Wu Rebellious Universe

490 punch

The owner of the Bliss Palace is not a good man, otherwise he would not have watched the death of 6,000 disciples, but he was not sentimental at all!

The bad people have always been arrogant.

The arrogant owner of the Elyss Palace met Chu Nan, who was more arrogant than him.

Chu Nan is naturally unreasonable to people like the owner of the Bliss Palace. Besides, he is here to rob. Naturally, he is more arrogant than the owner of the Bliss Palace. If the soul beads reach his hands, can it be someone else if it is not him?

After being angry, the owner of the Elyss Palace laughed and said, "Is your soul bead?"


"I hope you can hold the soul bead very firmly. Don't fall off, otherwise, the soul bee will not be yours." The more the owner of the Bliss Palace said, the colder his smile became.

"Don't worry about this. I'll put it well. I'm sure I won't let you pick it up."

"In addition, you have to make sure that your arm is not cut off!"

"My master's arm is strong! No one can be killed!"

"Is it? Then I'm going to have a try." After the owner of the Bliss Palace finished speaking, the jade bed he was lying on flew directly and hit Chu Nan, "No one dares to take away the things of this palace, and you can't!"

Chu Nan laughed and thought to himself, "It's just a high-level martial arts king. I even dare to grab the vast blade of Heijun Wudi, and I can grab it. What is a soul bead?"

The jade bed of the owner of the blissible palace was not simple. When it hit Chu Nan in the void, after several changes, the jade bed turned out to be a transparent jade mountain, with a length and width of more than ten feet, and the owner of the blissure palace stood on the top of the jade mountain.

"A bed is still a magic weapon. The grade is not low, and it can be deformed." Chu Nan's eyes narrowed into a crack. He would not regard this jade mountain as an ordinary jade, which was easy to break. I don't know how hard the jade mountain in front of him is!

Chu Nan pulled out a smile, "The harder it is, the more interesting it will be, otherwise, it's really a little boring!"

The owner of the Bliss Palace standing at the top of Yushan, looked at Chu Nan, who was getting smaller and smaller in his eyes, and shouted, "I am a high-level martial king. You are just a small junior martial artist. No matter how weird you are, in the face of absolute strength, it is futile and useless!"

"That's right, I think so too, so I've been trying to keep my voice down!" Chu Nan looked relaxed and comfortable. The owner of the bliss palace had already stepped on Yushan and shouted coldly, "I will tell you what absolute strength is!"

"It's just right!"

Chu Nan put the killing sword into the storage ring, and when he wanted to release the soul bead, the resistance was still very great. Chu Nan did not compete with the soul bead. He directly tied it to the Haotian blade. The dragon tendons that had been pulled out by the Haotian blade had been pulled out, instantly rotated and crossed into a net

With the dragon tendon, the Haotian blade can be tightly wrapped, let alone a soul bead. As soon as the soul bead falls into the net, it can't move!

The owner of the Elystic Palace noticed Chu Nan's movements and was saying, "If you want to accept the soul beads, go back to practice for three hundred years. However, I hope you can't achieve this. Next year's today will be your taboo..."

Before the last word "day" could be spit out, the owner of the bliss of the palace saw that the soul bead obediently asked Chu Nan to put into the storage ring. For a moment, the owner of the bliss of the palace could not recover. In an instant, the owner of the bliss of the palace understood what The resentment was even more resentful because Chu Nan made him humiliate in front of the butterfly fairy!

"I'm going to smash you into a meat pie!" The owner of the Elystic Palace roared!

When Yushan came, Chu Nan gave up his weapon, his hands were empty, and he said calmly, "Okay, that's what you want!"

When Fairy Dieyi saw this picture, her beautiful eyes were full of puzzlement and slightly shocked. At this point, except for saying a few words and being shocked after two games, she never said anything or took any action.

"Speak less and take it!" The owner of the Palace of Bliss stepped on the jade with the power of the sky.

Chu Nan's hands clenched into fists, and the whirlpool in his body instantly rotated. The five elements were born with each other, and the whirlpool of power emitted light. The huge force surged to the fist. The fist immediately cracked and expanded more than five times. At the same time, it was also a roar, "Take the

As soon as the voice fell, his huge fist hit the thick jade mountain, and 200,000 catties swept away crazily.

Surely, the owner of the blissment palace felt the shaking of Yushan, and a huge force came from the soles of his feet, and Yushan, which he thought was hard and tough, had a crack in the middle; Yushan was also hit by this force and flew straight to the sky.


The owner of the Elysium Palace gasped his breath. He didn't expect that the power of this man was so powerful. Feeling this power, the Lord of the Elysium Palace suddenly understood that his eight favorite concubines had been dissipated by a strange energy. The strange energy was exactly the power just now!

