Wu Rebellious Universe

1498 You swallowed him?

1498 Did you swallow him? 4 Update

The blood demon returns to the ruins!

The color of the blood has been so strong that the light emitted has great power. The blood in Chu Nan's body is boiling even more, and the boiling is boiling with excitement.

After the blood beautiful sky, something strange happened that made Chu Nan feel again.

Chu Nan was suddenly very hungry, very hungry, especially when he saw the blood bead, he was even more hungry. At this time, Chu Nan did not let it go naturally, but suppressed it. The feeling of hunger was inexplicable. If it could not be controlled by him, no one knows what the result would be.

In this case, Chu Nan tried his best to eliminate it. In particular, the previous hunger was aimed at ordinary storage. This time, the hunger seemed to be aimed at the blood beads.

Xue Zhentian launched an attack, and the blood beads rushed straight to Chunan. At the moment when the blood beads were launched, the woman named Xue Meitian, and more than 100 blood demons, that is, Xue Zhentian himself, were extremely weak and fell to the ground weakly.

Not only that, when he heard the sound of the blood truth sky on the blood demon continent, looked at the blood demon clan, they all fell to the ground, and some even entered a deep coma. Chu Nan did not see these, but Chu Nan saw the weakness of more than 100 blood demon saints in front of him, and Chu Nan suddenly thought of the "

The effect of the big five elements is the same as the bead in front of you!

And at the moment when the blood-colored beads rushed to Chu Nan, Chu Nan shouted, "Kill them and catch that woman." At that time, those warriors with "illusory runes" suddenly came to their senses and killed the blood demons.

Jiuwu and the God of War also took action. Jiuwu grabbed the blood Zhentian, and the God of War went to grab the blood beauty sky. They were all out of power, and even the talent power was reduced to the lowest point. Although they worked hard, there were still some resistance, but they were not the opponents of the warriors!

Blood is all over the sky, roaring.

Chu Nan slanted his eyes and saw the God of War running to the blood beauty. He didn't know whether he was a coincidence or intentional. Chu Nan didn't think about it. The blood energy emitted by the blood beads had invaded his body.

Originally, Chu Nan had prepared thunder and lightning, mysterious energy, etc., and was ready to launch a crazy attack as soon as something unexpected happens. However, the blood energy entered the body, and it was directly gone before it broke out.

"It's gone?"

Chu Nan was deeply puzzled, but his hunger also disappeared a little. "I really want to eat this blood energy. Why?"

On this side, Chu Nan is in doubt; over there, Xue Zhentian finally smiled, because he was not eaten back, which shows that the move of "blood demon returning to the ruins" is useful for Chu Nan. Seeing Jiuwu killing him, the God of War wanted to catch his daughter, he sneered and said, "With you, you can'

At present, Xue Zhentian offered another magic weapon. The blood light was thick, but it made Jiuwu unable to score at all. Although there was a "shield rune", he was still affected, which was emitted by the blood-colored bead.

The blood beautiful sky also sacrificed a ring. The thick blood light protected the blood beauty sky. The god of war sneered, held up the stick, and smashed it straight down. In the eyes of others, it was just a random smash, but Chu Nan knew that this was the pillar of the bone iron bear in the secret world of It's 30% power.

At 30% of the power, the blood light has been scattered. Xue Meitian was shocked. Xue Zhentian roared, "Meitian, go to the Blood Devil Cave and knock on the bell!"

"Blood Devil Cave?"

Chu Nan's question, blood can be no threat to him at all, so he can divide his energy, see a lot of things, think a lot of problems, and hear the word "blood demon cave", he reflexively wondered whether it is similar to the existence of "Tianwu Hall".

The God of War shouted, "Can you escape in front of Grandpa?"


Xue Meitian snorted coldly, two bloody eyes stared, and blood splashed. The blood directly forced the god of war to take half a step back. Xue Meitian took advantage of this to follow the blood. When he heard the cold hum of Xue Meitian, Chu Nan combined the three body methods such as "the end of the world"

Then, when the blood is beautiful, Chu Nan will draw the "determin rune" on the blood beautiful sky. In this way, there is a space next to the virtual lines shining, but the blood beautiful sky can't move.

The God of War pulled it out, and then the "determin rune" failed. Xue Meitian stared at Chu Nan with his eyes full of fear. Chu Nan was also looking at Xue Meitian's eyes. The blood that Xue Meitian could force the God of War back just now did not belong to Xue Meitian himself, and when the blood The eyebrows moved again.

"What on earth is hidden in these eyes?"

Chu Nan was thinking, but the blood sky over there shouted like crazy, "Didn't you get into the blood demon and return to the ruins? How can you still move? The blood lost its mind, the blood light automatically dissipated, and Jiuwu took it down.

But Xue Zhentian ignored that he had become a prisoner at all. He was still shouting, "There is no counterattack, the blood can attack into the body again, you..." Xue Zhentian pointed to Chu Nan and trembled, "You, you swallowed him? Can you swallow the blood?

"I told you that you would regret it."

Xue Zhentian did regret it, but he still lost his mind and said, "You are obviously not a blood demon, but you have such a means. What does it have to do with the blood demon?"

Chu Nan felt the hunger in his body. He swept his eyebrows, stretched out his hand, and sacrificed the black hole. The blood-colored bead flew straight to Chu Nan and was caught in his hand. Xue Zhentian was even more surprised. The next moment, Xue Zhentian saw that Chu Nan actually swallowed the blood-colored beads.


Xue Zhentian gasped and kept blinking his eyes. No matter what, he couldn't believe the scene in front of him. How could Chu Nan swallow the beads? That's a magic weapon!

Then, Xue Zhentian's face was full of smiles and roared, "Explost! Explosion! Explosion..." However, after shouting for a long time, the blood-colored bead that entered Chu Nan's body did not explode, although Xue Zhentian still felt that he had something to do with the blood-colored bead.

The blood-colored beads entered the body, and the blood energy that had invaded the body before also poured into the blood-colored beads. At the same time, the hunger suddenly disappeared, and Chu Nan had a feeling of "fullness" that had not been seen for a long time.

This made Chu Nan even more suspicious. With a little hesitation, he sent the blood-colored beads into Dantian and refined them with yin and yang fish!

Soon, the blood dissipated, and the beads changed from blood color to white, but this was not over. After the white, the beads were broken. At the moment of breaking, the blood really felt that his connection with the beads was gone.

not to mention the shock of blood, after the white beads were broken and disappeared. After dozens of breaths of effort, there was a little more crystal-like thing in Chunan's Dantian, which was bloody! RO