Wu Rebellious Universe

1105 Create a miracle for you

Fire is indispensable for alchemy, all kinds of fire, fire of all kinds of properties and functions.

Chu Nan looked at the power of the flame, penetrated into the delicate body of the beautiful woman, and made up his mind!

In the past, he gathered fire arrays in his body, simulated the "big five elements killing array" in his mind, used flames to transform the alchemy furnace alchemy, and used "Heart Refining Tips" to control hundreds of alchemy furnaces, especially when refining the crazy magic elixir, the whole alchemy furnace was pressed

The scene of this scene was extremely clear in Chu Nan's mind in an instant, and it was twisted into a ball!

Everything in the world can form an array, and of course, the power can also be arrayed, and the gathering of fire has been proved. The "Heart Refinement" can control the alchemy furnace, and naturally it can also control each array. As for the power of the flame, it is even better to solve with the cold jade blue fire king.

The cold jade blue king swallows up the ground fire in front of him, and then releases this kind of ground fire, even if it is not an external force, and with the five elements of element liquid as the support, there is no need to worry about the exhaustion of energy, unless it is more powerful than the "Heavenly Hall" before it appears.

After making up his mind, Chu Nan immediately sat cross-legged and regained his strength. In the big fight a few days ago, Chu Nan had not recovered, and his vitality washed Chu Nan's body over and over again.

In Dantian, the speed of the leaf spitting out dewdrops has changed to twelve hours. Chu Nan seriously recalled that the speed of spitting out drops accelerated, as if it was using one anti-sky fist after another to make the five-element element liquid in the body close to dry up.

"If the five-element element liquid is really completely dry, will this leaf spew out a large amount of liquid drops like a source?"

Chu Nan just thought for a moment, put this question aside, took out the sand table, and deduced in the sand table, deduced how to stabilize the 3,600 arrays, deduced how to store and lock up the huge medicine...

Moreover, this lock is not a permanent lock, but with the increase of the sister's cultivation, this lock can be opened layer by layer, so that the sister of the thorn can use the medicine power, so that it can get the greatest benefit, and turn this disaster for the sister of the thorn into a great blessing, and use this disaster to complete Nirvana is reborn!

On the other side, the second elder is still debugging each combination of the transmission array. The second elder especially hopes to suddenly see the transmission array emit light, so that he can be sure that he is connected to the possible array on the Tianwu continent.

However, the second elder also knows that this possibility is relatively small. After all, before him, no one has tried, but he has not tried it. Previously, he said "should be able to", but in order to survive and live longer!

At the same time, the second elder also had the idea of destroying the rabbit above his head, and wanted to teleport the rabbit away through the teleportation array. However, when he thought of Chu Nan's threat, he did not dare; Moreover, he also felt that the rabbit above his head was not that simple, and there was a feeling that made him The deepest part of the soul.

Therefore, the second elder can only be honest, one possible try.

At the same time, on Tianwu Continent, a very good-looking woman sacrificed a barracuda-like magic weapon and fled in a hurry. After her, two men and a woman were chasing her. One of the men looked at the direction of the woman's escape and frowned and said, "She seemed to have fled in the direction of the fog !"

"Fog forbidden sea? Isn't it true that the entrant must die?"

The woman replied, "If she doesn't escape into the fog forbidden sea, she will definitely fall into our hands, so she wants to bet that she can enter the fog forbidden sea before coming out of the fog forbidden sea!"

"After going in, where can I get out?"

"No, she has escaped from us several times. Every time it seems that she has fallen into the state of death, but in the end, there is still one accident after another, which makes her escape from death. Such a person's chance is too deep. Maybe she can really come out of the sea of fog. I have a feeling that if she recovers down The situation will be very dangerous, so we must not let her breathe. In addition, we must take her down before the fog forbidden sea, so that she can't step into the fog forbidden sea!" This woman said with a deep frown!

The two men nodded and echoed. The three of them suddenly accelerated their speed and chased forward. The fleeing woman seemed to feel something. She gritted her teeth and said fiercely, "I can definitely escape into the fog forbidden sea, and the fog forbidden sea has my glimmer of vitality!"

Fierce, spit out a mouthful of blood, and the barracuda-shaped magic weapon suddenly accelerated!

Back to the totem continent, Chu Nan deduced seven, seventy-seven or forty-nine days, and then according to Cang Hengsheng's records, he formulated a set of formations to store the huge amount of medicine in the body of the thorn sister. Of course, it is only roughly determined. After all, Chu Nan has not explored The situation is analyzed in detail.

In 49 days, Chu Nan's body returned to its peak state, and each cell was filled with infinite vitality. What made Chu Nan feel most was that the five elements of yuan liquid was more refined, and its grade was greatly improved.

If the grade of the five elements at the moment of its formation is the first level, it has now reached the third level!

The mental state also reaches a full state!

Chu Nan took a deep breath. He wants to start a huge project. If he succeeds, he can not only save the life of the thorn sister, but also let the thorn sister be reborn; in his words, he will also get great gains!

Cang Hengsheng looked at Chu Nan's mental state and intuitively that he was going to do something earth-shaking, but he didn't know what Chu Nan was going to do. At this moment, Chu Nan flashed and dived straight into the ground and dived into the fire.


Cang Hengsheng gasped his breath, "Can you dive in this house? This is not ordinary soil!"

At 7,000 meters under the ground, Chu Nan swallowed the fire of the vein. Of course, he would not swallow it cleanly like swallowing the fire at the bottom of the artifact mountain, but swallowed a little, which was enough for the cold jade blue fire king to stimulate the firepower and function of the ground vein, and then returned to the room.

This process is only a minute and a half.

Cang Hengsheng didn't come to his senses at all. He stared straight at Chu Nan. Chu Nan suddenly turned around and said to Cang Hengsheng, "Keep an eye on it. I'll make a miracle for you!" Chu Nan said confidently!

"Miracle? What kind of miracle?"

When Cang Hengsheng was muttering, Chu Nan had already walked in the direction of Sister Thorns. Cang Hengsheng suddenly thought of a possibility, "Is it possible that he wants to save her? It's impossible. Even if the god of war comes, he can't save her! How can he work miracles?"

Chu Nan closed his eyes, waved his hands, two flames exactly like the ground fire, burned out...


Cang Hengsheng exclaimed again.