Wu Rebellious Universe

1497 counterattack

1497 counterattack 3 update

"Take back the Blood Demon Dafa, why?"

This is the first idea that Xue Zhentian saw Chu Nan's behavior and popped up in his mind. Then he contacted Chu Nan's blood before that could be weakened until it disappeared. Xue Zhentian's bloody eyes were suddenly shocked, "He did it on purpose. What's his conspiracy?"

The word "conspiracy" made the Blood Demon Dafa of the Blood Heaven suddenly stop.

However, there was a surprise, but Xue Zhentian had no clue at all. The thoughts in his heart turned thousands of times in an instant, but he still did not come up with any conspiracy in Chu Nan. He guessed, "Is it because he didn't have enough energy, or did he have the blood of the blood demon clan on his body, and then Dafa?"

Every situation is possible. For a moment, the blood is really hesitant.

However, Xue Zhentian is also a decisive person. He understands that if it goes on like this, it will be the most disadvantageous to him. He immediately made a decision in his heart, "No matter what conspiracy he has, how can he resist it if he has used my blood demon magic? Only if he splashes out blood obediently and swallows his blood at that time, then what means does he have to make it clear?

Thinking of this, Xue Zhentian used all the energy to use the Blood Demon Dafa. In an instant, the Blood Demon Dafa was used to the extreme, perhaps because of excitement, or because he wanted to kill Chu Nan too much. Xue Zhentian felt that he had exerted his extraordinary performance, and his potential also exploded, urging the Blood Demon Dafa to an

"It's a good feeling. God bless, Chu Nan is dead!"

The blood is really thinking, looking at the blood energy like the tide in the sea of blood, slowly coming from a distance, and the energy is getting stronger and stronger. Then, the earth-shaking waves rise, and the waves rush up, slapped Chu Nan's "shore"!

The turbulent waves hit the shore, and Chu Nan's blood energy stimulated by the blood sky hit a strict one!


In the sky, those blood demons who have lived for a long time shouted happily, just like getting a very fun toy when they were young. If they hadn't been in the array, they would have jumped up to celebrate.

They all believed that Chu Nan's ending was bloodshot to death!

The next moment.





The sound of blood splashing came one after another, and it spread unusually clearly to the ears of the blood demon clan. Their smiles became brighter, but at this time, their smiles suddenly condensed, because it was not Chu Nan, who they hated the bone, but the patriarch they placed great hope on - Xue Zhentian!

"The patriarch splashed blood?"

"Are my eyes blurred?"

"What the hell happened?"


After a wave of questions, basically all the blood demons opened their mouths and said with one voice, "Reverse!"


Xue Zhentian is also reading these two words. The unbelievable eyes are much richer than his clan. "Under what circumstances can there be counterattack? First, the blood demon method cultivated by Chu Nan is higher than that of this god. However, everyone can see clearly the blood energy he released just now, but it is only the level of the blood demon emperor. Compared with him, it is four levels worse! So, this possibility is removed! Well, there is another possibility that his bloodline is purer than mine, and his talent is stronger than mine..."

At this moment, Chu Nan is also analyzing that more than half of the blood in his body is his own. In fact, specifically, that is, the Xuanhuo blood python and the holy evil unicorn, and some are the blood of all beasts in the secret world; but, these blood have been refined by yin and Hua, what is it now? Even Chu Nan himself doesn't understand, but such blood actually makes the peak strong man of the blood demon god of the blood heaven also be eaten back.

Xue Zhentian was still staring at Chu Nan. In his eyes, there was only Chu Nan left. "What can make me reverse, except for the two old patriarchs and the three elders who died in the blood demon cave, there can be no other person else, but Chu Nan let me use the blood magic method to be counterattacked, which shows that the blood Blood is one. The blood of the blood demon clan will never be obtained by changing blood, nor can it be obtained by swallowing anything. So, what is his relationship with the blood demon clan?

If it were an ordinary blood demon clan, it was the blood true yang. If he received such a counterattack, his blood would explode to death, but he had a secret method to control the counterattack. However, he also paid a great price. At least now, he can exert only 40% of the strength at the peak period, which has always reduced others. Xue Zhentian didn't expect that after he was promoted to the Blood Demon God, his strength was actually weakened.

However, Xue Zhentian still did not give up. He took out a bead directly in his heart, and this bead was not the uniform red of the Blood Demon Continent, but white!

Chu Nan's eyes suddenly narrowed. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Xue Zhentian took out the white beads and immediately spewed out several mouthfuls of blood in his heart. A white light instantly enveloped the four fields, as if the sound had spread. Then, Xue Zhentian shouted, "My people, please open your blood eyes, look at this blood sky, run the Blood Demon Dafa, and lend me your power!"

The voice followed the white light. The blood demon people who heard it all looked at the sky with their blood eyes and operated the blood demon method they practiced. Immediately, the blood energy rose into the sky and melted in the white light, like dark clouds, converging from all directions to the head of the blood sky.

The 107 blood demon saints also fell to the ground, running the blood demon Dafa to the extreme. Not far away, there is also a woman with blood eyes and blood hair, which is the same as the characteristics of the blood demon clan. The only difference is that this woman is not as big and thick as other women in the blood demon clan. She looks extremely ugly. They are all like Xue Yecha. Although this woman is also bloody, she gives people a sense of shocking and refined.

This woman is the only daughter of Xue Zhentian, called Xue Meitian!

At this moment, Xue Meitian is also looking up in the sky, and the blood on his body can be scattered from his body crazily. When Chu Nan's eyes swept from Xue Meitian, his heart was excited, because he felt that he had hidden his third eye, but his eyebrows, which were no different from before, moved.

From this movement, Chu Nan felt the desire to swallow the blood of the beautiful sky. Chu Nan wondered, "What is there in that female blood demon? Let such an idea come out of the third eye!"

In the short film, the white bead turned red. As more and more blood gathered, the red became thicker and thicker to the point of dazzling. At this moment, the blood sky shouted, "The blood demon returns to the ruins!" RO