Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 26 The Great War is coming

With a bang, Di Changli got up and punched the long jade table that had been broken into two, but had not yet been cleaned up, and the fragments burst out.

Di Changli's eyes were gradually red and breathing heavily, but he still felt that his chest seemed to be tightly blocked by something. He was extremely anxious and depressed, and he couldn't control his emotions at all. He walked manicly in the temple, walking faster and faster and faster.

When he was on the spaceship, Di Changli lost his freedom of action and was forcibly injected with mandoxir juice by pirates. Due to his hatred of the helmsman, Di Changli did not feel how deep his drug addiction was. At most, he only thought that he might have formed an inertial dependence on drugs in the sensory senses of his physical organs, but in his mind, he absolutely did not produce What a drug addiction.

However, at this time, Di Changli found that he was wrong and quite wrong.

On the pirate ship, he fought against the enemy and was subconsciously full of resistance. Now, there is no longer any restriction. He is fighting against himself and the desire lurking in his heart.

People who have never had personal experience will never know the pain of drug addiction. The extreme desire for drugs seems to be a demand from the depths of the soul. Every minute and every moment, every cell of the body seems to be shouting, screaming and roaring, longing for the filling of drugs, and experiencing the fluttering pleasure of immortality.

Di Changli, who walked quickly, stopped and stretched out his hand to his waist. When he was put on the Phoenix Star, the helmsman gave Di Changli some Mandalis juice, which was about the amount needed for more than a month. Of course, he did this not out of good intentions, but also realized that although Di Changli's body was completely addicted to drugs, if he wanted to further deepen his drug addiction and forced acceptance, the most important thing was to let Di Changli take it on his own initiative. The helmsman knew the power of Manda fairy juice. He believed that if Di Changli only needed to take the initiative to use it once, then he would step his foot into the abyss by himself and could no longer get rid of it.

When his fingertips touched the clothes, Di Changli's hand stopped again. On his wide forehead, sweat dripped, and his expression showed extremely painful hesitation and struggle. In the blood-red pupils, anger, mania, hatred, anxiety, fear, disgust and other negative emotions emerged one by one, constantly changing rapidly.

In my mind, there seems to be a voice saying, "What are you waiting for?" Why do you needlessly make yourself suffer this kind of torture? Now you don't need to bow your head to anyone. Your self-esteem will not be hurt at all. As long as you take it out a little bit, it's enough. You don't have to suffer any more, and you can also feel that feeling of extreme happiness. Don't hesitate, take it out, take it out, and enjoy the most wonderful pleasure in the world happily and happily..."

In a trance, Di Changli's hand has unconsciously reached into the bag. As soon as he touched the bottle containing Manda fairy juice, there seemed to be a violent alarm bell in his mind: "You are crazy. This is the most dangerous poison in the world. It will slowly erode your will and soul, make you lose all your reason and change As a walking corpse who only knows how to pursue the illusory pleasure, take your hand off this damn thing and immediately throw it into the fire. Don't hesitate to burn it completely.

Di Changli knows very well that destroying this bottle of Mandala juice is the most important thing he should do. This is a very simple thing, but there is another idea that prevents him from doing so. The power of this idea is indescribable. It is the desire hidden in the human soul.

As long as a person has great perseverance, it is not too difficult to overcome many difficulties. The most difficult thing is to always defeat himself.

Di Changli was fighting painfully and contradictoryly. Suddenly, someone came in outside the hall and shouted, "Lord." But Brown returned to the temple from the lord's mansion of Holton and came to restore his life to Di Chang.

Why didn't you even notice Brown entering the temple? Di Changli was shocked and shouted coldly, "Get out."

Brown was shocked. Although he didn't understand why the commander would yell him out, he did not dare to ask. In short, the commander was not be in a good mood at this time. There is no doubt that he could not be stupid enough to touch his head. He immediately answered repeatedly, turned his buttocks, and jumped out of the temple with his head.

After standing for a while, Di Changli slowly took out Mandaxian Khan...

I have just arrived at the strange Phoenix Star. There are dangers around me, and accidents may happen anytime and anywhere. However, it is not possible to quit drug addiction overnight. It must take a long time. During this period, I have little ability to deal with all kinds of dangers. Brown just entered the palace and failed to find out in time. It's a clear proof.

Drug addiction must be quit, but the current conditions do not allow it. It is better to wait until all hidden dangers are eliminated, and it should not be too late to start again.

