rogue hero

Chapter 368 Peaceful coexistence between man and machine 5

If Potter suddenly flooded more than 100,000 people in a few days, the excitement of the soldiers of the four armies was difficult to express, and the families of the four armies could not express their ecstasy.

Emily did not have a reaction to Ye Fei's action, but was a little happy, because the overall strength of the generals of the four armies was not strong. They were just low-class human beings, and most of their adult strength was unmatched by the children of the Republic of Egypt! These 100,000 people can't hurt Porter's robot at all.

Emily is unable to transfer her data to other robots under the restrictions of Liu Xu-1, which is also a request to negotiate with Ye Fei. If Potter's machine needs to form an independent consciousness by itself, and these human beings can live in peace with the machines in the city under relevant laws. Emily believes that this is a good way. If the human emotions and consciousness formed by Porter's machine a long time ago are based on their own data system and have very large similarity. Just a week after these humans moved into the city, Emily was surprised to find that there have been changes in the data system of her companions. Several questions were sent back to Emily, which made her excited.

What is friendship? What is love? What does a comrade-in-arms mean? How important is family? Why do human beings support each other? What is the purpose of goodwill deception? Emily could not solve the corresponding restrictions for her companions, so they had to explore by themselves.

If Potter is undergoing earth-shaking changes, one of the most important is trade. This behavior, which has long disappeared in the Republic of Egypt, appeared in the city. In Ye Fei's words, "Without interests, there is no motivation. Cities need 'desire emotions' to promote development!" After a short-term trade trial If Potter bursts into vitality again, the machines use technology and services to obtain corresponding magic skills, war qi techniques, handicrafts, literary books, art books...

This gives the high-end machines that do nothing to have a new pursuit, especially literary books, which record various stories, some of which persuade people to be kind and some explain the dark side of human beings... On the streets of Ruopot, you can often see machines exchanging each other's books, reading them one by one, and experiencing the life of human beings on the continent. .

Liu Xu has rarely talked to herself. In addition, Qilan and Samina still keep a certain distance from the fat man. Now Ye Fei has really become a lonely person. The fat man sighed and turned to cheer up, "For good thing, I have a beautiful mother!" It's not yet the stage that no one wants it!"

The development of power on Rose Island has entered a ** period. The fat man has to deal with a lot of things every day. The plan to propose to the two women has also been stranded. There have been many sentries in Li Yue. According to the information from the dark department, these sentries are not intelligence personnel from other countries, but should all here. During the Ice and Snow Alliance, Li Yue was attacked twice and was easily resolved by the ten-level master Li Lao. Coupled with another ten-level master, the spy of the Ice and Snow Alliance will not tamper with Ye Fei's mother, but there are many small troubles. The Qinglong Gang has no glory of the past after the reorganization, and the core members are erased, and the rest are listening. The people who speak are not strong enough to maintain the gray business on the island.

Coupled with the sentry of the Ice and Snow Alliance, the Qinglong Gang was suppressed in the second month of reconstruction. Li Yue asked Ye Fei for a solution, but Rose Island also needs corresponding protection. The existing masters cannot be sent out. There are exactly 3,000 Missile prisoners and the First Army. The fat soldier of the four armies, who was a student of the college, left all the girls and sent them to Proga to help Li Yue maintain things on the island.

At present, Rose Island needs to develop, and the underwater base also needs to develop. Many masters need huge energy crystals to improve their strength, and Berno, who has been with him for a long time, also needs to return to the Ice and Snow Alliance to find his wife and children. The fat man has a lot of things to deal with. He is so busy that his head is about to explode.

The fat man promised about Beckham, so he had to do it. Although Beckham didn't say anything, the fat man knew that he was anxious. Berno also knew that the fat man needed time to sort out his power and could not go to the Ice and Snow Alliance with him, and he had the strength of an eighth-level magician. He also learned electrical magic from Liu Xu. Beckham came to the fat man's office.

At this time, the fat man was giving instructions to the documents on the island, and Berno was standing at his desk.

"Boss! I want to ask you for a leave." Berno said.

The fat man looked up and felt a little guilty, "Can't you wait any longer? As soon as the matter here is finished, I will go to the Ice and Snow League with you to pick up your wife and children!"

"I'm an eighth-level magician now, and I can deal with it when I go back there!" Berno's eyes flashed a little.

Ye Fei threw down the pen and documents in his hand and smiled bitterly. "If it were before, I would have called you Xiaobei a little disrespectful, because you are older than me, but as you know, my actual age is much older than you!"

Berno nodded, "Boss, what are you talking about?"

