Wu Rebellious Universe

1383 swallowing water

1383 Water Swallowing Robbery 3 Update

The flesh and blood of Chu Nan also shows water lines. However, these water lines are not water lines, but water lines of the rules of water.

So, how can Chu Nan not laugh?

Although the water droplet is only the size of a thumb, what it contains is refinement!

"Now, it is the real counterattack. This time, we must use the power of the water disaster to let the strength break through 10 million catties!" Chu Nan said in a voice, and the rules of water attacked out. The little rules of water were pitifully small in the face of the huge water disaster!

The rules of water robbery and water, such as the confrontation between the two armies; the water robbery is a million army, and the rule of water in southern Chu is only 5,000 soldiers. However, 5,000 soldiers are like a sharp knife, stabbing into the formation of millions of troops, and no one can stop them. The water robbery is killed and retreats again and again,

Infiltration, refining, transformation, millions of troops gradually changed their faces and became Chunan's army. Every time Chunan refined, he did not inhale all those water lines into the water droplets, but kneaded them. The complex water lines became simple, but the water lines were not digested at all, and they could be derived in an instant.

In addition, Chu Nan also refined his flesh and blood over and over again!

Six days later.

Chu Nan heard a scream, which was the sound of the divine water soul. The drop of blood in the belly of the divine water soul was the size of three fists. However, the swallowing of the divine water soul also reached the limit and could not last long.

At the same time, the water disaster no longer increases its troops and no longer pours into the crystal coffin. The water disaster that flows into the crystal coffin, facing the rules of Chu Nan's water, exudes a sense of fear and wants to escape from the crystal coffin...

The water disaster outside began to attack the divine water soul crazily. Unexpectedly, it was to let Chu Nan pass the super-large water disaster that split the sky and the ground, so that Chu Nan, the anti-sky, continued to go against the sky.

If it were someone else, when he saw this situation, he must be ecstatic and quickly get through the water disaster. Although Chu Nan is also happy, he does not intend to spend the water disaster like this. In other words, Chu Nan is not going to let go of the water disaster like this.

"Aren't you going to destroy me? How can you give up so easily?" Chu Nan said to the water disaster with a smile, and then he looked cold, "If you want to give up, I don't want to. You are still useful to me!"

At this moment, Chu Nan said to the crystal coffin again, "Crystal coffin, thank you for your protection. I can deal with the rest."

The voice fell, and the crystal coffin disappeared.

The mortal killing and others trapped in thousands of meters were overjoyed to see the disappearance of the crystal coffin that had been protecting Chunan. Lian Yuan even said, "Without that ghost coffin, let's see how you can survive the water disaster!"


Jiuwu, not far away, gave an evaluation. Lian Yuan and others wanted to show their power. Jiuwu's sword spirit was swept away. Lian Yuan and other martial gods trembled all over. Jiuwu did not lose his temper, but only said to them, "Open your dog's eyes and see how Chu Nan survived the water disaster!"

"Dog's eye?"

If others say that Lian Yuan, a martial artist with the cultivation of the god of earth martial arts, there will be only one end. Death is not a dead family, nor a dead clan or nine clans. It is very likely that in anger, it is a country!

However, these two words were said by Jiuwu. They could only suffer, full of resentment, and looked into the distance. At this look, their resentment against Jiuwu flew without a trace, because what they saw was really amazing!

The crystal coffin disappeared, and the massive water disaster did not fall to Chu Nan, but avoided it.

"What's the matter?"

"Why is it like this?"

"What the hell happened?"


After asking questions, they jumped out of the mouths of the martial gods such as Lian Yuan and Bu Wuxun. They couldn't figure out what had happened in the coffin in the past two months.

And they, even more confused, are still behind.

Chu Nan jumped, and the two hands full of endless water lines, and a black hole vortex appeared in the middle. Chu Nan said, "Water disaster, come here!" Yin Luo, those water disasters were sucked into the black hole, and were instantly penetrated and refined by Chu Nan...

Chu Nan took action, and the divine water soul relaxed a big breath. Seeing a strange light on the soul of the divine water soul, Chu Nan took the divine water soul back. At the moment he took it back, Chu Nan felt the gratitude of the divine water soul.

At a thousand meters away, Lian Yuan screamed, "He is not in the water disaster, he is swallowing the water disaster, the water disaster..." The other martial gods standing on the opposite side of Chu Nan are colorless. Even they dare not fight with such a terrible water disaster, but he dares to swallow the water disaster.

What does this mean?

Does it mean that these personal gods of war, the gods of earth, and even the gods of heavenly martial arts are not his opponents? In it, there is a martial god who wants to retreat. The desire to survive is bigger than the ** of the Star Stone.

However, as soon as they turned around, they woke up. The wall of forbidden fog had been standing behind them, and they couldn't retreat!

Jiuwu laughed wildly, "Such pride should be passed down to the world forever!" He thought to himself, "The Lord should have counted some. Think about it, the Lord will also smile!"

In the palace, the blonde old man did smile.

At this time, the flute of the fairy moon finally sounded, and the first flute sound came out. In the water disaster, there was a drop of water disaster, which trembled. Although it was only a drop of water disaster, at the beginning, Chu Nan faced a drop of water disaster, which was like a life and death!

Chu Nan turned around and smiled at Xian Yue. Although Xian Yue closed her eyes, she seemed to see Chu Nan's smile. The bloody corners of her lips raised a beautiful arc. Then, the second flute sound came out, and the dripping disaster just now was another trembling.

At this moment, the trembling water disaster went straight to the fairy moon. Obviously, it was the behavior of the fairy moon, which annoyed the water disaster, offended the power of the water disaster, and the water disaster was about to be destroyed. Chu Nan separated a water pattern hand and wanted to catch the drop of water disaster back so as not to hurt the

Then, he said to Xianyue, "Xianyue, play a song, play a song of water disaster!"

The fairy moon blew out the third note, the note buzzed, echoing three words, "Yes, prince!"

Chu Nan let the drop of water disaster go straight to the fairy moon, just to let the fairy moon borrow the drop of water disaster to complete the accumulation and step into the realm of the god of war; the individual notes are slowly connected, and in the tune, the sentiment of Shang is strong.

Countless water disasters were swallowed up by Chu Nan. The drop of water in the sea of consciousness has not grown, but the light emitted is getting thicker and thicker. At this moment, Chu Nan has deduced all the twelve layers of meridians that "swaggered up to 90,000 miles" and is deducing the second layer of "space