Wu Rebellious Universe

489 Charm Pearl, Butterfly Fairy

The butterfly fairy who stepped into the sky, her beautiful eyes are full of waves, as if shocked as a phoenix, gentle as a wandering phoenix, looking from afar, like a wave of hibiscus, if the shoulders are cut, the waist is as if the same as promised, the neck is stretched, the eyes are exposed, the

As soon as the butterfly fairy appeared in the air, the purple light of the soul bead was also ecstatic.

The magnificent face, like a picturesque butterfly fairy, was reflected in the bottom of Chu Nan's heart. For a moment, it was impossible to describe the feeling in words. There was both surprise and inexplicable heartache.

What kind of place is the Elysium Palace? It refines the martial arts skills of "killing desire" to Chu Nan, which is almost complete. Naturally, it is very clear that there is a ** music nest, and this butterfly fairy, at least from the surface, looks extremely pure, as if it is not a person in the world. It is really

However, the Butterfly Fairy is the person of the Bliss Palace, but she is in this pile of mud!

After Chu Nan was stunned, he came to his senses and laughed at himself, "What is she doing in the Elyss? What does it have to do with me? If she wants to stop me, then I will make her truly pure.

mocking himself, Chu Nan remembered what Zi Menger once said, "The more beautiful the woman is, the more poisonous she is, the more sinister she is. Isn't she always talking about the most poisonous woman's heart, the snake and scorpion beauty? It's just a beautiful woman!" At that moment, Chu Nan asked her with a smile, "Meng'er, what about you? You are in my heart, but you are the most beautiful. Isn't it saying that you are the most..."

In this regard, Zi Menger crossed her waist and replied awe-inspiringly, "Yes, I'm the most poisonous. I want you to be poisoned by me forever, and no one can solve it! Then you can't leave me, and you can never leave me. After saying that, he laughed wildly, and then warned, "Dool, I tell you, although I'm poisonous, my poison is love. If it were her, I don't know what the poison is. Maybe if it's a poison, you will never see me again. So, nerd, you have to end up with me..."

Thinking of these warm pictures, there is a lot of pressure on his shoulders, and he dares not slack off at all. Only then can Chu Nan, who is desperately practicing crazily, really relax, "I don't know how Meng'er is doing now. It should go back to the artifact school..."

When Chu Nan thought of Zi Menger, he unconsciously thought of Nangong Lingyun. He felt a little guilty and felt guilty for both women. Immediately, Chu Nan's eyes were firm: "You, I won't let go. Wait for me to practice a magic trick and let you get along with each other."

I think so, but Chu Nan understands that Zi Menger, who has the title of a little witch, and Nangong Lingyun, who would rather die than go with him, want them to get along well with each other. I'm afraid it's more difficult than climbing to the sky. "The road is long, and I will search up and down.

At this time, Chu Nan didn't think about what to happen with the butterfly fairy at all. Although in terms of appearance alone, the butterfly fairy may be half more beautiful than Zi Menger and Nangong Lingyun, Chu Nan thought that he had nothing to do with half a yuan stone, and he also made up his mind that if the butterfly fairy wanted to stop him Fierce hands, hot hands destroy flowers!

After a thousand thoughts in his heart, Chu Nan suddenly jumped up with the shocking shadow of the fairy. The big hand grabbed the soul bead!

At this time, the owner of the bliss palace also stared at the butterfly fairy and swallowed his saliva. Obviously, the cultivation of the high-level martial king of the owner of the bliss palace had no effect in front of such beauty.

It was not until Chu Nan's big hand was about to grab the soul bead that the owner of the bliss of the palace came to his senses and shouted wildly: "Bold, dare to rob the soul bead of this palace. It seems that you are really tired of living."

"Your nonsense is too much. I came to rob you. If you don't rob such a good thing, are you worthy of yourself?"

The owner of the Bliss Palace turned his eyes and smiled, "You want to grab it, right? Then let you rob it!"

The soul bead that had flown out turned back and fell into the hands of Chu Nan.

Just as the soul beads fell into the palm of Chu Nan's hand, the soul beads suddenly shot out two purple rays, piercing Chu Nan's eyes, as if to get into his eyes. In Chu Nan's heart, there was a lot of "desire". Although Chu Nan had already been quenched, when these two purple rays shot into his eyes, The "desire" suddenly turned over the river and the sea, shocking the waves!

Suddenly, a feeling of bursting desire came fiercely, and the corners of Chu Nan's mouth bleeded!

However, Chu Nan did not let go of the soul beads, but grasped them tighter, making the two purple rays thicker. At the same time, Chu Nan will integrate the vitality of the red beads and release it, moistening every corner of the body, and the water element also flows out, cooling down each swollen cell...

"Hmm! How can the things in this palace be so easy to grab? The owner of the Bliss sneered and said to Dieyi Fairy, "Dedieyi Fairy, take action and take this person down. This person is very useful to me and of great research value."

