rogue hero

Chapter 100 Level 10 Burda

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

"Quick! Stop them!"

Sharp alarms kept coming behind Ye Fei, and the soldiers' shouts, crying and asking for help seemed to be a splash of water in the hot pot, stirring up the camp behind him in chaos.

Su Ai's sentry here was no less than 200 people, but when he rushed all the way, he met the most powerful magician. The poor guy didn't even shout "Flax" and was thrown into the room behind by Gabu's face from the window. His life and death were unknown.

The fat man's attention was not on this. He looked behind him suspiciously for a long time and asked puzzledly, "Little bald head, why don't they chase after him?"

"Do you think he is scared?" Running side by side, Ye Fei blinked his small eyes and looked confusedly at the bright piece on Jiabu's head. The small round hat previously worn on his head had long been thrown out as a hidden weapon.

Gagabu frowned, looked back sideways, turned his head around, and did not answer the fat man's question.

"Where did Burda find so many helpers? Level 9! Level 9, this old man is too gloomy. If I hadn't been clever, maybe I would have been here today. The fat man with lingering heart patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

There were several sounds tearing the air behind him, and all kinds of arrows broke through the air like flying locusts and went straight to the two of them.

The fat man did not hide, and ordinary weapons could hardly cause fatal damage to the warriors, but let the less dense arrows hit the war spirit armor. The milky armor stirred up a few ripples, making a few jingling sounds, and more flying arrows fell behind the two people.

Gabb just suddenly soared at the speed of his feet, and after a few deftly dodging, he also dodged the rain of arrows.

"Maybe it's a helper from another family. I didn't see the badge of the Sissko family on those people, and, didn't you find it? The people who chase us on the road are the same. Often, only one or two people in a pursuit team are from the Sissko family. Other people wear the badges of other families!"

"What?" The bitch looked up and down with her eyes and kept nodding and said, "I can't see it! You have observed quite carefully!"

Gagabu seemed to have been used to Ye Fei's face, and the corners of his eyes did not jump any more.

"Let me think..." Seeing that the attention of the bald head did not seem to be on me at all, and the bitch was too lazy to pay attention to it, mechanically followed Jia Bu under her feet, frowned slightly, and her thoughts had long ago drifted to nowhere.

Ye Fei never thought of meeting Burda here, and the other party was still immortal on the escape route of his choice. How did he grasp such detailed information? Did he leak his whereabouts?

However, according to the number of people arranged by the other party here, it is not very similar. Is it just a coincidence?

There are also several other families in the ten families. Normally, Xu Lintao and Tosley died one after another, which greatly damaged the vitality of the Sisko family on the cliff. There is absolutely no reason to let go of such a good opportunity. How can we find someone to help Burda? There must be something in it!


"Be careful!" Ye Fei, who had just fallen into deep thinking, suddenly felt that his shoulder had been pushed up hard, and his body fell uncontrollably.

While a dog fell and ate shit, he suddenly noticed that a hot temperature almost flew past his scalp.


There was a sudden explosion, and the fierce frozen soil mixed with snowflakes seemed to have rained.

Ye Fei grunted on the ground and found that the position he was standing had been bombarded, leaving only a deep pit about one meter in diameter on the ground.

Looking back doubtfully, a meteor-like and lightning-like golden figure rushed in the sentry card in the distance. Along the way, soldiers in Su Ai's uniform were constantly thrown high and fell to the ground fiercely. Ye Fei recognized the familiar color at a glance, which was Burda.

" hiss!" The fat man involuntarily took a breath of cold air, and a careful liver came up to his throat in an instant.

"Run! What's wrong with you?" The fat man who ran away without saying a word was finally not humane. While running for his life, he did not forget to pull up Jiabu.

However, Gagabu's body seemed to be nailed to the same place. Ye Fei pulled it twice, but he couldn't make the bald head move a step forward.

"Let's go, are you still waiting for those four to catch up?"

Gagabu stared at the distant sight and suddenly moved to Ye Fei, who was full of fear, panic and at a loss, and said harshly, "He has broken through level ten. Run!"

"What?" The fat man was stunned and couldn't believe that the golden figure was getting better and better.

"Hmm! None of you want to run!"

A dazzling golden meteor seemed to cut through the darkness and went straight to the earth. The place where it passed seemed to be burned by the high temperature and turned into a piece of ashes, with a sad howling.

