Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 044 There is no hole

Chapter 044 There is a hole

At night, the bright moon hung in the air, and it became more and more pale as the night came, as if it was silently mourning a follower who worshipped him. Under the moonlight, the frost mountains are still snowy. Against the moonlight, reflecting the light blue light, the night has become more mysterious and quiet.

The cold wind roared and roared away, and the ground seemed a little weak. However, with the increase of height, the number of cold winds is increasing, and the speed of cold winds is getting faster and faster. That's why the so-called cold heights are too cold.

At this moment, Wang Yue kept climbing on the mountains, and there was almost no place to stay on the steep peaks. What is more dangerous is the smooth hard ice. If you don't pay attention, Wang Yue's hand will slip, and then slide directly down the cliff to the bottom of the valley.

Now Wang Yue can only rely on the sharp dagger in his hand to climb little by little. If it is slightly better, he can find a foothold and jump directly to a height of more than ten meters. However, if Wang Yue has not had a foothold, he will not be able to find a support point, but has always been in a state of extreme tension. In this way, he consumes several times more physical strength than he usually climbs.

An hour has passed, and Wang Yue only climbed 100 meters with his extraordinary physical strength. If such a mountain were someone else, they might not even be able to reach 100 meters in the same time. Now it is not easy for Wang Yue to run here, but he is still a long way from the target. This distance has become a gap that he can't cross.

"Fight!" Wang Yue saw that there was still 400 meters away, so he had to clenched his teeth, clenched the dagger again, and inserted one hand into the ice fiercely. If it is at the beginning, it will certainly be effortless to do so.

But now Wang Yue's physical strength is obviously unknown. As a result, Wang Yue's palm was a little loose, and the dagger was not inserted into the ice, and Wang Yue's hand hung in the air. This completely concentrated the weight of his body on the other hand.

The roaring wind kept ringing beside him, and Wang Yue shook his head helplessly. Obviously, Wang Yue had witnessed that the sequelae of the two spirit beast wars had not been eliminated. Now his physical exertion was too much. Coupled with the roaring cold wind, there was a roar in Wang Yue's ears, like the wind, and it seemed to be some messy notes.

After hanging on the cliff with one hand for a while, Wang Yue inserted the dagger in his hand into the ice again. Only then did he know how hard the ice was and how strong the body of the clumsy white orangutan was. In terms of the strength of the body alone, these white orangutans who can freely go up and down these steep cliffs must be extraordinary masters.

Although Wang Yue now has the spiritual ability to understand evil, he is only slightly stronger than those ordinary nine-fold masters in physical strength. If he is more powerful than the extraordinary, Wang Yue will be ashamed of himself. It can be said that the extraordinary world is a watershed for martial artists to continue to improve their strength during the quenching period. Only when you become a strong man in extraordinary world can you be qualified to go out to practice and be recognized by martial artists from the outside world. Otherwise, it can only be regarded as a martial arts practice.

Such a person may be a person of some status in Chu Yunguo, but it is worthless to take other slightly larger empires outside.

To figure this out, Wang Yue did not compete with those strong and perverted white orangutans, but learned to use the spiritual power of the fire attributes in his body to help his dagger pierce more easily. After an hour, Wang Yue finally climbed another 200 meters, more than twice as fast as before.

Just as Wang Yue was about to continue climbing, he suddenly saw some light blue plants on the cliff. These small plants look very weak, but they can be very strong enough to break through the ice and come outside to enjoy the free world greedily.

"It's blue frost grass." Just as Wang Yue was surprised, he suddenly thought of a very familiar name, Blue Frost Grass. This is the most abundant plant in the Frost Mountains. Although this plant is the most common in the Frost Mountains, it only grows on those cliffs.

Generally, there are powerful spiritual beasts living in such places, so few people can taste this plant. Such things are generally very expensive. In the auction house, the price of this plant can be auctioned to one catty, 100,000 taels of silver at the highest, which is not worse than the spiritual core of a third-order Warcraft. Such things are almost everywhere in front of Wang Yue now. This made Wang Yue suddenly have a feeling of picking up a baby.

The biggest feature of frost grass is that it can provide the human body with the spiritual power of ice properties, which is most suitable for refining some elixir. More importantly, this elixir can also be taken directly to strengthen the body. It is said that taking this frost grass all year round can make people resist the cold and make their bodies extremely strong. It can be said that it is less than those white orangutans. Seeing these frost grass, Wang Yue's first thought was not to take them back, but to put them directly into his mouth and eat them.

