Wu Rebellious Universe

1922 soldiers are divided into two ways

When he embarked on the journey again, there were only Jiuwu, God of War, Chang Ming Ge, as well as Shu Lao, Qian Lei and other Da Dao Zong's brother zi. Although there were much fewer people, the combat effectiveness was very terrible. After soliciting the opinions of Chang Ming Ge, Chu Nan agreed to Shu Lao and Qian Lei to

The Xiao family is not like the Heaven Hall and other forces. It is easy to find. No one knows where the Xiao family's base camp is. Chu Nan and Chang Ming Ge. Although Chang Ming Ge has calculated with Lao Bu, there is no result, because like Geng Lao's calculation of Ling Yun, it was disturbed.

However, after taking the blood of Chang Mingge, Mr. Geng calculated a direction, and in this direction, he happened to pass through Da Daozong. In addition, Chang Mingge also wanted to get more information about the Xiao family from Da Daozong, so the whole group rushed to Da Daozong as soon as possible.

When Geng Lao was helping Chang Ming Ge divination, he also asked Chu Nan if he wanted to help him divination. Chu Nan thought for a moment and refused. At this moment, Chu Nan, who was on the Void Avenue, was not idle. He was refining the magic weapon. In addition to the pen that promised Qian Lei, there was also the

Qian Lei had already sent the news back through channels. Jing Long, the suzerain of Da Dao, who was about to set off, stopped. He was thinking about how to cover Qian Lei and others to return to Da Dao Sect smoothly. After all, there is Yan Tiandong beside him. No matter how careful Qian Lei is, they may also be exposed.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lord Jing Long said, "Then start a war." At the moment, Jing Long ordered the order to get the people below ready. When the time came, he would attack Yantian Cave.

At the same time, Master Jinglong also sent an order to Qian Lei through special channels. This order was to divide Qian Lei's soldiers into two ways. Qian Lei and others took the dark road, and Mo Youduo and others took the clear road.

Yantian Cave!

The owner of Yantian Cave also felt that it was not good. Although there were all kinds of signs that the owner of the Moon Cave was still alive, there was no news for a long time. The owner of Yantian Cave was puzzled and sent someone out to look for him, but there was no harvest.

However, the owner of Yantian Cave has another gain, that is, he found a person with deep divination skills. The owner of Yantian Cave has tested several times, and this person can calculate that he is inseparable from ten. Therefore, the owner of Yantian Cave gave an order to be responsible for the calculation of Dazong. Let's see what's Move.

On the other side, when Chu Nan used the soul search formula to trigger the jin system, so that Wang Long and Wang Hu burst to death, the emperor felt it. At that time, the emperor's eyes narrowed and the corners of his mouth sneered. There was no sadness that two men died because of him. The emperor was just saying, " When the good show was staged, he died so early, but this was all my expectation; Chu Nan, those two people were given to you to solve. Wait, my arrangement is about to be completed. The Chu family? I'd like to see if you are really the Chu family!"

The emperor sent the news a long time ago. The Chu family already knew that there was a person surnamed Chu who got the inheritance of the Zhenzong, and the method was quite sharp. This news made the Chu family have two kinds of reactions. One reaction is that this person must have acted indiscriminately in the name of the Chu family. Not every surnamed Maybe, it is recommended to take it back to the Chu family.

There are two views. The final decision of the head of the Chu family is to send one person and two people to investigate the surnamed Chu. If not, just erase it directly. If so, bring it back, and then use the blood to find out the truth.

The Xiao family also got the news, but they did not make a move immediately, but watched the change. On the contrary, Xiao Zizhen left someone to inquire about Chu Nan. Xiao Zizhen's purpose was very simple. After she finished, she erased the person who had a great opportunity at the first time.

There are many people looking for Chu Nan, such as those from Nianzhong, from the Wuxing clan... However, at this time, Chu Nan disappeared. It was awesome. When he tracked down to the Heavens Hall, he broke the line. It was not powerful, and he was still wandering around in the void, hoping to bump into Chu Nan.

Wu She had returned to the mountain, but his adult did not come to him; Nianzhong was still searching for the whereabouts of the alum, but the alum seemed to have disappeared under the sky without a trace.

The order of the successor of the Tuba has risen to the second place. As for the black girl who became the right-hand man of the Tuba and saved the black girl, it was originally used by the Tuba to establish power, but unexpectedly, after getting some gong methods given to her by the Tuba, the black girl showed excellent talent, and xi In addition, another advantage is that those who have been bullied have joined the Tuba camp. They think that Tuba can be so good to black girls, let alone them.

Under some means, the power of the Tuba can implicitly resist the power of the first heir. The Tu patriarch does not need to interfere in their struggle. He is still busy creating people and creating more people.

On Tianwu Continent, although the secret place of Lock Sea has not been completely destroyed, the passage was destroyed by the fierce battle between Chu Nan and Dazong and others, and a few months later, this originally destroyed and extremely unstable space turned into space turbulence for some reason.

The space turbulence is blocked, and the transmission array of Tianwu Hall has been transmitted once, and there is still a long time before the next use. Because of this, the scenes of going in and out in the past are gone forever, and the Tianwu mainland is silent again.

However, it is not an absolute silence. There are still people who enter the Tianwu mainland. They enter the Tianwu mainland through the turbulence of space. Among these people, in addition to the two people of Qiankunzong, there are other people.

After this man entered the Tianwu mainland, he did not run east and west and went straight to Guyuezhou. With an excited face, he kept thinking in his heart, "I knew my sister would not die so easily. She is still alive."

At this moment, Zi Menger is taking a stupid bear around the ancient moon island.

Situ Yixiao is still sinking. Of course, he doesn't know that he is sinking. All he knows is the dreams engraved into the soul one after another. The voice in the dream said, "There is also the last level. If you can break through, you will be qualified."

Gu Xidan, Xianyue and others are hone themselves on the Tianwu Continent. However, they have all found a problem. The power of Xingbao Pavilion on Tianwu Continent is more and more and more extensive, and every place of Xingbao Pavilion will set off a trend of faith, and this belief is not other. Something, but a rabbit.

It's not easy for people to believe in a rabbit, but I don't know what means Xingbao Pavilion used. Those people really believe it. These are naturally the credit of the yu rabbit people.

Chu Nan didn't know what happened in Tianwu Continent. Xiao Hei, who was sleeping in the inner space of ti, emitted a little light of faith from time to time. At this time, Chu Nan had refined Qian Lei's "reason pen" and the "sad sword" of Chang Ming songs.

And Qian Lei just received the news. Immediately, they were divided into two ways; Qian Lei rushed to Da Daozong with Chu Nan. The road they took was just about to cross the Shifang Continent...

Not long after the soldiers were divided into two ways, the divination person found by the owner of Yantian Cave was calculated to the return route of Mo Youduo and others. The owner of Yantian Cave learned that he was overjoyed, but did not immediately make a decision, but sent someone to find out whether it was true or false.

About five days later, it disappeared and came back. It's true. The owner of Yantian Cave was immediately excited and said, "Da Daozong, those who can help you through this disaster will be completely destroyed. Da Daozong, just wait to become a dead Taoist sect."

At present, the master of Yantian Cave gathered the six-point force of Yantian Cave to kill Mo Youduo and others. Just as Yantian Cave was not far from Moyouduo and others and was about to carry out a thorough killing operation, Lord Jinglong gave an order that the war could start.

With an order, the sha was killed everywhere. The holes of Yantian Cave were immediately attacked by the most violent attack. When the news reached the ears of the Lord of Yantian Cave, the Lord of Yantian Cave did not recover for a moment...