Wu Rebellious Universe

433 is really him

Nangong Lingyun, for Chu Nan, is by no means a symbol!

That was the first woman in his life.

occupies a very important position in Chu Nan's heart.

So, the name of Chu Nan turned into Lin Yun!

So, Chu Nan's chest, the dragon tooth seal, has never been scarred, and has always been bright red!

So, Chu Nan had been escaping from Zi Menger at the beginning, until he was moved by real emotions later, but he still never forgot her figure!

So, in the daytime, Chu Nan could hear the "ah" from the noise, turn around at the first time and look at her, regardless of the attack behind him!

At this moment, in this case, the four words "Nangong Lingyun" have pulled out the nerve of **. Chu Nan stopped, restrained his breath, and walked to the source of the sound. The low voice was poured into his ears very clearly.

"Do you think the young master will achieve his wish tonight?"

"Hey hey hey..." The man smiled strangely for a while and replied, "I will definitely achieve my wish. The 'drunken spring breeze' I found for the young master is the strongest. No matter how chaste she is, she will also become a romantic **. I can't stop! Nangong Lingyun definitely can't resist it. If you want to detoxify, you have to have to yin and yang** at least three times. I'm sure that now the young master is dying with her!"

"The drunken spring breeze is too strong, too domineering."

"Not to mention that, there is also a kind of poison in Wandumen, which is called colorful ** Hehuan San, which is more powerful than the drunken spring breeze. It is said that the strong man of the King of Wu's cultivation can't be forced out if he is poisoned!"

"Is this true?"

"It should be true."

"Yes, do you still have a 'drunken spring breeze'? Give me a little in case of a rainy day!"

"No, the young master is going to go."


"Of course..."

The voice stopped abruptly, and there was one more hand on their necks, which made them breathless!

Then there was a cold voice in the bone, which sounded, "Where is Nangong Lingyun's residence?"


The two looked up at Chu Nan, and their eyes were full of fear. At least they were the first-level martial arts, but they were touched around them without knowing it, and they also made people pinch their necks. They had no power to fight back. They only felt that the power all over their bodies flew away!

Hearing the conversation between the two people and knowing the situation of Nangong Lingyun, Chu Nan had already burned into a sea of anger, ready to burn the sky, and was anxious. How could he talk to them so much!

Chu Nan's left hand worked hard and only heard a "k" sound. The person who wanted to use the "drunken spring breeze" to prepare for a rainy day's need broke his head, and then the black fire was directly turned into nothingness by the silent fire of Chu Nan's infinite anger!

The rest of the man was extremely shocked when he saw all this.

"Say it!"

"In... go in... and turn left... go forward 500 meters, then turn right... go forward one kilometer, then turn right, go straight... to... that... that... outside... there are flowers... the room facing... that is..." The man couldn't straighten his tongue and stammered.

When he finished speaking, the black flame erupted out again in Chu Nan's hand. The man wanted to shout, and the voice was stuck in his throat, and his whole body turned into a pile of powder...

Chu Nan began to run wildly, running wildly with a speed he had never seen in his life, burning his life...

Chu Nan was very angry. After passing through 100,000 mountains, he had regarded Nangong Lingyun as his woman in the deepest part of his heart. Now, someone wants to attack his woman. As a man, how can Chu Nan allow such a thing to happen?

No matter which young master is the young master of any force, Chu Nan only has an idea in his heart to let this young master who dare to do such a despicable thing to Nangong Lingyun die, die, die, die, die, die, die without a place to be buried!

In an ann, turn left, turn right, go straight!

"Flower, flower, where is the flower?"

If someone sees the picture of Chu Nan running at this time, it will definitely be petrified. Don't mention the speed, let's say that where Chu Nan passed, within a radius of five meters, there is nothing else. Whether it is carved fences, or boulders, etc., they are all turned into ashes, returned to dust

That was the fire in Chu Nan's body, which spread out with anger.

Moreover, when running all the way, the strange face involuntarily changed back to its original appearance with Chu Nan's true temperament.

In the room, Nangong Lingyun became more and more unbearable, and her body had already rolled. The fire of lust seemed to melt her and suffocate her; there seemed to be hundreds of millions of ants in her body, biting every part of her body, itching and unbearable; and countless air currents were running around in ...

"He can't come..." Nangong Lingyun thought like this, and another voice came to her mind: "Why do I still miss him?"

The previous voice replied, "I don't hate him anymore."

"If I don't hate him, can I miss him? If you really want to find someone to detoxify, if he is in front of me, I... I..."

"I will...willing to..."

"It's really shameless!"

"He saved my life, he was injured for me, vomited blood, for me..."


