Wu Rebellious Universe

1382 unlimited penetration, drinking poison to quench thirst

1382 infinite penetration, drink poison to quench thirst 2 update

Water is pervasive and permeable. As long as there is a little gap, even if it is a very small gap, the water can seep through; even if it is usually seen, the bowl of water!

It is well known that the bowl can hold water.

Looking roughly with the naked eye, the water is not missing at all. In fact, the water has already penetrated, but the penetration is too slow and too small, so that the vast majority of martial artists can't see it. The first reason is that the gap in the bowl is small; the second reason is that the penetration of ordinary water is too poor!

The rules of Chunan's water have the same permeability. Use a bowl to hold the water condensed by the rules of Chunan's water. I'm afraid that the tiny cracks in the bowl in front of ordinary water will be infinitely enlarged, turning into bamboo baskets and fishing nets. It can't be installed at all, and

The rules of water are strong. Relatively speaking, the gap in the water robbery is smaller. The ordinary rules of water, or the kind of easy water that is not too strong, like Xuanyin Yishui, to collide with the water robbery, needless to say, it will be destroyed by the water robbery or turned into its own use before it gets close.

Such a water disaster, in the eyes of some people, is close to perfection!

But Chu Nan didn't think so. If it is really perfect, then there will be no weaknesses in the water disaster. There are all weaknesses. How can there be no gaps that can be penetrated? If it really can't penetrate, it means that the rules of water are not strong enough!

In the face of the twelve drops of water disaster that gave people a kind of ocean, Chu Nan resolutely gave up other attacks and only realized its penetration characteristics. The rules of water surged towards the twelve drops of water disaster. As soon as they came into contact, the rules of Chu Nan's water were sparse and broken into a large area.

The water pattern cracked and disappeared, and the drop of water in the sea of consciousness became smaller again. Chu Nan felt great pain, but Chu Nan was not afraid at all, and still moved forward, making the rules of water pour out!

With the impact again and again, the drop of water is getting smaller and smaller, but the impact continues...

Nine days, day and night, for a moment.

After millions of impacts, the pain did not numb Chu Nan, but became more and more sober, and the droplets smaller than the small nail cover finally stopped shrinking. Chu Nan's water rules penetrated into the water disaster from the weakness.

After that, Chu Nan launched a counterattack on the water disaster, and the scope of infiltration became wider and wider. Moreover, Chu Nan did not only penetrate from a little point, but penetrated from many weaknesses. One by one, they were connected into lines, and the lines were paved.

The water disaster is spiritual. Knowing that the crisis is coming, it keeps changing into a weakness, but no matter how the water disaster changes, the rules of water can be traced, because the water disaster is changing, and the rules of water are also changing.

This is also the reason why Chu Nan wants to give up the frozen attack. Wang Mo Shibing's attack range is small and fixed. If you rely on the frozen attack alone, you have to refine so much water. I don't know how many years it will be.

Infiltration is different, flexible and changeable, growing faster, just like a net that can be extended infinitely; moreover, when the permeability of the rules of water reaches a certain level, the water robbery is in front of Chunan, as if there is nothing, no matter how much water robbery it is, as long as it

The water lines lost by mastering the rules of Wang Moshi's ice before, as well as the water lines annihilated by the infiltration impact, did not really disappear. He existed in Chu Nan's mind and consciousness. When Chu Nan attacked wantonly, these water lines appeared again, but they were different from before, like the rebirth after N

The water droplets in the sea of consciousness are soaring.

Twelve drops of water disaster were penetrated by Chu Nan in five days. At the moment when it was completely penetrated, it was completely refined by Chu Nan. Chu Nan glanced at the divine water soul. The drop of blood between the belly of the divine water soul was already the size of an adult's fist. Although the divine water soul was still desperately swallow The breath is getting more and more horrible, but Chu Nan obviously feels that the divine water soul is weak. After all, it has been more than a month, and it has been swallowing for a moment, and the divine water soul has no time to digest it at all.

And the result of going on is the same as Chu Nan's endless energy to support the nine dragons of the dragon god. The divine water soul will be blown up by the water robbery, and the divine water soul can't ignore the water robbery, because in that way, the divine water soul will be more seriously injured!

This is like drinking poison to quench thirst. If you don't drink it, you will die of thirst. If you drink it, you will be poisoned to death in the end!

"Maybe this water disaster is the idea of supporting the god of death to come to the soul of water!" Chu Nan thought about it in his heart. Looking at the blood that had become the size of his fist, his eyes were full of solemnity, which could make the water rob a hundred times fierce. What kind of secret was there behind it? Chu Nan doesn't know, but Chu Nan knows that for the time being, he still needs the divine water soul. The five elements soul realm can't help the divine water soul. After collecting the star stone, the buoyancy of the divine water soul can't be missing. At the critical moment, the god's water soul can also save lives.

In fact, Chu Nan still has an idea in his heart to refine the drop of blood with the "life and death secret". However, Chu Nan temporarily suppressed this desire. He intuitively did so, and he would be hurt by himself.

"As long as I'm strong enough, no matter how mysterious you are, what can you do?" Chu Nan rushed to the sky and said, "Twenty drops!"

"Thirty drops!"

"Fifty drops!"

"90 drops!"


A month has passed again. Every time a new water disaster pours into the crystal coffin, it is a war for the elimination of the weak and the survival of the strong. The drop of water in the sea of consciousness is small and big, big and small. The rules of Chu Nan's water are getting stronger and stronger, much stronger than the rules of the fire A mass, and this water disaster took more than two months.

The divine water soul is getting weaker and weaker, almost dying.

Chu Nan saw it in his eyes and then shouted: "From now on, the water disaster will continue to pour in!" Chu Nan said that the crystal coffin acted according to the order. Chu Nan penetrated turbulently, and refined as much as he penetrated.

The water droplets soared, the water lines inside overlapped, and the peaks gathered together. After refining so much, Chu Nan was also surprised, "The water disaster is really terrible. Those water lines don't even have a single repetition!"

If it is refined at such a speed, there will always be a moment when the water disaster will be refined by Chu Nan; after three days of refining, the drop of water in Chu Nan's consciousness in the sea has become a small lake!

At this time, Chunan suddenly gave up infiltration, allowing the water robbery to crush his water rules and purify the nihilities, but the outside was still surging into the water disaster. In just three minutes, the lake was not seen, and the existence was just thumb-sized water droplets!

The loss was so great that Chu Nan looked at his ripples for a long time, like the flesh and blood of water quality, and smiled!

(P: I'm not in a good state today, sweat! There are still two updates, in the effort...) RO