Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 18 Lower Mawei

Fortunately, after Di Changli glanced at Gretel, he continued to move forward without saying anything. Gretel, who was extremely uneasy, was relieved and secretly blamed himself for talking too much. After that, he focused on leading the way, at most only gave a short prompt at the fork in the road, and did not dare to say anything superfluous words.

The temple covers a very large area, and there are many clergy in it. Dozens of priests in white robes were seen along the way, which is only a small part of what they have seen. Di Changli estimated that the number of people who usually live in this temple will never be less than 1,000.

Through the two wide courtyards, Gretel stopped in front of a solemn main hall and said respectfully, "The temple has arrived. Please come in."

Di Changli nodded to thank him and walked to the hall by himself. As soon as he stepped up the steps, several people suddenly flashed out and stopped him in front of him. The leader was a man with a lean but arrogant look. Seeing that he was wearing a robe embroidered with red clover on his sleeves, he was obviously a deacon bishop.

"You stop." The deacon bishop didn't seem to be in a good mood. He stared at Di Changli angrily and scolded harshly, "Where are you from? Don't you know that this is the temple? How dare you break in without summoning? Aren't you afraid of the punishment of the sacred flame?"

Di Changli frowned and said nothing. Under the steps, Gretel saw that he was blocked by the deacon bishop and hurriedly shouted, "Bishop Brown, this is the messenger of God. You must not be rude."

Lord God? Bishop Brown's face couldn't help but change. The arrogance on his face suddenly restrained, but he was not so frightened. He only took a few men to stroke his chests and bend down to salute. After that, he seemed to be respectful, but in fact he looked at Di Changli very rudely and said, "Please forgive me. I have never seen it. Lord, today, the general will summon important people from all sides to talk about important matters, and be humble in charge of patrolling the responsibility, so as to avoid harassment by idle people and so on. It is by no means intended to collide with the divine envoy.

"Nothing, you continue to be busy. I'll just go in by myself." Di Changli waved his hand faintly, and he didn't pay attention to Bishop Brown's rather subtle attitude. Or it can be said that everything about Phoenix Star is just a realistic game for Di Changli, who has just set foot on the land of this planet, and all people and things have nothing to do with him.

"Thank you for your generosity." Bishop Brown thanked repeatedly, but then he looked embarrassed. He looked at Di Changli's face and seemed to be careful, but said very resolutely, "Can you please ask God to wait here and let him go first to inform him?"

"What?" Di Changli raised his eyebrows in surprise. Bishop Brown's behavior and deeds clearly did not matter how important he regarded himself as a god. It was too different from the fear shown by others, and the reason was quite interesting.

"It's like this." Seeing that he did not show obvious anger and displeasure, Bishop Brown was bolder and piled up a false smile and said, "This is the rule set by the emperor. Whoever goes to see him must report first. Even the gods are no exception. Otherwise, only those on duty will ask questions, and please forgive the human body. ."

"Oh, is this the rule formulated by Commander Gustavo?" Di Changli gently scratched his chin, and a strange light of unknown meaning flashed in his eyes. He nodded and said, "Go."

"Thank you for your understanding." Seeing that he was so talkative, Bishop Brown flashed a trace of contempt and pride in his eyes, and became more and more casual. After saying that, he turned into the hall rudely.

"It's a little interesting. It seems that the Gustavo leader's prestige here is quite high, and Bishop Brown is the favorite confidant of the former, but he has made a very proper note for the ancient idiom of the tiger." Di Changli muttered, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

In detail, Di Changli can't help coming to Phoenix Star, and it is two completely different worlds with his original environment. His only idea is how to find an opportunity to leave here. Of course, he has no idea of getting involved in anything here. However, this mentality does not hinder his insight.

Before being sent to Phoenix, the helmsman had roughly explained something related to Di Changli. According to the plan of the * group that manipulates Phoenix Star, a super casino, among the 17 countries of different sizes in Onola mainland, the number of "god" dropped is about 500, and once there is death and disability, it will be replenished in time. Sometimes adjustments will be added or deleted due to special circumstances, but the extent of the adjustment will never be too large, making the original Protos power of various countries unbalanced.

