rogue hero

Chapter 279 Absolute Force

"Is it too late? Bernan*? You don't want to exhaust our four soldiers, do you? Ye Fei's face was bitter.

"Why do you think Phoenix can be called Xiongguan?" Bernan asked with a smile.

"Isn't it because of its special second line of defense?" Ye Fei said after thinking for a while, "* means the civil war launched by the Longteng Empire 30 years ago?"

"Ye Fei! You are very smart!" Bai Nan patted Ye Fei on the shoulder and said, "The defense line that has not experienced the test of war will never be called Xiongguan!"

"Forty years ago, there was turmoil within the Missouri Empire, and the direct princes of the Missouri Empire launched a rebel war. Phoenix is now in a similar form to our war situation, and the prince's troops also came to Phoenix!" Bai Nan seemed to be explaining the battle case, and other young generals also came over. These people were all young and handsome people placed in the army by the Wu Huang Dynasty, with extraordinary loyalty.

"With strong firepower, the wall of Phoenix turned into a broken wall, and the whole army of the rebels was launched. At that time, the Magic Research Association in Phoenix, as a reliable long-range firepower, rejuvenated the rebel army. The two armies had a fierce street battle in Phoenix. The rebel army suffered heavy losses, and the whole army was almost destroyed. That name The prince fled to our country, and Phoenix became famous in World War I and enjoyed the reputation of Phoenix Nirvana!"

Bernan continued, "Do you know why the rebel army could easily bombard each other's walls at that time?"

The generals are thoughtful.

"Attack! It will be difficult to win without five times the strength of the other party! I think you are in the military academy, and the teachers have handed you over!"

The generals nodded.

"The strength of the rebel army was similar to that of the Missouri army and had no advantage. The rebel army took three months to dig underground tunnels under Phoenix, thus hollowing out the foundation of the Phoenix city wall. At that time, the magic cannons were far less powerful than now, but with the secretly assisted by fortification troops, a round of volley It collapsed the wall of Phoenix!"

"Although the results are very disappointing, it also proves the role of the fortification force in the army!" Bai Nan looked at Ye Fei, "Your task is to destroy each other's walls!"

Ye Fei was stunned. If this task is carried out by the Fourth Army alone, it cannot be completed in a year. "* Sir, are you kidding?"

"Don't worry, this task is actually not difficult!"

"Isn't it difficult, but isn't such a workload going to exhaust the four armies to death?" The fat man said aggrievedly.

"Major General Ye Fei, don't be nervous!" Bernan explained with a smile, "The civil strife in Missil 40 years ago not only created the myth of Phoenix. It also left a fortune for the Eastern Expeditionary Army!"

"Wealth?" The generals are puzzled.

"At that time, at the beginning of the war, the rebel fortification troops did not show up. For half a year, the rebel fortification troops dug tunnels underground for half a year! Among them, there are still many crisscrossed underground networks that have not been buried! And the prince also provided us with detailed information!"

The generals were shocked!

"The leading troops have found one! Although it has not been buried, it has been abandoned for a long time. Now the underground river has been reducted, and there may be some danger in it. Within our army, only the fortifications of the four armies have been completed best. The task of rebuilding this tunnel has been entrusted to you four armies!" Bai Nan said to Ye Fei.

So that's it. Ye Fei has no reason to refuse. This is an order and can only be executed.

"You come to the headquarters later, and I'll tell you the details!"

Yes! Bernan*. Ye Fei had to agree, and there was a bitterness in his heart. Although the task was not too dangerous, looking at Bai Nan's serious expression now, Ye Fei knew that the task did not want to be as superficial on the surface.

In the parliamentary military account of the General Command of the Longteng Army.

"Okay, Ye Fei, now the two of us, don't have to look bitter. If you have any questions, talk about it first!" Bernan said with a smile.

"When will the reinforcements arrive?" Ye Fei asked worriedly.

Bai Nan smiled bitterly and was actually told by Ye Fei to break the difficulties of the three armies of Longteng. Sure enough, he didn't look away. Ye Fei was a rare talent.

"It will be very late!"

"When will it be late?" Ye Fei asked with a cold face.

"It should have to wait until the troops of the Thunder Federation and the Soviet Union arrive!"

"Why did the royal family and the military department do this? Aren't they afraid of all-out combat? Other countries will not ignore it!" Ye Fei said angrily that he did not expect to face a war between three countries. In that kind of war situation, not to mention himself, even a general at the level of Bainan may die at any time!

"Ye Fei, you still don't understand the strength of the Longteng Empire!" Bai Nan sighed again, "Whether it is the imperial royal family or the Wu Dynasty, it is not as simple as people seem!" The military is sandwiched between the two, but they are the weakest.

"The military is the weakest party?"

"Yes, there is no absolute force in the military!"

"Absolute force? Level 9 master?" Ye Fei asked doubtfully.

