Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 62 Destiny

"Are you surprised?"

Seeing that Di Chang took a slight pause, the jungle witch knew that he recognized himself and asked with a smile.

"A little bit." Di Changli admitted it. He looked up and down at the jungle witch and nodded and said, "This is the first time I've seen you dressed like this. Well, I have to say that it's very beautiful. You will be the focus of the party tonight, Tracy."

Since I met Tracy, Di Changli has only seen her wear capable professional clothes and simple casual casual clothes, but tonight she put on a beautiful shoulderless evening dress, which outlines the graceful curves of her whole body vividly, which is particularly enchanting and charming. If Di Changli hadn't been very familiar with her body shape and behavior, I'm afraid he wouldn't recognize her.

"Thank you." Tracy stared at him. This is specially dressed for you. I'm glad you like it.

Di Changli sighed silently. Obviously, tonight's party was arranged by Sonnier and others. In their eyes, they may think that Tracy is the best person to fill the gap in his heart and soothe the wounds after Neve leaves.

"Aren't you going to invite me to dance?" Tracy took the initiative to stretch out her arm, and her delicate and smooth honey-colored skin glowed with a sweet and seductive luster in the light.

"Of course." Di Changli took her hand and stepped down the dance floor.

After a warm and unrestrained song, Tracy said, "Can you walk with me?"

"Of course." It seems that Di Changli can only say this sentence tonight.

When they came to the porch outside, the two leaned against the railing and looked at the brightly lit city of Rome in the wind.

After a moment of silence, Tracy said first, "I'm sorry, maybe I embarrassed you."

"Yes." Di Changli said frankly, "If they don't push you to me, I may have a good time tonight... You are my friend, and as a playmate, it will make our relationship a mess. You don't want to see this happen, do you?"

"No, I don't think so." Tracy suddenly took off her mask and showed a more beautiful and delicate face than a boutique sculpture. She turned to face him. Her clear amber eyes sparkled and boldly revealed her heart: "I don't think how reasonable your excuse is. In fact, you know that I never mind sleeping with you, even as I don't mind being a pure sexual partner.

"Uh..." Di Changli's chin almost fell to the ground.

Even in the dark night, it can be clearly seen that Tracy's pretty face is full of crimson, but she still continues to say bravely, "Don't think about making up excuses and lies to me. I'm not blind. Most of the time, the way you look at me is no different from other men. What do they think? I know it, so when you look at me like that, I also know what you are thinking.

Sure enough, she is a famous lawyer. Her sharp words made Di Changli speechless. She only smiled bitterly and said, "Trace, you are an orthodox self-disciplined girl. This kind of game is not suitable for you, and it will bring me a lot of pressure."

"Is that really the reason?" Tracy is aggressive. So, if I become a * woman, will you change your relationship with me and feel no more pressure?

"You can't say that." Di Changli touched his chin in distress and racked his brains to organize the language: "Well, Tracy, I like you very much. That's right, but what I like is the real you. If you become another person, my feelings and feelings for you will change accordingly. What does this mean to you and me? Righteousness? It will only make us all regret it."

Tracy was silent, and there were crystal tears flashing in her eyes. After a long time, he said softly, "I just don't understand why you don't want to accept me to approach you in another capacity?"

"I'm sorry, it's my fault." Di Changli can only say so. In addition to the reason why he refused Tracy, there are deeper factors in addition to the reason why he is a two-faced person. He felt that no matter who was too close to him, he would encounter bad luck. Although he did not believe in fate, his biological parents, adoptive parents, and Neve all suffered misfortune one by one, which made him faintly a fear - perhaps, as others said, he was a ominous kid cursed by Satan.

Di Changli was afraid that if she accepted Tracy, she would also leave because of this. He really dares not try to do this.

"I'm sorry, I've been confused by this question for too long to be so lost my temper today." Tracy seemed to have regained her usual smart and strong image, showing a charming smile and said cunningly, "Actually, I also feel that a man like you, although a little romantic, is also a young and talented person. I didn't catch you in my hand. I felt too failed and hit my self-confidence. It's too big."

Her understanding made Di Changli feel more guilty.

"We will still be friends in the future, very good friends, right?" Tracy is very tall, only half a head shorter than Didi, and looked up at him with a beautiful face.

"Of course." Di Changli still said this sentence, but he was not sure.

"Okay, I'm going home." Tracy smiled playfully: "Before you leave, as a very good friend, you should kiss me goodbye, shouldn't you?"

"Well, of course." Di Changli felt that his performance tonight was more stupid than a drunken pig. He took off his mask and kissed Tracy on the cheek.

Tracy suddenly turned her sideways, so Di Changli kissed her red lips very accurately.

This is not a kiss goodbye etiquette between friends. While Di Changli was still thinking, Tracy's soft arms were already around his neck, holding her graceful body close to his strong body, and taking the initiative to spit out a tender and sweet tongue.

Next, it's a little messy and ecstasy.

When Di Changli realized that he should stop, he had put one hand on Tracy's round and strong buttocks, and it was quite dishonest.