Di Changli said to himself, injecting a tube of mandoxian juice into his body with a blank face. With the volatilization of the medicinal power, a sense of extreme dizziness spread all over his body, like a smoked drunkard. Di Changli breathed a long breath and slowly closed his dark eyes. At this moment, the handsome face became colder than ice and harder than steel.


Two days later, in the early morning, the military and religious giants of Lum once again gathered in the temple to convene a temporary emergency council. According to the detailed news lurking in the Monli Empire, the preparations for the early war of the Monli Empire are almost ready. It is expected that in a few days, 40,000 light and heavy cavalry and infantry, plus various logistics and other auxiliary combatants, a total of more than 70,000 people, will arrive at the border between the two countries in half a month.

Although Di Changli indicated that he did not want to interfere in the military power, Governor Lucrekes still presented him with detailed intelligence information and preparations.

Nordic Province has the third and eighth full-staffed legions of the Delman Empire, each with 30,000 soldiers and a total of 60,000 soldiers, plus auxiliary fighters, with a total of nearly 100,000 in the army. This number, whether it is the main army or the total number of military personnel, is one-third more than that of the Montgomery Empire, which seems to have the upper hand, but as long as you know a little military common sense, it is very clear that the real combat effectiveness of the two sides must not be calculated in this way.

Although the main force of the Monli Empire's expedition is only 40,000, there are 8,000 heavy cavalry alone, which is quite a terrible number. You know, all the heavy cavalry of the Delman Empire are less than 30,000, and most of them are guarded in the western border to confront the Sardinian Empire. All the heavy cavalry in Norra Province of Northern Europe are less than 3,000. Compared with the enemy, they are not weak, which can be said to be not enough.

In addition, there were 20,000 light cavalry in the main force of the Northern Expedition of the Montgomery Empire, accounting for half of the general staff, and the rest were light and heavy infantry. Among the two legions of the Delman Empire stationed in the northern Xinjiang, there are only 3,000 heavy cavalry, the light cavalry is only more than 10,000, and the rest are all infantry. The disadvantage in the arms is really too great. If cavalry is not urgently dispatched from other areas to reinforce, this regular battle will be carried out according to the previous model. It has been ten stops. After losing seven or eight stops, there is almost no need to fight, just admit defeat.

"The strength of the enemy and us doesn't seem to be normal?" Although Di Changli has never participated in such a battle, he can also see that it is not right after reading the intelligence materials.

"Your Excellency is right. It's not normal." Lukekes nodded and said, "In the past, in every regular battle between us and the Monli Empire, the strength of the two sides was not much different, each winning or losing, and maintaining an even state of power."

Di Changli frowned and said, "So, how can the situation change so much this year? Can you explain it?"

Lucrekes smiled bitterly and said, "According to my analysis, the Monli Empire has strengthened its strength this time, which should have reached an agreement with the Sardinian Empire... Early this morning, an emergency military situation came from the western Xinjiang, saying that the Sardinian Empire had gathered 300,000 troops, accounting for half of its total military strength, three more than last year. In two, it is planned to destroy our Western Xinjiang army and take over our country in one fell swoop. Obviously, they paid a certain price to make the Monli Empire promise to expand the scale of the battle in northern Xinjiang and force our country to invest more force here.

"In the Sardinian Empire, you should also put in a fine arrangement?" Di Changli stared at him and said, "The Sardinian Empire dispatched 300,000 troops, and the movement will never be short. Why did you receive such important military information until today?"

The smile on Lucrekes's face was more bitter, and there was also an undisgued anger and hatred. He gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "This is because in the past two months, the military ministers have changed three, two of which are still in the imperial prison. The military information agency system is in a mess and can hardly operate normally..."< /P>

Di Changli understood that everything was still caused by the recent chaos in the imperial capital. Neo III was critically ill, and his four sons and daughters did their best to suppress the power of the competitors in order to compete for the throne, which led to the current situation.

Originally, the temple had its own intelligence system. As the commander of this war zone, Di Changli should have got this information before Lucrekes. However, his leadership status was obviously not recognized by the Imperial Temple, or Marshal Fernando, so he was ignored. .

For this, Di Changli was psychologically prepared and didn't care. He just took a deep look at the Cardinal Merlin, who must have received the information in the early morning.

Merlin didn't seem to notice the eyes thrown by Di Changli. He coughed and said with a heavy expression, "Guys, this is the case. At present, there is no time and no way to hold the relevant personnel accountable for the delay in military situation. The most important thing now is to take measures to deal with the current crisis. Lord, you are the Protoss and the symbol of the military god of Norra Province in Northern Europe. Please instruct us on our next move.

Everyone's different eyes focused on Di Changli, but he made a move that surprised everyone.