Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 245 Golden Light Gate

Chapter 245 Golden Light Gate

"How can it be? Is this boy crazy?" The assassination king didn't expect Wang Yue to be so crazy that he stood there waiting for his assassination. However, he probably thought about it and understood the problem. I'm afraid Wang Yue is very afraid and doesn't know how to dodge at all.

"Kid, you're dead this time. At that time, I can take the heart of heaven and earth for myself and achieve supreme hegemony. The assassination of the god king can become the king of the divine world, and it can be said that he grew up on the corpse mountain. Even if there are no hundreds of billions of warriors he killed, they will never be much less than this. So he is very confident in his strength. Now he is naturally more confident in the face of such a weak warrior as Wang Yue.

However, when his three virtual shadows pierced Wang Yue's body and merged together, Wang Yue's body was completely broken like tofu dregs, leaving no trace at all.

"Kka!" Wang Yue's body was completely broken, and the three virtual shadows also condensed into one. It didn't take him any effort to kill Wang Yue at all. This made the assassin suddenly realize that things were not good. When he looked at the opposite side, millions of hell demons had already covered him like a black cloth. Only then did he know that he had been trapped by Wang Yue.

In fact, all this is a trap set by Wang Yue to assassinate the god king. He even used the assassination of the god king's rival to Wang Yue, which made him make a very retarded and incompetent mistake. In fact, his previous three were indeed Wang Yue's martial arts splits. Therefore, the assassination of the god king is in the concept that it must be Wang Yue's split in the end, so he has no scruples to use the strongest blow. But things were not what he expected. The last appearance of Wang Yue is just a virtual shadow transformed by Wang Yue.

Wang Yue's practice of Jiuyan magic formula is a very powerful illusion in itself, which can confuse the public. Therefore, even the assassination of the god king was deceived.

"Explosion in nine days!" Just as the assassination of the god king was entangled by the hell demon clan, Wang Yue's body suddenly exploded and turned into a ball of white gas. The white gas began to explode completely, rushing like a torrent to assassinate the god king and the hell demons around the god king. The assassination of the god king was affected as one of them, and then a large number of ground fires and demons were impacted by Wang Yue's Yuanli torrent, killing and injuring countless people.

"The devil swallows the world!" Wang Yue's body turned into a big blood-red mouth and swallowed a large number of hell demons in one bite. Even the assassination of the god king was bitten off half of his body by Wang Yue. Then Wang Yue's second bite still ate the assassination of the god king directly. A large number of hell demons were directly eaten by Wang Yue as if they were food.

"Boom..." The power in Wang Yue's body was condensed like the sea, and even the martial arts teenager showed signs of growth and became a martial arts youth. Wang Yue's realm has also changed from the early days of the emperor to the middle period of the emperor, which can be said to be faster than other people's hundreds or even thousands of years of years of penance. However, he has now killed a large number of demons, which also aroused the idea of the senior officials of the hell demon clan.

At this time, the two emperor-level hell demons began to gradually approach Wang Yue.

"Master, it's really enjoyable to kill. Just now, we attacked from behind, about seven or eight emperor-level god kings, and killed them. Otherwise, our strength would not have improved so quickly!" The ice ancestor felt the improvement of his own strength and was also very happy. When Wang Yue was promoted to the middle of the emperor, the ice ancestor had reached the period of emperor and queen, which was beyond his peak in the past. The ice ancestor was so happy.

"Don't be so happy. Don't forget, we are still surrounded by hell demons. We have killed so many hell demons, which will definitely attract the attention of the top of hell demons. Wang Yue had noticed the location of the two hell demons and immediately hid his body. However, these two hell demons are very shrewd. No matter how Wang Yue hides, he can be found by them. Wang Yue had to break the boat and fight with them.

"Master, since we can't escape from the sea of hell demons now. Why don't we play here for a big time, absorb enough corpses of the hell demon clan, and finally advance to the emperor. The ice soul ancestor said very excitedly when he thought of a bright future.

"Well, that's the only way." Wang Yue also knew that now not only the split of the great man in the divine world was looking for him, but also attracted the attention of the demon emperor.

Of course, in this sea of hell demons, even if he doesn't kill so many hell demons, it won't help. Or the hell demons killed them. He must become stronger if he wants to survive.

"Blood demon reversal!" Wang Yue suddenly burned all the power in his body and thought of a higher level to launch an impact. He felt that his strength kept improving to the level of half-step emperor. At this level, it is difficult for the carrier to rise. However, this is not the result Wang Yue wanted.