"I'm sorry..." Di Changli didn't know whether he should quickly move his hand away. At this time, he not only thought he was a drunken pig, but also probably had been hit hard on the pig's head.

Tracy raised her beautiful face, with joy in her eyes, and said generously, "It doesn't matter. I don't mind. I also enjoy this feeling, and also let me regain a little confidence, which shows that I am still very attractive to you... Can you tell me how my kissing skills are?"

"It's okay..." Di Changli felt that he had been defeated.

"Is it okay? That's really sorry. I will definitely do better next time." Tracy made a serious assurance and suggested, "Or, let's do it again now?"

"It's" Di Changli felt that he had been completely defeated. Well, it seems that we shouldn't do this, right?

"We are very good friends, why can't we do this?" Tracy retorted it frankly.

Can a very good friend misinterpret it like this? Di Changli smiled bitterly and was speechless.

"Okay, I'm really going home." Tracy let go of her hands, kissed him on the face, and smiled, "If I stay here, you won't be able to find a satisfactory dance partner."

The fragrant and soft body left her arms, which made Di Changli have a strong sense of loss. She was actually very satisfied with being her dance partner, but she finally restrained the idea.

Before leaving, Tracy gave Di Changli a painful blow again: "If your partner doesn't want to take you back, my bed is relatively large, and I don't mind if you come for a night."

Looking at the infinite graceful figure of the jungle witch, it quickly disappeared in front of him. Di Changli picked up the chin that finally fell and asked himself if he was a failure. In the past, why didn't you find that Tracy was a charming witch full of rebellion and **, extremely dangerous?

Dangerous, Di Changli warned himself.

After a while, he was stunned and cleaned up his messy mood. Di Changli was about to go in when someone suddenly pushed the door open and almost bumped into his arms.

"Ah, I'm sorry." The man shouted softly, and his voice was soft and gentle.

"It doesn't matter." Di Changli took a step back and saw a woman wearing a water red demon girl mask. Her figure was exquisite and graceful. When she touched each other at close range, her fragrance and youth came to her face. Obviously, she was a young girl. At the same time, his heart moved slightly and felt that this water red demon girl seemed to be someone she knew, but her voice was quite strange, and she couldn't help but be a little surprised.

The water red demon girl looked up at Di Changli, who had not yet put on Alibaba's mask, and her eyes also lit up. She took the initiative to say, "You also think the dance is boring, so do you come out for a walk?"

She actually took the initiative to talk to herself. Di Changli's heart moved slightly again. While wearing a mask, he nodded casually and said, "Yes, it's a little stuffy, so I came out to breathe." Think about who this water red demon girl will be.

"Do you often participate in this kind of activity?" The water red demon girl asked again.

Why is she so interested in herself? Di Changli became more and more puzzled. He carefully looked at the posture of the water red demon girl, and suddenly there was a trace of meaningless smile under the corners of his lips under the mask. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's not often, it's not a lot."

He stared at the water-red demon girl's round and visible breasts and small waist, as well as his well-proportioned and slender legs. Although she was still a little green, he could undoubtedly see that it was an excellent beauty embryo. He couldn't help but praise it secretly and smiled and said, "It's fate that we can meet in the vast sea of people. How about tonight Be my dance partner?"

The water red demon girl laughed and said, "What an old-fashioned line. Do you usually talk to girls like this? I'm sure you will hit the wall many times.

"In a way, the old-fashioned is actually a classic." Di Changli smiled and said, "Even if 99 out of 100 times hit a wall, isn't there still a chance to succeed? For example, you didn't refuse me."

"Have I promised to be your dance partner?" The water-red demon girl snorted.

"It turns out that I'm sentimental. I'm ashamed." Di Changli didn't care and bowed slightly and said, "Well, lovely lady, please allow me to leave. Tonight is still a long time. I also hope to win the favor of another beautiful lady and give me the honor of having a good night together." After saying that, he had to turn around and leave.

"What a rude and brazen guy. Did I really misread him?" His frivolity made Shuihong Demon Ji angry, and suddenly thought, "No, I have to try him again." He shouted, "You stop."

"If there is anything I can do for you, just say it, but please hurry up." Di Changli turned his head and said impatiently. He pretended that he was too lazy to waste more time on the other party if he couldn't succeed.

Shuihong Yaoji was so angry that she wanted to turn her head away, but somehow she endured it, bit her lips, and tried to make her voice look more charming and seductive: "Don't worry, I didn't say I didn't agree to be your dance partner."

This kind of performance did not make the water red demon girl go angry. Instead, she condescended, and Di Changli determined her identity even more. However, she smiled bitterly and couldn't figure out why she was so curious about herself. She thought that if she didn't take a fierce measure, she was afraid that the young lady would still pester.

Di Changli's judgment is good. This water red demon girl is the Miss Abeer.

If you want to find the strangest creature in the world whose behaviors and thoughts are absolutely unreasonable, you must be an adolescent girl at the beginning of love. After being angry by Di Chang and leaving during the day, An Beier became more and more sad. She didn't know why she remembered the guy she had only met a few times.