In Nangong Lingyun's mind, two voices and two thoughts are fighting fiercely, but the balance is more and more inclined in the direction of "uninevitable willingness". However, Nangong Lingyun understands that even if she is willing under such circumstances, he can't appear in front of her.

The temperature is getting higher and higher, and Nangong Lingyun can't help but "squeak" in her nose.

"Maybe I'm really going to die, and I'm going to explode..." Nangong Lingyun thought, "That's good, dead, a hundred, no need to bear the mission of the rise and fall of the whole Nangong family, don't pay attention to those intrigues, and no longer care about the disturbances of the world..."

"But why am I still a little reluctant to part?"

"What are you reluctant to give up?"

"I don't give up orchids to leave the world before they bloom, or I don't give up my parents, or... I don't want to give up... I don't want to give up... he..."

My heart is already confused, and it's even more chaotic.

Nangong Lingyun could still keep her awake with the pain of biting her tongue at first, but now, she is powerless. She bites her teeth again, and the dragon teeth clenched in her hand also fell aside...

Consciousness is blurred.

The only thing that is extremely clear is the picture of 100,000 mountains!

Here, Chu Nan finally saw the flowers!

The room facing the flowers!

Chu Nan turned around, kept walking, and broke into the door directly!

The wooden door, how can it block Chu Nan's strong body? Not only did it break the door, but it also broke the aperture that isolated the sound!

Then, then...

With a "squee" like the sound of heaven, he fell into the heart of Chunan.

Follow the sound.

Chu Nan saw that a woman was a few feet away, her long hair was drooping and messy, slanting on the curd chest, and her cheeks were red, like peaches. In a pair of big eyes, there was spring. The skin revealed was not as white as jade, but red, and there were drops of sweat on it. Twisting, like waves, round and round, rippled and confused...

This woman is Nangong Lingyun, who has dreamed back countless times in Chu Nan's mind.

At this moment, there is only her in Chu Nan's eyes. As for the blood next to her, the corpses on the ground are all transparent!

When Nangong Lingyun heard the sound of breaking the door, she couldn't help raising her confused eyes and looking at the door, but when she looked at it, she was stunned and unimaginable shock!

"He, it's really him, he's really here!"

Nang Gong Lingyun's heart is shouting, with excitement, joy, excitement, surprise, emotion...

Even, there is desire!

Nangong Lingyun didn't think about why Chu Nan appeared here. What she thought was that he was coming.

With both hands on the ground, Nangong Lingyun wanted to stand up and walk to him.

But her body was too soft and weak to hold up at all; saliva kept secreted in her throat and swallowed into her stomach. Some part of her body was still a pillar of Chu Nan, who took three steps and stepped in front of Nangong Lingyun.

Although Chu Nan's body had a reaction, his consciousness was clear. The last time he was in the hundred thousand mountains, Chu Nan had to control himself desperately. At this time, Chu Nan would not take advantage of the danger of others to do such a thing.

When Chu Nan stepped on Qin Yong's body, he reflexively used the fire of silence and burned it. Then he wanted to lift Nangong Lingyun with both hands and said with concern, "Miss Lingyun..."

When Chu Nan's hands, as soon as he touched Nangong Lingyun's body, a hot sensation spread into Chu Nan's heart, making Chu Nan's body a thrill, a wonderful feeling, spontaneously born. The last time, he had lost consciousness, all by instinct, and there was no such wonderful feeling.

Therefore, Chu Nan was puzzled, and an idea flashed in his heart: "I didn't let the whirlpool rotate. How could her hot come to my heart?"

And Nangong Lingyun was even more unbearable. Originally, the spring tide had been in a hurry for a long time, and the fire burned his body. Chu Nan's hands touched again, and then breathed Chu Nan's wild masculinity. Seeing the strong and tough body, the virtual fire was immediately converted into a real fire, burning

"Miss Lingyun, you hold on first. I'll input the power to suppress the toxicity for you." Chu Nan quickly threw away the thoughts in his heart. He did not dare to touch the other skins of Nangong Lingyun again, nor did he dare to look at the face that made him want to kiss, afraid that he could not control himself.

So, Chu Nan closed his eyes and put the Yuanli into Nangong Lingyun's body with both hands. In a panic, Chu Nan first entered the fire power...



The fire hit the desire.

makes you horny!

Chu Nan immediately felt that Nangong Lingyun's body was hotter. He quickly reacted and entered the water element power, but the water elemental force at this time was tantamount to adding fuel to the fire!

"What should I do? What should I do? What to suppress? Shuiyuanli can't do it, can Muyuanli do it?

Chu Nan was in a hurry, and there was another "sneer" sound in his ears and heart, "Lin Yun, am I... beautiful...?"

(P: brewing, five chapters tomorrow!) D