Wu Rebellious Universe

130 "suction" upgrade

"Believe me, I can do it!"

There is strong self-confidence in this turbulent voice!

The young man who insisted on shooting bleeding arrows was stunned. He looked at the man who had been trampled into the earth and muttered, "Where did he come from? What other cards does he have? What's the trick?"

Zi Menger's eyes were shining brightly. She knew Chu Nan's nature. Since she said so, she could definitely do it. However, the color of worry between Zi Meng'er's eyebrows could not be resolved and stretched.

"The nerd can kill Huaili. Maybe this iron bear is really not the opponent of the nerd." Zi Menger comforted herself in her heart, and the picture of Chu Nan hitting the cliff with his back came to his mind.

Hearing Chu Nan's roar, Tie Cangxiong felt that he had been provoked. He looked up to the sky and roared to press the challenger into the earth.

The roar of the iron bear suddenly stopped abruptly when it was high.

There was a frightened look in his eyes.

Because Iron Bear feels that his power is losing, even that power is accelerating.

"The strong earth power is much more than the golden power of the eagle hook man. It seems that there is no problem with the third meridians." Chu Nan thought to himself, speed up and calculate the ninth floor of the Mangshan Secret, which has more than 300 meridians.

Warcrafts like Iron Bear, which have reached the sixth level, has long been psychic and completely comes from instinctive intuition. It feels danger, the danger of death, and its frightened eyes, with the loss of a large amount of power, have also become fear.

Fear made him forget the sword that Zi Menger cut it, the purple gold arrow shot into the meat, and even forget Chu Nan's provocation to it...

At this moment, the iron bear just wants to escape.

The Iron Bear no longer tried his best to trample on Chunan, but ran away!

But this leg is not as imagined by the iron bear. As soon as it is pulled away, it can't be pulled out.

Fear is getting bigger and bigger!

And Chu Nan also felt difficult. At the moment when the iron bear pulled out his legs, Chu Nan felt that the "suction" could not be sucked, and the earth power also had such a moment of delay.

"It turns out that this effort is not omnipotent, and it doesn't mean that you can suck whoever you want!" This idea flashed through Chu Nan's mind, "What should I do now? Such a great opportunity, if the Iron Bear runs away, it will be too cost-effective. The third meridians still fall on the Iron Bear."

The iron bear pulled out his legs one after another, and that kind of feeling of lag appeared one after another.

That "suction" is like an invisible silk thread, which is pulled and pulled. When the silk thread is torn, the "suction" is no longer available.

In the crisis, Chu Nan reflexively squeezed desperately again.

This squeeze, the feeling of sluggishness disappeared a lot.

Chu Nan was happy and continued to squeeze desperately. Even if his whole body was blood red, the squeezing still did not stop. With the plunder again and again, the sense of lag became weaker and weaker.

And the iron bear is so scared that it can't help it. It loses its power and speeds up again and again. Its intuition is that if it can't be pulled out again, it can't be pulled out again.

While squeezing, Chu Nan is also thinking about why the more he squeezes, the greater the "suction" it generates.

After feeling it carefully, Chu Nan found that the harder it was squeezed, the faster the screw rotation would be!

"Yes, speed is speed. The suction depends on the speed of rotation." Chu Nan figured out this problem, but he still didn't relax, because of the feeling of swelling pain in his body.

This feeling, it seems that if Chu Nan squeezes down again, the spiral rotation will explode.

"What should I do, what should I do?"

Chu Nan was very anxious, and the iron bear was even more anxious. One person, one bear, fell into a continuous tug-of-war.

In the distance, the three people led by the young man, as well as Zi Menger, looked at the strange scene in front of them in shock. They all sensed the fear of the iron bear. "What on earth is it that makes the iron bear of the sixth-order warcraft so afraid?"

Chu Nan has no distractions in his mind. He just wants to urgently solve the problem of the limit of "suction" and how to expand the limit of "suction".

Suddenly, Chu Nan thought of the scene of Gangfeng Cave. At first, Gangfeng also rotated in a spiral shape, but later, it rotated in the shape of a vortex, and only in terms of Gangfeng, the power of vortex rotation is obviously greater than the power of spiral rotation!

"Since the wind can be like this, why can't Yuanli be like this?"

At this point, Chu Nan immediately changed the shape of the rotation. At the moment when it changed from a screw to a vortex, the "suction" suddenly loosened, and it happened that the iron bear burst out its greatest power.

Suddenly, the iron bear pulled out his leg, with a surprise in his eyes, and then turned around and fled, leaving the monster that could suck its power, the devil.

At the moment when the iron bear fled, Chu Nan jumped out of the earth and shouted, "If you want to run, it's not that easy. Fight with me again."

Hearing Chu Nan's roar, the iron bear ran faster, and Chu Nan launched a fast pursuit.

The speed of the iron bear is very fast, and the ultimate speed of Chu Nan is not slow. Only the remnants can be seen clearly, and the distance between the two is getting closer and closer.

The three people were completely stunned, "How can this be? The iron bear actually escaped, and he was actually chasing the iron bear."

"My nerd is just cool, but extraordinary. Even the iron bear is afraid of him." Zi Menger didn't realize that this time, she added the word "my" in front of the nerd.

Seeing that the distance was almost there, Chu Nan jumped up and landed in front of the iron bear's escape. It did not stop for a moment. The "spin explosion" was immediately used. The iron bear just hit Chu Nan's fist, and the iron bear was beaten dozens of meters away.

As soon as he landed, Iron Bear did not go to Chu Nan to avenge this punch, but got up and fled to another side.

"How did you become so timid?" Chu Nan read and chased after him again. At the same time, he had rotated the elemental force in his body into a whirlpool.

These pictures that are happening have completely overturned the cognition of the four people of Zi Menger. A martial artist with only the cultivation of generals can actually make the iron bear escape without fighting.

The iron bear is also clever. Every time he hears the roar above his head, he immediately turns to the other direction!

Chu Nan was extremely angry and full of energy. "I don't believe I can't clean you up."

After another leap, Chu Nan did not wait for his body to fall to the ground, forcibly lowered his center of gravity, and fell straight down from the air. He just met the iron bear who turned around and fled. At the same time, his fist had hit the iron bear on the back.


(P: The seventh update is delivered! Brothers and sisters, dragon language, ask for bricks, ask for tickets, ask for collection!)