In fact, on the day of the award ceremony, An Beier developed a strong interest in Di Changli. At first, he thought he was quite interesting, but immediately, he showed his pervert and made her disgust, so he took the opportunity to let Susan teach him a lesson. However, what was unexpected was that Susan, who had always been extremely tough and unfavorable, not only failed to teach this guy a lesson, but was "taken advantage" and was eaten to death by him. At such a age, An Beier had never seen such a man who made her feel so surprised, and the other party's contradictory, mysterious, free and unrestrained, which made her involuntarily sprout a hazy feeling. If it hadn't been for the girl's self-esteem and reservedness, she would have taken the initiative to find Di Changli.

Today, when An Beier learned about the details of Di Changli, the hazy feelings that lingered in her heart became stronger. Finally, she couldn't help finding him under the guise of Susan. After leaving in anger, she was unwilling to chase after him and deliberately tried to test it. She just wanted to find out what Di Changli was like. One person.

Although Di Changli had no way to know the reason for the twists and turns, he also guessed a little and felt a headache. At this time, when he saw An Beier trying to dress up as a mature style to ** himself, he was even more angry and funny. He pushed the boat along the water and said frivolously, "So, lovely Miss Yaoji, you are willing to give me this honor. Lucky?"

An Beier naturally understood the potential of this sentence and nodded nervously. He bit his red lips and thought to himself that it was not a big deal to dance. If this guy really made any excessive movements or had a bad attempt, it would not be too late to punish him severely.

"Now we are playing the midnight moonlight song, and it seems to be more emotional to dance here, right?" Di Changli listened to the music from inside and stretched out his hand to launch an invitation.

Midnight Moonlight? Amber suddenly realized that this was a couple dance music, which seemed to be very close, and she couldn't help but panic. But before she thought about whether to escape, Di Changli had already approached and put his hand on her small waist.

An Beier trembled and her whole body was almost tense, but Di Changli smiled and said, "Miss Yaoji, are you ready? Well, are you a little nervous?

An Beier bit her lips again, as if she were on the execution ground. With a heroic and tragic mood, she stiffly spread her arms around Di Changli's neck.

Di Chang smiled secretly, but as soon as he lowered his head, he could see that An Beier's infinitely beautiful arc on her chest was fuller and fuller because of the high arm, which was extremely attractive. It can be expected that after it is fully developed and finalized in the future, the beautiful angel face will merge with the devil's figure, and it will be more enchanting. I can't help but praise it again.

An Beier also noticed his sight. The pretty face under the mask was burning, and immediately became hot uncontrollable. The two hugged each other closely, and the strong man's breath rushed into the nose, which made An Beier, who was the first time to get along with the opposite sex in such an ambiguous and intimate posture, was extremely flustered and almost wanted to push away. Di Chang fled.

However, Di Changli did not give her much time to think. Her arms at her waist were slightly tightened, and their bodies were completely close to each other, but they were so close that they could already feel each other's body temperature and heartbeat.

An Beier was stunned, and her brain went blank in an instant. When his mind recovered a little, Di Changli's strong heart beat, like a strong pulse current, spread all over her body through her skin, making her dizzy and tremble.

This unprecedented tremor, as if from the depths of the soul, hit An Beier's whole body and mind like an angry wave, and a thought hit her like lightning - he was the person she was destined to be.

Di Changli was also surprised how An Beier could tolerate such rudeness and presumptuousness without immediately returning to his invasion with a loud slap.

Maybe the action is not fierce enough, so we should relax the scale and increase the strength, Di Changli thought so. Therefore, one of his big hands began to slide down from Abeer's slender waist. Of course, the speed is very slow, and it is estimated that the time required to slide to the upturned buttocks is enough for Anbeier to pull out the gun angrily and blow his head away hundreds of times.

But until his fingertips could feel the shallow and wonderful temptation between the two round and upturned Meiqiu, which can make all men's animal blood boil and go crazy*, the beautiful woman in his arms still has no sign of turning against each other.

The wonderful gully is deeper, and the huge gravity is stronger than the black hole. Di Changli's fingertips slid down two points without being controlled by his thoughts, and his palms kissed the tender and elastic round buttocks of the young beautiful girl. Even through a layer of clothing, he could clearly feel how smooth and delicate ** was.

As if there was a hot stream rushing into the buttocks of ** unstoppably. To melt all her body, An Beier finally couldn't suppress the breath she tried to hold. There was a deep breath of sweet and intoxicating fragrance between the cherry lips, and the tight body softened and leaned weakly on Di Changli's solid and broad chest. Gently* up.

Isn't it? This level of contact has stimulated this young lady like this? The development of the plot and Angle's reaction were completely beyond Di Changli's expectation. What should I do next? Is it as if nothing happened and escape immediately? Or, continue...

For this multiple-choice question, Di Changli only felt that he seemed to be standing on a burning broken ship in the vast sea, choosing between two ways to die or being burned or drowned. Either one is not suitable.