Wu Rebellious Universe

750 Who said I wanted to escape?

The strong man of the high-level martial arts emperor is indeed a superior existence!

The matter of attacking and killing the three high-level martial emperors should be the end of the capture. Unfortunately, these three high-level martial emperors met Chu Nan. As early as Dongyue City, Chu Nan could kill the high-level martial emperor.

Now, it's even more out of a word!

The three high-level martial emperors had no time to sacrifice their killing moves, so they died and two seriously injured. The two people trapped by the vine of the annihilation of the Yuan Dynasty had unparalleled fear in their hearts. Their cultivation had quickly fallen from the high-level martial emperor to the middle-level martial emperor, and then to the

Cultivation is everything for them. Now it took hundreds of years to cultivate the martial emperor's cultivation. In a blink of an eye, it is like a bubble and becomes a dream bubble. How can they not be surprised and not afraid?

When they came, what they expected was a one-sided slaughter!

Although the situation at this time is also a one-sided slaughter, the host and guest have changed, and they have become the butchers. Of course, they are not willing to be killed so cowardly. They want to resist, but they can't. The only way is to lose both sides in the last move, self-exploding!

As soon as the two of them got up, Chu Nan said, "Shura prison, destroy!"

Suddenly, the two people's thoughts were strangled to death. When the two people who lost their minds were still at a panic and at a loss, Chu Nan's figure had come to them. He stretched out his hand to explore, and the two cores rolled out of Dantian.

Then, the force attacked the body, the two cultivations were greatly reduced, and the dead corpses with little blood left turned into ashes, and the soul was destroyed!

It only took Chu Nan a moment to kill the three high-level martial emperors. Chu Nan looked at the Yuan Ming Teng. Of course, he clearly felt the great increase in power of the Yuan Ming Teng. He said, "How can this Yuan Ming Teng be promoted to the cultivation of Wu Zun in the blink of an eye, and sucked it Mortal, at that time, maybe it can be called a real thing against heaven!"

After thinking about it, Chu Nan was about to fall into the room when he suddenly felt a familiar breath, and two sharp eyes shot in his eyes, like a peerless sword, full of murderous spirit!

Chu Nan is very familiar with that breath, and it can even be said to be unforgettable!

Without any hesitation, Chu Nan operated "near the horizon" and ran to the familiar breath, to lead the enemy to fight thousands of miles away. Otherwise, if the war is started here, Xuanbingmen's brother zi will be affected!

As for the power of the side that wanted to catch the two sisters, Chu Nan ignored it. He believed that the iron-blooded killing just now must make him take his heart again. Even if he can't take his heart, he dare not act recklessly for a period of time, and this period of time is enough for Chu Nan to solve it.

"This is knocking on the mountain to shake the tiger. If I don't stop, I will no longer shake the tiger, but kill the tiger!" Chu Nan took a look in a certain direction in the city and read a word in his heart.

Just as Chu Nan stepped into the air, in the room, the young man looked at the life cards brought out with him. There were three pieces. In less than a minute, they were all broken. His gentle expression was immediately ferocious as demons, and panicked. "Three high-level martial emperors were all killed in less than a minute. The owner of What kind of cultivation is it? Junior martial arts emperor? Middle-level Emperor Wu? Or higher?"

At this time, the young man finally understood why Toyama used such a bitter trick at the beginning. After a short panic, the young man's eyes became firm again, "No matter who you are, no matter how high your cultivation is, I must get the hand of that pair of sisters; Emperor Wu can't do it. It seems that he will have Emperor Wu. However, in a short period of time, the strong man of Emperor Wu can't come to Qingcheng.

After reading so hard, the young man suddenly thought of the information sent by his men today and hurriedly said, "Imend Princess Yunfei as soon as possible, please come here!"

At the same time, Zhang Tianhao was still in the mansion, hitting those men with what he could take, and scolded angrily: "Waste, it's all waste. I raised you for nothing and let you follow one person. You can't do it. What else can you do? And the previous group of people, where did they go? Why haven't you come back yet? Get out of here, get out of here, get out and continue to look until you find it; at the same time, find out where the reptile came from.

"Yes, young master."

"Get out of here!" Zhang Tianhao shouted and scolded. After his men rushed out, Zhang Tianhao felt so tired that he couldn't help lying in the chair and said, "Why am I so tired? It's like I haven't practiced..."

Zhang Tianhao said this, but he still didn't pay attention to it. He also focused on Chu Nan and said, "Ling Yanlan, the second shopkeeper of the world's business, the brother of Yuhuamen. His father is now a general of 5,000 people, and he also has a mysterious background. Such a woman, I must not let go Yes, all those who dare to rob me will die. Life is better than death.

On the other side, Chu Nan no longer restrained, and his breath dispersed. At that time, the breath that Chu Nan was familiar with fluctuated violently. In Chu Nan's ear, a voice sounded: "Lin Yun, it's really you."

"Yan Chenke, you're too slow and too late." As Chu Nan said, he flew out of Qingcheng, and there was still a whirlpool of different five elements in his body. Yan Chen shouted, "No matter how slow or late it is, you can't escape death. Tonight, you will be the wronged soul of the old man!"


"What are you laughing at?"

"Laugh at you for being too arrogant!"

"It's you, Lin Yun, don't you forget when you were killed by me?"

"Yan Chenke, have you seen Zhuang Bozhou?"

"Bold, in the name of uncle, how can you shout!"

"I dare to shout Xuan Wuqi, not to mention Zhuang B Zhou!"

"How presumptuous!" Yan Chen was so angry that he couldn't wait to cut Chu Nan to death immediately. Unfortunately, he still needed some time to catch up with Chu Nan, and Chu Nan said with a smile, "Zhuang Buchou's leg was cut off by me; Zhuang Buchou's arm was cut off by me; Zhuang Buchou didn't dare to kill me Is it? Do you dare again?"

When Chu Nan said this, he thought reflexively, "This is the top of the attack in the art of war."

Yan Chenke shouted categorically, "It's impossible. What kind of person is Uncle? How can you touch a little reptile? If it hadn't been for the mysterious strong man, you would have been the soul of death under the knife!"

When Chu Nan heard this sentence, he immediately understood how Zhuang Buchang went back to explain to his brother Zi. He smiled indifferently and soaked the mysterious energy into the whirlpool. He smiled and said, "It turns out that Zhuang Buzu is a villain who dares not to be. No wonder he is so short..." >

"It's too presumptuous, Lin Yun. You keep saying that your uncle can't beat you. Then I'm chasing you. Why are you running away?" Yan Chen was so angry that he was provoked by Chu Nan. As soon as his voice fell, he saw Chu Nan stop.

Chu Nan said, "Who said I was going to escape?" A