Wu Rebellious Universe

434 poison, hasn't it been cleared yet?

"Am I...beautiful...?"

Nangong Lingyun said, she was delicate and red, her eyes were drunk, and she was charming and unspeakable. Luo Chang was looming, her curves were exposed, and her whole body also exuded a seductive smell...

Hearing this, Chu Nan's heart fluttered. Although he closed his eyes, although his hands did not dare to move, his ears could hear, his nose could smell, the body fragrance and sweat that were close at hand... The special ecstasy smell in the air turned into a strange aroma, as if the mustard had spread between his mouth and nose, The heart thumped inexplicably.

"Am I...beautiful...?"

The tongue rolled up, and Chu Nan finally rolled out a word: "Beautiful!"

"So...you...why...no...open your eyes...look...me."

Nangong Lingyun's arms have been softly wrapped around Chu Nan's neck. Chu Nan Dalin quickly condensed his mind, removed distracting thoughts, thinking about the martial arts formula of "Reverse the Universe" in his heart, and kept entering the power of water, trying to suppress the lust.

Chu Nan is not a saint, nor is he a so-called gentleman. He has seven feelings and six desires, but he believes that the last time he has hurt Nangong Lingyun once. Although this time, the situation is reversed, if he takes advantage of people's danger, it is inevitable to hurt. After doing so, how will he face her?

It's just that no matter what Chu Nanzhong's "Reverse the Universe" reads to "God's Changeable", his mind has been flashing the smile when he broke the door, the charming eyes, the gentle smile, the twisting delicate body...

Chu Nan's heart suddenly jumped wildly. He hurriedly bit his tongue and wanted to drive all those illusions out of his mind. He still couldn't, and the picture was still so clear!

"Are you... afraid... me?"

Nangong Lingyun exhaled a gentle orchid, with a strong and strange breath, straight into Chu Nan's nose, like a spring breeze gently blowing, warmly pouring through his whole body, full of pores all over his body, comfortable all over his body, Dantian and in the blood, the heat is getting more and more hot, and the blood

"Look... I... okay...?"

"I..." Chu Nan opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.


"No!" Chu Nan answered crisply.



"You... don't like... me?"

"No!" It's still the word firm.

"Then why don't you... look at me?"


"Do you... want... I... die...?"


The hand wrapped around Chu Nan's neck began to take it off. Nangong Lingyun's body was extremely hot. Seeing what Chu Nan did, she was a little stable, attractive and beautiful, and the man who could control his good impression on him was added a few more points. However, at the same time, she was also a little sad and said, " ...He has to succeed, my...body...only...you...touched...really, actually...dead...and...good..."

"No, I don't allow you to die!"

Chu Nan opened his eyes and looked at Nangong Lingyun. He stared at him. Nangong Lingyun was a little shy and a little bold. Something in her body seemed to burst inch by inch, melted, stirring violently and gently, bringing her a sour and sweet feeling. Under the impact of lust, Nangong Ling Yun stretched out her waist and tightly wrapped her hands. Her eyes were watery and charming, and the petal-like moist and fragrant lips were gently printed on Chu Nan's mouth...

This move is indeed extremely bold. If it were his day, the gentle and quiet Nangong Lingyun would definitely not be able to do such a move, but at this moment, because of the "drunken spring breeze", it has dispelled her hatred against him, so she...

And Chu Nan's brain buzzed, as if he had been electrocuted!

In an emergency, the first meeting of 100,000 mountains, those crystal clear eyes, the quiet mountains and forests are like fire...

Like a flood, it surged through the bitterly built dam in the south of Chu.

The dike is destroyed, love rises, love is like a tide, overflowing...

The forcibly buried fire of love suddenly sprayed thinly and rushed straight to the top of his head. Chu Nan's hands stopped conveying Yuanli, slid to Nangong Lingyun's waist, and slid down with his hand. The clothes were dropped...

The hot and flexible thing opened her lips and teeth, and the snake drilled in like a snake. Wildly but gently licked the tip of her teeth and the cavity wall, bringing her a series of crisp trembling, and then rolled up the tip of her tongue and sucking wantonly...

Two spiritual tongues, lingering for a long time, kiss marks, fell on the hot and hot cheeks, ears, necks, and every part of the body. Nangong Lingyun also responded warmly like fire...

At this moment, the Nangong Lingyun in this scene is like a plum blossom, full of trees and flowers, burning red, blooming in his and her world.

Nangong Lingyun's cheeks are burning like fire, hot all over her body, unprecedented softness, indulging in this masculine and good-sful masculine masculine atmosphere, flustered and confused, concave and concavex body, breasts like waves, smiling, upside down all sent

Chu Nan's hand had slipped down her waist and gently stroked her roundness. Nangong Lingyun couldn't help whispering again, like the beginning of the song "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix". Chu Nan couldn't help kneading. With the kneading, it changed into various shapes, and her jade back bowed up. The four lips are connected again, sucking greedily...



