Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 42 Dasarina's Intention

After the bet here was made, Elia took the second step in the field, and the fierce breath immediately became stronger. As if in essence, even the sand on the ground was stirred up, blowing up a small dust vortex around Elia's body.

Obviously, the energy refining method practiced by Elijah has its unique skills in condensing machine. With simple movements, it can greatly enhance its own momentum and play a role in oppressing and attacking the enemy's mind. At this moment, the two sides are still about ten meters apart. If Ren Elijah is forced to pass step by step by step, the strong momentum condensed will directly destroy the fighting spirit of the weak will.

If it were someone else, he would definitely come forward to attack and stop Elia's momentum from continuing to rise. However, Di Changli stood quietly in place without any intention of taking the initiative. It was like a towering lonely reef, not afraid of the invasion of the wind and waves.

"Why does this boy surnamed Di look like an inexperienced young man?" Fat Haoge muttered in surprise, and his heart was even more determined. Elijah's skills are strong, and the fat man who has fought with him many times in the past is naturally quite well understood. At present, Di Changli doesn't know the depth and severity, and even gave Elia such an opportunity. Even if there is a little extraordinary real talent, it is doomed to defeat.

After steadily taking a few steps in a row, Elijah's momentum finally condensed to the peak, but the fierce breath that kept gushing out suddenly converge, as if it had condensed the surrounding air.

There is no doubt that this is the kind of calm before the storm. The onlookers' heartbeats involuntarily accelerated slightly, holding their breath and nervously waiting for the next moment to come.

"Roar..." A wild shout from Elijah's chest was like the roar of a giant beast, making everyone's eardrums buzz.

Elijah punched untily, like a violent but silent lightning strike. In an instant, she split the condensed air incoherently.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by Elijah's movements, but they didn't notice that the moment before Elijah punched, Di Changli finally moved.

When there is a tide, there are tides, there are flowers, there are flowers, and there are flowers. Nothing in the world can escape from this cosmic law. When Elijah's momentum rises to the peak, it is actually the moment of prosperity and decline. Di Changli seized the subtle moment of the instantaneous transition and decisively took action.

When the two iron fists collided fiercely, a strong sense of shock surged in everyone's hearts at the same time.

The fighting style between Di Changli and Elijah was extremely fierce. The first contact was like the confrontation of two waves of anger, which aroused a great storm. Around the two people, the airflow rolled wildly, rolled up the dust all over the sky, and quickly swallowed up the figures of the two people.

The sight was blocked by the rolling yellow sand, and only the sound of dense and fierce fists and feet kept coming out of the rolling sand and dust. Even if the onlookers tried to open their eyes, they could only faintly see the two figures flying at a staggering high speed, and the urgency in their hearts was unspeakable.

"Futam, how could such a powerful boy emerge from Monet's mine?" Fat Hauge's huge chin had a tendency to fall down again. He vaguely felt bad and began to worry about his wallet. If it hadn't been too close, the wind and sand would have blown away, and he would have rushed into the battle circle.

Shaft has always seemed to be very calm, looking like he unconditionally trusting Di Changli. In fact, at this time, a big stone in his heart was completely put down. Since Di Changli has such an amazing skills, the relationship he mentioned before with Tiemule is certain. Since he came forward to take this burden, no matter what the final result of this fight is, Shaft does not have to worry about what Tiemule will do to himself.

Dacylina's beautiful eyes flashed with a strange light and asked slowly, "Sarah, which of them do you think will win?"

Sarah's eyes did not blink, and she was absorbed in observing the battle between the two sides. Her face was very solemn. When she heard the words, she shook her head slightly, pondered for a moment, and then said, "I can't see it for the time being, but I have had a relationship with Elijah once. As far as I know, Elia is fierce and brave, but she is fierce and gentle. Insufficient. When fighting with an enemy weaker than him, Elia can certainly defeat the enemy, but when she meets a comparable opponent, as long as the opponent can frustrate his edge and then fight steadily, he will occupy seven or eight points of the hope of victory.

"But." Saraton paused, frowned and continued to analyze, "This Di Changli's action is also very fierce. It seems that it is difficult to judge the direction of victory or defeat without any effort. Perhaps, the final result depends on the strength of their Force cultivation.

