rogue hero

Chapter 370 People and Machines Live in Peace 7

The streamlined underwater operation ship is only 20 meters long and seven meters wide, which is much smaller than the Rose. The middle bulges and the ends are round and tapered at both ends. The whole ship is more like a rounded shuttle at both ends.

With a soft hum, a metal channel appeared on the ground. On one side of the ship, eight large robotic arms fixed the shuttle operation ship. In the metal channel and the operation ship, a gap of the size for people to enter and exit opened, and it was dark.

A robot first entered the ship for inspection. At a young time, the ship made a soft noise and made a humming sound similar to a functional system. A soft white light flashed at the dark door, and the ship's kinetic energy system was turned on.

Ye Fei and others entered and left the cabin with the remaining 14 robots and entered the cabin. Ye Fei felt that the space had become narrow. There was only one control room in the cabin, about 40 square meters in size. As soon as everyone came in, they immediately became a little crowded. After a short discussion, the robots found their own seats to sit In front of their respective consoles and waiting for Ye Fei's instructions, Ye Fei looked at the remaining general dispatch console. He couldn't help but feel a little confused and at what to do. He said awkwardly, "This... I won't control this thing!"

Cang Xiaotian and others are also inexplicable. Obviously, there is no place for them here.

A robot stood up and said to Ye Fei, "Commator, all the controls here should cooperate with the central system. You just need to dictate the specific control instructions!"

Cang Xiaotian walked to Ye Fei and said, "It's better to ask Liu Xu to come out and help."

Ye Fei was even more embarrassed at this time. His recent relationship with Liu Xu was not in the previous honeymoon period. At this time, it was not too appropriate to find her, but there was no other way. The fat man came to the origin space and contacted Liu Xu. Liu Xu did not say much, nodded, agreed to Ye Fei's request, and controlled Ye Fei. The body.

"Console No. 1, send me the operation guide of the ship!" Liu Xu said.

A light curtain appeared in front of Liu Xu, and the corresponding data of the ship appeared in front of Liu Xu. Liu Xu looked carefully. The importance of this action to Ye Fei was self-evident. On the one hand, it was to strengthen his strength to help Berno achieve his wish as soon as possible, and on the other hand, it was to explore the potential threat of the sea of death.

Liu Xu finished reading all the data, looked at Gagarb and others standing in the control room, activated the control button on the console, and quickly clicked a few times. The three robots stood up and walked out of the control room. "You take over their positions. I will control this collection task!"

Gagabu took the lead in choosing a position, and Cang Xiaotian and Si Xutong also chose their respective positions to do it. Their task is very simple. The three of them are all in front of them are consoles to observe the situation under the sea. Through Liu Xu's brief introduction, the three of them can only dictate their respective findings.

The gap outside the control room was closed, and then everyone entered the passage of the hull and closed six doors in a row, each of which was half a meter thick. When the last door was closed, it looked extremely solid under the lighting system of the control room. Liu Xu breathed a sigh of relief, and his hands were connected to the light curtain in front of the console. A gap was opened, and a mask-shaped appliance appeared. Similarly, the same mask appeared in front of Cang Xiaotian and others. Liu Xu motioned the three people to buckle them on their faces.

Liu Xu put the mask on his face, and the mask suddenly extended. A light blue light curtain appeared on the edge, wrapping the whole head, and a fresh air flowed in, making people breathe smoothly.

In addition to Gabu's slight frown, the two ten-level masters, Cang Xiaotian and Si Xutong, showed a trace of panic. At this time, Liu Xu's voice sounded in the ears of the three people, signaling them not to be nervous. Then, a yellow transparent ** began to be poured in the control room, filling the whole control room. ** did not have the corresponding buoyancy, but there was a slight gravity around the body.

The shuttle operation ship slowly left the dock and dived underwater, and behind it, it was the other operation ship, which was controlled by the three departing robots, under the unified command of Liu Xu. The operation ship where Liu Xu and others are located is tentatively named Operation Ship No. 1, and the other is positioned as the No. 2 operation ship, which is convenient for the central system to treat the two ships. Organize the messages sent back.

At the same time, two square light curtains appeared beside Liu Xu, one is Emily and the other Liu Xu 1. The two light curtains provide all the information of the two operating ships, including the depth of the ship, the pressure on the hull, the kinetic energy reserve, the emergency weapons reserve, etc.

The two operating ships dived rapidly after leaving the harbor. The data showed that the water depth suddenly changed from 600 meters to 800 meters. After the operating ship left 20 meters from the underwater world sea, the pressure of the hull suddenly increased wildly. Liu Xu knew that after leaving Norbert's overall isolation barrier, the water pressure under the sea returned to normal.

