Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 1 exile

At the dawn of the day after the trial, a shuttle blew sharply over Rome, broke through the sound barrier, crossed the continuous sea of clouds, and quickly arrived at the space dock outside the atmosphere. However, it did not enter the busy civil port, but flew directly to a space warships moored outside the port.

"Just because of a damn villain scum, our whole fleet has delayed its departure by a full day. Can't you put it on the next repatriation?"

Major General Afanti, the commander of the fleet, was so angry that he almost pulled out his gun to break the head of the major of the gendarmerie in front of him. If he hadn't transmitted the image, he could be sure that he had done it.

The major police officer in charge of the escort gave a polite salute: "Major General, I'm very sorry for the inconvenience. I'm just carrying out the orders of my superiors."

Major General Afanti's black face and shouted, "Colonel Murphy, ask your people to mention people."

A black officer with a wide forehead appeared on the communication screen on one side of the

and saluted, "Your Excellency, the Grizzly Bear is full of repeat offenders of the Solomon Galaxy. I'm afraid that putting a person in the outer galaxy will be hurt and cause unnecessary trouble."

Major General Avanti patted the command platform hard and roared: "Which of the exiled to the Paradise Star is not a damn bastard? I'll kill him."

"Yes, Commander." In the command bridge of the Grizzly, Colonel Murphy frowned slightly, closed the video, frowned and thought for a moment. He turned his head to look at a strong man with a cold and decisive face and sharp eyes, and said politely, "Colonel Harrison, this prisoner was escorted by the federal gendarmerie. Maybe It's a hot potato. Please go there in person.

Coloner Harrison nodded and ordered to do so.

In order to take a criminal, he had to postpone the journey of the whole fleet. Major General Avanti, who was already quite grumpy, was really angry. Before the communication line was closed, he began to curse: "This group of bureaucratic bastards who grew up eating shit in the Roman galaxy, if they don't pay double the supply costs of this day Laozi, let them fly to Paradise with these scum on their backs next time.

When the police major heard their conversation, he was about to open his mouth and say something, but he heard the scolding, and his face suddenly turned a little black. He wisely closed his mouth and went to someone to handle the custody procedures by himself.


Colonel Harrison, who contacted him, turned over the thin file materials and wondered, "This prisoner only has basic information and judgment results. Why is the criminal record and previous resume blank?"

The major of the gendarmerie handed over another magnetic card and said, "Colonel, the prisoner's previous identity is relatively special. If it is leaked, I'm afraid it will bring him great danger, so it is not included in the written record. You can check it here."

"Federal Special Protection Mechanism." Colonel Harrison immediately frowned, "Has he served federal law enforcement agencies before? Well, it's really a hot mountain.

With a sergeant and two soldiers stepping into the warship Grizzly, Di Changli still stood far away on the apron and staring at his two beautiful figures before boarding the shuttle.

After leaving the trial court, he never said a word to Susan and Angelle. What can he say? This journey is vast, and it has been isolated by a hundred years of insurmountable years. Time and distance will slowly grind away all the ** like flowing water eroding rocks. Throughout their lives, they have been destined to be strangers from now on. A short-term decisive injury is better than giving up after long pain. He can only do this.

In fact, in addition, there is a factor that cannot be mentioned to others that prompted Di Changli to do so, which is also the biggest reason why he was captured without any resistance that day. He bet on his freedom and life and bet a shocking game, and the amnesty confirmed his guess, but what he never thought was that the man behind his scenes would be that person... If he could choose, he would rather make his guess wrong.

The intricate relationship and scruples made Di Changli not take drastic measures on the spot. He forced himself to endure, restrain and wait until conclusive evidence was found, even if doing so would make him fall into purgatory.

What will happen to Tracy if she suddenly disappears again? Di Changli suddenly remembered another beautiful shadow, turned around and shook his head and smiled bitterly. The current situation is already overwhelmed, and it is meaningless to think so much.


