Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 244 Hell Demons

Chapter 244 Hell Demons

"click, click, click..." Wang Yue hit with all his strength, and the intention of knocking down the martial arts was smashed by him and integrated into his body. At this time, the true meaning of martial arts in his body has been accumulated to a certain extent, and martial arts * has gradually grown up and become a teenager.

"Ice and Fire meteorite!" After absorbing the true meaning of martial arts, Wang Yue directly exerted the ice and fire power in his body to the extreme, and his whole body turned into an ice and fire two-color meteorite and smashed out in reverse.

"Zi La La La..." Wang Yue's time can be said to be just right. Just as Emperor Guizhen was about to bombard him with his martial arts skills, he had turned around and fought back. The two martial arts collided fiercely, and Wang Yue did not want to apply for the Guizhen Emperor, but rushed directly to the sky by force.

Emperor Guizhen's punch can be said to have broken Wang Yu's temporary response and hit Wang Yue, directly hitting Wang Yue's body with a large scar. Even in the high sky, Wang Yue's body is difficult to recover. What's more, more martial arts have fallen from the sky one after another.

"Kkaka..." Another seven or eight martial arts pierced Wang Yue's body fiercely. When Wang Yue's body was about to be penetrated, the whirlpool in his body began to rotate slowly. Originally stabbed into Wang Yue's body, like a sharp blade, the true intention of martial arts that was ready to cut Wang Yue into a part was directly crushed by the whirlpool.

At the time of Wang Yue's death, the whirlpool appeared above Wang Yue's head again. But this time, the perfect heart of heaven and earth in the whirlpool is shining pure white. Where the light passed, the true meaning of all martial arts was twisted into pieces. Pieces began to fuse into pure energy into Wang Yue's body in the whirlpool. Wang Yue's strength showed a straight-growth trend.

"Boom!" In Wang Yue's body, the fifth and sixth small world was completely opened. Wang Yue stood up from the void, and his body was full of pure white light.

"How is that possible?" No matter what the emperor never thought of, he was still a step late. Wang Yue has actually completed the advancement of the emperor. However, he was entrusted by a big force to kill Wang Yue, and he could never give up halfway. Now that Wang Yue's strength has grown so strong, he must take extraordinary measures.

"Destroy!" The power of the Guizhen Emperor's whole body was reorganized in the continuous collapse, and then collapsed in the reorganization. At this moment, the Guizhen Emperor is like a dusty figure, constantly disappearing, rebuilding and disappearing.

"Master, this is the original achievement of destruction, and it is also a heavenly martial art. If the master is bombarded by this martial art skill, his body will be pierced by the essence of the destruction of martial arts, then assimilated, and finally disappear into dust in the world. After seeing this martial art, the ice ancestor also shouted in great surprise.

Is that right? It doesn't matter. Now that I have advanced to the throne, he can't do anything to me at all. The ordinary emperor has a martial arts teenager whose strength has increased dozens of times. And I have three martial arts teenagers, and my combat effectiveness has been increased by a hundred times or even more, so there is no doubt that the Emperor Guizhen will die.

"Heaven and earth are refined!" Wang Yue stretched out his hands, and infinite power stretched out from his five fingers tore a gap between heaven and earth. In this gap, countless Yuan forces are gathered together to form a separate space, and Guiyuan Dihuang is included in this small world.

"Refining!" Wang Yue saw that his small world had been completely formed. Although this small world is less than 10 times the size of a city, it can be completely installed as the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. Not only that, the essence of martial arts like tentacles on the edge of this small world has also condensed. When Wang Yue shouted tearing, countless tentacles grabbed the head of the Guiyuan Emperor respectively.

"Wo!" For a while, millions of martial arts essences formed a horizontal stream to hinder the originally fast-flying Guiyuan Dihuang in mid-air, and other martial arts essences appeared from behind and wrapped the Guiyuan Emperor in the middle. The last two torrents form a round ball. Although any martial arts essence close to the emperor of Guizhen is being rapidly destroyed, the emperor of Guizhen is still trapped in it.

At this time, the body of Emperor Guizhen appeared between heaven and earth and directly integrated into his body. The heart of heaven and earth slowly became bigger, and the emperor of Guizhen slowly became smaller. Finally, until the Guizhen Emperor was completely refined into pure energy by the heart of heaven and earth.

"What is really the heart of heaven and earth? That legend is really true!" In the divine world, every big man is looking at somewhere in the three thousand worlds with his own divine eyes. All the divine eyes finally merged with Wang Yue.

