rogue hero

Chapter 477 New World 12

After collecting all the souls in Zhouyu space, Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and clenched his big hand. The annihilation space did not disappear, because the corona did not absorb all the annihilation power.

After hitting the wall, Ye Fei smiled. Taishang only got two worlds. It seemed that the other party's Taoism was very ordinary. Ye Fei sneered, and the halberd in his hand threw into the void, and a magnificent force covered him. The halberd was the key to the heavenly soldier's return to the alien world. The fat man flew forward and entered the passage. Through that layer of film, enter the alien world.

"Heavenly King." A man's call.

Ye Fei turned around and was in an illusory space, "Too good?"

Tai Shang nodded, "I didn't expect that you could understand it. It really makes me happy and makes me worried!"

Ye Fei was also a little curious, "Do you want to learn my skills?"

Shake his head, "No, because I know what method you used, but I can't learn it!"

Ye Fei also nodded, "I have a question. Is this also the middle world?"

"In the middle of the world?" Taishang sneered, "In the words of the divine world, this is just the second world."

"Who are you?" Ye Fei slowly retreated, and the passage of the new world was opened, and he could enter at any time.

"I'm just an ordinary clergyman." Take a step up.

"If you have something to say, don't get so close!" Ye Fei stepped back again.

"Now that I can't stop you, what are you worried about?" Tai Shang said coldly, without hiding his resentment.

Ye Fei stabilized his body and said, "Give me my wife, and we won't break the river in the future!"

He laughed abruptly, "You don't worry about your safety."

"There are only two people in the world, and you can't even enter your own world. What can you be arrogant about?" Ye Fei looked at the supreme existence of the alien world.

He was stunned, "Lord God has let me save your life. You don't have to worry. I won't hurt you, but others may not! Don't forget that although you have understood the new world, your own energy will not be reborn. We all live under the rule of the gods. The foundation of your new world is still given by the gods!"

"So, is there a stronger existence above you?"

"Yes, and only the supreme one in the divine world has a real new ability. If you want to get the answer, I think you'd better forget it."

"That's what I think, so I hope we can live in peace."

"It's late! You have touched the most important thing you should not have touched! You could have lived a free life in the third world, but you shouldn't have come to the second world, because the God King can see the second world, just like I can see the origin world!"

Hearing the other party's explanation, Ye Fei calmed down, sighed, and sat on the ground, "So you don't know anything about me in your own world?"

Tai Shang straightened his clothes and sat on the ground opposite Ye Fei. "But you can still analyze the progress of your development now, which is no longer what I can understand. Although you can understand what I can't understand, your ignorance has hurt you."

"Can you explain it to me?" Ye Fei asked.

Taishang nodded, "This matter should start with your previous life!"

"At the beginning, I found that there was a problem with the origin of the third world, so I opened the channel and led the human soul into the alien world, among which you were! At the beginning, you were just an ordinary human, and the level was even poor, but fortunately, you had a guide, that is, Liu Xu! Liu Xu entered the second world before you. I found that she was a very introverted human, which rarely appeared in the second world. I gave her some basic skills. I didn't expect that she could innovate herself, which made me very curious.

Ye Fei nodded, "Some things that even the Creator didn't think of! Every human being has the shadow of a creator in it. I think Liu Xu's analytical ability surprises you, right?

"Not only that, she let me see the other side of myself. Her persistence has long forgotten in my life in the divine world! That's why this second world has you!"

"Guys in the divine world also have personalities?"

Taishang laughed a few times, "The gods and kings have existed for countless years. They have evolved from various energies. Although their personalities are similar, we are different from whom they derive!"

"I brought your soul. At Liu Xu's request, you are also protected here, so as to improve your strength little by little! At the beginning, Tianjun was just a small killer. In my eyes, you are much worse than Liu Xu. No matter what aspect you are, you are like an ordinary human, but gradually, I found that you are different!"

Ye Fei is interested. Maybe the other party's explanation can verify why he has been exposed to more mysterious fields.

"You are too mediocre!"

"It's not so harmful!" Ye Fei said depressedly.

"Mediocre to balance everything! I can't even see through people like you! Normally, absolute balance is not what human beings can achieve, because there are various causal constraints. Even I, as long as I leave my own world, it is impossible to do it, but what you do is infinitely close!" Taishang's tone was very sighing, as if such a thing could not happen.