Colonel Harrison stood on the bridge in front of him with his arms in his arms, condescending, looking at Di Changli with a fierce prey-like look. His eyes swept over the titanium nerve shackles tied to him. Seeing that he had nothing to do, his eyes suddenly showed a slight surprise, and the magnetic card in his hand was unexpectedly born. The eagerness to see.

After a closer look, Harrison said coldly, "You're still very young. Listen, I'm Colonel Harrison, the responsible officer on your way to escort. I don't care who you were before or what you have done. Here, you're just an ordinary prisoner. Do you understand?"

Di Changli stopped and looked up and nodded slightly.

Harrison's face darkened and shouted harshly, "Answer me."

Di Changli said lightly, "I heard it."

"Don't you have enough milk or don't have eggs? Answer the officer's words louder, and the report must be added in front of the officer. Do you hear the rules clearly? Harrison had a fierce expression, and the lieutenant with a long whip in his hand came out and scolded fiercely.

Di Changli glanced at him and said indifferently, "I don't have an officer, and you are not my superior, so this rule is not suitable for me. However, if you can show a little respect for me, then I won't hesitate to call you a lieutenant.

The lieutenant was stunned and obviously stunned. Then his eyes flashed fiercely and said gloomily, "You are very good at talking. Do you think these witty words are interesting?"

"How do you think it's your freedom? It has nothing to do with me." Di Changli shrugged his shoulders and asked, "What other rules do you have to deal with?"


The sharp wind suddenly sounded, and the lieutenant raised his hand and shook out the whip, breaking through the air like a poisonous dragonfly.

Harrison suddenly took action on the lieutenant's wrist, and the long whip suddenly took a moment, and a beam of electric light flashed on the end of the whip, which made the air crackle.

The lieutenant put away his whip and said in astonishment, "Mr."

Harrison waved his hand and said, "It's up to him."

He bowed slightly on the bridge guardrail, looked down at Di Changli below, and said in a low voice, "I have given you the respect you deserve. At the same time, please remember not to cause me any trouble, otherwise, you will also be in trouble. Do you agree with this view?

Di Chang said with his head and said, "Of course, Colonel Harrison."

Harrison softened his face and nodded. He straightened up and said to the lieutenant, "Lieutenant Hunter, tell him the basic rules he should follow on the ship."

Hunter stared deeply at Di Changli and said with a gloomy face: "Prisoner, during the escort, you must learn strict self-discipline, fall asleep, eat, and defecate on time, do not make loud noise, deliberately provoke others, and strictly prohibit the destruction of the ship's facilities, access to the restricted area, fight, *..."

"Do you have any questions about these rules?" When Hunter finished reading, Harrison asked.

Di Changli shook his head and said concisely, "No."

"Very good." Harrison nodded again and said to the sergeant below, "There is no need for routine inspection. Give him a number and arrange a quiet prison room."

The sergeant responded to the order and took Di Chang out of the abdomen.

"sor." Hunter was obviously a little confused. He coiled up a long whip and said, "The more polite such a scum is to him, the more his tail will rise to the sky. He should suffer a little."

Harrison frowned and said, "Lieutenant Hunter, I won't ask how you manage other prisoners, but this one is more special. Watch carefully and don't make anything wrong."

Hunt wondered, "What's the difference between him?" Every guy who deports the Star of Paradise has a minimum sentence of 60 years. Is there still less dangerous recidivism in it? Even a space monster has to lie down like a sheep when he gets here.

Harrison stared at him coldly and said, "There are some things you don't need to know. Remember my words and tell everyone not to touch him if you have nothing to do."

Heng's characteristic should be, but he looks a little disapproving.

Harrison's expression suddenly became solemn: "Lieutenant Hunter, you'd better not take my words as a deaf ear, and if I receive any complaints about your unauthorized separation and harassment of female prisoners and soldiers in the future, you can find a prison room to move in."

"Yes, sir." Hunter's face turned pig liver.

