Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 246 Retrieve the body

Chapter 246 Recover the Body

"Tear..." The golden dragon actually stepped on the golden river and tore a crack in the space, in which many golden lightning began to produce. The essence of martial arts began to cover Wang Yue's body like a big net. Finally, this big net replaced the big net of the demon clan, and even the demon emperors who had besieged Wang Yue before were covered by the golden net. The void thunder and lightning came to life, and countless thunder and lightning began to explode a large number of sparks.

"The demon god exploded!" When a large number of demon gods were covered by this big net, they knew that they would not be unable to complete the task, but also be killed with Wang Yue. So some demon emperors began to take the initiative to sacrifice themselves and began to rape themselves one by one. After their violence, their bodies became seven or eight martial arts and began to attack the golden dragon. A wave of martial arts true meanings are dark. There is also a thick magic fire on the true meaning of dark martial arts. More than 20 demon emperors stormed themselves, and hundreds of martial arts formed a black river directly to attack the golden dragon.

"Roar!" The golden dragon looked up and roared fiercely, and the golden thunder and lightning spewed out of his mouth and collided directly with the true meaning of those martial arts. Some martial arts still broke through the golden thunder and lightning and stabbed into the body of the golden dragon, piercing the scales of the golden dragon, creating some small cracks.

"Ka, click" Several clearly visible wounds appeared on the body of the golden dragon, but the golden dragon was still not severely damaged. At this time, more demon emperors began to rape themselves, and more martial arts were shot at the golden dragon like a sword rain. More cracks began to appear in the body of the Golden Dragon.

Just when a wound on the golden dragon's body obviously appeared and golden blood flowed out, the golden river under his feet began to roll. The golden river flowed down the injured part of his body, and his wound was eased and even healed. His body recovered as before, but the golden river shrunk accordingly.

"Thanks to these idiots, otherwise I'm afraid I will be refined by this golden dragon." Seeing that these demon emperors attacked the golden dragon regardless of life and death in order to complete the task, Wang Yue took a deep breath. If these demon emperors had dealt with themselves like this just now, they would have died long ago. Do you still have time to watch this good play?

"Roar!" The golden dragon was finally furious when he was harassed by dozens of demon emperors. He suddenly looked up, and an extremely thick lightning shot out of his mouth. This lightning is actually an extremely thick martial arts truth. The true meaning of this martial arts alone is thicker than the true meaning of all the martial arts of the self-bao mo di. Lightning pushed forward directly like a huge bulldozer, devouring all the martial arts generated by the demon emperor to Wang Yue. This made Wang Yue's originally extremely tense nerve finally have a feeling of release.

"Blood and flying, nine days of illusion!" Wang Yue knew that the time had come for him to truly transform into a great emperor. If he can break through this barrier, he is Emperor Wu, and he can't break through a pile of dust. Wang Yue showed the most powerful martial arts he could understand.

This martial art is the last move that Wang Yue understands in Jiuyan's magic formula, which can transform the enemy's moves into some irrelevant tricks. You can even turn the world around, treat them in their own way, and deal with their opponents in turn. It can be said that it is really unpredictable.

Now Wang Yue used this martial art skill and immediately appeared nine layers of the sky, and every time the sky appeared in front of Wang Yue like a wall. This wall forms a complete protective net, which completely blocks Wang Yue from other forces and forms an absolute defense.

"Boh..." The lightning dragon broke through the seven defenses continuously before it slowed down. Finally, by the time of the ninth layer of defense, most of the lightning had become pure energy and was completely absorbed by Wang Yue.

Of course, Wang Yue's martial arts skills are powerful, but those who really weaken the golden dragon are the self-raging demon emperors. Without them, Wang Yue could not completely turn the lightning dragon into his own without any harm.

"Boom!" After Wang Yue's body absorbed a lot of golden lightning, Wang Yue's temperament began to slowly change. Originally, his pure white skin began to emit golden brilliance, giving people a sacred feeling, and even a dignity of sanctification, and extremely powerful pressure.

After the advanced Wudi, Wang Yue felt that his body had stretched a lot, and some bones began to ring, as if a small space had been created in his bones. In these small spaces, countless grids are constantly generating, as if Wang Yue's bones have become honeycombs, which is extremely strange.

"Master, I didn't expect that after you advanced to the emperor, the physical refining skills have been cultivated to the extreme by you, and even almost every cell in it has become a warehouse for storing vows and a small Dantian cyclone. In this way, the amount of power you can hold in your body will double again. The ice ancestor saw that Wang Yue began to absorb the power of thunder and lightning in his body, which greatly changed his whole temperament. He had a prototype of a god, and his heart was also happy and became extremely excited.

"Amazing Assassination!" Although the ice soul ancestor was very excited, because he followed Wang Yue to become the emperor. He will not be the ice soul ancestor in the future and can change his name to the ice soul emperor. In this way, he can go back to the ice mountain to retrieve his body.

