Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 1 exile

Di Changli turned his head and asked the sergeant, "One of the rules here is that it is forbidden to deliberately provoke others, right?"

The sergeant couldn't hear him at all and shouted blankly, "What are you talking about?"

Di Changli frowned and raised his voice and asked, "That guy is deliberately provoking me. What punishment should he receive?"

The sergeant understood and replied loudly, "It's usually locked up, and the circumstances are serious caning, or flogging."

Di Changli asked loudly again, "So how to deal with this situation now?"

Colonel Harrison's attitude made the sergeant also be quite patient with Di Changli. He shook his head and shouted, "He did not invade your body, nor did he have the subjective behavior of malicious attacks. I can only warn him at most."

"If he takes the initiative to attack, can I fight back?" Di Changli asked again.

The sergeant said affirmatively, "Of course, you have the right to protect yourself when you are in danger."

"Well, that's good." Di Changli nodded with a smile, turned around, and walked slowly to the prison room of the long-faced black man.

"Hey, what do you want to do?" The sergeant was stunned and caught up to hold him and shouted nervously, "Hey, don't make trouble for me. Go back to your original position."

"Well, yes, I remember I promised the colonel just now." Di Changli stopped and shook his head quite distressedly and said, "But the problem is, what if you don't go to trouble and come to you?"

Sergeant shouted, "As long as you don't take the initiative to commit the crime, you won't be disappointed with Colonel Harrison."

He has been exposed to all kinds of extremely dangerous repeat offenders over the years. How can he not know the current situation? This seemingly harmless young man can be treated differently by Colonel Harrison. There is no doubt that he is definitely a evil star in the evil spirit. In case he stabs something big, he can't be a small sergeant.

"Ah, thank you for reminding me, sergeant, I know what to do." Di Changli seemed to be suddenly cheerful. He looked at the long-faced black man, shook his head again, and then turned back with a smile.

Seeing his strange behavior, the prisoners in the prison cabin were very confused, and the noisy sound gradually slowed down. The bald man suddenly shouted strangely, "Hey, I guess this brave young man is going to teach Lewis a profound and wonderful lesson. Who wants to bet with me? Notes for the next three meals.

"I'll bet with you."


There was another chaotic shout in the prison cabin.

"Ji Jie Jie." The long-faced black man seemed to hear a big joke and laughed presumptuously: "The Roman galaxy only produces women and homosexuals, and can't find a man at all. Does this little bastard dare to challenge me? Jie Jie, I'm afraid it will be a pity if I accidentally break his little face.

He shouted arrogantly at Di Changli: "Hey, little bastard, do you dare to fight? If I can't beat you all over the ground with one hand, I will lick your stool for you.

"This should not be considered my breach of trust." Di Changli gently squeezed the corners of his lips.

When the sergeant saw a smile on his lips, his heart suddenly flinted and hurriedly said, "If you don't sign the life and death letter, the two sides will never kill and mutilate their opponents."

"Well, I know this very well."

Di Changli took a step forward, but looked at the bald man and said, "If you are willing to give up the bet, I agree to accept his challenge."

The bald man was stunned, stared at Di Changli up and down, and suddenly laughed and said, "Who am I gambling with? OK, I'll give it to you, but if you can't swallow those three meals, you can't blame me for suffering myself.

Di Changli smiled and said, "What's your name?"

The bald man was stunned again. He reached out and stroking his shiny scalp, shaking the shackles on his wrists. He stared and said rudely, "I'm called Tie Muller. Why do you want to make friends with me first? After beating, I only admit that my fist is not hard to make friends.

Di Changli shook his head and said, "Well, Temule, I'm just sorry for the three meals you wasted."

The long-faced black man smiled wildly: "I'm afraid this little bastard is scared, hahahaha."

Di Changli turned his head and looked at him: "Your name is Lewis, right?"

The long-faced black man stopped laughing, looked at him obliquely, spit and said proudly, "Yes, my name is Lewis. Remember this name for me. I will be your master in the future."

"Well, Lewis, congratulations." Di Changli smiled strangely.

Almost everyone in the prison cabin was stunned.

Di Changli continued slowly: "Congratulations, you are lucky to leave a life this time, because I guess you don't have enough money to pay the certificate of life and death, and in my eyes, your cheap life is not even worth it."

Duel, in the early days, was a long historical tradition in most countries and regions of the Galactic Federation and the Wanxing Republic. Many civil disputes were solved through bloody private duels, which prevailed and repeated prohibitions. Later, governments turned the blockade into sparse, limited the level of duels, and stipulated that anyone holding a life-and-death duel must pay a large notarization fee first, which inhibited the high mortality rate of this barbaric custom.

In order to effectively vent the violent desire accumulated by prisoners and relieve their tense nerves in order to prevent more serious violence, this custom is not prohibited on the spacecraft on the way to exile.

Lewis, a long-faced black man, suddenly stiffened his face, and his eyes were fierce. He smiled angrily: "Okay, good, little bastard, wait. Sooner or later, I will buy it. I will bite off every piece of your meat."

"Damn, pinch the bitches of this Roman galaxy..."

"Tear him up, tear up this big-spoked boy..."

"Bite off this bastard's throat and suck his blood..."

The gray eagle was full of exile prisoners sent by the Solomon Galaxy. They were all angered by Di Changli's frivolous attitude and roared again.


A thunderbolt and a flash of electricity suddenly exploded in the dark prison.

At the gate of the prison, a team of federal soldiers ran armed and quickly entered. Hunter, the leader, stood at the gate, with a gloomy face like a lead-clouded sky, turning coldly like a snake's pupil, and shouted harshly, "Silate immediately, otherwise emergency measures will be taken to suppress it."

