Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 3 Gambling Next

Di Changli was being brought over by the soldiers. His eyes were extremely sharp. He happened to see this scene and immediately thought that one of the two guys pretended to be pigs and the other pretended to be tigers. The two people in the same room with them were afraid that they would be squeezed so far as not even a pair of shorts left.

Lewis walked in front of him, turned around and sarcastically, "Kid, what are you grinding? If you are afraid, I will give you a chance to beg for mercy. As long as you call me a few times and lick my ten toes, I may be kind and break your bones less.

A sharp cold light flashed from the bottom of Di Chang's eyes, and unexpectedly did not open his mouth to rebuke, but he was not slow, trying to reduce the stimulation of the nerve bundles and shackles to the body.

The big man who was kicked off his arm by Di Changli squeezed in front of the alloy gate and shouted loudly, "Lewis, this little bastard's hands and feet are very sharp. Be careful to deal with it."

Lewis looked up at him, shook his long chain and snorted disdainfully, "I'm not as useless as you. I can't even clean up a woman. The face of the Solomon Galaxy has been lost by you, a coward."

The big man originally wanted to remind him again, but he was ashamed and angry when he heard the words, but he seemed to be quite afraid of scolding, so he could only stop his voice.

Di Changli also saw his reaction in his eyes. It is clear that all the prisoners exiled to the Paradise Star are cruel and vicious people. Since Lewis can make others afraid, he must have something extraordinary. Although his ability is strong, he is clamped by nerve shackles, and he can't raise the original force. To control the enemy, don't accidentally overturn the boat in the sewer. Now be a little more vigilant and carefully observe Lewis's body behavior.

Just out of the prison cabin, Di Changli found Lewis's abnormality. He couldn't help basking in the sun, and a trace of cynicism flashed across his resolute lips.


Hunter, who supervised the duel between the two sides, threw a whip and coldly announced a brief rule: "It is strictly forbidden to kill each other maliciously, otherwise it will be punished as first-degree murder."

Lewis stared at Di Changli, grinned and moved his head and neck slightly. The cervical vertebra immediately made a "click" sound and slowly pushed forward step by step with the chain.

He did not forget the reminder of the big man and believed that Di Changli was agile and not afraid, but now both of them are bound by shackles. How flexible can they move? Lewis decided to defeat his opponent's body and spirit with his specialty.

Di Changli stood still, but looked at him indifferently.

Lewis suddenly accelerated his pace, roared, waved the long chain in his hand fiercely, and brazenly looked at Di Changli's neck and shoulders curled up.

In the case of greatly reducing the sensitivity of this action, it is also difficult to exert effective fighting skills, and rapid dodge is not practical for Di Changli, but to endure the pain of the nervous system in vain, so he has only one choice, that is, hard fighting.

Di Changli raised his wrist to meet him, and the speed was not fast, but the angle was extremely accurate, like a fierce peck of a raptor, accurately grabbed the head of the long chain devoured like a flying snake.


The chains of the two were quickly twisted and bit like two ferocious rattlesnakes, rubbing out a fierce spark.

The bodies of the two were also close at this moment. Lewis shouted fiercely and suddenly raised his legs to sweep, which was fast and fierce, making a sharp hiss like a sharp blade tearing open air.

Sure enough, it is a mechanical prosthetic leg, and Di Changli is cold.

The sophisticated simulated mechanical prosthesis made of metal or various special hard materials is not as flexible as the real limb, but it can do much more than a real limb, and can install various light weapons in it, which is as powerful as a special gun. There are many people in the Federation who pursue powerful force even at the cost of daming themselves to install special mechanical limbs. They are known as colonists. Among them, the best of them are as powerful as those of energy refiners. This Lewis is obviously a colonist.

Among the prisoners who lack real masters, Lewis can also be regarded as a fierce role, but unfortunately, he met a master of energy. Although most of Di Changli's ability has been limited, Lewis's mechanical legs now have no matching weapons to use, and his strengths are offset by each other. As a former federal law enforcement guard, Di Changli, whose combat experience and skills are much higher than Lewis's, can be said to be a stable victory.

At this time, the shackles of the two people are entangled, and their arms are temporarily useless, and the distance is also quite close. It is difficult to avoid it. Di Changli hurriedly gathered the Force and could not slowly raise his knees to resist.

His legs collided fiercely in an instant, making a muffled sound, which was not as fragile as Lewis expected. He only felt that the leg he swept out with all his strength was like a failure, and he could not fall into practice at all. He was a little empty and weak, but Di Changli was kicked across by this kick.