"For example, once, Liu Xu relieved you. In order to respond to her feelings, you thanked her with delicious food and many things. I found that the implied content in it was converted into feelings, which just offset Liu Xu's help to you. Such a practice has no burden on you, no more or no less, almost Complete balance, such a you, if you were me, would not reach such a standard at all!"

"At the beginning, I didn't know why there was an extra piece of uncooked meat in the meal. Later, I carefully analyzed and found that this only flaw just made up for the imbalance of returns. You inadvertently achieved perfection in the * balance!"

"Until I carefully checked your memory and found that your soul had entered the energy intersection of the second world and the third world. It was at that time that you planted the seeds of balance in your heart, so everything you did was looking for balance, skills, heavenly court, low-level creatures, alien human beings, you have No longer balance everything you meet all the time! Emotions, senses, and everything are balanced under your adjustment. Even if I intervene, you will balance everything in the world after a period of time!"

"I admire you very much! But there is no clue!" With a sigh, you have become the only impenetrable existence in my world.

Ye Fei was shocked that he was like this!

"At that time, you began to share energy with me and form two relatively balanced rulers. I was curious about what you would do, but I found that you had countless separate bodies to maintain the whole second world in a relatively balanced state. I found you and told you about my findings with you. Do you know how you reacted at that time? " Tai Shang laughed repeatedly, "The sky and the earth cracked, and all the balances were broken. You are shocked! You don't even know what you are doing? There is no point in doing this! The improvement of your strength is just to maintain the balance of the whole world!"

"The second world has returned to its original appearance, and all your splits have become independent individuals. The energy you absorbed from me has returned to my body. If the second world continues to develop peacefully, you will be an ordinary emperor for a hundred years!"

A trace of brilliance flashed in Taishang's eyes, "You no longer have the value of research in front of me!"

Ye Fei breathed a sigh of loss, "It's good that you reminded him, otherwise, how horrible would such a person be?"

Nod too much, "It's really horrible! In order to maintain balance and take energy from me, even as the creator, I can't control it!"

"What happened after this?"

After? You are so happy in the universe. This guess makes me speechless... The origin is my split, a split for understanding. I gave her freedom and memory. Unfortunately, your arrival makes me speechless again! It's incredible that you, who are full of human emotions, have turned my two third worlds upside down!"

Ye Fei touched his chin and looked a little guilty. "I really didn't expect it to be like this!"

Taishang stood up and said, "But I'm more and more interested. I want to see what you can make this second world look like, so you still have ten years to be happy here. Ten years later, the God King will pick you up and take you into the divine world. I think their curiosity about you is more intense than me. These ten years It is the time when the divine passage is opened. Once the divine passage is opened, with the strength of Lord God King, you can hide in your own world, and Lord God King can also find you out!"

The fat man was stunned, "No... won't you?"

He sneered, "Do you know that if my split strength is not enough, with the strength of my ordinary clergy, I can also make you obedient. Do you think I can't enter my own third world? Ridiculous!"

Taishang's figure disappeared, and Ye Fei sat on a hillside. There were many wooden ancient buildings in the distance, and the air flowed, which was very mysterious.

"Who broke into the heavenly court?" A man in armor flew towards Ye with more than a dozen people.

"Malegobi! Taishang wants to play me like a monkey!" Ye Fei looked angry, but he was helpless. He had a hundred levels of strength, but that was the power he had formed after thousands of years. The energy in his body was completely provided by countless planets. It was absolutely impossible to fight against the whole heavenly court without tens of thousands of years of hard work.

Ye Fei suddenly penetrated into his new world and disappeared without a trace. Thousands of breaths locked here, but no one was found.

Ben Lei pushed away the fairy around him, and I couldn't tell whether she was excited or disappointed. After waiting for many years, this day finally came!

Ye Fei followed the connection between his eldest wife Liu Xu and Xuer into the heavenly court, looked at the eldest wife who was practicing under the thunder and said, "Baby, my husband is coming to pick you up!"

Liu Xu Fairy opened her eyes and looked at Ye Fei, and the indescribable indifference flowed on her body, "Here you are."

Ye Fei nodded excitedly, "Wife, I'll take you away!"

Liu Xu Fairy had no expression, "Give me back what you owe me."