The boiling crazy noise in the cabin slowly calmed down.

"Are you allowed to attend the lively dance?" Hunter was quite satisfied and walked in majestically with a leather whip.

"Of course, dear sir." Someone shouted strangely, "Welcome to join us. We will dress you as the most beautiful princess at the dance."


The sound of laughing and roaring in the cabin roared again.

The blue veins on Hunter's neck suddenly jumped and quickly turned his head to glance at him, but there were no more than a thousand prisoners in this prison cabin. How could he find the trace of that guy?

The sergeant did not realize which prisoner was humiliating and shrugged helplessly at Hunter, who looked at him.

Di Changli's eyes flashed, but he saw that he was a little prisoner with an extremely obscene shape. He was hiding behind Tiemule, frowning and laughing happily.

"Good idea." Hunter clenched the handle of the whip, suppressed his anger, and squeezed out the voice from between his teeth: "Who is it? Stand up and say it again.

No one answered. The mocking look on each prisoner's face clearly expressed the same meaning - the ghost would say it again.

"Doesn't anyone dare to admit it? Very good." Hunter was very clear about the unspoken rules between prisoners and knew that no one would openly come forward to denounce at this moment. He gritted his teeth and said, "Today's release is cancelled."

There was immediately a resentment and scolding in the whole prison cabin.


The whip in Hunter's hand suddenly bounced up, shot into the nearby alloy fence like a poisonous snake, and quickly slapped on a prisoner who was being cursed, stirring a beam of electric light.

The prisoner screamed, suddenly like thunder, flew backwards and fell, curled up like a prawn, and twitched painfully.

Several prisoners around him suddenly changed color and closed their mouths in horror. The curses in the prison cabin gradually subsided. Everyone dared to say anything and stared angrily with incomparable hatred.

"Anyone who insults the prison officer will be whipped five times as usual."

A ferocious light flashed in Hunter's eyes and said gloom, "There are still four whips to bring him out."

The prisoner, who was still twitching and moaning, was quickly dragged to the center of the prison cabin by the soldiers.


The long whip carried the sound of sharp wind and fell fiercely, and the electric light swept up a piece of rag.

The prisoner howled sadly again, and his whole body suddenly jumped straight up on the ground.

The bald man Tie Muller suddenly stared and shouted: "Report, sir, whipping does not include electric shock. You are abusing prisoners."

Hunt didn't seem to hear it at all, and the whip went down fiercely.

The prisoners also shouted disdainfully, but they did not dare to speak diors again.

Hunt turned a deaf ear and raised his hand to draw the remaining two whips. The prisoner's prison uniform had been whipped to pieces, and the blood and blood whip marks on his body were shocked. He no longer had the strength to scream, and only kept groaning in weak pain.

Hunter then took off his whip, walked to Tiemuler, stared at him coldly and said, "Prisoner, are you protesting to me?"

Tie Muller did not flinch and hummed, "Reporter, that's right."

"You can complain to the General Administration of Justice in Solomon Galaxy." Hunter knocked on the alloy bar with a whip handle and sneered, "I'll give you a suggestion. It's better to put the complaint in the toilet and then flush it into space with water, so that it will be delivered in the fastest time."

Tie Mule stared at him for a moment, and suddenly turned his head and spat a mouthful of thick phlegm.

Hunt's eyes contracted, shooting a sharp light, and said in a cold voice, "Prisoner, are you contemptuous of me?"

"Report sir." Tie Mule looked at him with innocent eyes and asked angrily, "Did I violate any rules by spitting?"

Hunter suffocated and stared at Tie Muller, but he couldn't find a way to refute and punish this guy who dared to disobey his authority. He turned around and scolded the sergeant fiercely: "Why don't you bring this scum in? And the newcomer, hurry up."

The sergeant showed a little displeasure in his eyes. Obviously, he was quite dissatisfied with his instructions and asked his soldiers to put the tortured prisoners into the prison room, and he took Di Changli to the upper gangway.

"Report sir."

The long-faced black man Lewis suddenly shouted, "The new boy deliberately provoked me. For the honor of the hero of the Solomon Galaxy, I asked the officer to allow me to fight with him."

"Real?" Hunter stared at Di Changli and sneered, "It's the first time I've met such an arrogant prisoner like you. It seems that your confirmation is very remarkable, right?"

Di Changli looked back indifferently: "What do you think? Lieutenant."


Hunter suddenly raised the whip in his hand, but stopped, gritted his teeth and smiled glenly, "Very good, very good, really amazing... So, are you sure you won't refuse to fight with him?"

All the prisoners were surprised to see that Di Changli ignored the code ofcheng hu, and the angry Hunter also tolerated his rudeness as an exception.

Di Changs shrugged his shoulders carelessly: "Although a stinking mouse may stain its hands, I don't mind washing it later."

Lewis was so stimulated that he almost went crazy, shook the alloy fence desperately, and roared like a mad dog: "You son of bitch, I must make your life worse than death."

"Well, you gave me a very good proposal." Di Changli said slowly, "If I can't let you kneel down and cry like a little girl and beg me to kill you, you will think that Satan has become God and bless you on this spaceship."

Lewis grunted strangely in his throat, but he couldn't find more powerful words to fight back. He was blocked in his throat and couldn't exhale, making the blue veins on his neck soar like a huge earthworm.

Not only were all the prisoners stunned by the rampant wild words, but also Hunter was almost furious. After a while, he said strangely, "Prisoner, I hope you are not just a mouth."

"In fact." Di Changli smiled and said, "Lieutenant, you will soon see that my fist is sharper than words, and I will never let you down."

Hunter snorted coldly and nodded gloomically and announced, "You can have a duel at the next release time."