"Don't...in...here, bed...**..."

Nangong Lingyun said these words and exhausted all her strength. Chu Nan followed his words and took his slender waist with both hands and went to the red tent.

The wind rises, the door is closed, the quilt is covered, and the clothes are exhausted.

Looking at the white and red skin, in an instant, Chu Nan forgot to breathe, forgot his heartbeat, and was immersed in this spring light. I don't know why, Nangong Lingyun pulled him down, and the two hot bodies were close to each other.

After the clothes are exhausted, it flows into the sea, and the sad place of the grass has long been tinkling with spring water.

A pillar of Optimus Prime into the water curtain, yin and yang**, water and milk blend.

In the Hongluan account, the spring is harmonious, and the spring is infinite. The two have integrated into one. He has her, she has him, and there is no one to distinguish each other!

The taste is unspeakable!

After a long time, the clouds stopped and the rain dispersed, and Nangong Lingyun was already sweaty. A charming and beautiful face was flushed, and the starry eyes were hazy, like a dream, and the redness on his body also faded a lot, but it has not completely dissipated.

This time, the feeling of the two is completely different.

At the time of 100,000 mountains, Chu Nan was poisoned, barbaric and rude, just to vent. What Nangong Lingyun felt was only the heartbreaking pain, only endless hatred, and there was no sweetness at all. Enjoy...

And this time, Chu Nan is no longer the first son, gentle and compassionate, from astringent to familiar. Nangong Lingyun, in the gentle transformation of joy, after the initial slight pain, felt the unprecedented beauty, as if flying into the sky, the unspeakable joy in her heart.

Naturally, Chu Nan was also intoxicated in the road of happiness and refused to return.

Chu Nan's hand was still in the gully of love, around her three thousand green silks around her nose. When Chu Nan was about to say something, he suddenly remembered that the poison of the "drunken spring breeze" that the man said took at least three times to be completely detoxified!

"Miss Lingyun..."

"Do you still call me Miss Lingyun?" The toxicity is still there, and Nangong Lingyun whispers softly.



Looking at the shyness, Chu Nan's face was full of obsession and asked, "Lingyun, do you feel better?"

"It seems... it seems... and... there is... poison."

Chu Nan stopped talking, directly expressed with practical actions, kissed her eyes, and the hand wandered around her body with familiarity, gently twisting and slowly twisting and picking...

Nangong Lingyun also let go a lot. Her hands were inserted into his hair, and her feet were tightly wrapped. **'s body couldn't help trembling with excitement. Her waterfall-like hair became more and more scattered. Her slender arms and body were staggering, and the delicate bee's waist danced, drawing dazzling and enchanting. Like a curve...

Dry fire, it burned again!

After a long time, after a long time.

The wind is calm, but the waves are not quiet!

Nangong Lingyun hugged Chu Nan tightly and didn't let him leave.

Chu Nan said again, "Poison, has it been cleared?"

The combination of water and milk twice, the toxicity of "drunken spring breeze" has gone a lot, and Nangong Lingyun has also woken up a lot, but her body is hotter, like the burning clouds in the sky. She was very embarrassed to cover her head, and then shook her head.

Fortunately, Chunan's body was extremely strong, and he did not raise his gun to surrender, carry the gun, and fight bravely again at this moment.

The thunder ticked the earth fire, and Chu Nan kissed down, from top to bottom, until the winding path was quiet.

It's like a stream flowing through the plain, irrigating crops; flowing through the mountains, watering the trees; flowing through the valley, moistening the dry riverbed...

Nangong Lingyun's face, which had already turned red, appeared in front of Chu Nan's eyes again. Her red lips were slightly squeezed and danced at will. From time to time, her nose made a soft voice, and the trembling of her body was excited by every cell, pouring into her hot heart...

A boat named "Love" is bumpy and confused!

Until the beautiful face suddenly seemed to be frozen by the cold jade blue fire, the body was also straight, and the thrush-like call stopped abruptly. The rolling waves rushed straight to the sky and refused to fall for a long time, shining out the beautiful waves.

Chu Nan also leaked like a note.

Nangong Lingyun no longer covered her face with a quilt. Her eyes had returned to clarity, bright and extremely clean. She stared straight at Chu Nan, and a strand of sadness floated between her eyebrows.

And Chu Nan, looking at the blush on Nangong Lingyun's face and body, felt the hot temperature and couldn't help wondering, "Didn't you say three times? Then why is she still so popular? Is it because the poison hasn't been cleared yet?

So, Chu Nan asked softly, "Poison, is there any more?" D