"God Emperor. That is the heart of heaven and earth. It is said that the infinite people used it in the divine world at the beginning. If we can get him, we will definitely sweep the divine world. At that time, the divine world will not be divided now. Next to the Wish God Emperor, a god king stood and said with a smile,

"It's really the heart of heaven and earth. It seems that my guess is correct. The heart of heaven and earth must be taken down, otherwise, I'm afraid it will be taken away by several other old guys. I lost too much. However, the place where the heart of heaven and earth is located is too fragile. If I come, I'm afraid the whole world will collapse. I hope God King, please lower your body to help me bring me the heart of heaven and earth. The wish emperor looked at the heart of heaven and earth and said faintly.

"After the death of the infinite man, the divine world seems to have begun to fall into pieces. But now it's almost the end. The object rule of the god emperor is about to end all this, and all the rules are in my hands. I want to unify the whole divine world. The ruling emperor looked at the heart of heaven and earth and said with a sneer.

In short, too many emperors finally became more and more greedy because of the disappearance of the god king. Now they are even more excited when they see the heart of heaven and earth, and they all have different ideas. At the time when these concerned figures were the most powerful, Wang Yue had also completed the advancement of the emperor. Three of his splits stood around his body. However, these splits seem to be only fifteen or sixteen years old, younger than Wang Yue himself. However, the combat effectiveness is not inferior to the ontology.

"Congratulations, master, we can leave the secret place of tantra. Otherwise, when the old Xie monster in the divine world really comes, we can't run away. The ice ancestor said worriedly.

"Gaga, you can't run away anymore." Just when the ice soul ancestor was worried, Wang Yue's most familiar split had appeared in front of Wang Yue. This god king is the blood demon king. The Blood Demon King once planted blood demon seeds in Wang Yue's body, and this lost secret place is officially the closest place to the divine world. It is through the blood demon seed and the heart of heaven and earth that the blood demon king is feeling the location of Wang Yue.

"Kid, do you think I will give you strength for nothing? Blood seeds have been planted in your body by me. As long as the blood demon seed attacks, you will become a pool of pus and blood and become my food. But I won't kill you so easily. After all, you are also my inheritor. As long as you can obediently hand over the heart of heaven and earth. I will let you go." The split of the Blood Demon King came in front of Wang Yue, which was obviously the strength of a great emperor. If it hadn't been for the junction of the divine world and the three thousand worlds, which was very weak, the Blood Demon Emperor could even come to the split of a divine man. At that time, Wang Yue will be just a grain of dust in front of him. Even if the blood demon king is now, the strength of the emperor is enough to torture Wang Yue to death.

"Do you want the heart of heaven and earth in me? I'm afraid it's impossible." Wang Yue shook his head helplessly and said.

"Oh? Why?" The Blood Demon King looked at Wang Yue's helpless look and asked strangely.

"Look around you. I'm afraid there is still a life-and-death struggle between you!" Wang Yue pointed behind the blood demon king and secretly used the power of a disillusionment blow. The Blood Demon King also lost his mind for a moment and looked behind him. Sure enough, he saw a large number of God Kings. But when he turned around again, Wang Yue had already disappeared in front of him.

"Master, where are we going now?" The ice ancestor did not expect that Wang Yue would dare to deceive even the emperor, so he is still a little frightened when he thinks about it now. However, Wang Yue didn't feel anything, but was a little excited.

Now after quenching, the blood suit in Wang Yue's hand is infinitely close to the artifact, especially the blood wings, which are completely stretched for hundreds of thousands of kilometers. Therefore, every time Wang Yue stirred his wings, the distance he moved was more than a light year. It is also natural that he can escape from the sight of the demon king in an instant.

In addition, the blood demon seed mentioned by the blood demon king has long been shattered by heaven. So he can't track Wang Yue easily. However, the Blood Demon King still did not give up, but kept using the tracking method to follow Wang Yue, like a maggot of the metatarsus. This disrupted Wang Yue's plan to leave the secret place of tantra. If he returns now, I'm afraid it will cause great trouble to his mother.

"Master, the hell demons are about to break through the gate of hell. They might as well lead them to the vicinity of hell. In this way, we are likely to take advantage of such an opportunity to get rid of them. When Wang Yue was puzzled, the ice ancestor suddenly thought of a very insidious way.

"Okay, let's go there. Otherwise, if more splits of the great people in the divine world follow from behind, I'm afraid I really can't run away. The more Wang thought about it, the more afraid he became. His speed suddenly increased to the extreme, and he directly penetrated the space chaos and came into the void turbulence. In his perception, Tianlong Continent is in that direction.

At this time, not only the split of the blood demon king, but also the split of about 178 god kings came from the divine world to the secret place of tantra. Among them, the most powerful are the split of the King of Hope, the split of the Blood Demon King, and the split of the King of Destruction.

"Tear, tear..." The god kings showed their magical power one by one, tearing the void and rushed straight to the place where Wang Yue was. But when they came near Wang Yue, they suddenly found something strange. Wang Yue seemed to be standing still waiting for them to come.

