Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 4 Transactions

Seeing that he did not hesitate to say anything, Harrison couldn't help suffocating, but he was not angry about it. Instead, he admitted to himself: "It's my opinion to imprison you alone. It's understandable that you haven't consulted your own will in advance. However, in our position, this is the best way to control, and you should understand this.

"Okay." Di Changli no longer pestered this topic and spread his hands and said, "Coloner Harrison, since you are quite straightforward, you might as well be more frank and tell me your bottom line. To be honest, I'm afraid you can't afford what I want."

Harrison said, "Yes, we can't give you freedom."

"Well, Mr. Di." Colonel Murphy considered the name and said, "Although we can't know the details of your past, we can infer from your short resume that you are extraordinary, otherwise you will not be promoted to colonel in just two years. Even if you look at the whole Federation, this can be said to be a unique honor and special case."

Di Changli shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, "Colonel Murphy, if it weren't for the urgency of the situation, you would never have come to me, so there is no need to waste time creating an atmosphere of conversation. Well, I still sincerely thank you for your praise.

Colonel Murphy habitually smiled bitterly. He has never seen such a resolute prisoner, but also seen such a perverse figure. It is simply inhumane. Harrison, who has a stubborn temper, is gentle and cute compared with him.

Colonel Murphy cleared his throat and covered his embarrassment and said, "Okay, I'll just say it directly. Mr. Di, if you accept this commission, then after arriving at the place of exile, we can be exempted from five years of compulsory hard labor and then reduce your sentence by 20 years, which is the maximum we can achieve within our scope of authority. Of course, we will also give you some financial remuneration.

He observed Di Changli's face and continued, "The reward is 20 million federal coins, which may not be very rich, but in the Paradise Star, which is full of cheap prisoners, I promise that this money will make you live as rich as a king."

In fact, even on any planet of the Galactic Federation, 20 million can allow a civilian family to live a healthy life for a lifetime, but Colonel Murphy is not sure about this to impress a former law enforcement guard who has lost his freedom.

"King? Ha." Di Changli sneered strangely and said with a crisp finger, "It sounds really desirable to be a king on a garbage planet that gathers all the notorious villains and thugs in the Federation."

He pretended to think, and said slowly in a hateful mocking tone, "I'm just a little worried. I don't know how those guys with violent plots in their bones will execute the death after overthrowing my less noble king..." Beheading? Burn to death? Drowning? Hanging? Well, my imagination is too poor. Maybe they have already invented many new things to open my eyes.

Colonel Murphy heard that a dark face began to turn slightly blue, and Harrison interrupted hard with a black face, "I don't think it's you who need to worry about your safety."

"Is this a compliment?" Di Changli stared at him with sharp and fing eyes.

Harrison showed no weakness and stared at him fiercely and snorted coldly, "What do you think?"

The two looked at each other fiercely like old enemies with deep hatred, and the atmosphere was a little tense for a moment.

Mir Murphy felt bad, afraid that the two sides would break up. Regardless of his own displeasure, he hurriedly said, "Don't be angry. If there is anything you can calm down and discuss."

Di Changli's sharp eyes restrained, and suddenly raised his eyebrows and laughed: "It turns out that it's really a stubborn bone. Ha, the more I appreciate people who have a bad temper, the more I will take charge of your bad temper. I'll take over this task."

Seeing that he suddenly turned to face and responded cheerfully, his attitude was completely different, and Colonel Murphy and Harrison were both stunned. After recovering, Colonel Murphy couldn't help smiling bitterly and wanted to talk about his bad temper. Who else could stink more than the guy in front of him? Every sentence is extremely sarcastic. If it hadn't been for my gentle self-restraint, I would have been calm. I'm afraid that if I listen to a few more words, I will vomit blood.

Harrison looked strange and seemed to be quite happy. His eyes looking at Di Changli were very different from before. In the eyes of Colonel Murphy, he couldn't help thinking, "Are these two bad-tempered guys sympathet or smelling?"

Di Changli held his chin with his fist, looked at the three-dimensional image for a while, raised his eyebrows, and smiled oldly: "Sophia, Julie, Ogney, well, three very charming little girls, if those bloody officers and soldiers on the ship hear unexpected news about them, I believe they must He will jump directly from the space dock to the capital star of the Caribbean, destroy the inforgiving demon king with his fierce anger, and bravely recapture these three beautiful princesses.