The fat man shook his head, "I just want to say that in fact, I have always regarded you as a good friend and a good brother. Your business is my business, although sometimes I am a little greedy..." Ye Fei smiled awkwardly.

Xiao Bei shrugged his shoulders, "Don't be so sensational. It's not like you!"

The fat man walked to Berno, "Xiaobei! One week, you give me a week, and I'll accompany you to the Ice and Snow League!"

Berno was surprised, "You can't leave here..."

Before Berno finished speaking, the fat man left his office.

Ye Fei came to the core and stood in front of Emily. The two recently did not violate the river and there was no intersection. The war in each other's hearts was relieved a lot. In addition, the generals of the four armies were very disciplined and did not have any conflict with the machines. The whole city seemed vigorous.

Ye Fei cleared his throat. When he came back to find Emily, he had something to ask the other party. The fat man said awkwardly, "Discuss with you!"

Emily was immediately nervous and paid attention to Ye Fei's every move, hoping to find clues from the other party. Now she dares not answer the other party's request at will. Ye Fei is not as righteous as Liu Xu. If Potter's trade trial, Emily will suffer a big loss in the later stage, because of those literary works and so on. Things are not worth much at all. Compared with the high-level technology of the Republic of Egypt, it can't be measured by money at all!

Although the literary data of the Republic of Egypt has long been eliminated as waste, so that Ruoport's machine does not have corresponding books to read, the literary works on the Canglang Continent cannot be exchanged for high-level technology, and the value of the two is not on the same level at all. .

Emily looked at Ye Fei, "Say, what's the matter?"

"Well, I need your help to collect some energy ores in the Sea of Death?"

"No, absolutely not. The study of the Sea of Death has been abolished. If you do so, it is likely to bring another disaster to Potter!"

"I can stay away from here to collect, and even if there is any problem, it will not affect here!"

"This is too dangerous. I can't let my companions die in vain. The sea of death is definitely not as simple as you think!"

A fine light flashed in the fat man's eyes, "We can do it through trade. If there is a machine that is willing to go with me, you won't stop it!"

"Means of trade? Your so-called trade is just deception, and the value of those literary works is not worth mentioning!"

The fat man shrugged his shoulders, "What about human skin?"

Emily's face changed, "Human skin?"

"I know that your existing resources can't produce human skin, and I can."

"It's impossible. This is our core technology. Other machines don't know at all. Where did you collect it?"

"If you don't believe it, I can prove it to you!"

The two sides have argued for a long time.

Emily thought for a while, "Qimei's arm, if you can repair her arm, I will approve you to collect energy ore!"

Under Emily's arrangement, Ye Fei came to Chimei's home. Ye Fei had already learned that Chimei's so-called broken arm was not ordered by Emily to be broken, but caused by Chimei's attempt to attack the defense barrier when she entered Ruoport. However, later, the ret pirate group attacked Ruobo Emily's behavior was heartbroken. The fluctuation of human consciousness, which had been slightly awakened, was stimulated to calm down. In order to understand Qimei's heart knot, Emily told Chimei that the reason for breaking her arm was from her own order.

When Qimei saw Ye Fei's visit, the expression on her face showed happiness. "Dear consul, welcome to visit Qimei's home."

The fat man nodded. This is his new title in Ruoport. There is no real power, but it has won the respect of all machines. Although Ye Fei invaded Ruoport, once the central system believes that the other party has no intention of endangering the city of machines, all machines will not be hostile to Ye Fei.

The fat man smiled. These machines looked much more open-minded than human beings. "There is a good thing to come to you today!"

Chimei bent her knees and saw a salute. This is a new etiquette set by the central system. Qimei feels that it is much better than kneeling down and bowing. " Consul, I don't know what's wrong with you?"

A barrel-shaped machine appeared behind Ye Fei, holding a robot arm in his hand, "Of course, it's to help you repair your arm!"

Chimei was overjoyed and quickly welcomed Ye Fei into the house. After a brief repair, the barrel machine connected Chimei's arm. The fat man let Qimei sit on the chair and explored the surface skin of Qimei, which was similar to what she thought. Qimei's own skin was not a high-end material to resist corrosion, but a real one. The anthropomorphic skin, structure and texture are the difference between normal people, and the maintenance and feeding of the skin are all provided by the machine's own energy.

Ye Fei relaxed his mind, and his two big hands covered Chimei's arms and began to slowly slide down from his shoulders. At this time, Emily was also in Qimei's home, relying on the low-level machine behind Ye Fei for observation. A strange scene happened. On Chimei's robot arm, skin The tissue appears slowly, exactly the same as Chimei's own body skin!