rogue hero

Chapter 369 Peaceful coexistence between man and machine 6

Ye Fei looked up, and a two-story building stood in front of him. A wooden sign above the door was very eye-catching. The text was written in the words of the northern continent, "Freedom Association"!

Ye Fei smiled. By helping Chimei repair her arm, he has reached an exchange with Emily. Ye Fei can find the machine to participate in the collection task by himself, but he must exchange human skin!

When I opened the door, my eyes suddenly opened my eyes. This second floor looks simple, but the design style inside is very different from that of Abbott's inner city style. The wooden floor, wooden tables and chairs, and bright lights. A human girl is pulling a deep cello. At the innermost part of the room is a bar, and there are several bars in front of the bar. A wine barrel, one side of the wall of the room is full of books and works of art, some family members of the Fourth Army are drinking wine and chatting in their own positions, and several high-level robots are looking at books in front of the bookshelf, asking the bartender in the bar from time to time what they don't understand.

The bartender saw that the door was opened, looked up, shook his body, and quickly saluted a military salute, "General!"

The fat man came in with a smile and waved his hand, "Old Feng! How have you been recently? Are you still used to it?"

The bartender is the captain of Feng of the four armies. The free man's guild here was set up by Ye Fei to better collect intelligence and buy the machine heart. The books here can be viewed for free, and the machines can also interact with human beings on an equal footing here. The Freeman Association will issue some tasks accordingly through trade. Most of the tasks are very simple, such as helping the elderly weed or taking care of children, and the price is that the machines can read books here or other free of charge after completing the task, or other free guilds, and receive the corresponding services of human beings. Mutually supported trade methods, but in fact, machines do not need human services, and communicating with human beings and reading books have become the main reason why machines linger here.

Captain Feng smiled. His recent beard brought him some vicissitudes, and he was more like a middle-aged man full of wisdom. "General, are you still comfortable with your brothers? When will you transfer me back to the barracks? In this way, I even forgot how to practice military gymnastics!"

The fat man laughed and said, "I know you can't sit still. Let Xiaoliu's daughter-in-law take over your shift in a couple of days!"

"Good!" Captain Feng said excitedly.

"I'll explain something to you today and post a task for me!"

Yes! General!" Captain Feng stood upright.

"Call the machines that can work under the sea. We need to mine the ores in the sea of death. This task is dangerous, but the reward is also considerable. As long as we can join this task and complete the corresponding task, the reward of the machines is human skin!"

Captain Feng certainly knows what human skin means to machines, because he found that machines actually have some vanity. They think that the closer they are to human beings, the closer they can get to the superiority of human beings. During this period of time with machines, Captain Feng found that machines have instinctive to human beings. Respect, even if there is a treaty of equality, machines will automatically make way for human beings, and they are very humble when talking.

And the closer the image of those humanoid machines are, the more harmonious and natural they get along with human beings. Machines think that it is the role of appearance and attach great importance to their remaining facial skin, while the customers in clothing stores on the street are mostly robots, covering the outside The more fabric, the more popular it will be.

The task was quickly sent out. In just one morning, more than 3,000 high-level machines came to apply for the task, which made the whole Liberty Guild of Jopot very busy.

Although most machines cannot meet the requirements of underwater operations, the machines' yearning for human skin is getting stronger and stronger, especially after wearing human skin and wearing cool dresses attracts the admiration of many human beings, and machines take human skin as the highest level of task reward.

The fat man didn't expect that there would be so many machines to be recruited. The whole Ruoport had only 5,000 high-level machines, and more than half of them came at once, which made the fat man excited.

However, the underwater operation is different from the tasks usually received by the machines. The underwater pressure of the Sea of Death is much higher than in other sea areas of the same depth. Emily's research data show that the depth of Norbert's existence is about 600 meters below the sea. The golden dragon Yefei is also pressed to be unable to move, and the water pressure of the Sea of Death is three times higher than that of ordinary seas. Even if the two 11-level masters of Longhua and Canghai come there, they will definitely be pressed into meat cakes.

The northern continent has also done experiments. With the strength of nine-level martial artists, they can only dive 100 meters under the sea, more than 110 meters, which is the death area, and ordinary people can't even dive 10 meters.

Apron. The fat man looked at the pressed machines with a little embarrassment and shouted, "I didn't expect everyone to participate so enthusiastically in this mission, but I know that most of you can't do underwater work!" The Sea of Death is an extremely dangerous place, and there is a kind of energy fluctuation that can cause serious damage to the machine, so I hope everyone can do it.

