Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 270 Li Chao's old enemy

Chapter 270 Li Chao's old enemy

"Hahaha, Wang Yue, you are finally dead. Hahaha!" After the eternal Lord smashed Wang Yue's body with a hammer, his mood also became extremely smooth. But after a while, his mind had to change. He saw that Wang Yue's body seemed to have turned into the heart of eternity and seemed to have integrated into it.

"What, beast. You die." The Eternal Lord raised a sledgehammer and hit the eternal heart fiercely. He kept knocking hard. The original extremely pure heart of eternity slowly cracked. Wang Yue seems to have completely disappeared into the universe. This made the eternal Lord's idea that Wang Yue had entered the heart of eternity also changed in an instant. In his opinion, Wang Yue should have been killed by him.

After all, his own strength is obvious to all. The ordinary semi-eternal god can't stand his punch at all. Now he uses his own eternal artifact to beat Wang Yue, which can be said to make Wang Yue die in a good place and gives him enough face. It is very normal for Wang Yue to die in the afternoon. If Wang Yue doesn't die, it will be an abnormal thing.

"Wang Yue, if you die, just add your luck to me. Quack quack... The eternal heart returns to my body!" The Eternal Lord laughed and swallowed the eternal heart in one bite. At this time, he looked at the semi-eternal gods around him with a fierce look, as if telling these semi-eternal gods that he was the master. Sure enough, he saw that all the semi-eternal gods retreated repeatedly and knew the power of the eternal Lord.

"You semi-eternal gods are also lucky today. I used to rest in the Gate of Eternity. If Wang Yue hadn't robbed me of the largest cosmic heart in the eternal treasure house, I would never have ventured to come out of the eternal gate. But this is also good. Let me see if there is any potential back in the universe. Speaking of this, the Eternal Lord said with a shameless smile.

"Hahahaha, eternal Lord, you are really shameless. Don't forget that there is still my immortal Lord here! Not only that, I will also tell you that this Big Bang is the most intense of all the Big Bangs. That is to say, we all have enough eternal hearts to become eternal gods, and even you and I are no exception. However, in view of the unfriendly side between you and me, I advise you to keep a low profile!" As soon as the immortal Lord appeared, he immediately changed the state of absolute superiority. Now it can be said that it is a three-legged situation. Even if the number of semi-eternal gods is small and the power is not very strong, it has barely become a force. If one of their semi-eternal gods gets the heart of the universe, or even the eternal heart, there will be a heart of the universe overlord to compete with the eternal Lord and the Undead Lord.

"Since you said so, you're welcome. I will occupy the hegemony here. I don't want to say anything more to you now. When the eternal door spewed out the eternal heart again, or the heart of the universe, it's time for us to compete. The Eternal Lord looked at the Immortal Lord and said with a sneer.

"Boom!" The door of eternity grew up again. However, although the spewed this time is also a precious eternal material, it is some eternal iron. Such a substance is nothing to the Eternal Lord and the Immortal Lord, but it is a very important substance for those semi-eternal gods. When they get these things, they can create artifacts. Even old monsters of more than a dozen eras may not be able to have such treasures!

"Harala!" Just when the Gate of Eternity opened, a pile of muddy things sprayed out of the Gate of Eternity and flowed outside the Gate of Eternity. The whole gate of eternity is closed again. These muds have completely blocked the door of eternity.

"How can it be? What's going on?" Many semi-eternal gods have never seen such a thing. Unexpectedly, matter spewed out from the door of eternity to seal the door of eternity. They couldn't help retreating after seeing this situation. However, after seeing this situation, the Undead Lord and the Eternal Lord began to come over and wanted to get close to the door of eternity as soon as possible.

"Rumble..." At this time, the Gate of Eternity suddenly closed, and the sound of turmoil kept trembling on the other side of the Gate of Eternity. As the sound became louder and louder, the door of eternity trembled more and violently. Suddenly, the Gate of Eternity was enlarged dozens of times, and finally the Gate of Eternity exploded again. Unexpectedly, a cosmic heart and an eternal heart spewed out from the door of eternity.

"Eternal river, assassination time, eternal, evergreen!" After seeing the heart of the universe and the heart of eternity, his eyes will turn red. In his opinion, this can be said to be an opportunity for him to seize the distance to become an eternal god. If he fails, the immortal will override him and even take the opportunity to eradicate him. Therefore, the eternal Lord can be said to use all his strength to bring the immortal master into serious injury.

"You old fox. How can you think I don't know? So if you want to plan me, it's simply delusional. The immortal body is immortal, and the universe is flooded, and I will live forever!" The immortal lord also took the opportunity to punch. This punch unexpectedly hit the mystery of immortality, as if a river of death came to the end, and it was full of vitality and eternal mystery appeared.