In the blink of an eye, Burda was already standing in front of two people.

"Finally, let me catch you two!" Burda's eyes were red and covered with blood. He almost gritted his teeth and said word by word.

It was not until Bourda stood in front of Ye Fei that the fat man noticed the changes in the old man's body. The surface of his golden warring body was faintly covered with a layer of fuzzy blood mist.

"It's going to die!" The bitch's face was full of tears. Although it was the first time he saw it with his own eyes, Ye Fei still recognized this magic. The layer of blurred blood fog was the most basic feature of life burning.

It completely stimulates the potential of life and uses the remaining life as an exchange for several times the strength in an instant.

Level 10... The fat man's instinctive calf trembling.

"Gagabu..." Burda stared into the bald man's eyes, and it seemed that it was possible to open his mouth at any time and tear up the prey in front of him.

"My son Tothre died in your hands!" After saying this, Burda, who had a fierce eye, suddenly revealed a strange smile.


Gagabu didn't seem to hear this sentence and didn't reply, but a smile leaked out inexplicably at the corners of his mouth.

In the air, in addition to the roar of the cold wind, there are only a few occasional shouts for help from the fiery whistle card in the distance.

Time passed little by little, but neither of them meant to do it first.

Ye Fei, who was sandwiched between the two, blinked his small eyes and looked left and right, but he couldn't figure out what the two were laughing at.

The fat man felt that he was really superfluous here. At this moment, he suddenly felt that the picture in front of him was like the scene of Ximen Fuxue and Ye Gucheng fighting on the top of the Forbidden City recorded in a book a long time ago.

Gagabu is a shaved Ximen blowing snow, and Burda is the high-ranking Yegu City in it, and he... is an eunuch who should not appear in this scene.

Dao..., the fat man quickly stirred up and put this ominous idea out of his mind. The promising profession of eunuch should be left to others to do!

"That..." Ye Fei's little eyes drew a few circles, rubbed his toes little by little with his toes, and whispered in a flattering and timid voice, "Look for you! I'll go first!"

Hearing this sentence, even on Gabb's always calm face, there was a rare distortion, and this was not over. Then, Gabb heard another sentence that made him collapse.

"Tothre is the one who killed him! It has nothing to do with me!"

In the corner of his eyes, Jiagabu clearly caught a glimpse of the fat man quietly stretching out a finger on the other side of his body, secretly pointing at himself.

Gagabu has the heart to kill this bitch!

The strange smile at the corners of Burda's mouth is becoming more and more obvious. He was not in a hurry. In order to gain an overwhelming advantage, Gumisov did not hesitate to work hard to raise his strength to level 10. Although this time lasted 20 minutes, it was enough.

This is the last 20 minutes of his life. Burda never thought that the last journey of his life would end here. When Gu Misov begged to burn his life, even Burda was a little unbelievable that he would make such a request. Is it an impulse? Is it reckless? Or what other emotions?


Burda just doesn't want to regret it! This is the only thing he can do for the dead Tothre.

The last twenty minutes...

Is it pathetic? No! Is it ridiculous? No!

Bourda swore that he would let the two bastards who should have been smash thousands of pieces experience torture that they could never imagine in these 20 minutes, so that they could feel the most miserable punishment in the world in this last time, and let them turn into fierce spirits and unable to forget this tragic experience.

Burda was excited, and his blood seemed to be boiling. He finally felt the despair in the fat man's tone and saw the helplessness in the murderer's eyes...

"Where do you want to go?" Bourda turned his head little by little, and his eyes slowly moved from Gaab's angular face to the slightly collapsed face of his nose, and his pupils flashed with fearful eyes.

Ye Fei finally understood why there is only one level difference between level 9 and level 10, and only after reaching level 10 will he be called a master.


If the momentum of level 9 is the 100 meters of huge waves, then the momentum of level 10 is the vast sea that nurtures these waves themselves. Only when you really stand by the seaside can you realize how touching the vastness is, which makes people completely unable to raise the idea of resistance.

The fat man is like this now, and the fear rising from the bottom of his heart makes him unable to raise the idea of resistance.

Especially when Burda locked his eyes on himself, it seemed that he was instantly on the bottom of the sea 10,000 meters deep. The endless pressure of the sea made him breathless, which was a suffocating feeling.