rogue hero

Chapter 478 New World 13

"Wife, what are you talking about? Come here quickly and I'll take you out of here." Ye Fei wondered, what is ruthless? Why did Liu Xu say these words?

Liu Xu Fairy took out a manuscript from her arms and threw it to Ye Fei, "This immortal dragon secret is your skill."

Ye Fei catches it with his hand, and his whole body also came out of the passage of the new world. "No matter what skills, I have a lot of things to tell you!"

Liu Xu Fairy shook her head, "You understand this skill, and I still need to understand it. Go!"

Ye Fei was stunned, couldn't help frowning, and went forward to pull Liu Xu's body.

Bum! Ye Fei's body flew up and threw it into the distance. He looked at Liu Xu with a shocked face. The other party had no expression.

"Isn't it sick?" Ye Fei doubted in his heart, how could Liu Xu not let him touch her?

At this time, there was a shout from the heavenly prison. The whole heavenly court was a master. As long as Ye Fei appeared, his own breath would be discovered. He could not stay here for a long time! Ye Fei got up and rushed to Liu Xu, but as soon as he arrived, an invisible force blocked him, and the fat man was furious, "Liu Xu! Get out of here with me!"

Liu Xu Fairy looked up and looked calm, as if she didn't have any feelings. "Cause and effect cycle, I can't imagine that I have paid for you all my life, and what I get is just an equivalent reward. You leave."

The fairy closed her eyes, and several white gases flew out of her body. In a blink of an eye, she wrapped her whole body to form a white ball, separated from Ye Fei.

Ye Fei looked confused and touched the white gas. As soon as his hand touched the white gas, a huge force invaded his body. Ye Fei hummed and fell to the ground. The white gas entered the body and impacted the power in his body. Ye Fei was ** all over his body, humming several times. The strange white gas in his body finally He was shot out.

Ye Fei looked at the white sphere with a sweaty face, "Liu Xu, what are you doing?"

There was no movement in the white ball. At this time, more than a dozen powerful human beings suddenly appeared in the place where Ye Fei was, staring at Ye Fei, but did not rush to do it, but protected Liu Xu in the middle.

Ye Fei looked awe-in. Liu Xu didn't know how to contact her, and his temperament was also very strange. Ye Fei had no choice. More than a dozen people in front of him were calm, and they must be not weaker than himself. Ye Fei gritted his teeth, and the energy in his body decreased by one point, and his strength decreased by one point. It took a thousand years to form. The energy can't be wasted like this! Turning into the new world, the whole person disappeared without a trace.

Ruo Potter.

Ye Fei's face turned pale and told everyone what happened. Everyone couldn't find a clue, but everyone's eyes were focused on the "Indestructible True Dragon Secret" in Ye Fei's hand. This is the skill created by Ye Fei, the heavenly king who looked down on the world in his previous life. It must be unparalleled. Liu Xu Fairy did not say anything else. This "indestructible true dragon" has become the only clue.

Xu'er came to Ye Fei's side and said, "Afei, how did the eldest sister become like this?"

Ye Fei shook his head, "I don't know, and Liu Xu's strength seems to be unfathomable, and even I can't get close to half!"

Gagabu frowned, "Ye Fei, I think there is something strange about this. Your power is different from the power of the source. It is a new power. There is no reason why you can't break through the defense of Liu Xu. Maybe your power is not strong enough. We need time to improve this new power."

"There's not enough time!" Ye Fei clenched his fist and said, "There is a stronger existence above the top. We are just human beings living at the bottom!" Ten years later, the man will come to me!"

What? Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect that everyone had worked hard for thousands of years, and the final answer turned out to be like this. Everyone's look was dim. They thought that they could live a worry-free life with the help of Ye Fei's new world, but they didn't expect that there was really a sky outside the world. With the current development of the new world, if the whole space was stopped. If he stagnates down, Ye Fei will inevitably gain strong strength, but Ye Fei can't think of making any progress.

In fact, Ye Fei has got a way to create new forces, but the new power needs to maintain the energy needed for the new world. Now Ye Fei's strength is completely homogenized by all planets. These equalized energy has changed the energy balance of the whole new world. If it hadn't been for the origin and crown to provide soul supplement In the cycle of the new world, the whole new world will collapse.

This is a very complex project, and only Ye Fei himself is responsible for manipulating this project. Standing in front of everyone is just a split of Ye Fei. If Ye Fei's body leaves the new world, I'm afraid it will be too bold!

