Wu Rebellious Universe

749 military strategy martial arts, damn it!

Soldiers never get tired of cheating!"

"Sonster, it's weird!"

"If you can show that you can't, you can't use it, you can't use it, you can show that you are far away, and you can't show that you are far away. Profit and lure it, take it in chaos, prepare it, force it and avoid it, anger and scratch it, humble and arrogant, work hard, close and leave..."

Chu Nan knows his weight. If he wants to win the military merit on the battlefield, get the position of a prince, and then borrow his strength to Daqing, it is far from enough to rely on that little trick. Therefore, Chu Nan read the "Wu Mu Bing Lue" very carefully. He read a sentence in "Wu Mu Bing Lue" and I fell into deep thinking!

In the room, only the candle is shining.

After chewing the meaning of the art of war in this sentence several times, Chu Nan thought of a very important question, "In today's sand table deduction, I realized the principle of the warrior's fight from the battle, and then won a thousand-person battle with the fight of the warrior. It can be seen that there is an essence of mutual communication between the The method can also guide the martial artists to fight, which can lead to unexpected effects.

"Singmen don't suppress fraud! Soldiers, it's a tempt tempt!" Chu Nan read it several times, and then said, "The so-called trick, the so-called soldiers do not suppress fraud, isn't it true if it is false, and the truth is empty? It is equivalent to when you make a move, you can't be solid-minded. If you make a move, you can be false or be true. If you can break it, you will be empty; if you are invincible, you will be real!"

Chu Nan bowed his head again and continued to read the "Wu Mu Bing Lu, "In the art of war, there are thirty-six, like attacking the east and the west..."

"The sound of the battlefield hits east and west, isn't it in the fight of the warriors, yu hits it, take it down first; yu takes it to the left, and leads it to the right first? And it's amazing to take advantage of the fire and kill him when he is sick. And this anti-guest is the main, isn't it to attack instead of defense? And this lure the enemy deep, isn't it the one that sells the fancy to lure it first, and then controls the opponent to the Jedi?

For every sentence of the art of war, Chu Nan first understood it thoroughly, and then integrated it into the martial arts fighting. Gradually, Chu Nan found that this "Wu Mu Military Strategy" can not only be used to integrate into the martial arts fighting, but also can also be of great help to the martial arts iu training!

"One is the way, two is the sky, the third is the earth, the fourth is the general, and the fifth is the law..."

"The Tao is before heaven and earth, above heaven and earth, is it that there is still a way outside this world?" Chu Nan remembered the rising sun and the moon falling, the wind, rain, thunder and lightning, the existence of the five elements, and suddenly wondered, "Aren't these in heaven and earth?"

Chu Nan was puzzled, bowed his head and continued to chew "Wu Mu's Strategy", hoping to understand something from the strategy of soldiers. The witch horse ye, who was given to Chu Nan's "Wu Mu's Strategy of Soldiers", if he knew that Chu Nan understood the principle of martial arts from the strategy of martial arts, he would

Just as Chu Nan was thinking seriously, the shining candle suddenly burst out a lantern. Chu Nan looked up and looked at it in a daze, as if for no reason. The candlelight beat more and more fiercely. Just as the candle was about to burn away from the wick, Chu Nan broke through the air, and a cold voice came out, "Excuse Damn it!"

"I don't take what I said yesterday in my heart, damn it!"

"I'm obsessed. I'm still going to kill tonight. Damn it!"

Three cold words, three "death", clearly spread into the ears of the three high-level martial emperors who had just sneaked into the world's business. The three high-level martial emperors were shocked and did not expect that they were found at all.

Then, the three jumped into the air and surrounded Chu Nan in the middle in a zigzag shape. One of the old men shouted, "Be arrogant, tonight, damn man, it's you!"

"Who sent you here?"

No one answered Chu Nan's question, but someone shouted, "It's not easy for you to practice. If you honestly hand over those sisters, we will let you live today. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."

"So it's you!" Chu Nan immediately understood that these people were the same kind of people as the junior martial emperor who was on the hill outside Qingcheng, and the murderous atmosphere was suddenly filled with turbulent tides. On that day, Chu Nan was in a very poor state and his strength was less than one thousand. For the safety of Xuanbingmen's brother, Chu Nan chose to After such a long time of savings, the strength has recovered to more than 90%. As long as it is not Wu Zun, Chu Nan is confident and can protect Xuanbing's brother.

So, Chu Nan said coldly, "So, I'm not polite."

These three high-level martial emperors reacted very quickly. Before Chu Nan finished his words, two of them killed Chu Nan, and the other fell to the ground and went straight to the residential area of Xuanbing's brother zi!

"Sound east and west? Transfer the tiger away from the mountain? I want to trap me with two people, and the third person to implement the real purpose. In this way, I can restrain my jing power, so that I can constantly make mistakes in the fight under my worries, which will solve me as soon as possible, and I can achieve the goal with the least jing power. Chu Nan's mind was full of military strategy and fighting. After thinking about it, he said coldly, "Then I'm the main guest!"

When the words fell, Chu Nan sacrificed the "Shura Prison". At this time, the three high-level martial arts emperors were in the attack range of Chu Nan. As soon as the "Shura Prison" came out, the three high-level martial arts emperors immediately encountered a fiery strangulation.

The three high-level martial emperors were shocked, and their faces were full of fear, but Chu Nan was thinking, "Isn't this the first to take people first?" With his mouth, the attack action was not slow at all. As soon as the "Tianya" was used, the figure flashed and reached the man in an instant.

Suddenly, there was another person in front of him. The high-ranking martial emperor felt a sense of death in his heart. He immediately wanted to escape, but he didn't even turn around. Chu Nan had already bombarded a "power fist" on his inbox.


With a crisp sound, this martial artist who wanted to attract the attention of Chu Nan was hit into thousands of pieces of flesh and blood. The next moment, the flesh and blood pieces that were falling to the ground automatically broke to the end before they touched the earth!

The remaining two high-level martial emperors are already stupid.

The strength of the three people is in the middle of the middle, no one can strongly suppress one of them; but now, their companions are blown to death by that man with one punch.

Special use, it's just a fist!

The impact of this scene made their beliefs begin to collapse.

"Take advantage of your illness and kill you!" The words of the military book flashed in Chu Nan's mind, and thousands of Yuanming vines shot out. Between the two distractions, they were tightly entangled. At that time, the Yuanming vine began to suck their cultivation.

After the battle of Xuanbing Mountain, the power of killing Yuan Mingteng increased with the stronger Chu Nan, and the ability to devour cultivation was stronger. In addition, Chu Nan also released Xiao Lan...

In an instant, two high-level martial arts emperors suddenly turned to dead bodies! A