Although these frost grasses are very small, they are just the size of Wang Yue's thumb. However, after Wang Yue broke one, he suddenly found that this kind of thing was not only extremely tough, but also unusually heavy. Wang Yue also wasted the strength to break them on a cliff. Such a small thing that is only ten fingers long is more than two or more.

"What does this smell like?" Wang Yue put the frost grass into his mouth and had a warm feeling, which was completely contrary to the cold feeling he imagined. It's not like frost grass, but more like a bowl of steaming broth. After Wang Yue drank the bowl of steaming broth in his mouth, he felt that the fatigue all over his body suddenly swept away, and there was an itchy feeling in his bones, as if something came out of it.

"Am I going to be promoted?" Wang Yue thought in surprise. No, promotion is not the feeling. If you are promoted, you definitely need to absorb a lot of spiritual power.

Wang Yue affirmed his idea in this way because he once heard his father say that the quenching period has passed to an extraordinary state, and the biggest change in his body is the addition of true power in flesh and blood. At the same time, the cyclone in the body keeps condensing and becomes the shape of **, thus greatly increasing the storage of spiritual power in the body. In this way, you can exert greater lethality in the battle and hit the enemy hard.

"This should be the result of the body being condensed by this frosty grass." After eating the first frost grass, Wang Yue felt much more comfortable all over. In order to verify this feeling, Wang Yue broke another frost grass in his mouth. Probably when the second frost grass was slowly chewed by him and swallowed into his lower abdomen, Wang Yue carefully felt the changes in his body.

He felt that when he swallowed the frost grass, a cool warm current in the ice grass flowed from his mouth into his stomach, and then integrated into the blood through gastrointestinal digestion. Finally, it is transported from the heart to all parts of the body and integrated into the bones. The rest goes into the muscles and five organs.

"The frost grass is really a good thing!" After eating the sweetness, Wang Yue began to look for the third frost grass and lived in the fourth. In the end, he ate almost three or 400 frost grass before he stopped. At this time, he found that this piece of frost grass had been eaten by him. If a frost grass is two taels, he will probably eat 200 catties of frost grass. If these frost grass are counted as silver, it will be about 20 million taels of silver.

"Tut, I didn't expect that my value also began to grow." After eating so many frost grass, Wang Yue did not feel any discomfort in his body. He looked at the sky again. If he doesn't go up now, I'm afraid it will be dawn in a moment. Wang Yue quickly stopped and began to climb.

"Thorn..." Wang Yue inserted the dagger in his hand into the thick ice of the cliff, and suddenly the dagger stabbed directly into the ice and disappeared into Wang Yue's hand like a tofu.

"Uh..." Wang Yue looked at one of his hands in surprise as if he had eaten mouse shit, and then looked at it wonderfully. He doesn't know when he had such a powerful power. This is almost ten times more powerful than before, and at least 70,000 catties of power.

"Maybe I'm too hungry to have an illusion." Wang Yue gently grabbed the ice with his palm and saw a fingerprint deeply branded on it.

Then, Wang Yue put another dagger into his backpack and stretched out the other hand. The same handprint appeared in front of Wang Yue.

"Ring..." Wang Yue used his hands and feet to climb up dozens of meters in just a few dozen breaths, almost several times faster than just now. This made Wang Yue almost shout out excitedly. However, he was not so excited that he was carried away. You should know that this is the territory of white orangutans. Although their strength has greatly increased, these orangutans grow up eating these things all year round. Compared with them, their value is to find their own death.

"Squeak..." At this time, the strong white orangutans who had just gone out to bury the bodies of the dead white orangutans rushed back from the outside. The sound of these orangutans came to Wang Yue's ears from under the cliff.

"You must find a place to hide quickly." Wang Yue screamed in his heart, so he quickly climbed up, found the largest cave and drilled in. There happens to be a large area of green plants in it, which can make Wang Yue hide in it. Wang Yue entered the cave without waiting for left and right observation, so he got into it.

"Squeak..." Not long after Wang Yue got into the plant, several white orangutans crawled in from the outside. However, these white orangutans are not as free as Wang Yue. They can go wherever they want. Hearing these white orangutans, they all shouted, and their voices seemed to be very respectful and low.

"Roar!" After a while, there was a slightly angry roar from inside. Hearing this low roar, the white orangutans left without even explaining.

"What on earth is this place? Is it the nest of the two blizzard orangutans? Wang Yue sighed in his heart. Even if this is not the nest of the Blizzard Orangutan King, I'm afraid the status of the orangutans living here will not be low.