"Hell horror!" Just as Wang Yue kept absorbing the body of the hell demon clan into his own body, suddenly two extremely powerful demon emperors locked Wang Yue. The long white bone hairs rapidly condensed in the void began to form a sea of white bones in the air. Above the sea of white bones are frightened souls. The sea of white bones has not yet come, and the frightened roar has awakened Wang Yue. He turned his head and saw the sea of white bones. By this time, he could no longer dodge.

The two seas of white bones surround Wang Yue, and there are a lot of hell souls in the sea of white bones. Once Wang Yue is trapped in the sea of white bones, his body will be stabbed by millions of white bones and spears, and he will be hunted by hungry souls again and again. It is extremely painful and life is better than death.

Although Wang Yue had already expected that he would face the situation of the two emperors, he still felt very difficult to deal with it when he really faced it. After all, even if I improve my strength infinitely, it is only half a step of the emperor, which is still much worse than the real Emperor Wu.

The emperors killed by Wang Yue before were just a sneak attack behind his back, against the hell demon clan pestering these emperors. When he was distracted, he would get such a result with all his strength.

But now he is encountering the opposite situation. Two hell demon emperors assassinated him when he was separated. For a moment, Wang Yue felt that his whole body was under great pressure, and his mind was dizzy, and his body lost one-tenth of his combat effectiveness. However, Wang Yue did not give up.

There is also the heart of heaven and earth on Wang Yue's body, and the blood suit, which is infinitely close to the existence of artifacts. In this way, he may still have a chance to turn the situation into safety. More importantly, he needs to go through such a test of life and death to make his body get a real transformation, instead of relying on some secret methods to improve his strength.

"Explosion in nine days!" Wang Yue once again converted all the meta forces in his body into his various forms, and even formed a state of a galaxy composed of countless planetary stars, and began to flow in the chaos of the void.

"Wang..." A white bone river came and began to integrate into Wang Yue's body, and countless souls began to invade Wang Yue's soul. Then the second white bone river also began to enter Wang Yue's body, and more ghosts began to erode Wang Yue's body.

These ghosts kept calling, making Wang Yue seem to have entered a hell. However, Wang Yue was not afraid at all. In his opinion, his underworld soul has also been cultivated for a little time, and it is time to cultivate the underworld soul to the highest level.

The heavenly soul of the underworld is actually a skill between heaven-level and prefecture-level martial arts. Wang Yue also studied the heavenly soul of the underworld. However, he found that in fact, the heavenly soul of the underworld lacked a very critical part, otherwise, it would definitely become a very powerful skill like the blood demon method.

Even so, Wang Yue has cultivated it to a certain extent. Unfortunately, there are not many souls for him to practice. Wang Yue can't let him extract the soul of the warrior. Now is a great opportunity for him to practice.

"The whirlpool of the soul!" Now Wang Yue can be said to be one-minded and two-purpose. While manipulating his soul to absorb countless grievances into his soul and become his own soul power. On the other hand, the soul of the other half also controls his body to deal with the two white bone rivers.

It can be said that at this time, the white bone river is like a piranha in the big river, while Wang Yue is the river water. The piranhas wanted to drink all the water to kill Wang Yue. But the river is indeed endless, no matter how many piranhas there are. Huge rivers can accommodate it.

"Explosion in nine days!" When Wang Yue's underworld soul kept absorbing the soul to upgrade the realm, Wang Yue's body also began to explode quickly. The spiritual power of all the small worlds in his body rolled out of his body like a tide. At this time, if someone looks at it from a distance, Wang Yue seems to be the brightest star in the center of a nebula. There are shining stars around him.

At this time, the heart of heaven and earth also began to bloom a purer light, and all the white bone rivers in Wang Yue's body began to slowly dissolve, become more fragile, and finally completely absorbed by Wang Yue.

With the increasing outflow of power in Wang Yue's body, the explosion became more and more intense, and almost one-tenth of the white bone rivers had been swallowed up by Wang Yue. Hundreds of thousands of hell demons have also become nutrients in Wang Yue's body in explosions.

Wang Yue's body began to change slowly, just like the flame turned into ** and bright red blood. Even the originally pure heart of heaven and earth gradually began to appear pure white and become radiant. It is stained with a layer of blood-red color in the light, which looks extremely enchanting and beautiful.

"What, someone is here to be promoted to the emperor?" Among countless hell demons, an emperor who was infinitely close to the demon god suddenly shook in a white bone palace. He never thought that anyone could survive among the tens of billions and trillions of hell demons, and there was even a trend of improvement. This is simply a great insult to the hell demons. Therefore, this human warrior must die, and he must also pull his soul out of his body, and then exile him into the boundless hell to torture until eternal time.

