rogue hero

Chapter 99 Tears

Burda frowned. It's not that he hadn't thought of this situation. On the one hand, he had to strengthen the search within the Thunder Federation, and on the other hand, he had to keep an eye on several routes to Su'i at the same time, which undoubtedly made the already insufficient manpower more tense. If it hadn't been for the family master in the battle of breaking the cliff, There is no need to ask for the help of these people.

However, what he didn't expect was that the pursuit team, which was originally the most powerful, failed to intercept Ye Fei and Gabb. If he had known that this would be the situation, so many masters should not have been drawn in the Leiming Federation. Even if there were more than a dozen or eight-level warriors here, the situation may not be It will be so embarrassing.

"Is that what you all mean?" Bulda looked around and invited the four gangs. Gumitov and Wu Yuxun represented the family of the second senator, and the other two represented the power of the seventh and ninth councilors respectively. The status of these people in their family is no less than Xu Lintao's status in the Sisoko family. The things to consider are also far away. Much more than ordinary people.

"You know..." Gumisov glanced at several people around him with his fingers, but did not continue.

"Hmm!" Burda sneered, and his eyes were full of disdain and sarcasm. In order to invite these old men to kill the bald head, he used 10% of the industry in exchange. Now, before something happened, someone began to retreat. How could he not make him angry?

Seeing that Burda's face was not good, Wu Yuxun quickly stood on his side and said, "Mr. Senator, no one wants to see them slip away from under their eyes, but all the round-up plans are made by you. We are only responsible for assistance, but please understand us that we must be from the long-term interests of the family. Let's think about it."

"Understand..." Burda muttered a few words, and his expression was a little dull. I understand you. Who will understand the pain of losing my son? However, this idea was only for a moment, and in a blink of an eye, it returned to normal and asked sharply, "Where's my money? Don't forget how you agreed when you received the money!"

The other four people are all red and don't do anything after receiving money. This is indeed a little unauthentic, but it is better than causing more trouble. In particular, the identity of everyone here is quite **.

At present, the army of the Longteng Empire has reached the city of Lespica. The subjugation of Missil is only a matter of time. What's next? Once the war burns to the thundering federation, can Suai provide support? If the support is provided, is it material or military? What is the upper limit? If you break into Suai's country, will the other party use this topic to blackmail him at the negotiating table? Will your actions cause trouble to the owner of the family?

These things must be taken into account by Gumitsov and others.

"Mr. Burda! It's just an accident..." said the strong man representing the Ninth Congressman's family.

Bulda's footsteps finally stopped, his eyes half narrowed, and he didn't have to think much about it. He could even guess what the 70-year-old old man with a slightly ricke body would say next.

Yes... accident! It made people take their noses and circle in an almost shameful way, but still failed to block the other party's way! He just walked like a dog in the woods, leading five nine-level masters around and found such an opportunity to break through!

"So, have you decided?" Burda did not look back and locked his eyes in the distance, allowing the two figures in his pupil to shrink little by little.

"Yes! Mr. Congressman. Although his mouth is respectful, Wu Yuxun's tone does not have any respectful attitude.

"Burda, let's go back. If we break into Suai like this, it may be a big trouble for the whole Federation! And, you alone..." Gumisov sighed and said slowly.

A few people, only the relationship between Gumisov and Burda is slightly closer, otherwise, he will not bring up this topic at the beginning.

The two were once alumni. They studied in the same college when they were young. After graduation, Burda began to gradually take over the family's work. For decades, with the help of the family, they gradually climbed to where they are today, while the poor Gumitsov embarked on another road.

Bourda's head slowly turned over, and the corner of his eyes caught a glimpse of the sincerity on Gumisov's face without any fraud. At first, when he took over the family management, he tried countless times to attract this talented classmate and friend, but Burda himself knew that if Gumisov accepted him Then, the equal relationship between the two would be broken. After several meaningly declines his invitation, Burda also slowly gave up the idea, and Gumisov was also valued by another big family through his own efforts and gradually got his position today.

"The one who died is my only son!"

