mastered and the interests of each other must not deteriorate, which is a matter of principle. Otherwise, it is easy to cause chaos in personal life and public office and make a mess of everything.

Of course, Kathleen will not give up her intentions easily, but she doesn't want to be in a hurry to achieve success. She knows that she should play this game slowly. She is very smart and more professionally trained. She knows how to successfully ignite the flame of a man's inner desire. She folds her ankles amorously, showing the most beautiful side of the curve of her legs. At the same time, it also makes the seductive part of the intersection of her legs loom in Di Changli's eyes and smiled charmingly: "It's just a A little joke, you don't have to be so nervous, Uncle Jim, I understand that the rules of the game can't be broken... But, to be honest, I've never seen such a young, handsome and charming uncle as you. It's really a little touching, Gege Gege.

"No, you don't understand." Di Changli turned his head, took a closer look at her, and said, "Your makeup is a little thicker and you look more mature. In fact, you have just turned 18 years old, and you are not even a real adult, right? So, you don't understand how dangerous your thoughts and actions are.

"Do you treat me as a little girl who doesn't know anything and only knows how to make money?" Caslin's self-esteem was seriously injured, and her face became extremely unhappy. She said sarcastically, "My lord, maybe you don't know that the girls who grew up in the slums began to mature at the age of six. As long as I want, I have been the mother of several children now."

She raised her rich chest and stared at Di Changli devocatively: "If your eyes can't distinguish, you can try other ways, and you will know how mature I am, Gegege."

Di Changli said lightly, "I was also born in a slum. When I was a child, I lived in poverty and was not a noble master."

"Really? Your temperament doesn't look like it at all. Kathleen seemed surprised. She leaned over in surprise and grabbed Di Changli's arm, looked at him with excitement and admiration, and said excitedly, "Can you tell me how you became a trainee law enforcement guard? Oh, my God, you are still so young that you are simply a new generation of civilian idols.

In fact, she didn't believe Di Changli's words at all. Slums are also hierarchical. In addition to the poor, there are also rich people. If you can become a privileged trainee law enforcement guard, you can never get to this point by personal hard work alone. Ability and opportunity are indispensable. Judging from the age of Di Changli, Caslin judged that even if he really came from a slum, he definitely belonged to the upper class of the slum pyramid.

Looking at Kathlin's pretentious eyes, Di Changli smiled, opened the automatic driving program in the car, suddenly stretched out his hand, pulled away the clothes on her chest, held a plump and slippery *, and smiled, "Yes, you are indeed mature enough to flow out * at any time."

Kaslin was shocked first, but immediately reacted and brought her body closer to Di Changli so that he could move more conveniently. At the same time, she put her hand on his chest and stroked it, licked her bright lips with her tongue, and smiled charmingly and said, "You are so strong and so charming. I think there must be a lot. Women love you so much that they love you so much.

"Look, Kathleen, it's very easy for us to have sex." Di Changli suddenly withdrew his hand and said, "But what happened after that? You will think that you have dedicated your body to me, and I naturally have the obligation to pay the corresponding price to help you do something. At first, it was a little money and a little request. I would feel that it didn't matter and would satisfy you happily. Therefore, you will put forward more financial needs and other requirements to me. I may or may not agree. If it is the latter, you will not meet your wishes. Of course, you will not be willing to try to achieve your goal before you give up, or begging or threatening. At that time, I will feel very annoyed. What should I do with you?

Kaslin's face turned a little pale, and her hands stopped stiffly on Di Changli's chest. Her eyes flashed and she forced a smile, "I didn't think so. Besides, I'm not the kind of stupid woman who doesn't know how to advance or retreat. I will never let such a thing happen." She knows very well that once this happens, there are at least thousands of ways for the other party to disappear in this world forever.

"No one can tell whether it will happen before it happens." Di Changli smiled and pulled up her clothes to cover her snow-white bare breasts. Therefore, we'd better not play this kind of game. It's too dangerous for you.

"You are a very special person." Kathleen looked at him for a while before saying, "Maybe no one will say this to me except you. I feel very lucky to meet you." Her beauty is enough to satisfy most men. If she replaces with another trainee law enforcement guard, she will not spit out the delicious food that actively gets into her mouth. After all, a high-ranking prostitute in a slum, even a more important informant, can play with it at will, which will not have serious consequences.

"Well, you are a smart girl." Di Changli changed back to manual driving and knew that he had successfully won the trust of Casline. He also said, "I know that you are willing to take risks as an informant because you want to find opportunities to change your current life. I appreciate your bravery and believe that one day you will achieve your goals... Well, now let's talk about it. Let's talk about other topics.


"How is his performance recently?" Judge Andre asked.

"Very competent." At any time, Moen's face seemed to be shrouded in a layer of fog, and he could not see the slightest expression. He said calmly, "In the past three months, he has caught many criminals who sold stolen goods for space pirates, all of whom were stolen on the spot and obtained conclusive evidence. One of them is still a regional agent of the Rose Pirates. The stolen goods seized that time can be piled up in several large warehouses, and the loss of the Rose Pirates is equivalent to a year's waste. His boss, Major Lin Ze, was very satisfied and submitted a merit report last week, requesting that his lieutenant rank be directly promoted to the highest level. The report has not been approved.

"It sounds like he was born to do this." Andre smiled admiringly, "How is his personal life?"

"He has a regular girlfriend named Neve, an internal police officer of the 9th District Federal Police Department, and has a close relationship with a female lawyer named Tracy, but they should not be lovers. The people who usually get along well are basically colleagues and some former police friends, and others have been with the rogue leader nicknamed Big Head Bari several times. Merne concluded: "On the surface, it's normal, but his alertness is far beyond the normal category. I think he has some secrets that he doesn't want people to know, but there is no way to find out what it is at present."

"There is no doubt that everyone has their own secrets." Andre raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Don't worry, we will always have a chance to know his secret."

He pondered for a moment and said, "Does he now have the same interpersonal circle as the police officer's girlfriend? So, their relationship is quite deep, and there is a possibility of marriage in the future.

"Very likely." Merne said.

"This is not good, which is very bad for his growth." Andre's unfathomable eyes flashed with a faint light. Love is the most harmful corrosive in the world. If a person indulges in it too early, even if he has a steel-like will, it will be completely wiped out... The sharp edge of the blade is never allowed to be flattened. He doesn't need this kind of feeling.

Andre's voice was like a deep cold wind blowing. Let the female police officer leave him forever."

"Yes, master." Moen lowered his head slightly. In the deepest part of the eyes, there was a strange light, but it disappeared in an instant. It seemed that it had never appeared.