Wu Rebellious Universe

1106 woke up, lit up

Looking at the ground fire being stimulated from Chu Nan's hand, the overwhelming shock was indescribable. He couldn't figure out what means Chu Nan had used to display the ground fire in such a short time. Cang Hengsheng couldn't help thinking: "Is it the ground fire he just swallowed in the veins of the earth? How much did he swallow? What does he want to do with the ground fire?

In the midst of many doubts, Chu Nan constantly sent the flame into the body of the thorn sister, using the power of the flame to investigate the specific situation in the body of the thorn sister. This process took nine hours.

After Chu Nan's heart is clear, the energy in his body condenses into one small array after another in the flesh and blood body of thorns in the form of the power of flames. These small arrays should be attached to the 3,600 arrays, but they cannot touch these arrays, or even cause abnormal changes in the medicinal power.

In the vast project, Chu Nan is like embroidery, with stitches and lines one after another, from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. Although Chu Nan closed his eyes, everything about the thorn sister was presented in Chu Nan's mind.

The second elder was still trying all kinds of possibilities pitifully, and in the sword heaven of the Yutu clan, under the humiliation he wanted to infung the jade rabbit clan before, his heart was about to collapse and roared, "Why hasn't the second elder come to save me? Did they give up on me? It's impossible..."

On the Tianwu mainland, the woman driving the shuttle-shaped magic weapon saw the foggy existence in front of her. She took a deep breath and rushed in without hesitation. Seeing this, the two men and a woman behind them stamped their feet angrily. "She actually rushed in. It was almost, but almost trapped her in our domain. This is like What's good, sister? Are we going back empty-handed like this?

The woman called "sister" frowned and said, "You must not go back empty-handed, otherwise, you are also very clear about what the consequences will be. As soon as she rushed into the fog forbidden sea, she will definitely be very uncomfortable, and she will not think that we also rushed into the fog forbidden sea. While she was weak and negli That is, out of the fog to ban the sea, I don't think there will be any problems.

As soon as the woman breathed a sigh of relief, she found that they had chased in. She was terrment and rushed forward in panic!

In a blink of an eye, seven days flew away.

Two-thirds of the arrays have been completed by Chu Nan, and the array has been put to the heart. There are no mistakes for the time being. Everything is still under his control, but the remaining one-third is larger and heavier.

Cang Hengsheng, who fell to the ground, can no longer think in words. Speaking of the amount of fire stimulated by Chu Nan's body, Cang Hengsheng is estimated to be more than the amount of fire in the vein of fire. "He can't inspire so much fire, unless..."

Thinking of that possibility, Cang Heng trembled all over and fainted himself.

The seven days, for Chu Nan, passed in a flash, like a breath, but for the second elder, it was to live like a year, and he almost tried so many possibilities of the transmission array. If he couldn't try again, his "should" would become "despair".

For the woman in Tianwu Continent, every minute is equivalent to 10,000 years, because every minute may be the end of her life, and she can no longer breathe the next second of air; she doesn't know where she is in the Forbidden Sea of Fog, but only knows that the three people behind her are chasing her. At this moment, there was a secluded valley in front of her. She didn't know what was inside, but it must be very dangerous. Maybe the moment she stepped in, it was the coming of death, but she rushed in without any hesitation; and the three people who followed closely were in the sea of fog or not, only one The idea is to catch the prey.

Another five days.

Chu Nan poured into the last wisp of fire and laid the last array on the eyebrows of Sister Thorns. The storage array had been laid, and the lock array had also been laid. Chu Nan opened his eyes, and Cang Hengsheng just woke up and turned around.

So, Cang Hengsheng saw Chu Nan withdrawing the flames. Suddenly, Cang Hengsheng screamed, "No, my power elixir will be destroyed..." Cang Hengsheng's screaming stopped abruptly, because he saw that the thorn sister did not explode and did not turn into nothingness. It was still good, or even , like thousands of elves dancing; snow-white skin, emitting a faint layer of light, adding a little holy atmosphere to this soft and delicate body...

Only the beautiful eyelids are covered with closed eyes.

Without the power of the flame, Sister Thorn's body fell down. Chu Nan spread it in the palm of her hand, and then the vitality poured into her body, soaked every cell, every inch of body, and washed through every array laid by Chu Nan.

In this way, after twelve hours, Sister Thorn's eyelashes blinked, a few minutes, and then moved again. Next, the frequency of flashing was relatively high.

The fingers are also trembling, the faint breathing sound is also appearing, and the delicate and seductive lips are also trembling...

All signs of life are slowly recovering!

Half an hour later, Sister Thorn raised her eyelids a few times and suddenly opened her eyes.

What a pool of autumn water, extremely pure.

The smile on Chu Nan's face, like the sun, bloomed in an instant. He succeeded, and he really did it!

At this moment, Chu Nan felt something was wrong, and the desire in his heart surged. In his eyes, Sister Thorns was no longer composed of one array after another, no longer a power elixir, a yin furnace tripod, but restored to the original, and everything presented in front of Chu Nan was so straightforward that people's bloodline. Zhang!

Chu Nan is not a saint, especially having sex with Lingyun. That kind of desire is even more uncontrollable. In the past, scenes flashed in Chu Nan's mind, and his breathing was short.

"Who are you...?"

The woman asked with difficulty. Chu Nan suddenly recovered, shook his head, and the artistic conception of "beheading desire" emerged, and then said, "The thorns let me save you..." The corners of the woman's eyes slid out of tears and looked straight at Chu Nan.

At the moment when the woman opened her eyes, on Tianwu mainland, the woman jumped into a pool of water to escape the chase. When the woman sank to 200 meters, she felt that her feet seemed to touch something.

At this moment, on the totem continent, the second elder, who was feeling desperate, was suddenly stunned, because the transmission array in front of him emitted a bright light!

This bright light shows that the transmission array is connected to a certain array on the Tianwu mainland!

Immedialally, Xiaohei grabbed the second elder and arrived at the room where Chu Nan was staying. Chu Nan, who was about to put down the beautiful woman, was stunned when he heard the news that the transmission array was connected. He couldn't help holding the woman in his arms tightly...

shouted in his heart, "You can go home, and you can finally go home!"