Gumisov could clearly see a tear sliding down the corners of his eyes. He stepped forward a few steps, gently patted the former classmate on the shoulder, and whispered, "I know! However, think about it, so many elite forces in your family have died on the cliff, and you may not have much advantage if you go up by yourself! Xu Lintao, he is also level nine. Did he die there?

paused and said, "Moreover, we haven't figured out the origin of the bald head until now. Don't you think he's strange? What's the advantage of rushing over like this?"

"I don't want money, power and status, but I can't watch the murderer of Tothre slip away under my eyes like this!"

"Why don't you understand? With the identity of you and me, we broke in without saying hello in advance, which can only cause trouble! Suai's mission has just left the capital. We have caused some trouble at this time, and it is easy to be used by people with intentions. At that time, we will fall into great passivity..." Gumisov frowned slightly and walked on the spot.

"Help me!"

Halfway through Gumitsov's words were interrupted by Burda.


"Give me a life to burn! If you don't go, I'll go by myself. If something goes wrong, I'll take care of it alone!"

The loss on the broken cliff is enough to prove Gabb's strength, especially after seeing the terrible speed of this mysterious bald head, even Burda is not sure of winning.

"Crazy, you are really crazy!" Not only Gumisov, but also the other nine-level strongmen felt that Burda standing in front of them seemed to be stunned.

Life burning is the most famous blessing magic and the most special blessing magic of spiritual mage.

The reason why it is special is that it is completely different from ordinary gain magic. This magic is at the cost of burning life and makes the target explode several times in a short time. If it is an ordinary person, it can even explode more than ten times the combat power during this period. The more spiritual mage is, the more it will accept the target explosion. The greater the energy emitted, the shorter the duration. However, the ending is without exception. When the power of life is burned out, death is the only choice.

Another special feature is that this magic will cause irreparable damage to spiritual mage. If a spiritual magic is divided into ten parts, then this part of the original spiritual power that is added to the target will disappear forever. No matter how you practice, there is no The law makes up for this part of the loss.

The first time this magic shocked the mainland was in a war 5,000 years ago. There was no way to find out who invented this magic. In an encounter, 200 soldiers who were supported by this magic fought for two consecutive hours without backup and resisted tens of thousands of enemies head-on. The attack bought enough time for the safe withdrawal of the large troops behind him.

In the end, none of the 200 soldiers escaped the fate of death, and the eighth-level magician who burned his life also exhausted his original spiritual strength and became a useless person.

This is a double-edged sword that hurts others and yourself.

But now, Burda has to take the initiative to accept this magic.

"Nonsense!" Gumisov shook his sleeves angrily and turned around to leave.

Unexpectedly, Burda suddenly turned around and grabbed his arm.

"What are you going to do?"

"Help me! Gumisov, I'm the only son, and I can't let him die so vaguely!" Burda's voice was a little choked, and tears kept spinning in his red eyes.

" Be rational, Burda! Why are you so confused!" Gumisov's eyes became more and more fierce. After saying that, he wanted to push away the hand that held his wrist.

"Only you can help me! Gumusov, I beg you, now that Tosley is dead, what's the significance of the Sisko family? Do you know how I stick to it every day? Now, the murderer who killed my son is in front of me. If I can't avenge him with my own hands, what's the point of my life!"

The successive changes have already made Burda's temples white, but the 70-year-old man is crying like a child at this moment. Gumisov really can't bear to look at it anymore. He put his head aside, gritted his teeth and said, "No..."


Burda's knees hit the snow fiercely, and his mouth kept pleading, "I beg you! I beg you..."

"What are you doing... Get up, get up!" Gumisov stretched out his hand to help the figure on the ground, but Burda was like a thousand tons of boulder, firmly nailing himself to the ground.

"Member, don't, don't do this! Old is also good for you!" The rest of the warriors had seen that Burda had been driven a little crazy by this pain and hurriedly persuaded him.

"I asked if you could help?"

"No!" Almost gritting his teeth, Gumitsov said such a sentence.

"Okay...Okay...I'll go by myself!" Completely crazy, Burda suddenly broke free from the arms of several people and rushed straight to the border without saying a word.

"You! Hey..." Gumisov stamped his feet and gritted his teeth to catch up.