At this moment, a dull roar suddenly burst out, as if a bomb had been detonated. The dust roared and burst out in all directions at a high speed. Although the onlookers were dozens of meters away, they still had no time to retreat. They could only hurriedly raise their arms to cover their faces and be hit by flying sand. Feeling a faint pain, everyone couldn't help changing their faces.

"Who won?" At this time, everyone knew that Di Changli and Elijah must have won or lost. Although they were very surprised that this thrilling battle between dragons and tigers ended so quickly, they didn't care about waiting for the wild sand to fall and quickly looking up. They only saw two vague figures standing opposite each other in the yellow sand, and they didn't know who would win. Negative, and they can't help but look at each other with doubts.

"Do you want to fight again?" Di Changli asked calmly, as if there was an invisible shield around his body, and the flying sand and dust could not touch his body at all.

Elijah stood in a daze. He still didn't believe that he had lost, and the defeat was still so completely that the other party defeated him with a stronger strength than himself.

Although it was emotionally unacceptable, his numb arms and faintly painful chest reminded Elia that this was an unchangeable fact. She stood silently for a moment and suddenly burst into a burst of laughter: "Okay, good man, I lost. What else do I need to fight?"

This round of fierce fighting between the two sides is extremely fierce. Although they have not yet demonstrated their respective original energy clusters, they will use the must-kill skills that are only be used at life-and-death moments. Elijah knows that Di Changli's strength is indeed much stronger than himself. Using the original energy cluster is not necessarily his opponent, which will only make the other party unable to stay. , so that he chatted with blood and yellow sand, and he would not be stupid enough to try with his precious life.

"Is it Elijah who lost?" The fat meat on Hagrid's face trembled violently and tightly covered his chest, as if he was holding a money bag, gritting his teeth and moaning painfully: "50 million, 10 million, 100,000, this time you have to pay 610,000, and you have to pay 50 million a year in the future... Damn, The poor heart of the fat man is completely broken.

Before the result is determined, no one can be sure that Elijah lost so quickly. When the members of the peacekeeping team at the Monet mine heard that Elijah personally admitted his defeat, there was a shocking cheer. Although Shaft was relatively reserved, his clenched fists made him excited and excited at this moment. Show all your efforts. He deeply knew that the victory of this battle was not just a simple victory, and its meaning contained a lot of things...

"It's really unexpected. It seems that my hunch is true. This is a strong and mysterious man." In Dacilina's beautiful eyes, the color was stronger and she muttered to herself in a low voice.

"Do we really have to pay 50 million to Monet's mine?" Sarah asked in a low voice.

"Of course, why do you ask that?" Dasarina frowned her long slender eyebrows slightly and looked at her strangely.

Sarah hesitated for a moment and whispered, "Miss Daxilina, although this Di Changli defeated Elijah, it does not mean that Monet's mine really has the strength to compete with the Gold Rush mining team. In fact, our 'Morningniu' strength alone is enough to deal with them, let alone the support behind us. There is no need to lie with them at all.

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Daxarina's beautiful face was full of unhesitation and said harshly, "Since they have won, we naturally have to fulfill our previous promises. This is an iron rule that must be observed on the planet of heaven. Otherwise, how can we continue to stand on the planet of heaven in the future?"

"Yes, Miss Daxilina, I was wrong, please forgive me." Sarah lowered her head, and an uncertain light flashed in her eyes.

"Sarah, don't worry, the people at Monet Mine will not be happy for long." Dasilina's beautiful eyes laughed proudly and said, "After a while, they will find that they are too happy too early. As long as the election for the governor of Paradise Star is over, everyone will crawl at my feet and look up."

Dacylina's abnormal intention is actually very simple and clear. She just doesn't want to have an uncontrollable fierce conflict in the situation in the Paradise Star governor's election, causing her to be involuntarily involved, so she took soft measures to ease it. At this point, whether it is Fat Hauge or Di Changli, she is deeply confused about her behavior because she doesn't know the situation of Daslina.

Elijah's style of acting is as straightforward as his fighting style. After the end, he immediately signed a formal agreement with the "uncle wants to make a fortune" mining team to hand over 50 million federal coins to Monet's mining site every year, and Dacilina also signed the agreement on behalf of the morning glory mining team. As for Fat Hauge, although his heart was as painful as a mourning girl, he also kept his promise and signed his name on the treaty with a sweat and sigh.

The news quickly spread all over the gold rush, and immediately fell into the water like a huge stone, causing an uproar among the mining teams.