"The nine-level master is no longer absolute force. Whether it is the royal family of the Longteng Empire or our Wuhuang Dynasty, the real absolute force is the ten-level master!" Bernan explained.

"What?" The fat man only felt numb, and the ten-level master... He remembered that in the Thunder Federation, the second congressman, assisted by spiritual magic, burned the ten-level strength of life. Even Gabb had no power. All the pores of the fat man seemed to open and breathe desperately.

"Those bosses in the military department are also well aware of the strength of the royal family and the Wuhuang Dynasty. Now what they do is just to reflect their own value and safeguard their own interests!" Bai Nan saw Ye Fei's nervous expression and said helplessly, "Do you remember those Titan Gods of War you found?"

Ye Fei's messy thoughts were suddenly interrupted and suddenly looked up.

"The enemies facing the Dragon Empire this time are not only the three countries in the east, but also the ice and snow alliance behind them!" Bai Nan analyzed.

"Only when the forces of the ice and snow alliance hidden in the three countries are exposed can the military headquarters have the confidence to concentrate all the troops on the battlefield! As long as the Ice Alliance takes action, the absolute force of the imperial royal family and the Wuhuang Dynasty will take action, and the strength of the military headquarters will not become cannon fodder!"

"So we are the identity of cannon fodder now?" Ye Fei said angrily, "The fat man is going home, and the fat man quit! Malegobi! After taking such a big circle, let me die in the end!"

"You can go! Your guards can also go with you, but what about the soldiers of the Fourth Army? Similarly, do you think you have no other handle in other people's hands? Even if you have Qushuiqin on your Rose Island, what's the use? Once you escape from the battlefield, how much will it affect the whole army? Not only the military headquarters, but also the royal family and the Wuhuang Dynasty can't give up!"

The fat man sat on the horse behind him, "Say it, Bernan, tell me what you want to do?"

"There is no other meaning. The Wuhuang Dynasty has done something wrong with you, but it is also helpless. Today, I want to tell you the truth, just to pull you back to the side of the Wuhuang Dynasty, like your current influence, if you don't rely on any force, there is only one result, it will be erased! You have lost the value of existence! Nowadays, you have been meeting the source left and right, which makes many people not optimistic about you. Bernan said seriously.

"Now, you must take a clear stand!"

"Fat, I don't want to help anyone!" Ye Fei was very angry about such a threat.

"Ye Fei! If it weren't for Qu Shuiqin's friendship with me, do you think I would have told you this? I'm helping you! You have the experience of Wuhuang Dynasty, and the royal family will not completely trust you at all! You can only rely on the Wu Dynasty!" Bai Nan patted the case and said, "Only the Wuhuang Dynasty can protect you!"

"Bah! If the Wuhuang Dynasty can cover me, it won't let me be born and die in the Thunder Federation and Suai! It won't almost make me lose Samina!" Ye Fei said angrily.

"Ye Fei, it seems that you have a big precondred on the Wuhuang Dynasty!"

"Big? It's more than big! I'm just a small member of the dark department. If I had done nothing, the Wuhuang Dynasty would have abandoned me long ago! I just want to live well, but no one gives me a stable future!"

"Anyway, you have to make a choice?"

"Do I have the right to choose? Tell me what you plan to do. I don't want to be played with in the palm of my hand!" Ye Fei said angrily.

"Who wants to be played with in the palm of your hand? I have no choice like you. I haven't seen my family for decades..." Bernan said lonelyly.

"Only the four armies can complete this task. We need to hollow out the defenses of Phoenix before the reinforcements from other two countries arrive to make the reputation of this city a must!"

"How to do it?" Ye Fei calmed down and asked.

"Disturb the reinforcement of the other party's fortifications, and launch an attack on the Missiri fortifications below if necessary!"

"Is there a front on the ground?"

"These are the only effective harassing tools for catapaces and giant crossbow siegers!"

"What are you kidding? The four armies will be strongly blocked underground!"

"The combat troops of Campas will help the four armies!"

"Bainan! Tell me, what on earth are you doing?"

"Live like you, the three groups can't sacrifice here in vain!" Bernan said firmly.

"Are you not sure?" A trace of light flashed in Ye Fei's eyes.

"Go and carry out the mission!" Bai Nan held his forehead with his hand and looked sad.

"Hmm!" Ye Fei got up and left the military tent directly.

"Bastard! Bernan is playing with fire! Dare to attack without reinforcements!" Ye Fei cursed fiercely in his heart.

"General! What is the mission of our four armies? Qian Jun stood next to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei did not answer and turned his head to a division commander Wu Dong Pei, "Lao Wu, recently strengthened the rapid march training of the Fourth Army. If there is anything on the battlefield! Let's escape!"

The faces of a total of three division commanders, including the five division commander Park Zhen, have changed dramatically.