"Boom!" The two huge forces unexpectedly made a strong collision in the universe, and the Eternal Lord and the Immortal Lord were forced to retreat continuously by this force. Not only that, those semi-eternal gods who have always wanted to take advantage were blown tens of thousands of kilometers away by the explosive energy storm. At this time, a white light floated out of the body of the Eternal Lord, connecting the eternal heart with the heart of the universe like a silk thread. With the explosion of white light, a young man appeared in front of two cosmic hegemons. When the Immortal Lord saw the young man, he was just slightly stunned. But when the Eternal Lord saw this young man, he was almost scared to death by the other party.

"Wang Yue, how can you not die? Obviously, I hit you with my eternal hammer. You should be beaten to powder by me. The Eternal Lord said angrily and fearfully.

"Hahahaha, eternal Lord. You look too low on me. Although I was hit by you, in fact, you didn't really hit my body, but hit the eternal heart, which just helped me absorb the eternal energy in the eternal heart. Now I have turned my eternal heart into my own strength. Now I have absorbed a cosmic heart, an eternal heart. My strength is already comparable to yours. Hahaha..." Wang Yue's laughter was very cheerful, and there was no impression of the eternal Lord at all. The immortal Lord did whatever he could.

However, Wang Yue got two hearts of eternity and the heart of the universe, which caused the hatred of the two cosmic overlords. The two cosmic overlords looked at each other and knew each other's interests.

"Eternal Lord. Although we have always been an immortal relationship, it is really unconvinced to let a junior ride above our heads now. Why not? Whether you kill him or I kill him, I will give up the eternal heart in his body and the heart of the universe. In this way, even if I don't get it, I won't lose face!" These words of the Immortal Lord immediately took the initiative of eternity.

"Gaga, I didn't expect that we have fought for so many eras, and there is still a chance to work together today. If so, it would be the best. I am willing to accept your request." The Eternal Lord nodded, and the two cosmic hegemons looked at Wang Yue. At this time, those immortal bodies and some gods were relieved.

If the two cosmic hegemons stand in front of the gate of eternity, they will have no chance. If they all go to Wang Yue, maybe they still have some opportunities. Therefore, their expectations for Wang Yue are very high now. They don't want Wang Yue to die, and even have to hold on for a while to buy them more time.

"The desire to undeadly devour the world and swallow the universe. Everything is mine, and other impurities are not allowed to stain my territory. Everything is not me, it's all death." The Undead Lord immediately raised his strength to the highest level. Because he knows very well what the promise of the Eternal Lord represents. That is the will that cannot be changed. It can be said that if he kills Wang Yue, the benefits on Wang Yue are all his. How could he give up such a profitable business!

"Eternal whip, whip history, whip life, whip everything, wash all corrupt and corrupt things in the eternal river, and the end of office. Die!" Although the Eternal Lord and the Immortal Lord are now cooperating, they are still on guard against each other, so even if it is superficial cooperation, it is a flawless cooperation. The two cosmic hegemons took action at the same time and immediately put Wang Yue like a seemingly mortal situation.

"Life and death depend on each other, life and death, life and death cycle, endless!" Wang Yue's hands turned into a Taiji pattern. The attack of the two people is like a black and a white in Taiji. Wang Yue can actually use the balance and endless mood to transform the two attacks into two powerful energies, and finally dissipate on Wang Yue's hands.

"Life and death struggle, life or death, life or death, life and death, irreparable!" After Wang Yue removed the power of the two cosmic hegemons, the power in his hand also increased. The two forces of life and death turned into a whole and directly bombarded the two cosmic hegemons. This punch was on the body of the Eternal Lord, and the heart of the universe in the body of the Eternal Lord was beaten down by Wang Yue. Wang Yue swallowed the heart of the universe in one bite. Wang Yue punched the immortal lord again, and this punch actually hit an ancient word, Sheng. Wang Yue swallowed the new words into his body without hesitation. Now it can be said that Wang Yue has truly mastered the mystery of life and death, and has truly reached a state of balance between life and death for the first time.

"Life and death assassination, life and death, life and death, die!" Wang Yue knew that the Eternal Lord lost the most among the two cosmic hegemons. So he will kill the weak, and then it will be much easier to deal with the other. So Wang Yue was cruel and burned a piece of cosmic heart. Integrate all the laws of the universe into the magic dagger in your hand to kill the eternal Lord.