He turned around and smiled, "Do you two want to make a bet? Just use my 20 million reward.

Harrison and Colonel Murphy have gradually got used to his always sarcastic tone. When they heard the words, they couldn't help but smile. The anxiety unconsciously relaxed a little, but they felt a unique alternative wit, and also admired Di Changli, who was in prison without any complaints.

"I know the story as well as you. The only thing I don't know is the identity of these three little girls." Di Changli continued, "However, it seems that you don't plan to make a grand introduction to me, do you?"

Harrison grabbed in front of Colonel Murphy and said, "Yes, you don't know who they are. It's good for us."

"Of course, important people should remain mysterious. This has always been a tradition, but there is one thing you must tell me." Di Changli nodded to show his understanding, narrowed his eyes and said, "There is a possibility of accidents. I can't guarantee that all of them can be absolutely rescued. Therefore, you have to point out in advance who is the primary goal of the task and who can be abandoned?"

Colonel Murphy looked at Harrison, and his face suddenly became heavy and hesitant to answer.

A bright light flashed in Di Changli's dark eyes, gently squeezed the corners of his knife-like lips, and slowly said, "In other words, if necessary, which of them or two should be sacrificed?"

Harrison breathed a long breath and said with difficulty, "I will always keep in close contact with you. If this is really necessary, I will inform you."

Di Changli stared at him and suddenly asked a seemingly incomparable question: "Anyway, I'm a criminal. Aren't you worried that I absconded halfway?"

Colonel Murphy replied, "We really don't care about this. Although your information is quite limited, combined with the observations these days, it can be completely inferred that you are a proud and fearless person. If it is not out of your own, I'm afraid that you will not appear on the escort ship at all.

He looked at Di Changli with his eyes and asked, "Besides, you are a death row prisoner who has been pardoned. Did you say that after you are willing to accept exile, will you run away and make the big man who pardoned you for his death in a discredited situation?"

"It seems that you have really put a lot of thought into me." Di Changli looked calm and said without saying, "Maybe I will abide by the promises I made at this stage, but the world is impermanent and people's hearts are more impermanent. Who can conclude that the world will remain unchanged? Will I remain the same? Nothing is more worth pursuing than freedom. After going down to the ** of the prosperous world outside, maybe I will change my mind.

Mul Murphy was slightly hesitant, but Harrison said very simply, "I believe you. If it weren't for specific factors, you would never have done it."

Di Changli smiled vaguely and waved his hand, "Well, when there are still 38 standards before the deadline, even if I have this plan, you have to bet on this in the current situation, so let's not discuss these irrelevant branches and leaves."

Colonel Murphy breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then you can start formulating an action plan."

"Well, you have openly said what you can pay me, but I don't think it's enough."

Di Changli shook his head, saw Harrison's expression change, and smiled, "Don't worry, I'm just asking some additional requirements, which will not go beyond your ability."

Harrison loosened his tightened eyebrows and said, "Okay, you can talk about it."

Di Changli shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well, I haven't figured it out yet. I'll bring it up at the right time. What's your opinion?"

Colonel Murphy said with a wry smile helplessly, "Yes."

Di Changli nodded with satisfaction and said with a relaxed smile, "Then, it's officially concluded. In order to improve the success rate of the rescue operation, I need several assistants.

"Assistant?" Colonel Murphy was stunned.

Harrison said unhappily, "If we can send troops to rescue, why come to you to solve it?"

"No, I don't need soldiers." Di Changli shook his head and said, "Like the reason you came to me, I want to pick out a few suitable candidates among the prisoners."

Colonel Murphy and Harrison couldn't help but be stunned again. They shook their heads repeatedly and said in unison, "No."

"Then you have to be prepared to make sacrifices." Di Changli said indifferently, "My ability is limited, and I'm not a superhero. If I'm lucky, I may be able to bring out those three little girls without being discovered, but I don't think the chance of success will exceed 1%."

He stared at the two, with a signature ridicule on his lips, and said slowly, "If you don't do this, after finding them, I will kill two of them directly, and then break through with the most important goal to ensure that the task is completed smoothly and safely. How about this perfect action plan?

After a moment of unsuffied silence, Colonel Murphy smiled bitterly for the first time today: "What kind of assistant do you want to choose from among the prisoners?"