Wang Yue slowly came out of the plant. He just noticed that the white orangutans showed great respect as soon as they came in, kneeling on the ground like human beings, so he escaped the disaster. Just now, he did not look carefully at the situation of the cave because he was hiding in a hurry. Now that Wang Yue comes out of the plants, he naturally pays attention to everything here and hopes to find something.

"Well, why does this seem to be an ordinary family?" Wang Yue came out of the plants and found that the cave was extremely spacious. The whole cave is at least six or seven meters high, and its size is immeasurable. The whole cave is as spaced as a human house. What's more strange is that although there is snow outside the cave, the inside of the cave is as warm as spring.

Next to the outside of the cave, a very tough plant. These plants can withstand the cold. There are some rare plants in it, which are more or less of some medicinal value. It is not too much to say that it is an elixir. Some of them are edible fruits.

Looking around the cave, there are pale yellow sparkling stones with warm light. These days are like small suns releasing heat to provide the plants with the necessary light and warmth.

Inside the plant is a wall piled up with stones. There is also a place on the wall that looks the same. Judging from the size, it should be the passage from the outside of your house. If there is one more window and two doors on this wall, I'm afraid it will look like a simple house. It's just that it looks extremely rough and even ridiculous now.

But now Wang Yue has no time to appreciate these ridiculous things. He restrained his breath, and then came to the side of the stone wall and stretched out his head slightly to look inside.

He found that there was a room separated by stone walls. However, such a room is more than ten times more than the ordinary human living room. Even if Wang Yue's current old house is not so big together.

There are several stone Zhuozi in this house, and there are round stone chairs next to Shi Zhuozi. This kind of stone chair is very large, and the whole size and ordinary teenager is not much. It is only slightly shorter than Wang Yue, which is thick enough to hold four or five Wang Yue. There are also some fruits and meat on top of Shi Zhuozi, but the processing is quite rough.

There are two more gorgeous and luxurious chairs on the front of the whole room, two chairs with two handles, and two huge tiger skins on it, which look extremely noble and luxurious. It can be seen that these two chairs should be the place where the two blizzard orangutans sit. On the stone chair opposite the Blizzard Orangutan King, there is a larger rectangular table in front. There are also some delicious food on it. However, the delicious food here is much more exquisite. At first glance, it may be made by the chef of the human world, and it may not be able to catch up.

"Hmm?" Wang Yue suddenly felt that these dishes were so familiar, and he seemed to have a feeling of acquaintance.

"Snoring... Snoring..." Just as Wang Yue was observing the room, there were gradually bursts of snoring from inside. This should be a sign that the two blizzard orangutans are sleeping. It seems that not only do they live like human beings, but even their sleeping and snoring habits are similar to human beings.

"I should go in and have a look. Maybe I can find the cub of the Snow Wolf King." Wang Yue looked at it and approached along the passage leading to the room. He leaned out slightly and saw two huge ice beds in it. There are two injured blizzard orangutans lying on the hospital bed. There is a cave in it that I don't know what it is for. But it should be a storage room or something.

Wang Yue walked in through this hole. He took a few tentative steps and found that there was no problem before he slowly walked to the two blizzard orangutans.

May not see anything when the distance is far away, but after getting close, Wang Yue found that there was a wound dozens of centimeters deep on the chest of the two blizzard stars. If the two blizzard orangutans were not strong enough, they would have been cut in half directly. In addition, there are countless small wounds on their bodies. Wang Yue ignored them and walked towards the cave there.

Wang Yue slowly walked into the cave and found that there was a different cave in it, just like a beautiful and exquisite back garden. Among them, there are countless strange flowers and plants, and even the elixirs of some hundred years and even thousand years can be seen. It seems that this blizzard orangutan king has indeed spent some time cultivating these things. However, Wang Yue still didn't see the Xiaoyue Snow Wolf King cub here.

Wang Yue began to observe constantly. Kowloon kiwi, fire grass, ice and snow grass, snow mountain ice lotus... Wang Yue found nothing special here except some cherished elixirs. But at this time, a slight sound made him suddenly notice something. That sound similar to the shaking of a metal chain. But how can there be a metal sound in this cave?

Wang Yue wanted to make a sound, but he was afraid of being discovered by the blizzard orangutan king sleeping outside. Although they are now seriously injured, their strength is equivalent to a master in the later stage of the extraordinary world. This is not something that Wang Yue can deal with. What's more, there is more than one white orangutan here. If they find out, he will die.

"Shh... Shh..." Wang Yue suddenly remembered the secret words given to him by his father when he was a child. Although this kind of secret language communicates little information, it can still be used at critical moments.