Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 61 The Cost of Being a Good Man

"You mean."

Di Changli looked at An Beier with a serious face and was not very sure to testify: "Sir Susan, because she has a good impression on me, she shows her against me everywhere?"

"Yes." An Beier looked like a professional emotional teacher and taught him. Girls' minds are very complicated and strange. Of course, you men don't understand. Susan is such a good girl, and there are many excellent men staring at her. You have to seize the opportunity to pursue her.

"Thank you for reminding me." Di Changli said coldly, "Sailor Susan is indeed excellent, but my personality may not be suitable for her, so I'm afraid I have to live up to your kindness."

Di Changli is very clear. An Beier suddenly found out what the reason for such a thing came from. He was a little angry. At any time, he didn't need others to look at him with a pitiful mentality, especially Neve... If he didn't know that An Beier was kind personality, it was really out of good. In his heart, the stubborn side he hid has already exploded.

"Why is it inappropriate?" Amber didn't know that she had touched the untouchable scar in Di Changli's heart. Like a diligent but poor salesman, she tried to persuade her, "I know that Susan doesn't look a little gentle enough, but if you start dating, you will find that she is not fierce."

"Is it?" Di Changli suddenly smiled and said, "I'm sorry to let you down. Officer Susan is very beautiful and touching, but she is not my type. The person I date is usually another type, such as Miss Angelle.

"I'm like this?" Amber was a little stunned.

"Yes, it may be too presumptuous, but I still want to make this request." An unexamined light flashed in Di Changli's black eyes. Miss Amber, can you enjoy dinner with me tonight?

"Ah, this?" An Beier didn't expect to lead the fire to herself. Her pretty face turned into an intoxicating blush and said awkwardly, "Well, I need to think about it."

"I see." Di Changli smiled and said, "Miss An Beier, I'm sorry to bother you. Well, it's a pleasure to chat with you. I hope I'll have such luck next time."

"Please wait a moment." Amber felt that behind his free smile, there seemed to hide the loss and sadness that made her heartache. She bit her delicate red lips and looked up at him and said, "I'm not refusing you. Really, I just think it's too sudden, so I have to think about it carefully before I can reply to you."

Her beautiful blue eyes sparkled with ripples and stared at Di Changli: "Do you believe me?"

"Well, of course, I believe it." Di Changli suddenly felt that she was a little too much. An Beier was the kind of flower that grew up in the greenhouse. She was simple and simple. She had no sense of prevention when interacting with people. She really shouldn't joke about such a simple and lovely girl. He touched his chin and said, "I'm sorry, I'm kidding you. In fact, I'm going to a dance party tonight, and some of my friends are going to help me introduce a charming lady as my dance partner tonight. Therefore, Miss Angelle doesn't have to pay attention to my words.

"Are you kidding me?"

An Beier, whose self-esteem was hurt, bit her lower lip again, and she suddenly realized Susan's past mood. You, you bastard, do you know that I'm really serious about it?

An Beier, whose eyes became wet, turned around and went away. She didn't understand why she was so sad and angry. Strictly speaking, this was even the second time she saw this hateful guy, but she really wanted to bite him a few times to relieve her anger.

It seems that he offended another young lady, and Di Changli shook his head with a wry smile. However, he doesn't pay much attention to it. He doesn't have the obligation and necessity to please anyone. What's more, for a girl with an innocent heart, the most dangerous thing is a man with unknown intentions. From another perspective, he did this for the purpose of An Beier, and did not mean to embarrass her.

"What did you say to An Beier just now?"

A young man with a very handsome face but a very cold look stopped in front of Di Changli, who was about to leave, and asked coldly.

Di Changli was stunned and looked at this handsome young man with an extremely cold and unkind look. There has always been a group of flower protectors, not to mention a beautiful woman at the level like An Beier. Obviously, this handsome young man is one of them. Di Changli also found that he had a rare impression of the flower protector and was at the second level of the selection and recruitment assessment. He had recklessly seriously injured a candidate's trainee law enforcement guard. His companion called him Fang Ye, as if he had a very good background.

"Why didn't you answer me?" The handsome young man's eyes became more and more cold, revealing strong evil spirit and undisguised hostility.

Di Changli answered the question, but his attitude was quite peaceful. He said, "Your behavior is very impolite. If you can, I suggest you change it... Well, by the way, maybe you are my superior. I should be polite and respectful, but I'm on vacation now. Please forgive me."

Looking at the calm face in front of him, Fang Ye only felt that he was punching himself in the air with all his strength. His chest was indescribable, suffocated, and then he said extremely bluntly, "It's my lack of manners. I apologize to you."

"Very good, I accept it." Di Changli smiled and said, "Well, you can let me go now. Thank you."

Fang Ye couldn't help but be stunned and angry that he was teased. He said angrily, "Didn't you hear what I said?"

"I don't have the habit of reporting private conversations to strangers. If you do, I also suggest you change this bad habit." Di Changli still replied calmly, "Am I clear enough?"

"You..." Fang Ye only felt that his anger was rushing in his chest like a molten pulp, but he couldn't find an outlet to render, and he was extremely uncomfortable.

"If you really want to know, you might as well talk to Miss Annelle... That's it, please let me." Di Changli walked around him and went straight away.

Fang Ye stared at his back angrily, and his fists almost pinched out water. Finally, he exhaled a long breath, slowly loosened, stamped his feet and left.

A good person, especially a good person who is not moved by beauty, has to pay a price. No, he offended a young lady and jumped out of an inexplicable rival. Di Chang couldn't help smiling bitterly.

