Wu Rebellious Universe

131 Layer 9

The whirlpool is rapid, and the suction is strong!

Compared with the spiral rotation, the "suction" generated by the vortex has increased several times.

The most important thing is that the speed of the vortex rotation has not reached the limit at all.

The iron bear has been tragic. Chu Nan's punch hit it on the back, not the chest. If it is on the chest, it has to have a double ear, but on the back, it can't turn around. The iron bear can only do it in a hurry, but there is nothing it!

Zi Menger and the other three, I don't know how many times they fell into shock today. Every shock is thicker and heavier than the last time!

"It's inhuman power to beat the iron bear like this with strength!" The young man's eyes are full of admiration.

Chu Nan's heart is not in the right way, because he is still calculating the combined meridians!

The iron bear is struggling hard, but it is firmly sucked, and its hill-like body is also getting smaller. As the body gets closer and closer to the normal state, the pain on the iron bear's face is thicker.

And Chu Nan's sweaty and bloody face smiled, "The third meridians are done!"

Although he found the third meridians, that is, the combined meridians on the ninth floor of the Mangshan Secret, Chu Nan did not immediately impact it. He knew that if he went to attack the meridians, he would be necessary to release the iron bear. Even if most of the earth power of the iron bear was sucked, Chu Nan was Beast, who knows what other powerful moves there are, and his impact on the meridians is also a very critical moment, without any power to fight back; Zi Menger and others are obviously not the opponents of this iron bear.

Therefore, Chunan has to find a way to solve this problem.

When Chu Nan saw the body of the iron bear, he trembled. He moved his mind and shouted coldly, "Do you want me to let you go?"

Hearing this, the iron bear nodded its huge bear's head.

"Sure enough, it's a spiritual warcraft." Chu Nan read something in his heart and said, "I can let you go, but I let you go. You are not allowed to escape. You must stand here and don't move. Otherwise, I will peel you of your bear skin."

The iron bear is still nodding fiercely. In its thought, this human being is simply more fierce than their fierce beast. It has never encountered such a strange thing. How dare he move?

Chu Nan moved his hand, but the whirlpool in his body did not stop rotating. After waiting for five minutes, the iron bear really stood there motionless. Chu Nan felt a little relieved, but he thought it was funny, "I didn't expect that one day I would threaten a warcraft!"

After a few steps, Chu Nan sat down cross-legged and hit the third meridians.

As soon as it hit, the pain of tearing came overwhelmingly!

Zi Menger was the first to recover, ran to Chu Nan's side, and guarded him.

After thinking about it, the young man also went to the other side. He put the arrow on the attack and guarded Chu Nan. His eyes were always on Chu Nan. "Iron bear, I was subdued by him like this! If I can get his help, my hope of finding Mo Lianzi should be greatly increased; however, depending on the dress of the two of them, it should be from Northern Qi..."

As soon as Chu Nan's hand left Tie Cangxiong's back, Tie Cangxiong felt that the Yuanli was no longer flowing out, but the fear in his heart increased, and he did not dare to move the first half of the step. The strange place just now made it feel the threat of death.

The pain, for Chu Nan, is like a commonplace. This is not his self-deprecation. He just wants to live, live well, and do something else he should do!

These pains can make him grow quickly and become stronger!

Chu Nan is of course welcome!

What is pain?

I'm used to it when it hurts!

At this moment, Chunan, who was surrounded by pain, clearly felt the formation of the meridian, just like a flat ground, and a gully dug out a gully.

Half an hour has passed.

The third meridians have been formed, but Chu Nan did not open his eyes. He had to strike while the iron was hot. Chu Nan practiced the ninth floor of "Mangshan Secret" according to the martial arts formula!

It is necessary to practice according to the original martial arts formula of Mangshan Secret. Hundreds of meridians have been practiced one by one, as well as the complicated operation mode, flow direction, etc., which are by no means what ordinary people can practice. Coupled with the power and physical characteristics of Mangshan Secret, few people choose to practice this

However, Chu Nan practiced, just like a demon, practicing "Mangshan Secret" to the ninth level in a very short time!

Probably the creation of the martial arts secret of "Mangshan Secret", it will never be thought that there is a person without meridians who practiced "Mangshan Secret" in a strange way!

Chu Nan can practice the "Mangshan Secret", there are many factors, and it is impossible to do without one; and his practice method is absolutely unique to the whole Tianwu Continent, and others can't imitate even if they imitate.

The first step of this imitation is to destroy the meridians. Which martial artist will destroy the meridians?

The ninth floor is difficult to practice, and Chu Nan spent a long time. It darkened in the jungle, and the young man raised a fire for the two men. Because of the thousands of fire-horned wolves, it was full of a strong smell of blood, which attracted a lot of other monsters, but those monsters, saw the iron bear standing straight there They hesitated..

"Fighten up, faster, a little more strength, and it will be done!"

Chu Nan encouraged himself, desperately running Yuanli, and strength...

Suddenly, Chu Nan felt the flesh and blood tissue in his body and began to break; a kind of severe pain suddenly hit.

Chu Nan bit desperately. He also experienced this kind of broken pain. The blood had flowed out of him. Under the light of fire, it looked a little enchanting and weird...

Zi Menger gritted her teeth and tried her best to hold back her tears.

The young man was moved and thought to himself, "What kind of martial arts formula did he read? He practiced until he bleeds. Isn't he crazy?"

Every moment in the fragmentation of flesh and blood is like being roasted on the fire of silence, and the time is like a year.

"You can't fall, you can't fall!"

"You can't be in a coma!"

"You can't give up!"

"Hold on!"


These words kept coming to Chu Nan's mind.

This "painful" process lasted for ten minutes, but these ten minutes exhausted all the strength and strength of Chu Nan. If it hadn't been for the tenacious will that had been supporting him, he would have fallen.

However, after the painful fragmentation, rebirth began, new life...

New flesh and blood are being generated.