rogue hero

Chapter 278 New Mission of the Four Armies

"Enemy attack!"

In the southwest and northwest of Phoenix, huge throwing stones fell from the sky and hit the wall fiercely. A captain commanded the soldiers to avoid the throwing stones. Although the attack was terrible, the attack intensity was not high, and the scattered attacks with a radius of half a meter could not achieve large-scale killing.

"Report to the captain! Five people were killed this time, and the city wall was seriously damaged!" The messenger in the team said.

"Is the wall seriously damaged?" The captain frowned. The wall of Phoenix is the greatest support of the defenders and the first line of defense of the army! Report it to me in detail!"

"Yes!" The summoner handed the captain a detailed report.

According to the degree of damage, as long as there are four more such attacks, a gap can be opened in the place where you are guarded, and such a gap is absolutely not allowed to exist.

This stone attack lasted for ten minutes, and it seems that the opponent's battle reserve is not high!

"Accelerate the restoration of the city wall!" The captain ordered.

In the headquarters conference room of the Missiri army, Gubich and the generals also got the corresponding war report.

The two commanding heights, the place where troops can be stationed is not large, and the mountain is steep. It is a natural barrier for the two wings of Phoenix. The other party can set up catapons in those two places, which shows that the other party has wasted a lot of effort!

"Hmm! If you don't preserve your strength, as long as you bombard them with magic artillery fire for ten minutes, there will never be any life in those two places!" A general said viciously.

"These dragons are about to ride on our heads!" Another general clenched his fist and was also depressed when he thought of the military's war reserve. If he took out the things at the bottom of the box now and waited for the Long Teng army to gather, his own army could only be passively beaten!

"Their harassment war is still very effective!" Gubich sighed that Missile's military reserves were insufficient. If it hadn't been for Missile's broken wrist-like measures, it hadn't been for the time to raise supplies, the current Missile army would not have been able to supply all the military food during the war.

"Watch the changes, pay attention to the emotions of the soldiers, and report any changes in time!" Gu Bic smiled helplessly. Bai Nan's move was very simple. He directly stuck on the pain of the Missouri army. Looking at the war report in his hand, there were less than ten casualties. The second prince of the Magic Research Association would definitely be indifferent!

"Haha! Is Bernan confused? Look at the defense of smashing Phoenix with a few broken stones? Hurley sat in his room and looked at the war report from the army in his hand. It seemed that Bernan had nothing to do!

If the cleaning of their own reconnaissance equipment has caused the Magic Research Association to lose face, then it will be even more embarrassing for those in the army to be indifferent to dirty words every day!

Gubiki was also confused. Unexpectedly, he asked people to borrow magic shells, and only a few people died. Is it useful to be so popular? Are magic shells not as precious as the lives of a few soldiers? It's a joke. Only in the face of big scenes can these large-scale weapons play a corresponding role. Now it's a waste to start shooting randomly!

Gubitch really believes that the Magic Research Association is a big mistake!

"There is also a banquet in the evening!" The second prince Heli stood up and straightened his clothes. Now he seems to like the rotten life of those nobles, and it feels very comfortable to be praised by the stars!

"Enemy attack! Attention, all units! Avoid throwing stones by yourself!" Through the magic broadcasting equipment, the messenger's voice was particularly harsh in the camp.

"It's useless again! These dragon dogs are intentional, aren't they?" A soldier abandoned the military shovel in his hand and cursed helplessly.

"They were defeated early and late, but they waited until we repaired the city wall before launching an attack. They are pure-hearted!" Another soldier said angrily.

"Can't you see this? Their goal is the wall here! We didn't lose any manpower at all!" The soldier picked up the shovel on the ground and said, "Let's go! Keep working!"

"Bah! What bad luck! We are not a fortification force! Why did you suffer such a crime!"

"Don't complain! It's not easy for the brothers of the fortifications. They are all carrying out tasks under the ground to strengthen the foundation of the city wall, and also prevent the other party from digging tunnels. The daily workload is not comparable to that of repairing the city wall!"

"Hey! Let's go. It seems that the attack of those dragon dogs is over. If we don't work quickly, we will be scolded by the captain again!"

Ye Fei stood in front of the camp, "Have you dug all the bomb shelter holes?"

"Dig it! It's just that there are a lot of snakes here. At that time, these bullet holes are not safe!" Qian Jun said that this is the first time he has seen such a bulletproof hole. Most of the tens of thousands of bulletproof holes are located in the east of the trench. The bottom of the cave is inclined into the ground. If people stay in it, they have to turn their backs to the direction of Phoenix. Although they can't see the war situation clearly, it is absolutely an excellent fortification to avoid the bombardment of magic shells. Moreover, this kind of fortification is cheap and suitable for general use by the army.

"Snake?" Ye Fei frowned and asked.

