Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 19 Who is more arrogant?

In a very unbearable and dull atmosphere, Di Changli met the different eyes of everyone, walked to this end of the long table, stood still and looked at Gustavo faintly.

There is a play. Looking at this new boy's silent posture, he must have shown strong dissatisfaction with Gustavo's arbitrary arrogance. I don't know how it will happen. Several generals exchanged their eyes and prepared to watch the play happily.

"Hahahaha, you are the new general Di Yan, right? I am the temple of Lum and the heavenly commander of Gustavo of Norra Province in the Nordic Empire of the Delman Empire. Gustavo burst into an extremely cheerful laugh again, and his eyes burst into a frightening light, implying threats and joking. He stared at Di Changli closely. His buttocks seemed to be nailed to the huge back chair and did not move. He waved his hand and said, "Guys, Di Yantian is new here for the first time, and I don't bother to introduce them one by one. Let's introduce ourselves... Well, Robacha, you come first."

A strong man sitting on the left side of Gustavo's head flashed a trace of anger. He stared at Gustavo angrily but secretly, stood up, showed a warm smile, and said under the pseudonym of Di Changli: "Hello, Di Yantian. I'm Robacha. Welcome."

Robacha is also a shrewd and slippery guy. Although he is extremely dissatisfied with Gustavo's instructions and wants to touch it back with a soft nail, Gustavo very cunningly chose such a ** occasion. If Robacha does this, on the surface, it seems to be the face of Luo Di Changli. The guilty person is definitely Di Changli, which is equivalent to being trapped by Gustavo, which is very unwise. Even if Robacha was extremely angry, he had to pinch his nose and swallow the dumb loss.

"Thank you, Robacha." Di Changli nodded peacefully and responded.

The names of the other three generals are Flint, Tannis and Maji. They all welcomed Di Changli, and Di Changli also greeted them one by one.

Next, it is the turn of the military, political and religious dignitaries in the mainland of the Delman Empire. The first person to stand up is Merlin, the Cardinal who presides over the affairs of the Lum Temple. Merlin is a little old, with wrinkles on her face, and her old eyes are a little slow to move, just like an ordinary and harmless old man. He was interrupted by cough several times during his welcome speech. It was only a faint faint light that occasionally flashed in his eyes showed that this was by no means a person who could be ignored at will. Ordinary and old.

Then she got up with a green veil and a beautiful woman with a beautiful figure. She was the saint Leif, who represented the incarnation of the goddess of nature. Although most of her face was covered by gauze scarves, it can be judged from the crystal-clear eyes and gentle and soft voices that the Holy Lady of Leif should be in her early age. When he heard her name, somehow, Di Changli suddenly remembered the deceased Neve. The saint Leif's name pronunciation is not only very similar to Neve's, but also her body shape is also different. She is also petite without losing grace and plumpness, making Di Changli lose his mind for a short time.

Then there is the high priest Diane. The high priest of each temple is usually the former saint, and the Lum Temple is no exception. The high priest Diane's figure is extremely plump and attractive, and the soft and close-fitting robe outlines the curve of her chest vividly, like two ripe solid fruits. Coupled with her noble and chaste beautiful face, her sexy style is irresistible for any man**.

The high priest Diane's eloquence is also quite good. Speaking of her warmest welcome, she almost praised Di Changli as a savior only under the creator and the goddess of nature. However, several "god generals" including Gustavo did not show displeasure. Obviously, this woman's ability to dance left and right is even better.

After the people of the temple introduced themselves and welcomed themselves, the rest were the military and political giants of Lum City. According to the title, Duke Lucrekes, the governor of Norra Province of the Delman Empire and the commander of the Northern Military Region, Duke of Holton, the lord of Lum City, the Marquis of Pimenta, the commander of the Third Army of the Empire, the Marquis of Pompey, the commander of the Eighth Army, the Count of the Count of Milan, the consul of Lum City, and others respectively sent to Dean. Maybe it's not from the heart, but it's a very warm greeting.

"Well, everyone has met now." Gustavo, sitting in the arch chair, said with the look of the master, "We are discussing the war with the Monli Empire. Di Yantian has just come a long way. He must be a little tired and not familiar with various affairs, so he doesn't need to participate. Go and have a good rest first. About your arrangement I'll talk to you later."

This is simply too bullying.

There was a deep buzz at the long table. No matter who it was, there was such an idea in their hearts. The war between the Delman Empire and the Monli Empire is approaching. Today, the major giants of Lum City gathered here to talk about extremely important military issues. Di Changli, as a general urgently transferred to reinforce by the heavenly world, was excluded, and Gustavo was too reckless. Even Gustavo's fellow faction couldn't help but feel very surprised. Everyone's look became a little gloomy, twisting their bodies uneasily in their seats and pretending to carelessly observe Di Changli's expression carefully.

Di Changli remained silent and still looked at Gustavo calmly. The temple seemed very calm, but everyone felt that it was calm before the storm. In the silent air, there was like a trace of invisible thunderstorm slowly accumulating.