Harrison stared at him for a while before turning away.

Looking at Harrison walking away with his hands behind his back, Hunter stood for a while, with a trace of resentment in his eyes and humming in a low voice: "Damn it, when he was dismissed and transferred to the logistics department, he vented his anger on me. If you have the ability, why don't you just go to the headquarters to make trouble... Humph, I can't afford to provoke you, who is cold-faced. Can't I cure that scum? No matter who the fuck is, if he is still so arrogant on my territory, I will peel off his skin.


The tall and heavy cabin gate slowly opened, revealing a gloomy and deep space, just like a giant beast opening its bloody mouth.


The sergeant in charge of leading called the number Di Changli just got: "This way."

The space of the whole belly cabin of the Grizzly Bear is quite large, divided into eight independent cabins. From the perspective of the fortification facilities, it is obviously transformed by a military transport spacecraft, and it is very old and gloomy. The paint chrome of some metal surface has even peeled off, showing rust.

passed through a long and slightly cramped passage, and a gate marked with a huge D letter slowly opened.

Di Changli held the matching clothes and daily necessities and stepped in behind the sergeant, and a smell of sweat and smell came to his nose.

The light in the prison cabin is dim, and the upper and lower floors on each side are divided into squares of the same area by a neat and symmetrical thick alloy fence. Exceptionally, the cabin was very quiet, so quiet that people felt a suffocating pressure, as if there were countless evil vampires hiding in the dark coffin, peeping silently and maliciously.

"Papa, Papa, Papa..."

The footsteps of Di Changli and the escort soldiers echoed in the cold cabin, and the rhythm was like a figure with boundless colors stepping on heavy steps into the gate of hell step by step.

After the two rows of alloy fences, ghostly blurred faces slowly emerged in the dark grid, making a slow and heavy breathing sound. The faint light from the pupils was like the strange flashing phosphorus fire in the deepest part of the ancient tomb, gloomily staring at Di Changli moving forward.

"Oh, Oh, Oh..."

When Di Chang left to the middle of the prison cabin, there was no prelude. The whole prison cabin suddenly burst into a beast-like roar and hysterical strange laughter. The crazy and disorderly metal tapping also exploded, coupled with the harsh sharp whistle, as if in the gloomy and horrible underworld, there were countless long-thirsty vampires in He howled impatiently and eager to break out of the coffin.

Side sergeants were shocked and alerted with guns.

Di Changli raised his head, looked around calmly, with a smile on the corners of his lips, and said to himself, "Well, this welcome ceremony is not too friendly, but the atmosphere is quite unique."

Sergeant calmed down a little and shouted angrily: "Be quiet, keep quiet..."

Dozens of guard soldiers with live ammunition scattered in the cabin also shouted, but their shouts were like a breeze submerged in the torrent of noise, and hissing, laughing and tapping became more and more crazy.

A thunderous voice suddenly roared: "Welcome, boy, welcome to the luxury flight to heaven. Are you ready to give God a gift? Haohaohao..."

Di Changli followed the sound, but saw that in the lower right, a bald man with a strong physique was vigorously shaking the alloy grid pillar in front of him and laughing loudly.

In the prison room next to the bald man stood a long-faced and dark-skinned man with long chains. He desperately shook the long chain to hit the grid pillar. He also smiled obscenely and said, "Of course he is ready, but I don't know if it's his mouth or *. Hey, boy, tell me, what's your mother prepared? Jie Jie..."

Di Changli's face still smiled, but his eyes suddenly condensed, and a cluster of cold light flashed in the depths of his black eyes.

"Kid, why don't you open your mouth? Tell me the fuck." The long-faced black man shouted more and more vigorously. Ah, I understand that this little bastard has prepared both, right? Jie Jie..."

Laughter and howl rose to the sky, just like a chorus of demons in hell, so noisy that they almost lifted the steel dome above the prison cabin.

"Quiet, quiet..." The soldiers shouted hoarsely, but it still didn't help.