A barrel machine beside the fat man raised a light curtain, on which is a list of various machines. The details of their respective fields and their own data are very clear. The fat man skillfully clicked a few buttons on the light curtain and raised his head, "Please stay if I click the name..."

Ye Fei clicked 15 names and it was over.

The machines were silent, and the number of consuls selected was too small, with only 15 companions.

The fat man shouted, "I know that everyone's desire for human skin is very urgent, but don't be discouraged if you don't click it. We will also have corresponding tasks for you to carry out in the future. The Free Association will also change the reward mechanism accordingly and try out the points system. Everyone has completed enough tasks and the points meet the requirements. Since But you can get human skin!"

At this time, the silent machines sent out **, and the machines were extremely excited. There is no limit on time for the machine. As long as they can complete the corresponding tasks, they can get human skin!

The fat man is not talking big. With his current strength, he can shape human skin for 20 machines in a day. If the mission can be carried out smoothly this time, the collected energy crystal can only break through level 10 in a week. In this way, even 5,000 people with a high-level machine base Skin-like will not bring too much pressure to itself, and robots' pursuit of human skin can provide a strong boost to the development of their own power in a short period of time.

Even after the machines get human skin, Ye Fei has other ways to make the machines have higher pursuits, such as a three-day trip to the northern mainland cities. He can always find a reason for machines to serve human beings!

When all the machines returned to Ruoport, 15 machines with the ability to work under the sea came to Ye Fei. The fat man looked at the excited 15 high-level humanoid machines. These were Ruopot's only remaining underwater working robots, and the bodies of their hundreds of companions were still silent in the sea of death.

The fat man brought 15 machines to the dock through the newly established transmission array. The speed and efficiency have been improved many times. Ye Fei's arrival not only brought the culture of the northern continent into Ruobo te, but also brought in magical magic, but no matter how the machines analyze, the composition of magic cannot be carried out. With thorough derivation, the admiration for human beings is higher.

Gabu, Cangxiaotian and Sixutong had been waiting for a long time. The fat man came out of the transmission array and followed by 15 tall humanoid machines. Everyone gathered and began to infer the collection operation of the Sea of Death.

After chatting for a while, the fat man looked at the 15 machines that had been waiting for a long time. "Now everyone has understood the danger of the sea of death. If you want to withdraw, you can bring it up now."

Fifteen machines are motionless, and the light blue eyes flashed through the streamer from time to time, unwavering.

The fat man nodded. You can start from here. The location of the collection mission must be far away from Potter. If there is danger, at least it will not affect your companions here.

At this time, a humanoid machine came forward, "Wouldn't the consul go with us? Whose command shall we listen to?

The fat man scratched his head, "This... we can't breathe in the deep sea!"

"We have human respirators!"

"The pressure of water is too great! The human body can't stand it!"

"We have ships operating under the sea, and we can only operate under the sea in the ship." The robot said calmly.

Ye Fei was shocked, "Do you have any ships operating under the sea?"

The robot nodded, "Yes."

Exclude an indifferent Gagab, everyone was shocked. The dock was empty, and there were no ships operating under the sea.

The robot pointed to the capital ship of the Rayt Pirates, "consul, this ship needs to move out so that we can push the ship operating under the sea!"

The fat man looked at the Rett pirate ship that was being modified. Originally, he wanted to use Ruopot's high-level technology to restrengthen the Griffin. Looking at the skeleton of the Griffin that was being attached to the iron sheet, the fat man hated it. Why didn't he think that Roport had his own ship? If those boats can only be got...

The Rose sailed into the dock, holding the skeleton of the Griffin loosened by the robotic arm, and slowly left the dock.

The robot walked to a four soldiers. The young soldier was simply controlling the robotic arm on the light curtain. The fat man motioned the soldier to get out of the way. The robot took over the control of the light curtain and made a fast point on the light curtain. Without the fat man's eyesight did not fully see the other party's movements, the mechanical arm had already swinging in the air. Moved for a while.

The robot does not seem to have the intention of showing off. The hands are connected again, and the dock actually extends its huge robotic arm of its limbs and keeps doing basic movements. The robot's move seems to be checking the stability of the robotic arm.

After the operation, the robot entered a lot of instructions on the light curtain. A total of eight robotic arms penetrated into the sea, and a series of mechanical sounds sounded. Then, a streamlined ship floated to the surface of the water!