Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 25 Drug Addiction Attack

Brown was worthy of having a delicate heart. Seeing Di Changli frown slightly, he understood what the new owner was thinking. He rushed over and whispered the reason.

It turns out that activities such as holding sacrifices to pray for believers to dispel disasters and cure diseases are part of the saint and the high priest, and have nothing to do with the Protoss, and there is no need to ask anyone for instructions. However, the Protoss hold the armed forces of the temple, and the high priest is fine. If the saint representing the goddess of nature goes out or meets someone, she must be escorted by the Knights of the Divine Guard at any time. In this way, the saint's freedom of movement is controlled by the Protos invisibly. Therefore, if Duke Holton wants to ask Saint Leif to visit his mansion to treat his daughter, he must obtain the consent of the current general, Di Changli.

Duke Holton, who asked Di Changli to help, was not only anxious, but also extremely regretful at this time. The housekeeper of Shicai's house came quickly and told the lady that her stubborn disease would recur, and her life would be in danger at any time if she was unconscious. She must ask the saint to bring the precious magic medicine given by heaven to rescue her. It's okay to ask Di Changli to approve the Divine Guard Knights to escort Saint Lev to his house. Even if the two sides are hostile, it is impossible for the other party to be so blatantly disallowed. However, the magic medicine of the day is not what he wants. Except for one for each day, the remaining number is not only rare, and it will be unified by heaven. Holding and domination. Usually, the magic medicine must be used on senior officers and knights injured in the war, and others, even nobles, cannot enjoy it. In other words, Di Changli has every reason to refuse Holton's request.

"Do you still need magic medicine?" Di Changli raised his eyebrows slightly. Of course, he knows what the so-called magic medicine is. At present, he has it himself. It is a multi-functional heart-strengthening agent produced by the federal government. Naturally, it has no effect of rebirth. However, it is indeed a life-saving medicine at some critical moments. It seems that Holton's daughter's illness is quite dangerous.

Seeing that Di Changli's expression was not cold, Horton only sweated profusely and pleaded, "Your Excellency, I just learned that my housekeeper dared to hit and offend you, and I will punish you severely after that. The little girl has been the most pious believer of the goddess of nature since she was a child. She is kind-hearted, and she is still so young. Please save her with the generosity and love of your Protos. I will be very grateful for the grace of the leader.

"Your Excellency." Brown looked at Holton's expression and whispered to Di Changli, "The Lord of Holton has only one daughter. He usually loves his life, but his body has always been weak and has been ill for many years. In the past, Commander Gustavo also used this to win over him with the magic medicine given by heaven. As long as you dry him again, he has to be big. You can't be sincere."

"Real?" Di Changli raised his eyebrows.

Indeed, as Brown said, Horton regarded his daughter as his heart and was willing to give everything for her. At this time, he saw Brown whispering in Di Changli's ear and understood what the despicable little man was thinking. He smiled miserably and was about to bow down to Di Changli regardless of dignity and position. Soft, he heard Di Changli say, "Lord of Holton, Lingyuan is in poor health and can't be delayed. You don't have to rush to say anything for a moment... Brown, you should know where Commander Gustavo put the magic medicine before? Go and get it, go to the Lord's Mansion of Holton City with the saint, and visit Miss Holton for me. If there is anything, please report to me in time.

Brown was stunned, looked at Di Changli's face, and said submissively, "Yes, I'm going to get the magic medicine." Having said that, he still carefully observed Di Changli's face, and his legs were ready to rise and stop.

Di Changli was angry and funny, and said in a low voice, "Why are you lingering? Why don't you go quickly?"

Brown was scared, and then he knew that the commander did not instruct him to do anything behind his back. He hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, go immediately if you are humble." That's why I ran away.

Holton was happy and surprised. He never thought that the previous strong and domineering new general would be so easy to speak that he didn't need to make any promises at all, so he readily agreed. For a moment, he was so surprised that he couldn't speak. It was not until Brown took the magic medicine that he hurriedly thanked Di Changli with infinite gratitude and hurried to invite Saint Leif.

Robacha and others also left the temple and came outside. Frint said thoughtfully, "It seems that our new partner is not narrow-minded and seems to be a worthwhile person."

Tannis shook his head and said, "This conclusion is a little too early. There is an old saying that bites dogs don't bark. As soon as he came, he killed Gustavo. We have seen his determination and cruelty. Who knows if he pretends to be generous and tolerant of such a trivial matter, not to win over Holton, which is not bad for him. Maybe once he touches his vital interests, he will reveal another completely different face. Don't believe it.

Tannis and Robacha felt reasonable, but Ma Ji said angrily, "No matter what kind of person Di Yan is, in my opinion, he is much better as a leader than Gustavo's bastard. At least, he returned the power to manage people to us, and our life will always be much better in the future. ."

This is undeniable. Robacha nodded and said, "Yes, whether he did it sincerely or falsely, we still have to accept this. If there is anything in the future, for example, Fernando will come to trouble. As long as he doesn't mind to pull us into the water, we can help him more or less, even if we return his feelings, it will be against him.

Everyone nodded and reached this consensus.

After everyone left the temple, Di Changli sat silently on the wide arch chair, motionless, and there was silence around him. He looked like a sculpture.

Lord Gustavo was recalled by heaven, and the position of general changed. This news soon spread and was confirmed in the temple. After the initial surprise and confusion, although many people wanted to see the new commander, no one dared to disturb without summoning, so as not to anger the unification. The leader caused a reckless disaster.

After a long time, the tip of Di Changli's eyebrows suddenly moved, and his hands held the handles on both sides of the arch chair tightly. There was a strange light in his eyes, and his breathing also accelerated slightly, as if he felt extremely uncomfortable.

After another moment, the light in Di Changli's eyes became stronger, his nose wings were quickly agitated, his face was slightly twisted, and blue veins appeared on his forehead, which seemed to be eroded by great pain, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

In a dead temple, there were two cracks, but it was made of century-old sandalwood. The handle of a very strong and hard arch chair was pinched and cracked by Di Chang.

"Wow, whew..." Di Changli clenched his teeth like an injured beast, gasped heavily, and showed a painful struggle on his face. His drug addiction began to attack for the first time after coming to Phoenix Star...