Lewis was surprised. He suddenly saw a dark shadow crashing against his face with a strong wind. Before he could react, he quickly * on the door, as if he had been hit hard by a hammer. The bridge of his eyes and nose burst, and the blood splashed.

Lewis's eyes were black, and he only felt a huge roar in his ears. His head was like a thunder cannon. He immediately fell into a deep dizziness and didn't know where he was.

Di Changli soared into the air, stunned his opponent with a head hammer, followed by the severe pain from the nerves in his body. He quickly curved his body, and a fierce and vicious knee-up hit Lewis's whole life several meters high. He unconsciously spewed out several mouthfuls of blood in mid-air before falling heavily.

Instant kill.

In just a few seconds, the victory or defeat was undisputedly fixed.

Hunter, who supervised, was moved and shouted fiercely, " Stop it."

Di Changli had already condensed his figure. Although he was forced out a thin layer of sweat on his forehead because of the intense action, he didn't care at all. A trace of sneer flashed in his eyes and said indifferently, "Do I still need to take action?"

The medical staff waiting aside quickly came forward to check Lewis's injury and found that he was seriously injured. His ribs on one side had been broken, and his nose bone was smashed to pieces. Although he did not die on the spot, he was still dying, and he could only breathe without breathing.

The medical staff hurriedly carried out first aid before dragging Lewis's life back from the ghost gate, but his appearance was not only ruined, but his internal organs were also damaged too deep. Even if the trauma was cured, I'm afraid he would eventually get sick and suffer from now on.

Although he had expected the result of the duel, Colonel Murphy still couldn't hide his surprise and muttered, "In the case of failure to exert his real strength, he is still a must-kill. This guy is indeed horrible. The law enforcement guard is indeed worthy of being experienced in many battles and veritable. Effective killing machine.

"Your Excellency." Harrison said to Major General Avanti, who personally moved to watch the battle on the Grizzly Bear: "You can see now that this is an extremely dangerous prisoner, and we must isolate him from other prisoners."

"Oil, just do as you say." Major General Avanti waved his hand angrily and cursed angrily, "Those bastards in the Roman galaxy are full to make trouble for me. If you load a small batch of goods, you will lose a profit. Will you all let us all drink the northwest wind? I have to find them to make up for this loss in the future.

The duel is broadcast live on every warship, and every prison cabin where prisoners are held is no exception. When the close-up of Di Changli's fierce blow was played repeatedly from all angles, almost all the prison cabin was stimulated by this rare scene. Only the D prison cabin of the Grizzlies was dead, as if there was a cold wave that could freeze people, and all the prisoners were stunned. Wood plastic.

After a long time, Tie Mule's loud voice roared: "Grandma, my vision is really good. This new boy must be a real master of energy refining, the turtle sons who don't have long eyes. Now I'm convinced to lose, ho ho ho..."

"Ha, my vision is really good."

In the bridge of the Thunder Phoenix, Sophia also cheered: "I won, I won, D3J567, you are good at it. You fought for me. Don't those guys of the Grizzly Bear cry this time?"

In fact, as far as her mind is concerned, winning or losing money is not enough. The most important thing is not to lose face. The reason why she bet heavily is also to fight with Colonel Murphy and Harrison.

Colonel Evely was suspicious and asked, "How many bets have you made?"

Sofia turned her eyes, raised her crescent-like eyebrows, and smiled and said, "It's not much, just tens of thousands of yuan."

Before Colonel Evelyn asked another question, she hurriedly changed the topic and pointed to Di Changli on the big screen and said, "This prisoner is so powerful. He is so young and handsome that he doesn't look like a bad person at all."

Colonel Evely's mind was indeed diverted and shook his head and warned, "Sofia, let alone say that he is a criminal. You are no longer a child. How can you judge a person from his appearance?"

Sofia's cunning failed again, and she smiled proudly and argued, "What's wrong with him as a criminal? I think he is a good man. Maybe he was wronged.

"You." Colonel Evely sighed helplessly and frowned, "If you don't change your wayward temper, I'm afraid you will suffer one day."

Sofia looked careless and said proudly with a wrinkled nose, "My father is the deputy governor of the Paradise Galaxy and the famous Sinbad* of the Galactic Federation. Who dares to offend me?"

A strange sadness flashed in Colonel Evely's eyes, sighing and stopping.