However, Wang Yue was not as excited as he was. Under one blow, although he initially had the strength of the emperor, he knew that it was not his real strength, but with the help of the demon emperor. Therefore, he must constantly break through himself to achieve a stronger position.

Now Wang Yue is a powerful blow to break the body of the golden dragon and then kill it completely. With a hula, his body actually produced space-time voids between the void, and the black airflow produced violent friction in his body. The flame knife in Wang Yue's hand is a peerless killer, and the blood-red wings produce a huge energy flow behind him, pushing his speed to the extreme. Almost in the blink of an eye, Wang Yue came to the golden dragon.

The golden dragon opened its mouth and was about to bite Wang Yue's head. Wang Yue flashed to the side, and the flame knife in his hand stabbed into the golden dragon's body. With a crisp voice, the golden dragon's body was pierced by the flame knife in Wang Yue's hand. The flame knife penetrated the scale armor of the golden dragon and pierced the body of the golden dragon, and a large amount of golden blood began to penetrate from the body of the golden dragon.

After the golden blood penetrated, it actually flowed to Wang Yue's body and then wrapped around Wang Yue's arm. Wang Yue's arm was wrapped in golden blood and immediately turned into golden scales like the golden dragon, which greatly limited Wang Yue's action. At this time, the golden dragon bit Wang Yue's body again.

"Kka!" The golden dragon's huge mouth wanted Wang Yue's body, and Wang Yue's body began to split. At the last moment, the heart of heaven and earth came out, and the heart of heaven and earth stuck the golden dragon's mouth. In an instant, the pure white light burst out from inside, and the head of the golden dragon immediately turned into the true meaning of martial arts, and the body of the golden dragon began to turn into the true meaning of martial arts. It was chaotic and crazy flying around Wang Yue.

"Bum!" At this time, suddenly a huge semi-demon god in black armor punched dozens of martial arts around Wang Yue, and the martial arts were broken. Wang Yue was bombarded out.

The true meaning of golden martial arts began to integrate into the heart of heaven and earth, and Wang Yue's body recovered as before. His originally broken head and exquisite facial features began to form on the body of the heart. However, when Wang Yue was blown away, the half-demon god appeared beside Wang Yue again and bombarded Yue Yue's body again.

"Frost partition!" The first boxing champion Yue has been beaten and dizzy. Now Wang Yue is still in a slight dizziness. Although he has a certain intuition, the speed of this half-demon god is almost several times faster than Wang Yue. So when he appeared beside Wang Yue, Wang Yue didn't have time to react at all, and the ice soul ancestor was just enough for this time.

Layers of frost appeared directly in front of the demorthal god. The half demon god punched down without hesitation, and the frost fault immediately broke, and Wang Yue was punched out by the half demon god again. This punch almost blew Wang Yue's body, and deep cracks have inevitably appeared on Wang Yue's body.

"What should I do?" Wang Yue suddenly had a state of mind that was infinitely close to death. It can be said that he has now felt that he is in an extremely dangerous state, and his brain has also been extremely calm for a moment.

Suddenly, he thought of the bloody suit on his body. This blood-colored suit not only has a high-strength defense effect, but also is very powerful to break through the void and turbulence. It just needs to consume a lot of power and even the essence of martial arts. However, Wang Yue can't care so much now. Once you die, it's easy to choose between the two.

"Blood Burning" Wang Yue kept burning all the power in his body, and even the true meaning of martial arts was not spared. The huge energy obtained from this combustion is fully injected into the blood-colored sleeve device. Get some blood to produce a huge blood-colored light on the blood suit. The bloody light curtain formed a spiral impact and entered the flame knife in Wang Yue's hand.

"Tear!" The void was torn apart, and Wang Yue's body began to enter the space-time tunnel. Just as Wang Yue was about to enter the time tunnel, the half-demon god also appeared behind Wang Yue, and he punched Wang Yue directly on the back. Wang Yue did not stop to enter the space-time tunnel, and there was a crack behind Wang Yue entering the space-time tunnel. The space-time tunnel was immediately closed, and the semi-demon god was blocked outside the space-time tunnel. The half-demon god looked at the space-time tunnel that had healed quickly, but finally did not have the courage to enter it.

"Wang Hao! You bully people too much!" Wang Yue's tender and pale face was particularly ferocious because of extreme anger.

Young master, are you all right? Before waiting for the bedside, the figure couldn't wait to ask in a crying voice.

"I'm fine..." Wang Yue sighed, frowned slightly, and barely squeezed out a smile. His eyes looking at the thin figure were full of faint warmth.

"It's okay! This is a nourishing elixir I just exchanged with my whole body, which can nourish my vitality and treat internal injuries. Young master, please eat quickly..." The thin figure raised his little black and tearful face, grinned and said with concern.

"Ziling, you..." Wang Yue was so hot that he wanted to say something thank you, but he couldn't say it.

