Wu Rebellious Universe

270 infighting

"Black and white double evil is coming, everyone is ready, let's do it together..."

The robbers in the Oolong Valley were frightened when they looked at the black and white figures in the valley.

"Left hand, go and report to the Lord of the Valley. Black and White are coming. What should we do?"

"Yes." The robber turned around and ran away quickly.

Just now, the man said to the group of thieves, "Don't be afraid. We have more than 3,000 people. They only have two. As soon as the owner of the valley comes, we will cut off the black and white heads."

Hearing this, the hearts of the robbers were a little settled.

Suddenly, another robber roared in panic, "Look, the two heads in Bai Sha's hand are... who?"

"It seems to be... it's... the elder, and... the valley... the valley owner."

The man immediately retorted, "It's impossible. The valley owner is a middle-level martial lord, and the black and white double evil can't be an opponent; moreover, our valley owner is in the Oolong Valley, so that's by no means the head of the valley owner."

As soon as the words fell, the left hand of the valley owner ran over and said breathlessly, "Brother Meng, the valley owner is gone, not in the valley."


The robbers, including this "Meng Ge" in it, suddenly panicked and looked into the distance, at the two heads in Bai Sha's hand. His left hand followed the eyes of the crowd, and immediately roared, "Master of the valley, isn't that the head of the owner of the valley? Oh, my God, how could the Valley Lord be in their hands?

This roar woke up the robbers. They came to their senses. Without a second action, they turned around and ran desperately, and all kinds of voices roared out of their throats. These roars have only one theme: that is, run for their lives, flee desperately!

Chu Nan asked Tie Cangxiong to leave the heads of Zhang Yu, and the purpose was to do so.

Although Chu Nan did not know the specific identity of the two of them, he could be with the man in black, and he was a middle-level martial arts master. His status was definitely not low. Hearing these people shouting "Master of the Valley"; Chu Nan knew that he was still carrying two big fish in his hand.

The cultivation of these robbers is not very high, but after all, there are more than 3,000 people. If they unite and resist desperately, it is still a little troublesome; but with these two heads to demonstrate, the morale of those robbers is almost gone.

In addition to the dragons, it will save a lot of effort to pack it up.

Chu Nan did not use harsh means to kill more than 3,000 robbers. First, he shouted coldly, "Who escapes, who dies!"

The sound echoed throughout the Oolong Valley.

Some robbers are afraid of the name of black and white and dare not take another step; while some robbers have a fluke mentality and want to escape in the chaos...

However, the one who fled to the front was bombarded into meat crumbs by Chu Nan before he ran out three steps.

The heavy punch kept punching three times in a row.

All three punches contain the artistic conception of chaos.

Supon, as many as 100 people fell to the ground and died.

Chu Nan's killing power directly shocked the 3,000 robbers on the spot. No one dared to move and dared to take another step.

Although they saw the head of the valley owner, they did not specifically see the fighting process, and there was no intuitive fear, but now more than 100 people were killed by three punches. Such killing and blood made them completely see the power of black and white, and their fear was beyond the point.

One person to 3,000 people.

One person is powerful, and three thousand people are afraid.

Seeing these robbers listen, Chu Nan stood with his hands in his back and smiled on his face. This look and the look at the time of killing just now were completely two people. Only Chu Nan said lightly: "If you want to live, hand over a hundred pieces of middle-grade stones; or fifty third-level warcraft cores, or there are ."

When the robbers heard Chu Nan say this condition, the robber who could meet the conditions mentioned by Chu Nan, the hanging heart suddenly fell back to the ground and immediately replied, "One hundred middle grade yuan stone, I have it, I will give it immediately..."

The smile on Chu Nan's face is even stronger. Compared with life, the conditions he offered are very low; but certainly not all the robbers can take it out, but what about those who can't take it out?

Just now, he shouted that he had a hundred middle-grade robbers. In the crowd, he only walked less than five steps. A golden light flashed and was killed by another robber from behind. The man turned around and saw that the person who killed him was from the same bandit gang. He was very puzzled. He tried to hold his

"I'm sorry, because I want to live."

After saying that, the robber actually condensed his strength again. He cut off his arm with one sword, then picked up the broken hand and took off the storage ring on his finger. Only then did the man understand why he killed him and fell to the ground and died.

When the robbers saw the robbers, no one was surprised. They were all robbers. No one did less.

However, they all turned their eyes to the person in front of them to see what Bai Shi said.

Chu Nan's smile is still the same, "I don't care how you got here. As long as whoever meets my conditions, he will go out of here alive."

With this sentence, the robbers are really boiling, and those poor robbers are like finding a bright road; and those rich robbers are like frightened birds.

The robber who had just killed his accomplice was suddenly surrounded and killed by dozens of robbers.

Fighting to kill in every corner of the Oolong Valley, he carefully avoided the bloody killing. He wanted to touch Chu Nan's front, handed over the Yuanshi, and then quickly left and fled from the valley. He spent a lot of hard work and was about to rush out of the killing circle. A cold cry came from behind him: "If you want to Refer to it."

The robber was shocked and knew that he couldn't avoid it. He quickly turned around and fought, but when he turned around, he saw seven or eight robbers staring at him...

The bloody scenes are constantly staged.

Some robbers just grabbed the storage ring. Before they could cover it, they were cut off, and the storage ring was also robbed...

Often, a storage ring will change hands dozens of times, or even dozens of times.

All the robbers are thinking about how to grab the storage ring to save their lives; but no one has thought that if they put all the energy of infighting on Chu Nan, maybe there will be more people who escape.

The reason why there is such a scene today is that they fall into Chunan's calculation step by step.

Zi Menger stood beside Chu Nan and said, "Did, this..."

"Do you feel incredible?"

"Um." Zi Menger nodded, but suddenly turned her head and asked, "Did, if one day, the two of us were in the same place and could only go out alone, what would you do?" H