rogue hero

Chapter 371 Peace between Man and Machine 8

According to the data provided by the central system, the stable period of the Sea of Death is excessively formed, that is, it enters the stable period after the energy fluctuation is slightly moderated, and everyone is extremely lucky to find such an entry point in the appropriate range.

At this time, the sea of death is entering a stable period, and the fluctuations are relatively flat, which is also the reason why Liu Xu let the two ships enter the sea of death. Such a level of energy fluctuations is not enough to damage the hull control system and the high-level robots in the ship.

After about 20 minutes, the hull no longer needs Liuxu's control and remains in a stable state. All the control systems are restarted, and the imaging light curtain has also restored the picture. The robot takes over its work from anew. Everyone is very nervous. If they are unlucky, the collection task is only half an hour, that is, If the stable period exceeds half an hour, people will not risk staying here, because once the stable period passes, the energy fluctuations in the sea of death will break out fiercely, enough to trap the two operating ships here.

The two operating ships slowly approached the ore mountains. At this time, the energy emitted by the ore mountains was very soft and without any threat, but Liu Xu did not relax their vigilance and controlled the kinetic energy system to increase power and sometimes reduce power. Although such behavior is a waste of kinetic energy, it can ensure that the operating ship is in the best condition. Leave the area of the Sea of Death.

Under the hull of the operation ship, eight tentacles similar to octopus wrist feet stretched out, and the whole hull suddenly creaked. Only then did everyone realize how strong the water pressure outside was. In a few days, the abnormal sound disappeared, and the eight metal tentacles were firmly nailed to the ore mountains. The ore here was unusually strong and roaring in the sky. Others also felt that the energy crystal here is different from the energy crystal on land. The crystal here is more transparent and stronger. The tentacles hit the ore and make a loud sound. The sound is transmitted along the sea and metal tentacles to the control room. Everyone can hear it clearly. The sound is heavy and ethereal. This is only what everyone can do underwater. The sound heard.

The hardness of the eight tentacles of the operating ship is no less than that of energy ore. Coupled with the fixed-point attack, it quickly knocked open a huge energy crystal with a room of more than 20 square meters. At the same time, the No. 2 operation ship also completed its corresponding tasks.

Operation ship No. 1 dug a huge ore, and a shocking scene appeared. A blue-gray metal appeared under the huge ore. A sharp metal arm ** came out, and under the metal arm, several vague handwriting appeared.

"Willow catkins! It's the wreckage of a working ship!" The roaring sky shouted.

Liu Xu frowned and didn't expect that there would be a ship under the sea here. At present, it has been ten minutes since it entered a stable period, and everyone can leave here in the remaining 20 minutes. It will take a lot of time to excavate the wreckage of this ship. Liu Xu bit his lower lip. If it was Ye Fei, he would definitely not let himself dig out the wreckage.

At this time, the machines in the No. 1 operation ship stood up and looked at Liu Xu, waiting for his decision.

Operation ship No. 2 also seemed to have found the situation here, and a signal for rescue was sent.

Liu Xu was a little flustered. One side begged Liu Xu to rescue, and the other side was Ye Fei valued everyone's safety. What should he do?

The fat man also felt this scene in the origin space, and he was also hesitant. Liu Xu's soul opened his eyes and came to himself.

Liu Xu frowned, "Afei..."

Ye Fei looked at the other party's pleading eyes and asked, "Is the machine really that important?"

Liu Xu nodded and said bitterly, "Don't waste time. Tell me, can you help them?"

Ye Fei sighed, "You make your own decision and pay attention to the time of the stable period!"

Liu Xu suddenly smiled, and the long-lasting indifference between the two dissipated in an instant.

Re-control of Ye Fei's body, Liu Xu immediately ordered to start the rescue! The two operating ships put down the energy ore that had been collected, and 16 mechanical tentacles immediately began to clean up the energy ore outside the wreckage.

The wreck of the operating ship did not seem to have been corroded by the seawater of the Sea of Death, but the surface of the hull formed a thin layer of energy crystals. The hardness of the energy crystals was similar to the surrounding ore, but the thin appearance was extremely difficult to clean up. Liu Xu immediately ordered to retain the original crystal appearance and focus on cleaning the exterior of the hull. With five minutes left, most of the structure of the wreckage of the operating ship has appeared, and the whole hull is facing down and slanted in the ore mountain range.

There was not much time, and the two operating ships were excavating with all their strength, but the progress was very slow. At this time, the No. 2 operating ship issued a request to use the ship-borne weapons, and Liu Xu saw a sweat on his forehead. The operating ship was equipped with a fixed-point explosive explosive weapon, but once it was detonated, it was likely to quickly destroy the stable situation. Once the bondage was blown away. The energy ore outside the wreck of the ship is likely to destroy the structure of the ore mountains in this area, thus changing the stable energy here.