"Yes, general, there are many snake nests here, and there are also many poisonous insects and ants, which will leave hidden dangers on the fortifications in front of the four army camp, and the soldiers will also be threatened with their lives!"

"Hmm! This is not a big problem. There should be deworming powder in the ghost doctor. If the cost is not high, sprinkle a little in each bullet avoidance hole.


"In addition, if there are snake catchers in the army, let them concentrate on catching those snakes, which can improve the food of the four armies! Snake meat is still delicious!" Ye Fei said excitedly.

"I understand!" Qian Jun answered.

"I heard that the fortification troops of the Fourth Army dug a bomb shelter hole for the army?" Bai Nan's loud voice came from far away.

Ye Fei turned around, and Bai Nan led many young generals to inspect the four army camp.

"I didn't expect that the soldiers of the Fourth Army were so well trained, and Major General Ye Fei made a lot of pains!" Bernan looked around and said with a smile.

"Where! They are all other generals with outstanding abilities. They just show their strengths!" Ye Fei arched his hand and said.

"Major General Ye Fei doesn't need to be modest!" Bai Nan waved his hand and said, "Just now, someone asked me to see the bullet shelter hole dug by your four armies, which really opened my horizons. I didn't expect a small fort to have such a role!"

"Eacon's little skill!" Ye Fei said with a smile.

"Where is the carving bug trick! This is about the safety of our lives. Major General Ye Fei is well-intentioned!" Bernan sighed.

"This kind of fortifications is also flawed. The ground is cold and humid, and there are many poisonous insects and ants. It also needs military doctors in various armies to be equipped with deworming powder, otherwise it will be extremely harmful!" Ye Fei reminded.

"It doesn't matter!" Bai Nan smiled and said, " Major General Ye Fei, what do you think of the recent attack?"

The fat man frowned slightly and looked at a group of young generals behind Bainan as if they were watching a play. What did Bainan think?

"There is no moat in Phoenix!" Bernan warned.

"You mean digging a tunnel?" Ye Fei asked doubtfully.

"That's not true! It's mainly to make a posture!"

"Presituation? Isn't Long Tengjun doing enough now?"

"Far from enough! Gu Biqi is thoughtful. How can he not guess my idea? I want to make it come true!" Bai Nan whispered to Ye Fei.

The fat man was shocked. Couldn't Bernan rely on the strength of the only three armies today to fight against each other?

"We don't have much time. If the internal rectification of Missile is completed, I believe that with the ability of the eldest prince Auburn, the mysterious weapons of the Ice and Snow Alliance, as well as the materials and masters of Missile, will be sent to Phoenix. At that time, our previous efforts will be in vain!" Bernan said seriously.

"The biggest weakness of our army now is the lack of troops! There is no powerful firepower output! If you want to narrow the gap between the two armies, you must suppress the morale of the other side and reduce the strength of the other side! If there is no fake situation, Gubić will not send troops easily!"

"The more Gubiqi doesn't care about our army's feud, the more we should pay more attention to the role of feud. Those two commanding heights are enough to carry out a one-time high-damage attack against the Missiri garrison, but once a fierce attack is launched, it will be razed to the ground by the other party! So now, I need your four armies to carry out a mission!"

"Bainan*! We have agreed! The Fourth Army will not rush forward!" Ye Fei said nervously.

"I didn't tell you to rush up!" Bernan said seriously, "General Ye Fei! You are now a soldier. If you are a soldier, you should obey orders and put the interests of the country first! I didn't mean to embarrass you. This time it's just a simple task!"

The fat man has a headache, a simple task! The simpler it is, the harder it is to do!

Isn't it easy to defeat Missil? The mood in China is hot, hasn't it calmed down now? The dragon empire's powerful strength has not defeated Missiri in one fell swoop. What a seemingly simple thing is!

"Say it! What task? Let's make a good first. I won't go to the task of death!" Ye Fei said depressedly.

"The goal of the mission is the fortification troops in Phoenix!"


"Not bad! Through the observation in the past few days, the soldiers who repaired the wall on the other side were not from the fortifications, and their repair work was simple!"

"What does this have to do with the fortification force?"

"Their fortification troops are carrying out missions underground!"

"They did theirs, and we harassed us!" The fat man didn't care.

"No, the impact of the fortification troops in the army is very large. Once they are unable to do it, it will affect the whole army. I need your four armies to carry out continuous harassment, so that the fortification troops do not have time to take care of the damage to the city wall!"

"General, we and the other's fortifications are still separated by a wall. Don't tease them, let alone harass them. It will take a long time to dig a tunnel. When the soldiers of the four armies dug under the wall, our reinforcements will have arrived long ago!" Ye Fei shrugged his shoulders.

"No! We have time!" Bernan said firmly.