About the dance, Di Changli did not lie to An Beier. Tonight, he was indeed invited to a dance, and he couldn't refuse, Superintendent Sonnier of the 9th District Police Department.

When he came to a building where the ball was held, Sonye was already waiting here. He was also waiting for him, including Findley, Gampino of the 52 Police Department, and several other well-looking acquaintances, all of whom were federal police. Since Di Changli joined the special forces, he has not met these people except Findley, and it has been several months.

The policemen who have good personal relations are quite enthusiastic about meeting in private. According to the previous rules, everyone hugged and patted their shoulders enthusiastically, which moved Di Changli, but he said regretfully, "I remember that there were many beautiful police officers who had a bad relationship with me in the past. Why didn't they welcome me today?"

For these police friends, because of his invisible side, Di Changli always feels a little sorry. He only hopes that the identity of the thief can always be hidden in the dark and will not be known, so as not to hurt the friendship and trust given to him by these friends.

Everyone laughed, and a policeman who knew Di Changli earlier laughed and said, "I told you, this guy must still be old and romantic. You should believe it."

Do you have a romantic nature? That should have happened before confirming the relationship with Neve. Di Changli felt a pain in his heart. Neve, Neve... At this moment, how much he looked forward to it. The pretty face was still snuggled on his shoulder and smiled sweetly and gently.

Gampino was careful and saw the gallness passing by Di Changli's eyebrows. He changed the topic and said, "by the way, your friend hasn't heard from him yet. Do you want to make more efforts to visit?"

"No, let nature take its course." Di Changli shook his head. Gambino said that Tieniu was a good friend Di Changli met when he was a mobile special policeman. During his stay in the roaring sea of the abyss, Tieniu accidentally killed a civilian in a mission. When he was suspended, he was in a bad mood and was in a drunken conflict with people that made him violently disabled. As a result, he was fired from public office, and then there was no trace of him. After Di Changli came back There are many ways to find it, but there is no whereabouts.

"Well, you young guys have a lot of time to spend. I, an old man, must cherish the rest of the years. Let me talk to Xiaodi, and then you can have fun."

Sonier led Di Changli aside, looked at him for a moment, and then said, "I've heard about you during this period. If you are not afraid of being talked about by the old man, I want to talk to you."

"Please speak." Di Changli understood what he was going to say.

"Nif." Saying the name, Sonye paused for a moment and sighed, "Nive has been away from us for a while. She has always been an optimistic and cheerful girl. She must be very happy in heaven. If there is anything unhappy, it is also because of you. Because of your performance during this period, she is worried about you.

"Do you mean I'm abandoning myself?" Di Changli shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm sorry to worry you. In fact, I'm just adjusting my state in this more intense way. I will pay attention to it in the future, and I promise you this.

Niff's murder was very strange. There was no sign of violence or loss of any property at the scene. There was no painful expression at the time of death, as if he had fallen asleep quietly. The police have not been able to find a clue, nor can they find the motive of the murderer to harm her. It seems that it was just to kill people, causing the detection of the case to fall into a mysterious dilemma. Di Changli knew that unless the murderer stood up by himself, it was likely that the day would not be detected again. Therefore, he took the initiative to apply to join the special forces and carry out extremely dangerous field missions like tireless robots. He just wanted that perhaps the murderer of Neve was duly punished among the criminals he killed and captured.

"If you think so, then I'll be relieved." Sonye stared at Di Changli and did not enlighten him with any major principles. He just patted his hand and said, "I know you are a smart young man and doesn't need anyone to teach you. Now, go and relax, put down all the burdens and relax thoroughly, and remember the promise you made to me.

"I will." Di Changli also gently patted the old man's hand. This wise old man is just a major-level police inspector. It is difficult to get any promotion in his authority in his lifetime. He is definitely not a big man. However, he is more worthy of Di Chang's respect than many heavyweight bigwigs.

Tonight's dance party is a little special. It is a masked bachelor party, which means that the atmosphere of the ordinary dance party is more casual, warm and indulgent. Of course, this statement does not mean how ridiculous the party will be. Some extreme and revealing acts involving * are prohibited. After all, this is a fellowship organized by government departments, and no one can bear this responsibility in the event of a scandal. However, if you look at the ball, you and I would like to have sex with dew once or many times, and no one will interfere. In a word, this is a gathering that provides social opportunities for energetic men and women.

Di Changli casually took a mask and put it on his face. Later, he found that it was a mask of Alibaba, the god of thieves. He couldn't help but be dumbfounded and shook his head and walked into the dance floor.

The dance floor, which can accommodate thousands of people, is already very lively. In the strong and wild music, all kinds of strange-shaped faces hit the eyes under the flashing lights, as if breaking into the gathering place of demons and monsters.

"It's better to start first, and then do it later. There are only so many good things. If you don't hurry up, you won't have time to sing tonight." Findley smiled and said, "Look, the jungle witch who just came in over there can know that she is a top beauty just by looking at her figure and temperament. She will leave it for you to conquer."

"Go ahead." Everyone also wishes Di Changli good luck.

Following Findley's expectation, Di Changli had to admit that Fendeley's words were reasonable. The jungle witch is slender and slender, wearing a light green dress, hanging all the way down to her delicate ankles. Her slender pace is light, overflowing with a fresh and natural charm. It is a chic sexy. Even if she can't see her face under the mask, it is enough to brighten people's eyes.

Although Di Chang is not very interested in today's hunting, since he has been invited to come here, he naturally can't spoil everyone's fun. Besides, he is definitely not a pretentious person. Therefore, he did not hesitate to choose the jungle witch as his target.

However, when he walked to the jungle witch, Di Changli couldn't help smiling bitterly.