Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 4 Transaction

After several continuous jumping voyages on Federal Standard Days, the escorted mixed fleet out of the seemingly endless dark void. The bright Caribbean sun was in sight, and the boring and monotonous journey finally came to an end.

In fact, from the perspective of the natural ecological environment, the Caribbean galaxy can be known as the paradise among all the colonial galaxies of the Galactic Federation.

There are only eight large planets in this galaxy, but three of them are completely suitable for human habitation. Among them, the capital star is the most beautiful and picturesque. It is a famous tourist attraction in the whole Federation. At the same time, it is located in the central hub of the federal territory, and the circulation of economic and cultural products is extremely busy, so it has developed extremely prosperously.

In historical polls, the three colonial stars of the Caribbean galaxy have always been at the top of the list of the best inhabited planets in the Federation, and even the federal administrative capital star has to succumbed.

Di Changli was most impressed by the Caribbean Capital Star because of its extremely beautiful and spectacular huge city architectural community, which is still as new. But now, he can only sit alone in a specially isolated prison cabin and enjoy the revisit from holographic images and memories.

The fleet was moored in the space dock for three standard days. After busy work such as handing over prisoners, loading cargo, maintaining and repairing spacecraft, and replenishing energy supplies, it did not start again at the scheduled time of the previous broadcast.

After several more standards, the fleet had not set sail and did not broadcast new information. Di Changli keenly sensed that something unusual must have happened.

The truth is as Di Changli expected, but what he didn't expect was that this matter would soon have something to do with him.

In the conference room where the flagship command bridge is not large, at this moment, the big round table is full of all the captains and senior staff officers of the fleet. Everyone's expression is solemn, and Colonel Evelyn has lost his usual solemn and elegant demeanor, and his pale face is full of anxiety and panic.

The reason for the delay in the fleet's voyage is actually very simple. Sophia, who went to Star, the capital of the Caribbean, failed to return to the team in time, and had a quite serious accident.

Major General Afanti, who held the high seat, seemed to have a black cloud floating on his forehead, and his face was extremely ugly, but he was abnormal. He tried his best to restrain his irritable temper and broke the dull atmosphere and said, "The situation is very clear. Sophia is accused of illegally using illegal means to fraudulently seek 1.58 billion yuan of the Goddess of Peace gambling company. Tens of millions of federal dollars, if after two standard days, um, it is less than 40 standard hours, according to the regulations of the gambling company, if the same amount cannot be paid at that time, Sophia will be handed over to the federal law enforcement agency in the Caribbean galaxy for huge fraud.

"No." Colonel Evely said excitedly, "Although Sophia is a little wayward, she will never do such a thing. Someone must have set up a trap to maliciously frame her."

Major Avanti shook his head anxiously and said, "We have no evidence and no time to prove this."

His eyes glanced at dozens of senior officers and continued to say in a low voice, "Whether anyone manipulates this matter in it, one thing we can do is to immediately compensate the redeemer, and the other is to show Sophia's identity..."

"No." Colonel Evely shouted again: "You must never let anyone know Sophia's true identity. The general election of the heavenly galaxy is about to begin, and you must not be involved in such a disreputable incident."

The room fell into a depressed silence again, and everyone was silent with a sad face. The general is a brief honor for the officers and soldiers under Sophia's father, Sinbad*.

In fact, as middle and senior officers of Sinbad*'s direct forces, everyone knows very well that the latter plan is not practical at all. Once Simbard* is involved in this scandal, he will no longer be able to win the position of governor of the colonial galaxy in Paradise, and these people of the Sinbad* faction will also be suppressed by other factions in the Paradise Galaxy. Since then, they will still have to drive a tattered tin can year after year, falling in the vast space. Wandering back and forth desolately like a shepherd.

"Then, we can only choose to pay the redemption." A chief of staff at the level of major general frowned and said, "But the problem is that the funds in our account are less than 1 billion, unless we sell some of the purchased goods for cash, but the time is too tight to catch up with the prescribed time limit, and..."

Everyone knows the unfinished meaning of his words. Although 1.580 billion federal coins are far from an astronomical figure, it is even worse for their originally overstretched budget, and it is a little difficult to pay.

"Damn." After another silence, Major General Afanti finally couldn't suppress the anger accumulated in his chest. He slapped the host stage fiercely and said, "I'm a young general who is a real coward and suffers from some shameless bastards everywhere. It's better to live happily as a space pirate. I can't stand it today. ."