The hull did not make any abnormal sound and sailed rapidly for about five minutes. The two operating ships came to a channel with a diameter of about 30 meters, which was the channel connecting the outer sea area of the underwater world. The two operating ships did not stop and passed directly. There is a faint luminous object in the channel, and the route of the No. 1 operating ship is also displayed on the console of the general dispatch. In about ten minutes, the two operating ships left the channel at a speed of 40 knots and came to the external sea. At this time, the depth of the sea was about 1,000 meters. The picture displayed on the console was dark, and the invisible light blue light curtain came from the No. 2 operation ship. This is a scanning function, in order to explore the situation on the seabed!

The waiting time is two hours. The scanning light curtain sends back the general situation of the seabed. The sea ten kilometers in front of the operating ship is the Sea of Death, where the light curtain cannot reach and seems to have strong interference, but the charts of the sea outside the Sea of Death are clearly transmitted back.

Looking at the simulated underwater structure map, the roaring sky and silk were deeply shocked. Although the institutional map is extremely simple, the simple lines still outline the situation of the seabed, deep ravines, continuous mountains, flat plains, and underwater volcanoes marked with red lines, which they have never thought of. It turns out that the bottom of the sea is like this, and there are even volcanoes!

The two operating ships tentatively set their destination as the Sea of Death 10 kilometers away, with a speed of 40 knots and traveling quickly. Within a short time, the operation ship reached the Sea of Death. The depth of the seabed here is only 600 meters. The location of the operating ship is equal to the position of Ruobo te, and in front of it is the Sea of Death, a hazy light. The light emanated from the opposite side.

The location of the operating ship is only on the periphery of the Sea of Death. Those lights are emitted by the energy ore under the sea. The familiar energy ore is only blue energy crystal, which is also what everyone needs most.

Looking around, energy crystals and other colors of energy ore have formed a huge mountain range, and the two operating ships are at the foot of the huge mountain range. The mountain range composed of ores is extremely high. Because the imaged light curtain in the ship cannot present all the views above, the scene seen by everyone is just a foot of the mountain. It's not the whole picture.

"How many masters can be shaped by so many energy crystals!" Cang Xiaotian said in a tone.

Si Xutong also attached, while Gagarbu frowned and said nothing.

The two operating ships are close to the ore mountains, parallel to the edge of the sea of death, and move slowly, constantly recording the surrounding scene.

Liu Xu looked at the picture from the light curtain. Compared with the picture from Emily, the whole ore mountain range has changed a lot compared with the collection action ten thousand years ago. The trend of the whole mountain range has completely changed. Through imaging the light curtain, under the bright light of the ore, the sea of the sea of death is still dark and can't be seen. Any creature makes the colorful ore mountains more beautiful, but also more strange and desolate.

According to the research data left by human beings in the Republic of Vie, Rose Island, Jobot and the whole underwater world have been separated from the continental shelf of the Canglang Continent. Most of the creatures here exist in the deep sea, and the two operating ships are about 100 meters above the seabed. They should be able to find corresponding creatures, but they are dead. There is no outside of the sea of death, and the quietness is suffocating.

On one side of the hull, there are still undulating mountains. The two operating ships have been sailing for more than an hour, and even the data transmission of Emily and Liu Xu 1 can't reach here. Fortunately, the existence of communication crystals solves the problem of inability to communicate.

The current location of the two operating ships is in a relatively low place in the endless ore mountains, which is very far away from Jopot. Even if something happens, it is difficult to affect the underwater world, but correspondingly, if there is danger, it is difficult for the two operating ships to get immediate rescue.

Liu Xu's expression was a little nervous and ordered the operation ship to sail into the sea of death.

As soon as the operating ship sailed into the sea of death, the communication crystal lost its function, and the two operating ships completely lost contact with the central system. This is also the difference between the high-end communication technology of the Republic of Bié and the magic communication technology of the Canglang continent. The communication technology between the ship and the central system is stable and has a strong signal. Anti-interference can also maintain communication under the disordered energy interference in the sea of death, but the support distance is too short. The communication crystal has a long communication distance, but its anti-interference ability is very poor, and it can no longer communicate with the central system in the "core" in the sea of death.

Without the data analysis and support of the central system, Liu Xu could only command the two operating ships by relying on the existing communication and exploration facilities in the operating ship.

The two operating ships slowly entered the Sea of Death, where the fluctuation can have a great impact on the control system and machines in the ship. Liu Xu stopped all the machines, opened the defensive light curtain outside the hull, and resisted the energy fluctuations of the Sea of Death.

Fortunately, the human body seems to have a strong resistance to this energy fluctuation and does not have much impact. All two operating ships were handed over to Liu Xu for manual control. At this time, the imaging light curtain has been turned off because it has lost its imaging effect.

Liu Xu put his right hand on a ball, which was rubbed by Liu Xu, constantly stabilizing the balance of the ship and waiting for the arrival of a stable period here.