Wu Rebellious Universe

269 The second token

The man in black is very confident and thinks that Lin Yun will not kill him.

Because he thinks that Lin Yun must want to know what kind of organization and what kind of power he is behind him, and he can use this secret to deal with Lin Yun and wait for a chance...

However, Chu Nan smiled, and a golden sword flashed on his fist, cutting off the legs of the man in black.

The man in black was shocked and said, "Don't think it's torture, I'll say it."

The sword of golden light flashed again, and the arms of the black mask fell off. Chu Nan said, "I'm really a little interested in the force behind you, but I've never wanted you to say it. No matter what kind of force it is, I'll kill one if one, and I'll kill a pair; and I hope you The more the better."

The man in black is gloomy. Lin Yun doesn't want to know what power he is behind him, so he really has no cards.

"The organization will not let you go. The organization will definitely find you. As long as you are found, your death will not be far away..."

"Before you, many people said so, but they all died."

The mask in black gritted his teeth and roared with his last strength, "Zhang Yu, get out of here and spread the news, and Lin Yun will suck..."

At this point, the man in black can't say anything more. Chu Nan waved casually, and the man in black was separated. Generally speaking, when his head was cut off, a blood arrow would appear, and this man in black did not splash out blood.

Chu Nan didn't pay attention to Zhang Yu and the two of them. How could they be the opponents of the seventh-order iron bear?

Bending down, Chu Nan searched carefully on the masked man in black, and got another storage ring, which was input. The space of this storage ring was actually seven feet square.

However, there is no Yuanshi, elixir, beast core or so on in it; but it has just been consumed clean by the man in black. There is only an ancient book in the storage ring, with four big words on it: "Tianluo Diwang!"

"A net of heaven and earth?" Chu Nan looked up at the front, "Is that the formation just now?"

At this time, Zi Menger had run to Chu Nan's side. Chu Nan handed over the ancient book, and Zi Menger's eyes suddenly opened wide, "Tianluo Earth Net Array, is this Tianluo Di Net Array? I should have thought of it a long time ago. I didn't expect that we would find the method of arraying. Nerd, we have really made a lot of money this trip. This heavenly net array is absolutely worth tens of thousands of top-quality Yuanshi..."

Chu Nan thought about the situation he encountered in the killing array and nodded in agreement. "If he is not physically strong, his strength is even more terrible, and the cultivation path is completely different from others, then, not to mention breaking the array, he will definitely be trapped in the battle."

Chu Nan's first idea of getting the Tianluodi net array was not to deal with someone, but to think that he could put this array in the future to train himself.

"What on earth are these people? They even have this kind of extinct formation, and they are willing to be robbers." Zi Menger muttered, and Chu Nan also frowned. Although he only guessed the tip of the iceberg, he also felt that this force was very huge. The Man Yue people had their shadow, and the Northern Qi Kingdom also had them. Will the Daqing Kingdom also have their traces?

Moreover, Chu Nan is sure that this force in Manyue and Northern Qi is not only those forces, but other hidden forces, which he has not met yet.

"Who knows? Since they have a formation, let's grab more.

"Good, grab them all..." Zi Menger resolutely agreed.

On the other side, Zhang Yu and his two were beaten by the Iron Bear and had no power to fight back. Originally, they were not the opponents of the seventh-order Iron Bear. When they saw the man in black, they were cleaned up by Chu Nan. There was no fighting spirit in their hearts. They wanted to escape, but they couldn't escape.

"Stupid bear, count to three. If you can't kill them, you will be hungry for two days." Zi Menger shouted that Chu Nan had already walked forward and packed up all the undamaged materials that had been arranged in the net array.

As soon as Zi Menger's threat fell, the iron bear roared wildly and slapped Zhang Yu. Chu Nan suddenly shouted, "Leave his head."

Suddenly, the bear's palm lowered and turned into a grab. He grabbed Zhang Yu's waist. Zhang Yu's eyes were extremely afraid. When he was hesitating whether to blow himself up, the iron bear tried hard and only heard the sound of "k-k-k" sound. Zhang Yu's body was broken by Shengsheng.

Another junior martial artist took this opportunity to turn around and escape, and Zi Menger had already shouted the number "two" in her mouth.

The iron bear was furious, and his huge body actually soared into the air. The first-level martial arts gentleman felt that a huge dark shadow in the sky enveloped him. In a reflexive way, the junior-level martial emperor raised his head.

Then, the first-level martial arts saw a huge bear's foot. Before the scream in his throat roared out, the bear's foot stepped on his body. His whole body was trampled into a meat pie in an all of angument, and his head was still fine.

After the iron bear completed the task, he shouted at Zi Menger happily. Zi Menger stretched out her thumb, and Yu Hao stayed beside him, looking at everything in front of him. In the battle just now, he couldn't get involved at all, but he was not depressed. "Yunjia, wait for me, I will become stronger."

Chu Nan cleaned up all the useful materials and scraped off Zhang Yu's storage rings. In the storage rings of these two people, there are a lot of belongings, especially Zhang Yu, who actually has two storage rings, one storage ring, which is containing the middle-grade stone and the third-order warcraft core; there is also a storage ring, which is It's elixirs, spiritual herbs and other debris...

Just as Chu Nan was going to investigate another person's ring, Chu Nan found that there was something in the corner of the storage ring, which was very familiar; Chu Nan immediately took it out, and then took out another thing from his own storage ring.

What appeared in front of Chunan were the two tokens. The style and shape were the same, only the pattern on the token, and there were some differences...

Chu Nan thought deeply, "What kind of token is this? What does it represent? How many pieces are there in total?

A series of questions appeared in Chu Nan's mind, but there was no answer. Chu Nan had to put the two tokens back and leave them to be solved in the future.

After dealing with everything, Chu Nan asked the iron bear to take shelter in the mountain forest again, and he carried those two heads and walked to the Oolong Valley with Zi Menger.

(P: The rented house, the wire is broken, I was busy for most of the day, and I went to apply for a household registration in the afternoon, sweat... pass on a chapter first.) A