Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 43 Conspiracy

"Damn it, Monet Mine is just a garbage dump of poor ghosts and waste. You dare to ask us for 50 million a year, and you actually agreed. Damn it... Fat man, you have to give us a reasonable explanation, otherwise, you will bear all our losses."

After receiving the news, several acute mining team captains immediately ran to Fat Hauge's residence and angrily questioned him.

The fat man felt innocent and defended palely and powerlessly, "Guys, this is not my decision. In fact, I am also a victim. My loss is greater than all of you."

This is a true fact. The fat man's heart is still bleeding tragically for the 10 million federal coins that had been paid on the spot. He complained painfully: "This is by no means my fault. You should say these words to Elijah or to that woman. And for me, you should comfort me with deep sympathy.

"Find a young and beautiful female priest to comfort yourself. We don't care about that."

Six captains are not moved. They are not stupid. Elijah is a savage guy with a grumpy personality. If they don't agree, they may be forced to "get a few hands", and the snake and scorpion beauty is even more difficult to deal with. Of course, their anger must be vented by Fat Hauge, a relatively easy-to-hand object. He shouted at the fat man and shouted, "Listen, fat man, you must bear our losses, otherwise there will be something you like. We promise to do what we say and never break our promise."

The fat man's temper has always been good, but it does not mean that he is a weak character who is casually intimidated, especially the idea that others want to hit his own money bag, which is simply equivalent to the fat man's life. Hearing this, he immediately attacked his heart in anger. After the fat on his face twitched violently, he suddenly jumped up and roared like thunder: "You bastards who are bullied soft and afraid of hard, are you looking at me to bully me? I actually want to sit on my head and poop... Let you tell you, I can spend my money as much as I want, tear it up or burn it, I can only make the decision. You can't take out one. Get out of here, get out of here, get out of here, get out of here, get out of here as far as you can, don't be disgusting me.

The fat man roared hysterically, and his men empathed, and his eyes were all extremely unkindly shot. These captains sat on the ground, and they were a little afraid when they saw that the situation was not right. The bluff left a few words, and they were disgraced.

Of course, the matter will not end like this. Later that day, the captains of the other 14 mining teams who did not participate in the negotiations sat together and discussed it angrily. They all found that the matter was quite strange.

"Obviously, this is a conspiracy."

The conspiracy theory was put forward by Canlamon, the captain of the "blood robe gentleman" mining team. Canlamon has many special hobbies, one of which is the collection of exquisite special works of art. Before his arrest, the federal police found three complete human skin molds in his home, all of which are young and beautiful girls, because they can't find them. The body of the victim was eventually escaped from the death penalty and was only sentenced to life exile to the Paradise Star. He turned the two dark brown eyes embedded in his narrow eyes and said in a low voice, "This must be the woman's conspiracy. She is trying to encroach on our interests and seize our mineral resources. The waste at Monet's mine didn't even have the courage to go to the gold rush before, but this time she suddenly raised a lot. The ground must have provoked us at her own instructions. Moreover, it is likely that Elijah and Fatty Haug are also involved. Everyone knows Elijah's power, but he was easily defeated by an unknown boy. Don't you think it's suspicious?

When he said this, everyone felt very reasonable and became more angry. They cursed and scolded resentfully. Someone shouted, "The arrogant bitch of Dasarina and the damn dog bastard Elijah. I have put up with them for a long time. I must not let them go this time. ."

This call resonated with everyone. The strength of the two mining teams, Morning Glory and the old man wants to make a fortune, is the strongest in the gold rush. Therefore, the occupied vein is far higher than other mining teams. Everyone has always been dissatisfied, but due to the inferior situation, they can only swallow their anger. At present, new hatred and old hatred surged into my mind, and immediately became out of control, shouting to eradicate the two evil horses in the gold rush, and even the fat Hogg's "I love big buttocks" and divided up all the minerals of the three families.

Obviously, the following proposal came to the bottom of everyone's heart. Everyone was excited and eager to act immediately. Soon, they unified their opinions and were determined to annex the three mining teams.

"We have to do it as soon as possible."