The butterfly fairy did not move. She looked at Chu Nan, and a strange light flashed in her eyes. She was not surprised that Chu Nan alone killed all the 6,000 disciples of the Elystic Palace, nor did the owner of the Elystic Palace suffer losses on the hands of the first-level martial arts.

She was surprised that it was just Chu Nan's disregard!

How beautiful the Butterfly Fairy is. Of course, she herself can't understand it. Generally speaking, there are no people who are not obsessed with winning. Even a strong martial arts man like the Lord of the Elystic Palace has escaped.

However, after taking a look at the person in front of him, he diverted his attention and regarded her as nothing and treated her so coldly. He was the first in history!

Seeing that the fairy Butterfly did not move, the owner of the Bliss Palace couldn't help but aggravate his tone. His handsome face showed a fierce expression, "Fairy Butterfly, have you forgotten the agreement with me? If you don't do it, don't blame me for doing things unfavorably.

"Are you threatening me?"

Dieyi Fairy asked coldly, as crisp and pleasant as a spring. The owner of the Bliss Palace was stunned again. He quickly replaced fierceness with a smile and said with a smile, "Dieyi Fairy, you misunderstood. As long as you help me take this person, I am confident that I will find what you want within ten years."

"Ten years? How many decades have passed, and how many decades have there been in life? The fairy butterfly frowned slightly, but even this wrinkle could wrinkle the pool of spring river. "The soul bead has played a role, and his soul has been fascinated. Isn't it easy for you to take him down? Why did you ask me to take action?

The owner of the blissium smiled evilly, "I haven't seen you dance for a long time. I really want to see it."

"I'm not in the mood."

The words of the butterfly fairy are obviously very cold, but they always make people feel comfortable.

The owner of the bliss palace frowned and thought.

Chu Nan has released the cold air of the cold jade blue fire, freezing the cells full of "desire", and the colorful light also bloomed, tightly wrapped the elixir beads.

With such help, Chu Nan is still fighting with the purple light of the soul pearl, fighting with the "desire", with the strong will of thousands of hammers, resisting the waves of impact of the purple light, and his facial muscles are twisting.

Chu Nanqiang mentioned the killing sword and used the martial arts of "killing desire" to himself. The shadow of the sword shrouded him and surrounded the purple light of the soul beads; Chu Nan did not expect that there was still time to use the martial arts of "killing desire" to himself.

The butterfly fairy looked at Chu Nan again. In a pair of beautiful eyes, there was a strange light flowing.

The owner of the Bliss Palace smiled sarcastically and said, "Interestingly, it turns out that your sword can not only cut off other people's desires, but also cut off your own desires. Aren't you afraid of cutting yourself into a eunuch? Hahaha..." After laughing wildly, the owner of the Bliss Palace continued, "But do you think you can deal with the soul beads just by your swinging your sword? What a delusion! It's ridiculous!"

After the blow, the owner of the Bliss Palace did not pay attention to Chu Nan.

And Chu Nan took a multi-pronged approach, and the effect was very obvious; the "desire" was slowly suppressed, and although the purple light of the soul bead was still struggling to be extremely strong, the effect that could be produced was getting smaller and smaller.

The owner of the Bliss Palace was still thinking about how to make Fairy Dieyi take action. After thinking hard, he really came up with a way. His face was full of smiles. When he was about to mention it to Fairy Dieyi, his face suddenly changed!

Looking back in a hurry, the owner of the Bliss Palace looked at Chu Nan, but he didn't see that Chu Nan was infatuated, addicted and couldn't extricate himself. He didn't know where he was; he didn't see that he was in great pain and spitting blood...

What the owner of the Elysian Palace saw was just calm, calm, and light!


For the first time, the owner of the Bliss Palace shouted so gaffely, "How can you resist the soul beads? In such a short time, it is absolutely impossible for you not to achieve the perfect 'killing desire' martial arts skills!"

Fairy Dieyi was also shocked and had a little interest in Chu Nan.

Chu Nan dusted his clothes and said with a smile, "The previous 'killing desire' martial arts were indeed not perfect, but now, it has reached a great success. You can try it!"

The owner of the Bliss Palace still doesn't believe the facts in front of him, "How can you resist the soul bead?"

"At the beginning, it was indeed a little dangerous. I almost fell into it and wanted to burn myself. Unfortunately, it was only a little short..." Chu Nan replied with a smile, satisfying the curiosity of the Lord of the Bliss.

"Good, good, good!" The owner of the Bliss Palace smiled ferociously. The original handsome face, this ferocious, became ugly, "I have never dared to rob anything from the palace, and it is also the soul bead. You are the first, the first! This palace will make you understand what kind of price you will pay for robbing my palace!"

"Your stuff? Isn't the soul bead in my hand now? How could it be yours? It's really strange!" Chu Nan said with a smile, and the owner of the Bliss Palace was driven crazy by this word...C