"Amazing Assassination!" Just when all the god kings arrived almost at the same time, Wang Yue turned around and immediately performed martial arts. Countless void turbulence were torn, and suddenly a space was shattered. Countless black and skinny hell demons flew out of it. Just after the first wave of hell demons appeared, hell demons in some nearby spaces also appeared accordingly. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of billions or more of hell demons appeared in the sight of all the god kings. This time, the emperor of the hell demon clan also appeared and joined hands to block the nearby space. That is to say, all the splits of the god king, including Wang Yue, were surrounded by countless hell demons. Now these god kings can no longer care about capturing Wang Yue. Whether they can survive is a question.

"Kid, you're dead." The Blood Demon King suddenly remembered that Wang Yue had plotted his method before. Now he is even more angry when he sees these hell demons again. His body immediately turned into a bloody top and began to turn to the hell demon clan and squeezed desperately towards the place where Wang Yue was. All the hell demons, regardless of whether he is the blood demon king or not, rushed to the blood demon king like a wolf. The Blood Demon King was entangled by millions of hell demons almost in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Wang Yue's situation is not very good. Around him, millions of hell demons rushed towards Wang Yue like maggots of metatars. There is nothing powerful about these hell demons, that is, their bodies are extremely hard, their teeth and claws are extremely sharp, and they are not afraid of death at all. The goal is to kill the invaders.

"Boom..." Many of the splits of the god kings performed martial arts one after another, and millions of hell demons were killed almost at the same time. However, the dead hell demon clan not only did not reduce the total number of hell demon families, but the number of hell demon clans is still increasing. It seems that they have been submerged in the sea of hell demon clan.

"Heaven and earth are refined!" At this time, Wang Yue could no longer retain anything. He fully integrated his body with the heart of heaven and earth. He began to form a small world with himself as the core, which included hundreds of thousands of demons. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of demons were refined by Wang Yue. Although Wang Yue kept killing the demon clan, the demon clan he could kill was only a minority. The number of demons is still increasing.

"Master, this is a sign that the demon clan breaks through the gate of hell. I'm afraid they are going to hit the Tianlong continent. The ice soul ancestor suddenly estimated the real situation and said in horror. That is to say, even the hell demons like the sea now are just a small part of the hell demons.

"Master, even the divine world is quite a headache, let alone us. Let's escape as soon as possible. I remember that there is a way to establish a teleportation void tunnel in Jiuyan's magic formula. If the owner can find this way, he may be able to avoid disaster. The ice ancestor said in horror.

"No, the ice ancestor. I can't leave. What has I ever experienced in life? Isn't it to improve my strength? Now that there are so many hell demons, it is time to improve my strength. I must stay. Wang Yue suddenly figured out the cause and effect, and his whole body began to expand. This is his blood demon method, turning the blood and spiritual power into the flesh and blood of his body, making his body swell ten times.

At this time, a large number of hell demons rushed to Wang Yue as if they had seen food. Just as they jumped on Wang Yue, Wang Yue's body turned into countless small white air masses again, leaving these hell demons nowhere to talk.

"Explosion in nine days!" After Wang Yue was promoted to the emperor, he also realized more and more martial arts skills. This nine-day explosion is a simulated universe, what it looked like when an era was born. Therefore, if it is used, it will produce an explosion of the object itself. It's like every cell in Wang Yue's body has turned into a bomb.

"Boom..." Wang Yue's body immediately aroused a chain reaction, and millions of hell demons were completely detonated by Wang Yue like a *. Wang Yue's body immediately turned into a large mass of broken flesh and blood, the size of a small mountain. ~

"The devil swallows the world!" Wang Yue kept running the magic method, coupled with the role of the heart of heaven and earth. Wang Yue absorbed all the hell demons into his body. His strength has been improved again. But at this time, an emperor unexpectedly appeared beside Wang Yue.

"Wo!" Wang Yue felt a flash in front of his eyes, and his body was pierced by a big hand. It's just that this is just one of his splits. The split was broken, and Wang Yue only suffered some minor injuries.

"Wo!" The split of the god king appeared beside Wang Yue again, and Wang Yue's second split was also pierced by him. In a blink of an eye, Wang Yue lost two splits. If he loses his third split and he can't condense in a short time, then the next time he may be pierced is his real body.

"Gaga, Wang Yue. Today, you can die in the hands of my assassination of the God King, and you will die without regret. Go to hell. Absolutely assassinated!" After three consecutive splits were pierced by the assassin king, the assassin king immediately turned into three virtual shadows to surround the king from three different directions.

These three virtual shadows look very thin, but they are extremely solid, and the speed is several times faster than Wang Yue. Just when the assassination of the god king thought that Wang Yue would definitely collapse in the face of such a lot of pressure, he suddenly saw Wang Yue and laughed.