Ye Fei's body is sleeping, and the split is only dealing with things according to Ye Fei's thinking habits. Although it is also Ye Fei, everyone is somewhat estranged from this split.

Wo! The manuscript flew and fell into the hands of an ordinary-looking woman, and behind the woman was a handsome man, which was the origin and crown!

"Put down the things!" The roaring sky shouted.

The origin is nervous. This "Indestructible Dragon Secret" is the skill of the Heavenly King, which also illustrates the past experience of the Heavenly King. This is unknown to the origin. If you can watch this skill, you can find the traces of the Heavenly King in those years, and the origin's hands tremble.

Another generous and gentle hand attached to the hand of the origin, "We can't look at it, even at a glance, all the truth will become an illusion!"

A trace of desire to explore flashed in the crown's look. In this new world, he is different from others. In order to get Ye Fei's way to get the new world, the best and stupidest way is to watch Ye Fei find the key in shaping the infinitely expanding new world, instead of understanding Ye Fei's past. Experience, once they find Ye Fei's experience in his previous life according to this skill, they will embark on Ye Fei's old path, but it is unknown whether they can get the same result from the same process.

The crown shook his head, "We are not Ye Fei. The process can be copied, but the result can't!" We can only rely on ourselves!"

The origin sighed and returned the "Immortal Dragon Secret" to Ye Fei's split, "I know, let's go!"

"Wait!" The fat man shouted.

The origin looked at Ye Fei, "Do you want to ask the meaning of this immortal dragon secret?"

The fat man looked serious, "Should I watch it?"

"If it's you, it doesn't matter, because it's part of you. You have this data in your body for a long time and does not affect the development of the new world!" The origin replied.

Mian also said, "We can't see it because this is the skill of your previous life, which is different from what we want to look for in this life!" As soon as the crown's words fell, a black light mass appeared in his hand, with stars dotted in it. "This is the new world I created. Although it is only an information projection, no new energy is generated. If we follow your method, the power we will only get will be the same as yours. What we are looking for is our own power!"

Ye Fei nodded, and the two disappeared. Everyone was confused and didn't know what the three were talking about.

Ye Fei sighed and explained to everyone, "The new world can derive new energy. Whether this new energy can be different from any energy depends on our own perception!"

"Everyone should know that the energy formed in the cosmic space of origin is the power of origin, so we can't escape the control of the origin. In the same way, the origin can't escape the control of the top, so I want to create a new world and use my own power to fight against the origin and the top!"

"We all know this, and you have done it!" Cang Xiaotian said aside.

Ye Fei shook his head, "There is still a powerful existence above Taishang. If I want to kill Taishang, I must first shape the new world, and my own energy will not change. It is still unknown whether I can escape a more powerful existence. Therefore, I can only keep changing the whole new world, and my own energy will not Breaking change, but this constantly changing energy is unbearable, so I thought of the way to origin! That's a deep sleep!"

"The origin has thought of this method in the early days, but she did not develop this plan, because she did not know that there was a balance in the change!"

Balance point? One unpredictable message after another confused everyone, and Ye Fei did not explain much and left with the immortal dragon formula.

Ye Fei was also confused about this balance point. He just found a clever way! The infinite expansion of the new world does not refer to the expansion of space, but to the infinite integration of space in space, just like the position where Potter is now. This is just an ordinary planet, and it is also the first planet created by Ye Fei in the new world. The periphery of the planet is not as vast as space, but Ye Fei's soul itself, if anyone can see Ye Fei's soul, they will find that Ye Fei's soul is just an ordinary planet.

And within the planet, there are countless worlds, and there are countless worlds in the world. In this way, the number of worlds at the bottom can no longer be described as "innumerable", and the so-called infinitely expanded new world is an alternative space combination. This space combination has no Fa feels its whole, and its information is so huge that no master can afford it!

So Taishang once told Ye Fei that he would not use Ye Fei's method to understand his strength, because he could not find the balance point that would not drive him crazy. Even if he knew how to find the balance point, he could not do it.

Ye Fei did it. That balance point is the intersection of space and space. Where is the intersection of the original world and the world? Whether it is Taishang, origin, annihilation or corona, none of them can find it, but Ye Fei has found it.

Ye Fei once came to the intersection of two spaces and stayed in the central part of the channel, squeezing the original world space channel with huge power. The compression process was very long. When the exit of the channel was within Ye Fei's reach, the structure of the original world began to collapse. Ye Fei made a bet that if the original The world can be integrated with the world, so there is no difference between the original world and the world.