"What's the matter, Di Yantian General?" Gustavo's eyes narrowed again, faintly bursting with a ferocious phosphorus fire. You don't seem to be very satisfied with my decision and unwilling to obey the orders of my leader, right?

"Gustavo, you are not qualified to order me." Di Changli finally spoke to Gustavo head-on. As soon as he opened his mouth, the content immediately accelerated everyone's heartbeat.

"What are you talking about? I'm not qualified to order you?" The fierce light in Gustavo's eyes jumped sharply. He stood up and looked at Di Changli and shouted harshly, "Kid, you have to figure out whether this is a connection... This is not heaven. You'd better see the situation and find out the situation before you speak. Now, take your arrogant tail and get out of here."

The atmosphere in the temple was instantly hot, and the giants of Lum City were stunned and didn't know what to do. Their identity and power are naturally extremely prominent in the Delman Empire, but the two sides in the dispute are the gods, but they are also unable to intervene and turn their eyes to several generals for help.

Good job, the new boy is really good. Don't be soft and kick the ass of Gustavo, the old villain. Robacha and other four days will sit upright and not squint. Just as the help of these giants' eyes are transparent air, their hearts have already blossomed and secretly cheered for Di Changli.

"Your Excellency, please calm down."

Someone still stood up in time. This person is Duke Lukelekes. Duke Lucrekes is less than 30 years old and looks relatively young among the people present, but he is a royal family. Only then can he serve as the governor of Norra Province and the commander-in-chief of the Northern Military Region. He is the head of other military and political giants and persuaded him: "Although Lord Di Yantian has just arrived, he will let Di Yantian It was also out of good intentions to rest adults, but now it is the critical moment of military situation..."

"Duke Luxiketh, please sit down." Di Changli suddenly interrupted him and said indifferently, "I still have something to say to Commander Gustavo."

Lucace blinked, his expression was a little wonderful, and everyone else's expressions were also a little strange.

Although Lucrekes sits lower on this long table than the general and the archbishop and saints of the temple, the noble and detached status of the latter is a need in a sense and does not mean that his status is really lower than these people. As usual, Lukekes's speech, even if it was the highest Protoss of the Delman Empire, the marshal of the imperial temple would not interrupt so rudely, but now it has broken a precedent for a new ordinary Protoss. I can only say that this is a guy who doesn't understand etiquette and is not polite.

After staying for a while, Lucrekes looked left and right, squeezed out a little helpless smile no matter how he looked at it, and bowed gracefully and said, "It's me who takes the liberty. Please forgive me, Lord Di Yantian. Please continue."

Di Changli was also rude. He looked at Gustavo and smiled and said, " Commander Gustavo, before I came, the Heavenly Divine Court Council held a meeting and thought that you were not suitable to assume the position of general. I was specially appointed to replace your position. I believe you should have received this message?"

The solemn temple seemed to suddenly fly into a group of wasps, and the giants of Lum City whispered in surprise.

Robacha and others stared at Di Changli with a tongue in their mouth. You are a good boy. You can't help but brag too much. You really brag and don't make drafts, and you are extremely arrogant. When you first came here, you want to replace Gustavo. The arrogant style is a little stronger than the latter, which can only be said to be arrogant. Zhang is endless, and there is a strong middle hand in the strong.

There is no difference between the federal refiners who are put into Phoenix Star by the * Group. If you want to get more, you can only talk on your own fists and wrists and step on other people's heads. Gustavo can sit in the position of general of the Lum Temple, relying on his own strength. When will he be appointed by the so-called Heavenly Divine Court Council?

At such provocation, Gustavo was furious and forgot to maintain the noble posture of "God" in anger. He cursed, "Fuck bastard, stinky bullshit, are you impatient to live? How dare to come to play this game in front of me and eat shit for me..."

Gustavo was so angry that he cursed and cursed unscrupulously. Naturally, he greatly lost the dignity of the Protoss, and the giants of Lum City looked at each other in consterred. Fortunately, the federal language learned by the aborigines on the Phoenix Star is needed to spread the will of the gods. The words are designed to be elegant. It seems that the curse words blurted out by Gustavo's anger are all oral slang of federal citizens, and none of the giants in Lum can understand them.

However, Gustavo scolded quickly and urgently, spitting, and had extremely vivid facial expressions and body movements as reference footnotes. Even if the giants of Lum City did not understand his words, they could more or less speculate about the meaning contained in the content. But at this time, it can't be shown, so you have to look at me, I look at you, all of you pretend to be confused and ignorant.

After cursing, Gustavo was finally a little angry. He stared at Di Changli and sneered gloomily, "It seems that you are thinking of this position of leader... Humph, since the Divine Council has appointed you to replace me, you must have a letter of appointment or some kind of evidence. Take it out for everyone to see."

"I didn't." Di Changli spread his hands.

This answer was unexpected, and Gustavo's sneer was even more gloomy: "If you can show the certificate, of course I will admit that the leader is yours, but since you can't take it out now, it's deliberately provoking my dignity. Don't blame me for being rude to you."

"I don't have a certificate." Di Changli smiled and said calmly, "But you have."

"What did you say?" Gustavo was stunned.