Fairy Dieyi was also full of excitement. The hand that had never been exposed was actually drilled out of a white shirt because of Chu Nan's unparalleled punch. The face of Fairy Dieyi was already beautiful enough; however, her hand, which accidentally slipped out, actually made her moth eyebrows smile and beautiful; and Her graceful body and exquisite curves are all overshadowed.

That hand is difficult to describe in words. Any word to describe it is not worthy.

In a flash, Dieyi Fairy quickly withdrew her hand and looked at Chu Nan for no reason, as if to see if he had seen it. Seeing that Chu Nan was single-minded and concentrating on dealing with the owner of the bliss, she couldn't help but sigh of relief.

After being relieved, the butterfly fairy felt a little puzzled again.

Yushan was really hard enough. 200,000 catties of force just made a crack. Chu Nan didn't hesitate at all. He pinched his fist again, gathered together, and smashed the falling Yushan, and roared, "One punch is not enough, just another punch!"

The owner of the Elystic Palace was still shocked by Chu Nan's punch, just like he didn't expect Chu Nan to control the soul beads before. He didn't expect Chu Nan to punch again so quickly. The owner of the Elyssic Palace hurriedly controlled Yushan to move aside.

Unfortunately, the owner of the bliss is one thousandth of a second late!

Chu Nan had already jumped into the air, and his fist of 200,000 catties bombarded Yushan again. The cracks on Yushan increased to five, and Yushan shot back into the air again, and the power also poured into the body of the Lord of the bliss.

"It's not enough, I'll smash it again!" Chu Nan's fist went up again. The owner of the Bliss Palace didn't have time to sort out the shock in his heart. He manipulated Yushan, flew to him, and shouted loudly, "Dieyi Fairy, don't you take action yet?"

The butterfly fairy did not answer, silent, between the eyebrows, three wrinkles floated, and the wrinkles became "river"!

The owner of the Bliss Palace saw that the butterfly fairy still did not take action, and was very angry. His jade mountain, called Hun Jinyu, was taken from the jade crystal at the foot of the foot deep mountain, which was extremely hard. Then he asked the refinery master to make it into a magic weapon. The hardness increased again. It was used Some of his functions...

Hunjin Yushan has made many achievements in repeated battles in the past, and won by surprise.

But in this battle, before fully exerting the power of Hunjin Yushan, he was smashed into six cracks by two punches. If it goes on like this, it is estimated that if he punches two more, his Hunjin Yushan will collapse and break down!

And Chu Nan chased after him below. The owner of the Bliss Palace was very anxious. Seeing such a dangerous situation again, the butterfly fairy did not help. How could he not be angry?

Chu Nan also saw from it that the relationship between the Fairy Dieyi and the Elystic Palace and the owner of the Elystic Palace did not seem to be as close as he imagined. They were just standing in the same camp because of some kind of agreement.

But because of what, Chu Nan is not interested in knowing. As long as he doesn't disturb him, they have any agreement and have nothing to do with him.

At the same time, the owner of the Elystic Palace was in a hurry. He remembered his previous wonderful plan and hurriedly shouted, "Deyi Fairy, don't you want to know your father's whereabouts?"


Hearing this sentence, the feeling of the butterfly fairy is immediately completely different from what she showed before; before, it was like a quiet beauty painting, calm and comfortable; but now, the beauty in the painting seems to have turned into a sharp sword in an instant.

Moreover, the sword is alive, and the sword comes down from the painting and stands there alive.

The mind of the Lord of the Elyss Palace explored the subtle changes of the Butterfly Fairy, and immediately knew his wonderful plan, and it was done!

With a smile on the corners of his mouth, the owner of the Bliss Palace said, "Your father's whereabouts have a lot to do with this person. As long as you take him down, you can know your father's whereabouts."

The butterfly fairy suddenly looked at Chu Nan with sharp eyes.

Chu Nan said to the owner of the Bliss Palace: "The high-level martial arts king is the high-level martial arts king. It's really different from ordinary people. When you tell a lie, you don't even blush. This martial art is enough to compete with the 'flattery' martial arts skills of the servant I just received. No

The owner of the Bliss Palace now wants to ensure the maximum amount of himself. He has a hunch in his heart that he is not the opponent of the strong martial arts at the first level. In this case, he doesn't care about any humiliation or anything. Instead, he said to Dieyi Fairy, "Of course, you can also I told you the news. If you don't grasp it, you can't blame me.

Dieyi Fairy looked at Chu Nan's eyes and was a little fierce again.

Chu Nan said, "Do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it." Dieyi Fairy replied lightly.

"It's okay."

"But..." There was a turning word in the mouth of the butterfly fairy. This turning word was as fierce as her eyes! C