"Kka!" Wang Yue's must-kill attack can be said to have sacrificed a lot of resources. I'm afraid not if it were the eternal Lord. However, Wang Yue was like this. He stabbed into the body of the Eternal Lord and cut the Eternal Lord into two halves. The Eternal Lord, who was originally good, was killed by Wang Yue. Wang Yue opened his mouth, and the eternal Lord was swallowed by Wang Yue. Wang Yue withdrew tens of thousands of kilometers directly, and the immortal Lord was somewhat scared to see this situation.

After all, the Eternal Lord is his old anre. He was killed by Wang Yue, and the gap has become smaller and smaller. If Wang Yue can kill the Eternal Lord, it may be easy to kill himself. At this time, the immortal Lord is ready to escape. However, Wang Yue did not give him any chance.

"Immortal body, cut off half, cosmic explosion, virtual imitation!" The immortal Lord saw that the Eternal Lord was killed by Wang Yue. But he almost expected his own end. At this time, he did not want to kill Wang Yue, but wanted to leave quickly when Wang Yue reacted. He knew that Wang Yue could not be killed at all. Therefore, the immortal Lord immediately burned half of his body to stop Wang Yue and give himself a chance to escape.

Who knows that the Lord of Immortals is so unlucky. Now he wants to kill Wang Yue and even die together. Of course, even if Wang Yue is not killed, the immortal lord can escape, which can be said to be extremely embarrassed. However, Wang Yue did not give him any chance.

"Burning forever, immortal!" The immortal Lord burned half of his body, and Wang Yue directly burned the eternal Lord's body completely, which can be said to be several times more fierce than the immortal master. Therefore, the immortal lord immediately fell into the downwind as soon as he took action. Even the Immortal Lord has not burned completely, and the magic dagger in Wang Yue's hand has been stabbed into the body of the Immortal Lord. At this time, the immortal Lord can be said to be unable to die again.

"absorption," Wang Yue completely swallowed most of the body of the immortal Lord and kept digesting it.

"Rumble..." At this time, more hearts of the universe also spewed out from the door of eternity. Wang Yue was also dumbfounded when he suddenly saw so many cosmic hearts. If he knew that there were so many cosmic hearts, he would not have fought desperately just now. It's better to sit back and enjoy it. But it's too late to say anything. Wang Yue rushed directly to hold several cosmic hearts, but there were still more semi-eternal gods to get other cosmic hearts. Wang Yue also forgot to kill these semi-eternal gods, and some gods actually got the heart of the universe. It can be said that a great battle for the eternal heart has begun.

"Gaga, I have become the god of eternal help." Just as many gods robbed the heart of the universe, a god was promoted to a semi-eternal god, and his strength increased greatly. Then more gods were promoted. However, it is not so easy to promote the hegemony of the universe at all times. Because after a large number of resources disappeared from the heart of the universe, there began to be a shortage of energy, so some semi-eternal gods began to take action. However, Wang Yue was not involved.

In Wang Yue's view, after the heart of the universe comes out, there will definitely be an eternal heart. This is a complete set. Otherwise, no matter how much the heart of the universe is absorbed, it will not exert one hundredth of the power.

"Gollum, Gollum." As expected, just after the emergence of the heart of the universe, a large number of eternal hearts also spewed out from the door of eternity. This time, Wang Yue's motivation to seize is more sufficient.

But at this time, a black and golden light actually pierced the void and shot out from the other side of the universe and directly penetrated Wang Yue's body. Although the assassin's speed is not as fast as Wang Yue, he can grasp Wang Yue's slightest weakness and accurately assassinate Wang Yue.

"Wang Yue, I have been waiting for you for many years. The last time you attacked me successfully. This time, you will definitely die!" At this time, a familiar voice appeared behind Wang Yue. Wang Yue felt that his vitality was passing by a lot. As soon as he turned around, he saw a familiar face, which stabbed into his body with a long sword in his hand.

"Li Chao, I didn't expect you to be dead, and your strength is stronger than the last time we met. Did you kill the golden sword again? This golden sword man is really invincible. Wang Yue was pierced by Li Chao and said with a smile.

"Hahaha, this is my ability. It's to blame the Golden Sword master for thinking that he could control me and was not killed by me in the end!" Li Chao looked at Wang Yue and said with a sneer.

"I'm not dead yet. When is it your turn to talk?" Just as Li Chao was about to kill Wang Yue completely, a familiar voice also sounded in Li Chao's ears. As soon as he turned around, he saw the body of the golden sword. The golden sword man suddenly pierced Li Chao's body in the same way. Li Chao felt that his body had been hollowed out. The laws and laws in his body were constantly broken, and he gradually lost his vitality.

But just as he saw that he was about to lose everything, he suddenly thought that the golden sword master was indeed dead, and the Jiuyan fantasy secret itself was a powerful illusion. He suddenly realized that he had been fooled by Wang Yue.