"Young master, you have taken Yang Yuandan and take it as soon as possible. I have to go back quickly! If the housekeeper sees me coming to you, he will kill me..."

"Yoh! Isn't this Master Wang? What do you do when you come to the ancestral hall? Did you get beaten enough last time and came to look for it again? Wang Hao, who was thin but extremely capable, said with a disdainful face. Although he shouted that Wang Yue was a young master, he did not pay attention to Wang Yue at all.

"Hmm! Old dog! How dare you! My parents have passed away and should rest in peace, but you dare to fabricate them and pour dirty water on their heads to ruin their reputation! Today, I'm here to smash your stinky mouth and see how you will reverse right and wrong and slander good people casually in the future!" Wang Yue shouted angrily, strode forward, rushed forward to Wang Hao, and punched him in the head.

"Little bastard, you want to die by yourself. Don't blame me for being cruel!" Wang Hao was not angry but happy. He shouted and waved his fist to greet him...

Wang Yue fell into an endless coma in the space-time tunnel. There is no change in the heart of heaven and earth in his body, and his small world also spends normal time in the heart of heaven and earth. However, in Wang Yue's mind, Wang Yue's concept has been constantly changing.

In this change, Wang Yue felt that the whirlpool in his body seemed to turn faster, but he lost all his perception of his body. I don't know when a white beam suddenly opened the space-time tunnel. Wang Yue broke away from the inside and came to a vast starry sky. Wang Yue opened his eyes and saw that it was the planet Tianlong.

"Hmm?" How did I leave the space-time tunnel and come here? Wang Yue was extremely confused, and he suddenly penetrated the atmosphere of Tianlong Planet and began to enter it. Soon he found the original site of Luo Tianzong and found that it was already in ruins, and the whole Tianlong continent had become a ruin. There are corpses everywhere on the continent, and there are more piles of dead bones, but the originally vibrant world has now become a dead planet.

How is it possible? Am I late?" Wang Yue suddenly felt as if he was dreaming and appeared in this terrible world when he woke up.

"Son, you're not late." Just when Wang Yue felt extremely panic, an old man appeared in front of him. The old man's head was gray, but his eyes were full of firm belief. He walked to Wang Yue's side and pulled Wang Yue out of the abyss. Wang Yue suddenly felt extremely relaxed, instead of being buried by this despair and loss.

"Who are you?" Wang Yue looked at the old man and asked strangely.

"I'm an infinite man, Luo Xin!" The old man seemed to see through Wang Yue's words and said with a smile.

Ah? How can it be? Aren't you dead? It is also said that people in the divine world have no life or death, but eternal life. But why do you look like a dying person now? Wang Yue said in surprise.

"Ha ha, the child has a long story! Before saying these things, what I need to tell you is that what you are seeing now is just a trace of my spirit, not the real me. To be precise, it is a trace of soul imprint that I left in the fragments of the heart of heaven and earth. And the real me has already died. However, the first patriarch of Luo Tianzong is still alive, and he is in a treasure in my divine world. So before other gods find the treasure, you must find him in the shortest time, and then inherit my will and get my inheritance. At that time, you will have the power to change everything. As the old man patted Wang Yue's forehead, Wang Yue's mind became clear again.

"I see!" Wang Yue felt that when the old man slapped his head, a lot of information began to enter his brain, and there were even many solutions to problems. When he opened his eyes again, he had already appeared on Luo Tianzong in Tianlong Continent. It's just that Luo Tianzong has already been empty at this moment. Fortunately, everything on Tianlong Continent was still the same as when Wang Yue left, and there were no corpses everywhere. All life is still so full of vitality, and even the ants on the ground are working hard. Wang Yue was relieved at this time.

Wang Yue knew that Kaitian's ancestor had taken Luo Tianzong's people to the Tianlong Empire. So he also left Luo Tianzong and rushed to Bingpo Mountain.

Above the ice soul mountain, Wang Yue penetrated his soul power into the ice soul mountain and found the location of the ancestral body of the ice soul. Because of the seal of thousands of years, the body of the ice spirit has begun to show signs of damage. But it's not that serious.

"Blood!" Wang Yue opened the peak from the middle with one punch, and the whole ice mountain of tens of thousands of meters was directly split in half, revealing a huge body in the middle, which was the ice beast. Wang Yue poured blood spirit into the body of the ice ancestor and constantly repaired his necrotic body. Gradually, the body of the originally dry ice beast began to show signs of restoration. With the infusion of more and more bloody spiritual power, the ice beast made a dull roar and began to regain its vitality.

However, because the current ice beast has lost its soul, it is just like a papaya, with godless eyes and no response. Except for breathing, he can only be regarded as a walking corpse.

"Infused with the soul!" Wang Yue stretched out his hand and used the heavenly soul of the underworld and forcibly added the soul of the ice soul ancestor to the body of the ice beast. This is also the great movement of the heavenly soul of the underworld, which can control the soul and forcibly take away.