Wu Rebellious Universe

271 Accompany you for the rest of your life

Zi Menger asked, like a leaf, falling on the water and rippled in circles.

Chu Nan looked at the bloody killing scene in the valley and didn't say anything for a long time.

When Zi Menger was a little disappointed, Chu Nan muttered, "I will smash that place and protect you to go out."

Hearing Chu Nan's answer, Zi Meng'er's eyes lit up and she continued to ask, "What if it's not broken?" So what?"

Chu Nan turned around, looked at Zi Menger, and said word by word, "For you, I will fight for my life, and I will also be smashed."

Zi Menger silently, for a moment, the scream of killing in the valley seemed to have disappeared. Only the breathing of the two people was heard, and the rhythm of their heartbeat was at the same frequency.

After a long time.

Zi Menger Youyou said, "If it were me, I might not be broken, but I will let you live."

"Meng'er, you are the lady of the artifact school, and I'm just..."

"You are also a core disciple of the Artifact School, and in the current situation, my position is not as good as you."

"I have a lot of things to do."

"I will accompany you, no matter the ends of the earth, no matter the corners of the sea."

"Those things are very difficult, even to death."

"I will accompany you for the rest of my life."

The killing in the valley became more and more intense, and the atmosphere between Chu Nan and Zi Menger was also extremely tense.

Chu Nan took a deep breath and said like a knife: "In my heart, there is another her."

This sentence has been in Chu Nan's heart for too long. He remembers that as a man, he is responsible for what he has done and has to bear it; but he is used to Zi Menger's side, even greedy for the relaxed and happy mood with her, and the taste of her...

Wandering and hesitating, to this day, Chu Nan finally said it.

Chu Nan believes that with Zi Menger's proud character, she will never agree with the concept of Tianwu University 6. As long as she is strong, there are two maids and one husband, three maids and one husband, or even five or ten girls... These are not a problem, as long as you are strong enough.

And Zi Menger, when she heard what he said, would definitely turn around and leave angrily. From then on, the two forgot each other in the world and no longer knew Jun Qingyan.

Unexpectedly, there was a laughter in Chu Nan's ear.

Chu Nan was stunned and suddenly turned around.

Zi Menger said, "I know."

"Do you know?"

"Her last name is Nangong, right?"

Chu Nan was surprised.

When Zi Menger saw Chu Nan's expression, the question in her heart was finally answered. It was full of bitterness, but she said, "I still know..."

Chu Nan didn't speak and stared straight.

"I still know that you have me in your heart."

Chu Nan nodded slightly.

"That's enough, but don't have a big dream, think that I will share you with her; I will compete with her, and I will snatch you from her!" Zi Menger said frankly.

Chu Nan squirmed his lips, as if to ask why, but Zi Menger changed the topic, looked at the endless killing below, and said, "At that time, they will hand over a hundred middle-grade stones. Do you really want to let them go?"

"That depends on their performance."

Chu Nan answered, thinking about every word and every sentence that Zi Menger had just said.

In the distance, a bloody figure, carrying two drops of blood, killed a bloody road and went straight to the south of Chu. The other robbers were also far away from him. They did not dare to fight with him and turned to find someone else.

Chu Nan looked at it, and a sharp light shot out of his eyes.

The bloody figure walked to Chu Nan, bent his knees with one foot, held his hands, and presented the storage ring he grabbed. The storage ring was not one, but a pile.

However, they were all stained with blood.

"Put down the storage ring, you can go."

After Chu Nan's words, the bloody man did not leave, but said in a hoarse voice, "I want to follow you. Please take me in."


"I want to be the supreme person."

This answer is very direct and honest. Chu Nan was not disgusted, but asked again, "What about after being superior?"

"Go home."

"Go home?" Chu Nan was really surprised by such an answer. The bloody figure continued to say, "I'm from Daqing. I was trafficked to Northern Qi, then escaped, and finally went up the mountain to be a robber."

"Daqing country, home?" Chu Nan read it gently, and then said, "I want to follow me and get the heads of ten junior generals."

Without any hesitation, the bloody figure got up and walked forward.

At this moment, the bloody figure's body is weak, and his injuries are relatively serious. He is only a middle-level general. It is really difficult to kill ten junior generals. It can even be said that Chu Nan has given him a task similar to death.

And Chu Nan heard the answer of the bloody figure, perhaps because the same Daqing Kingdom had the same goal of going home, which obviously meant to keep him alive; so why did Chu Nan give this order again?

When Chu Nan saw the bloody figure take off the heads of the two junior generals, a smile appeared on his face.

Chu Nan naturally does not let the bloody figure die. After fighting for so much time, the bloody figure is tired, and of course, other robbers are more tired. As long as he uses some tricks and takes the heads of ten junior generals, it is not difficult.

After half an hour, the bloody figure dragged heavy steps, pulled ten heads, and returned to Chu Nan again.

Chu Nan asked, "Name?"

"White bone."

"As long as you are loyal enough, I will take you home."

"As long as adults can take me home, I can swear my heart and never betray me."

"Get up, find your own elixir to take, and recover as soon as possible." Chu Nan didn't let him swear indifferently.

The white bone looked solemn. After taking the oath of the heart and blood, he took out the elixir and healed the wound.

The martial arts practitioners on Tianwu University 6 more or less have their own heart demons, just like the fear caused by Chu Nan to Bai Zeyu in Baijia Village, which belongs to a kind of heart demons.

And the oath made to the heart demon can never be broken; otherwise, once the oath is broken, not only will the practice encounter a bottleneck that is difficult to break through, and there will be no more progress, but also become very easy to go crazy.

Bai Gu's approach made Chu Nan slightly surprised again, and a decision in his heart was finally finalized.

The robbers who killed each other in the Oolong Valley were sharply reduced from more than 3,000 to two or three hundred people in a short period of time. These two or three hundred people finally regained their minds from madness and stopped killing.

Because of the storage ring, it is enough for them to survive.

However, Chu Nan said again, "The thirty-six people who didn't die in the end, live!"

(ps: the third update will be delivered, and I will try to update early tomorrow.) H