With a roar from Major General Afanti, a capable adjutant quickly stood up behind him and shouted, "Yes."

Major Avanti roared: "Immediately select a team of elite people, put on casual clothes, and rush to the Caribbean capital Star to fuck the gambling company and grab Sophia back."

"Your Excellency." Many senior officers hurriedly dissuade, "Once this matter is leaked, you will not only go to the military court, but also endanger the general and the whole army. Be careful."

"What the fuck is this?" Major General Avanti roared like thunder: "At worst, let the general take everyone out of the Federation to open up territory in the galaxy and establish an independent country. At that time, whether the general is the head of state or the president, it will be much better than being a ghost governor in the broken pit where birds don't shit in the heavenly galaxy. Even if the general wants to be emperor, we He is also a fucking famous minister of the country.

Seeing him openly shouting out of the Federation, everyone couldn't help looking at each other and speechless. Although the Galactic Federation claims that individual freedom of speech is prohibited without interference, this kind of naked words and deeds is also a first-class taboo in any political party system, and everyone can't get rid of it.

For good, Major General Afanti also knew that his words were too radical. After a little venting, he calmed down and exhaled a rough breath, "Well, let's get down, let's talk about how to deal with it?"

"Your Excellency." Colonel Murphy, who had been meditating, raised his hand and said thoughtfully, "I have a proposal."

Major General Avanti urged repeatedly: "Come on."

"Yes." Colonel Murphy bowed his head and said concisely, "Since the risk of sending our own people to rescue directly is too high, we can hire other forces to secretly rescue Sophia, such as bounty hunters."

"Bounty hunter?" The major general's chief of staff immediately objected, "No, bounty hunters, like space pirates, are all profit-seeking and desperate people. Moreover, we are not familiar with the distribution of the Caribbean galaxy. Who knows if we will find a hunter organization that has something to do with the goddess of Peace gambling company?"

Everyone has different opinions and doesn't agree.

Moffel Murphy coughed and said carefully, "There is nothing we can do to find a bounty hunter. In fact, we have a better choice..."

"Find a prisoner to rescue Sophia? It's ridiculous."

After Colonel Murphy's plan was put forward, the conference room was more like an explosion. Everyone shook their heads vigorously against it, even the most anxious Colonel Evelyn.

Colonel Murphy stood up and insisted in a loud voice, "Guys, the time is very tight now. Is there any other way for us to do it?"

He said the truth, and the opposition faded. Someone shouted, "But how can we trust these scum?"

Colonel Murphy said firmly: "There is a prisoner on our ship that is trustworthy. I dare not say that he is the best candidate for this task, but there is no doubt that he is the most suitable person we can find in the current situation."

Major General Avanti suppressed various voices, stared at Colonel Murphy, and asked, "Who is he?"

"Prisoner D3J567, his name is Di Changli." Colonel Murphy said.

"Colonel Murphy, do you mean you want me, a prisoner, to save people?"

Di Changli sat in Colonel Murphy's office and looked at Colonel Murphy and Harrison opposite him with a smile. The ridicule on his lips was clear and undisguised.

Colonel Murphy said slightly unnaturally, "Yes, our soldiers can fight bravely, but they are not good at carrying out such tasks, so we will come to you, an expert in dealing with sudden crises."

Di Changli leaned against the back of the chair and said lazily, "Why should I go?" Don't convince me that I used to be a federal law enforcement guard. I'm not good at appreciating this kind of humor.

"Of course, we can't force you." Colonel Murphy said bluntly, "You can make conditions. As long as it's not too out of the way, we are willing to try our best to meet your requirements."

"Well, let me think about it, what do I need in such a situation?" Di Changli pondered and stretched out his hands to hold the coffee prepared on the table.

"Wait." Harrison's eyes swept over the shackles between his wrists and went around the table to untie the shackles all over his body.

After many days of never leaving his bondage, Di Changli's whole body and mind were smooth and felt indescribably relaxed, but he did not show any gratitude. He rubbed his wrist and said lightly, "Is this a sign of friendship?"

Harrison said awe: "I'm not doing this as a goodwill, but I have observed that you are quite rational and self-controlled these days, and it does not belong to the category of dangerous elements that need strict supervision."

Di Changli shrugged his shoulders and said sarcastically, "Of course, who else can I pose a threat to if I am imprisoned in solitary confinement?"