The gods worshipped in different countries are different, but the institutional systems that spread the teachings of the oracle are similar. They all have a temple altar in the capitals of each country, and then build branch temples in various cities. The scale of these temples is large and small, but there are not necessarily Protoss who live in them. Only in border towns such as Lum City, because of the heavy responsibility of defending the enemy outside the country, are usually sent several Protoss to stay there for years.

These protosies who had to participate in the wars of Phoenix Star countries are all masters of refiners taken by the * group by various means. Generally speaking, they have no hope of returning to the Galactic Federation for the rest of their lives. At the beginning, these masters of refiners were unwilling to be manipulated. They died in silence or died on this extremely backward asteroid of civilization. They tried their best to escape, but as time went by, no one could succeed. Later, everyone gradually discouraged and abandoned themselves. Some people took the initiative to surrender their loyalty to the * Group in exchange for the opportunity to leave Phoenix Star, while others simply fell completely and felt that it was not too bad to indulge in enjoying themselves as a Protoss, so they simply interfered in their country. Religious affairs and national political rights and interests, establish and develop their own secular forces, fully integrate into this society, and are almost a member of the native people of Phoenix.

Judging from the behavior of the heavenly general Gustavo, he obviously belongs to the latter category.

After a while, Bishop Brown came out and said loudly, "At the order of the general of heaven, I will send you to meet you."

Meet? It seems that Gustavo, who hasn't met yet, is proud and wants to give himself a big hit. Even if Di Changli didn't care about it, he couldn't help frowning and staring at Bishop Brown.

Bishop Brown has been carefully observing the change of his expression. At a glance, he felt like he was being targeted by the most vicious beast. Suddenly, his heart beat, and his face turned white. Like a chameleon, he piled up a flattering smile in a blink of an eye and whispered flattery, "The humble words have come, and the noble God invites you to come in."

Of course, Di Changli would not care about such a character. After looking at him for a while, he withdrew his sight and stepped forward.

When his figure disappeared, Bishop Brown rubbed his face, which was a little twisted and stiff because his muscles were adjusted too fast, and quietly breathed. He only felt that his legs were a little weak, and his vest was cold. In this short moment, he found that his back had been covered with a dense cold sweat.

Entering the inside of the temple, the first feeling for Di Changli is to be extravagant. This can be seen from the precious handmade carpet covering the whole floor of the hall and the chandelier hanging in the center as big as a hill full of pearls.

In the hall, there is a table more than ten meters long, which is seamlessly carved from a huge piece of black basalt, covered with carefully woven empty table cloth. On both sides of the long table, there are more than a dozen people sitting, both men and women, who are quite elegant and noble.

At the front of the long table is a particularly wide jade high-back arch chair, on which a strong man in a red robe is sitting high. Although this man's figure is also quite strong and burly, he does not even occupy one-third of the area of this huge chair, which looks really a little asymmetrical.

Needless to say, this man is Gustavo, the general of the Temple of Lum. At this moment, he was staring at Di Changli, who came forward in a hurry, and slightly squeezed a fine line from the corners of his mouth, as if he were smiling kindly at any time. However, his gloomy and sharp eyes flashed a cruel light from time to time, containing a strong possession and addiction. The desire for blood.

More than a dozen people sitting on both sides of the long table looked at Di Changli, but their eyes were full of surprise and doubt, and some people whispered, as if they were asking each other about the identity of the visitors.

Just when everyone was surprised, Gustavo suddenly laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, everyone, I'm really sorry. A few days ago, I received a heavenly summons that a new general would be sent to Lum City today. Because I was obsessed with everything, I forgot to inform you for a moment."

What an exciting and important thing it is for a new envoy to come to the city of Lum. At the very least, a grand welcome celebration must be held. Gustavo would be so busy that everyone learned about it when he arrived at the temple. This kind of thing was too ridiculous. Sitting on both sides of the long table, except for three or four protoss generals, the rest were all military, political and religious leaders of the Delman Empire. They couldn't help looking at each other and looking at Gustavo, the commander of the heavenly general, and looking at Di Changli, the new envoy, who didn't know what to say for a moment.

Those generals also looked a little strange, and their eyes also looked back and forth between Di Changli and Gustavo, with a sneer in their hearts: "Gustavo, a *-raited bastard, is becoming more and more excessive now. I hope the new boy's bones will not be too soft, and it's better to attack on the spot. It's better to fight fiercely with Gustavo and get rid of some of his arrogance.