"Go and kill this human warrior who has not yet advanced the emperor. Finally, bring his soul back to me." The half-demon god looked at the hundreds of emperors standing in the palace and said with a sneer.

"I know, master!" After hearing the words of the half-demon gods, hundreds of emperors immediately left the White Bone Palace and entered the void turbulence and began to gather towards Wang Yue's side.

They are not arranged in a disorderly manner, but form a huge formation, moving together regularly as if they were a formation. Wang Yue's side immediately filled the net and was about to cover Wang Yue in it.

"Tianmo Cloth Network!" A demon emperor shouted. As his voice landed, a big net fell from the sky and began to land on Wang Yue's nebula-like body.

Now Wang Yue's body is still extremely expanding. Originally, some small worlds have also begun to slowly expand their power, forming some different changes. Even more power constitute the essence of martial arts and enter the body of martial arts* in Wang Yue's body, forming fragments of the true meaning of six martial arts. At the same time, the three martial arts * in Wang Yue's body are also growing, faintly evolving into martial arts youth.

However, at this time, a big net fell from the sky and sealed Wang Yue's body in a sealed space. In this space, there are no objects except the vast and boundless space. It is dark around. Wang Yue feels as if he has fallen into an endless abyss.

The black flame of "Hulala" rose from the endless abyss. Wang Yue felt like a roast chicken barbecued in the flames, and his whole body began to burn dryly. However, this burning is not the burning feeling of ordinary flames, but the impulse to be demonized and even lost myself.

Wang Yue saw that his skin began to slowly turn black, and even sharp horns had grown above his head. The scream was very small at first, and then began to slowly get bigger, and even some blood-red lines appeared on the sharp corners, which were very distinct and terrible.

"Burn your essence, let your heart burn, and let your soul fall into endless hell..." Just as Wang Yue wanted a sign, these demon emperors began to spell and began to wash Wang Yue's soul, in an attempt to make his heart truly become a demon clan and a more evil demon emperor.

"Ah! I can't lose myself. I can't forget myself. I am an independent individual and an extremely powerful self. I want to keep my integrity..." Wang Yue's brain was getting more and more painful, and he even felt as if he had slowly lost control of his body. If Wang Yue's soul is not extremely powerful, I'm afraid his body would have been demonized at this time. However, Wang Yue is still struggling.

"Heart of heaven and earth, quench my body!" Wang Yue finally couldn't stand the corrosion of these demon emperor's spells and began to gradually lose himself. However, at the critical moment, he still put the heart of heaven and earth in his mind to communicate with his practiced skills. Only then did Wang Yue gradually begin to control his body.

"Death!" Wang Yue's heart began to become more and more firm. His body began to crack, but these cracks began to be slowly repaired, and even poured into more force to make his body stronger. Finally, his body began to swell, and the original nine martial arts that were forming suddenly turned into twenty, the initial form of a virtual martial arts rule that had begun to form.

"Boom..." Wang Yue's realm and thunder clouds across the disaster appeared in the chaos of the void.

At this moment, a door opened from the sky, and a divine dragon slowly stretched out from it. This divine dragon is full of ripple scales of the essence of martial arts, shining golden, as if they were golden ripples. Around his body, there is also a golden river, and the golden river above the golden river also looks golden. However, when the golden dragon and the golden river came out of the gate, the space that was originally dense with hell demons was immediately cleared out of a golden road. This road leads to Wang Yue's place.

"What, isn't this the door to the golden world? In the golden world, this kind of thing usually appears only when warriors fly to the divine world. Is this boy going to fly up to the divine world? The demigod demon emperor is about to fly into the divine world, so he still knows a lot about some things about flying into the divine world.

But when he saw that the gate above Wang Yue's head was not the real door of the divine world, but the virtual shadow of the door of the divine world, he felt much more at ease. Otherwise, he hasn't soared to the divine world after thousands of years of practice, but let this little child who is less than 30 years old fly to the divine world. It's better for him to find a piece of tofu to kill him. Now Wang Yue's advanced emperor makes him worse than die. So he is also ready to catch Wang Yue and have to study it well. Otherwise, an ordinary emperor is not enough for him to send such a demon emperor to round up.

"It seems that this boy still has to take action this time." After seeing the golden gate above Wang Yue's head slowly opening, the half-demon god immediately disappeared into the white bone palace. In his opinion, this golden dragon is definitely not what he sent to block the ordinary emperors, and he is the only one who wants to get Wang Yue as a freak.

"Tear..." This dragon came to the first demon emperor and tore the demon emperor into pieces with a big mouth. The emperor's body was broken and blurred, and finally turned into a pile of ashes.