Liu Xu quickly made a decision and agreed to use ship-borne weapons. While the No. 1 operation ship continued to excavate, the eight tentacles of the No. 2 operation ship quickly nailed a fixed-point blasting device around the wreckage of the operation ship. Seeing that there was not enough time, Liu Xu ordered that 16 tentacles of the two operation ships tightly pulled the operation ship. The wreckage was pulled towards the edge of the sea of death, and 16 metal tentacles were tightly tightened, while the wreckage of the operating ship was still stuck in the ore mountains.

At this time, Liu Xu had stood up. She hated that she could not use her due strength and help these poor machines.

The speed of the two operating ships reached 60 knots, which is already the fastest speed. The sound of tearing from the metal tentacles, and the powerful power of the operating ship has overwhelmed the metal arms. Liu Xu touched the light curtain a few times with his trembling hands and gave a simple order - blasting!

Boom! Boom... The huge explosion sound came, and everyone felt that the hull was bumpy in the water, as if it were shaking mountains. The fluctuations caused by the explosion suddenly pushed the two operating ships out.

And behind the two operating ships, the wreckage of the rescued working boat also separated from the ore mountains. A huge crystal ore was dragged on the hull and crashed rapidly. It was so fast that it was about to hit the working ship where Liu Xu was located.

At this moment, the No. 2 operation ship reacted quickly and changed the navigation angle. After stopping the No. 1 operation ship, it collided with the wreckage of the surging operation ship. The stern of the No. 2 operation ship was hit a gap by the huge energy ore carried by the wreckage of the operation ship, and the pale yellow ** leaked out in a blink of an eye. Occasionally, it was swallowed by the black sea, and the No. 2 operating ship made a huge explosion sound, and the whole hull immediately became dry and flat. At this moment, the sea of death exerted the powerful water pressure to the extreme.

The three high-level machines have no hope of survive at this time.

Liu Xu covered his almost screaming mouth, and bean-sized tears crossed their cheeks one by one, flowing down, and flowed into the pale yellow** outside through the light mask of his head.

There is a text message left by the No. 2 operation ship in the light curtain in front of us - take our companion home!

Liu Xu's mind was blank. It was his own decision that made the three high-level robots die easily. They could have returned to Abbott's peace. Liu Xu is sad. Even if her body is bloated and a little obscene fat now, it is difficult to hide her vulnerability as a woman.

Ye Fei roared in the origin space, waking up Liu Xu, because half an hour had passed.

Liu Xu looked blankly at the control room. All the robots were working in their own positions. The death of their companions would not let them leave their posts. The voice of the roaring sky retracted in his ear. Liu Xu suddenly recovered. A robot was reporting the situation of the sea of death to her.

Liu Xu resisted the bullying in her heart and quickly watched the rapid change of various data on the light curtain.

The stable period has passed, and the energy of the whole area will change. The speed of this change will be extremely fast. It won't take long for the disordered energy to invade here!

Liu Xu quickly ordered to leave the sea of death. The No. 1 operating ship set out quickly at a speed of 60 knots. After the accident, the explosion and the involvement caused by the collision of the two operating ships made the No. 1 operating ship greatly deviate from its original angle.

Even if the speed is at maximum, it is difficult to change the navigation route in a short time.

Time is lost bit by bit, and the energy fluctuation has penetrated into the control room of the operating ship. It has been difficult for high-level robots to complete their own operations. The control of the ship has turned to manual. Liu Xu clenched his teeth, and the control ball in his hand was slightly adjusted. Only in an instant, the hull became light, and the machine People also returned to normal, and the No. 1 operating ship left the sea of death with the broken No. 2 operating ship and the wreckage of the working ship with huge energy ore.

Liu Xu did not hesitate, and did not know what the consequences would be caused by the huge explosion. Liu Xu issued an order, and the whole ship sailed to Rupot as quickly as possible.

When returning to the dock, Liu Xu looked very tired and returned to the origin space with the comfort of Ye Fei.

The huge energy crystal and the wreckage of the work boat were salvaged. The fat man was not happy to see the harvest. Emily's light curtain was next to Ye Fei. The fat man leaned against the wall and said faintly, "Why did they save me?"

Emily's expression is very sad, "Because you are human beings, robots are born to protect human beings. Even if there are conditions for peaceful coexistence, it is difficult for them to exclude deep-rooted things in the data. Another simple reason is that there are many companions on the No. 1 operation ship. They know how to use the least sacrifice in exchange for the hope of survival of more companions..."

The fat man sighed, "Maybe I'm really wrong! I'm sorry for letting your companions die..."

Emily shook her head, "Maybe I should thank you. You brought back more of our companions..."