Klinto, the captain of the "Golden Scissors" mining team, is a cautious and suspicious old man. He said carefreely, "With so many of us sitting together to discuss this matter, we can't keep a secret at all, and Dacilina is a very cunning and ferocious woman. It won't be long before we said what we said here. It will reach her ears, and then she will be desperate to deal with us. Therefore, we can act as fast as possible.

Everyone was deeply impressed by his words. Indeed, even if people don't think that there is an accomplice of Da Celena among the people, it is impossible to keep it secret. Therefore, how to formulate an action plan was brought to the table.

For a group of gangsters who regard killing and arson as commonplace, it is natural to be familiar with this kind of thing. The only trouble is that it is difficult to agree on the implementation plan for the time being. Some people say that they will immediately gather all the armed men and kill them one by one, or kill them at the same time. Anyway, just kill him without leaving an inch. Some people say that the most elite manpower of each mining team should be organized and wait until the evening to make a sneak attack, first get rid of Dacilina, Elijah and Fatty, and then eliminate everyone else. Everyone held their own opinions and said that their methods were the most stable and suitable. After salivating and noisy for a long time, they were still arguing.

"If you continue to fight like this, I'm afraid that before the result is won, they will get the news and kill them first."

Canlamon knocked on the table to calm everyone down and proposed: "It is not good for us to kill all the people. In that case, we will also make great sacrifices. We'd better lead them out of their respective lands and try to catch them alive as much as possible, so that we can squeeze out every cent of their value, and it won't cause their subordinates to jump off the wall and fight back crazily, and stay in the future to solve it slowly and properly.

His plan was so convincing that everyone agreed with it without long consideration. A guy's eyes emitted an eager and greedy ** evil light and shouted excitedly, "Yes, yes, if you want to catch them alive, especially the bitch Dasilina, she may be the most beautiful and charming bitch on the whole planet of heaven. I must smear her big * and buttocks."

Judging from the expressions of the people present, this guy's words undoubtedly lit an unquenchable fire of desire in their hearts and began to burn wildly.


The statement jointly issued by the 14 mining teams was very fast to Dasarina, Elijah and Fatty Haug. The statement strongly expressed dissatisfaction with the three people's behavior of reaching an agreement with the Monet mine without everyone's consent, asking them to give a reasonable explanation, otherwise everyone will unite to take the corresponding Means and measures to impose sanctions on them.

"A bunch of clowns." Dasilina sneered and threw down the statement and said to Sarah, "Tell them that I will go to the oak forest on time and ask them to wash their mouths at the end before they go. Don't let me hear any unbearable dirty words, or I will definitely give them a strong look."

Of course, there is no real oak forest in the Iber Desert. The oak forest mentioned by Dasilina refers to a wind fossil forest on the edge of the Gold Rush Beach. In the past, mining teams often had violent conflicts due to interest friction, and often a chaotic fight came down. Whether it was a victory or a defeat, there were a large number of casualties and losses were quite brutal. In the long run, everyone feels that the cost is too big, so the way of fighting has changed. However, if there is a dispute of interests and will that cannot be compromised peacefully, people will be selected to fight and determine the ownership of interests by the outcome of victory or defeat. After that, the casualties of personnel have been reduced a lot. The oak forest is a fixed place for duels between mining teams.

"Miss Dasilina." Sarah said worriedly, "These guys will never have any good intentions. I'm afraid this negotiation is not that simple."

Dasarina has always been used to being strong, but she didn't think that someone really dared to attack herself and said contemptuously, "You look at those clowns too highly. They are just a plate of scattered sand, and they can't pose any substantial threat to us at all."

Sarah frowned and waited to persuade her. Dasilina had waved her impatiencely and said, "If you are worried, you can bring more people later and call both Antonio and Franco."

"Okay, Miss Daxilina." Although Sarah felt quite uneasy, she had no choice but to retreat.

"A group of soft bone worms also came to threaten me? It's also surprising that a flying eagle will not pay attention to the poisonous snake that can only crawl on the ground.

After reading the statement, Elijah laughed and said, "Okay, I'm going to see how these guys play in front of Uncle Ben."

When receiving the statement, Fat Hauge's anger had not yet subsided, and he was stimulated violently: "A group of * bastards, go see your ghosts. I don't have time to accompany you."